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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest anjshin



I believe in those era its common for royals & noblemen to have more than one wives, either in Yuan or Goryeo, thus just like TH, marrying for political reason cant be avoided, however SN is still his love & his woman. He married another woman becos he truly believes SN is dead, thus marrying for political reason, now realizing she's alive but choose to avenge her family & friends by becoming TH's concubine of cos he has every right to get angry. For one he doesnt know the detail of SN's incidence, surely he's angry becos from his view SN didnt come look for him but pretended to be dead & made plans on her own
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Can I ask for a link to these translations, where they in Chinese?
if you can either post them here or in pm :)
Thanks :)

and The library is where Lover's meet, obsessed freaks like DK follow their obsessions, important plotting happens :)
it's the magical most important part of the palace
keep an eye on the Library :)

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Guest avocado1430291863

Could someone translate what Ta Hwan told to SN in his chamber?? I think her heart already open a little more for him. Thank you before

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From the preview, I think I was right about ET would ask TH to give up the throne to protect his clan. Then it's time for TH to show those people and his Yang-yi that he can read and write now. But around him there are all ET's guys so I'm a little bit worried how can he changes the situation even with his reading and writing. Maybe Baek An and TalTal will lead the military to save him? Oh I think I should stop and let all the things to the scriptwriter since no way they will let us (and our TH, and Yang-yi) down.

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naeus said: WY rushing to the palace  ending...perhaps to see SY...:( yes preview there is this time ...showing us WY coming to the great hall seeing SY and TH sitting beside each other on the throne. TH looking at SY and her reaction upon seeing WY...WY of course is sad and mad...
i was a SY-WY shipper now i dont really care who im in SY ship period...WY shouldnt be mad at SY considering he himself is also married to another...what a tragic love story they have...

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Oh I'm so looking forward to watching the El Plague and El Maid union  >:)
It's coming.
And if all goes well, I might hit another prediction.  I said that SN would somehow find out about the El Affair and use that against El Couple to have them betray ET and DS.
Someone needs to start keeping track of my points  8-}

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I think it's time for Seung Nyang to send Hong Dan (lovely, loyal maid) to the Library of Requirement to meet Tal Tal for messages.
I soooooo Ship them ~"The Luuuuuv Boat, soon will be making another run, The Luuuuuuuv Boat promises fun for everyone" ♫♪ ♥

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Guest roshan90

In my opinion, I think both WY and SN have the right to get angry at each other.. They both broke the promise (though it was because of their fate). I can totally understand even if they do.. But I think they both should realise what situation they are in and what made the other take such a decision before getting angry at the person they love.
Getting married - becoming concubine
Both decisions were taken by themselves. They cannot blame anyone else. I hope no one gets angry. It will be pot calling the kettle black thing.

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Well lets see,i'll try to give as many details as posible but some part i must forgoten about the detailed conversation and come back after re-watching but now 
SN was rushed to the quarters after Park Eunuch concluded she took poison as well...ED came in and TS said she will investigate all the concubines rooms to find the culprit behind the poison case and all the people and servants were punish into telling ho was behind it...TH also found out SN was poisoned and wanted to hurry to SN side to see how she is but Golta told him to wait but he told him that how can he wait when SN was even poisoned...TH felt very guilty that she was even poisoned in his Palace and he couldn't do nothing about it...Dok Man came and told him her state and the truth about SN,that she poisoned herself...We saw the full conversation between ED and SN,she asked her the reson for wanting to take TS down,did she wanted the power and to be Empress but SN told her that when Lady Park died she was also there and she saw with her own eyes how she and the Goryo servents died and that those people aren't human but animals and she can't forgive them(ET clan) and she told her the rest of the plan...Th goes to see SN and when he is alone he said that to even poision herself to take TS down because of her revenge,he sure didn't understand nor know SN heart till then and that he will stand by her side...BS failed to kill WY and after he caputured her she tells him to killl her but he doesn't listen to her....In the mean time Eunuch Bang desigized as a chineze noble buys JokHo and before leaving to WY house he tells him to keep a secret that SN was pregnant and he says he will,he didn't plan to reveal it anyway...WY tanked him for saving SN and he is ancious to see Bayan so he can reunite with SN...SN wakes up in TH room with him by his side...she tells him to call her eunuch so she can leave to her own room but TH stops her and tells her he is sorry for acting like that and that from now on he will help her with all his means and he won't ask love from her or anything else,just to stay by his side and he hugges her....The council people come yet again to protest because of the poison case yet ET stops them telling them he doesn't keep the concubines locked up but trying to capture the culprit...in the meantime TS visits all the quarters of the concubines in find of the poison,aka the frut that the doctor tested from SN mouth and was poisioned...they didn't look in SW room because she was sick and SN as well didn't bother...TS went to ED were she meet SN that told her to be sure to find the real culprit...TS told ED she wants to search her room being the only one left and so she did but didn't found anything....SN said before they left that they must search TS room as well witch she didn't like at all telling her that she implies she is the culprit yet SN told her it's for her own good to get her out of the suspicions,if they look in TS room and it's clean no one will point at her from now on and TS agread with SN going to search...in the room YW took out one of the boxes and SN told her to give it to her and looked at a necklace and asked TS were did it come from being foreign...TS being angry for asking suck a question wanted to take the box from her yet SN didn't let go and all the content was on the table with the fruits as well...TS maid took one fruit when SN wanted TS to try one if it was normal ones and not poisioned and after a moment choked being poisioned letting all see that TS is behind the case....YBS came in the meeting of ET with the council members and told there that TS is the culprit leaving everyone in shock especially ET....TT came to see Wy and told him he will talk about SN more after he captures the Eagle Organization and he accepted because he has a debt to tay Cripple Dude as well...TT captured Criple Dude but this said that he has ET power and can't do anything to him witch TT said that ET told him to capture him....WY captured the rest of the guys in the organization and Eunuch Bang found a secret book with strange letters/code....We see from a flashback how SN was poisoned..she put powder poison on her fingers and we know how she got poisoned herself with the fingers and told Eunuch Park to get rid of therest of the poision without being seen...All the Council people are gathered in the great hall with TH and ED to give a punisment to TS but ET comes with YBS and the guards to block/capture the people there wanting to save somehow TS by power if so...but all are stunned when he tells ED that TS will go out of the Palace if they want and ED tells him this time that he must choose between being out of the palace banished or to give the power seal....TT comes to talk with WY and tells him that SN is back in the Palace,he think as a maid but TT tells him as a concubine letting WY in shock and not believing a thing..he asked him what did they do toSN to force her to be TH concubine yet TT says she was the one who wanted to become to take revenge on ET clan and not to disturb her because he won't let him pass and will confront him from now on if he tries to shake SN...when he left TT told Eunuch Bang and co to keep quiet about SN....We see TS meeting in the yard with SN and she tells her she heard she is retired and heard it's a lonely place were she will go...TS aked her if she is making fun of her now and SN tells her that place will be a even more lonely place and will be more worse and that it is repayment for what she did to Lady Park and TS concludes she was behind all of it...The lasts cene we see WY going to the palace to see SN mostly because i think can't believe she took this choice for her revenge and ask her why she did such a extreme measure
The preview is even better with SN taking her place beside TH and ET wanting to force TH to sign some document..but the highlight will be WY coming in and see SN with Th by her side while SN quite calm greeting him
after seeing the sec time i'll update because maybe now i missed some info:\">

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Guest redhazel

Now I want to have amnesia, until next week. So I won't be stress waiting for EK #-o :-w :-<

Or I'll go hypnotize my self that Monday will come in a flash! :^o [-(

Hopefully I won't go crazy until Monday comes @-)

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sally_b said: I think it's time for Seung Nyang to send Hong Dan (lovely, loyal maid) to the Library of Requirement to meet Tal Tal for messages.
I soooooo Ship them ~"The Luuuuuv Boat, soon will be making another run, The Luuuuuuuv Boat promises fun for everyone" ♫♪ ♥

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