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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest yummysushi123

For some reason, I kinda felt that TH meeting SN will be a cliffhanger.............darn it!!!
While watching the ending scene of episode 24, I was like, "Don't stop...continue...I thought you have plenty of things to say to SN other than repeating her name in shock."

They better not make another cliffhanger of SN meeting WY as TH's concubine, otherwise I'll be really mad!!! 
The worst thing they can do to us, is putting a cliffhanger at the end of episode 25, and making us wait for another week just to get ANOTHER cliffhanger!!!!

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Does SN know WY thinks that she's dead? Does she understand WY's decision for marriage is for political purpose or not?

Whatever it is, it's not important anymore. It's not the same with men: they can have different wives in that era but a woman can't do that.

It's now end of the road for WY and SN's relationship because SN already gets into a point of no return. She was WY's "unofficial wife" and now she is preparing to become someone's so I don't even want WY to pursue her anymore. It is over - I don't want him chasing someone's wife. But that will not be the case: JJM said during the awards ceremony that WY will fight for SN's love until the end.

Fight for what? For a woman who decided to leave your side for revenge? For a woman who decided to marry someone else and broke the promise? She isn't his "wife" anymore - trying to claim her for himself now become something...er..."immoral"? (note that I don't try to mean it in the bad way).

Originally. I thought it was WY who had to give SN up when forcing to decide between the fate of his nation and his self-happiness. As the drama progresses, however, I find WY loves her no less than his political goal - he may end up finding a way to solve the situation rather than have to give up any of that.

She will still try to save him, like what TH said to WY during the bridge scene and still shed tears for him despite what she told herself during the queen inauguration scene. All that, however, means nothing more other than heartbreak when promises are broken. For him to have to accept her saving his life, for him to watch her become someone else's queen rather than his.

In the novel, there's a scene where WY played his musical instrument (sorry I forget the name) on his wedding night when Empress Ki passed by. At least according to the novel, he had a chance to tell her that he would go on loving her despite having to marry someone else and they shared a sad moment of truth. In the drama, however: his wedding just coldly happened, and she was on her way to realize her goal.

I used to say it before that I wanted to see SN fight for her love after seeing how her men fight for her. Nope, it would not happen.

Initially, I didn't want to watch Empress Ki cos I am not interested in internal affairs at the palace nor the struggle for power.  My friends recommend me when the drama aired up to 15 episodes so I watched the subbed version of 14 episodes. It was so fast-paced and I got hook up with her chemistry with WY and then the journey of WY. Yes, we have many reasons for watching a drama: for a particular actor, for a particular ship, for the overall storyline....I watch the drama for WY and JJM only, even though I acknowledge the acting of everyone else. The casting was spot on for all main characters.

WY's character becomes so pathetic now since he has to fight for something not his anymore. He did everything he could to protect his love or showed her how his true feeling is.

We always know that WY will lose his love in the end - as per what happened in the first episode. I just don't expect things to happen that way, however. Yes, SN has to go back to the palace to become a concubine, bears a child and become an empress - but I don't expect her to give up her love with WY without fighting that way.  Even when her pain of seeing her friends die or losing her child is too much. Love may not be her main focus in life, but she is unfair to WY. She gets everything else she wants in the end: revenge and power - will she ever regret letting go of his hand when she has TH by her side?

Until a week ago, I was still looking forward to their re-union scene, despite knowing the painful journey ahead.  With this week's episodes, I can imagine that when they met again, she would push him away. Then he just kept on fighting and fighting to the point of committing some serious crime against Yuan.

I am not thankful about SN saving him in the end - cos I can understand where his action comes from. I am also not sad watching her shed her tears during the inauguration anymore: she chose to give up on him first.  She has a husband who loves her by her side and and a child - he only has a piece of land and a loveless marriage.

I also give up my hope of seeing them spend their death besides each other like I did a month ago.

Hopefully the rating will continue to increase for the sake of the cast's efforts in portraying their roles. And hopefully JJM will get a good project after this, considering he does well and the drama is quite successful so far. That's the only wish left that I have for the drama.

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Guest seohaseurri22

Damn! :> @yoonmi66 I know right! Taltal is now realizing SN's intelligence and will learn more great things about her that he will adore, these reasons are enough to make him into SN's side and betray his uncle in the future..
Historically speaking, Taltal will become the next prime minister/adviser to the Emperor in the near future. And if chances are SN will give birth to another child (from TH perhaps), I think this child would become the prince AYURSHIRIDAR, right?? And Taltal would be the child's ROYAL MENTOR, well.....that's according to history....if these predictions are true enough..... :-??

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Guest Ding Lin

Amen to every word you said!  I have been trying to be positive for WY and JJM.  However, it did not look good now.  I do hope that the sad storyline in the second half of the drama will give him more opportunities to showcase his acting skills. After all, he has been famous for his charisma in tragic stories.  

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@yoonmi66 Absolutely love your post, you're right on the money... I'm glad there's more people having the same point of view...  ^:)^
@suwan Don't worry, I will not leave our ship; my soul will always stay there... but TalTal is getting my brain... ;)
PS: I've chosen Athena as my new avatar: Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. May you guide our dear Nyang on her new quest...[-O<

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Guest miyaka25.

episode 24 was like reliving HWANGJINI,cant wait to see all their reactions when they see SeunNyang especially Dangkise hehehe

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@vuhoa_1983 it was previously mentioned that before SN heard WY was getting married she was planning on going to Goryo to meet him. It was after hearing that he was getting married that she decided to become a concubine. She did not leave him, he left her first, albeit it was because he thought she was dead, but he decided to marry someone else first. Of course his intentions were to get revenge on behalf of SN, but he did not have to get married to get revenge for her. WY said in order to defeat them he decided that he needed to get close to them, but WY is already considered one of ET's men, even though we know it is not true, but WY is already a person at ET's side. He has all the skill to make ET trust him, he is cunning enough to back stab ET without getting married to his niece. If SN was alive ET would have offered his niece to WY anyways, and we assume WY would say no, even if it would cost him the throne, so he can also do that now. Out of his love for SN he could have preserved himself instead of tying himself to someone he does not love. However he so gallantly sacrifices himself and marries in to ET's family for revenge. In the same light SN also decided to do the same thing, because she is so similar to WY. Now that he has excepted the wedding offer there is no turning back for WY. If he were to reject ET after agreeing to the marriage, it could mean serious political repercussions to the extremes of ET sending an army to crush Goryo. The only option for SN if she goes back to Goryo is to just be WY's concubine, if the political courts even lets that happen. Then what about her original plan for revenge. If it is true that WY got his throne back due to this marriage, then there isn't much for SN to do in terms of her revenge because she will probably be stuck in Goryeo. Not only will she have to share WY, but she will be unable to avenge her father, mother, her friends, and most of all her baby. She has to make them pay herself, she can not rely on WY to do it for her because then it wouldn't be her revenge, it will be WY's act of revenge on SN's, who I might add is perfectly capable of getting her revenge on her own, behalf. She should not have to choose to have a life on the side lines, and she deserves to be. Also, I do not see anything wrong with WY to continue to fight for her. You say he would be chasing someone else's wife, but he is someone else's husband. And they both are supposedly in a loveless relationships while they are in love with each other. It was mentioned that you find that WY loves her no less than his political goal, but I never really saw him have to choose between her and his political goal. Even when for example he had to bargain with ET to save SN, the situation worked in his favor because WY wanted to not only bring SN back to his side, but to also partner up with ET. You said the situation is unfair to WY because SN got her revenge and power, but WY also got his throne in the end. That is what he has been fighting for all this while. I would say that both their situations are unfair, but SN's situation is even more unfair, her kid, which she thinks is dead is being raised by her enemy, and she will have to witness first hand her baby being raised by someone she hates. SN can never gain back the things she is getting revenge for, but at least WY can get back his throne. So WY's character is not that pitiful. Even now, after finding her alive and in her current situation, it would not be pitiful if he decided to take vengeance on those who attempted to kill his lover, and played a role in getting her in that situation.  At present her heart belongs with him, and if he so chooses, because we are assuming he loves her more than his politics, he can go to her and ask to run away together, and forget about his throne. What SN is doing now is basically similar to what WY is doing when he marries ET's niece, which is probably why the writers had the event occur on the same day. The situation is unfair to both of them but it can be argued SN's whole life situation is more unfair than WY's.   

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Guest Ding Lin

If you like to discuss WY or JJM, there is another place you would visit. 
Let me present the Soompi JJM thread!!!  Yeah!!

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@sarah.lina Thanks for the Top 30!

Here are the results for our very own thread: After ep 23.

Top 2 most wished wish: 1st - Die! Tanashilli! Just die!

                                     2nd -Kill me! I can't take it anymore! It's too painful to watch!

Top 2 most mentioned character: 1st - Taaa...naaa..shiii..liii!!!!!!

                                                 2nd - Baby Hercules a.k.a Super baby, WY Jr.

Top 2 most used emocon: 1st - :((

                                       2nd- >:)

After ep 24

Top 2 most wished wish:1st - Taltal/SN ship please take TH/SN ship down, DOWN. NOW!

                                    2nd- More lovey dovey of TT/SN, please.

Top 2 most mentioned character: 1st- Taltal

                                                  2nd- Transformed SN

Top 2 most used emocon: 1st - :x

                                       2nd- <:-P


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Thank you for the clarification on ET and the provincial governors and the explanation on Taltal.

What I don't understand is, how can ET agree to bring ED back just like that? Is it because he is full of confidence now that TN has a "son" that he doesn't think bringing ED back can influence anything?

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rinchan76 said: @vuhoa_1983 it was previously mentioned that before SN heard WY was getting married she was planning on going to Goryo to meet him. It was after hearing that he was getting married that she decided to become a concubine. She did not leave him, he left her first, albeit it was because he thought she was dead, but he decided to marry someone else first. Of course his intentions were to get revenge on behalf of SN, but he did not have to get married to get revenge for her. WY said in order to defeat them he decided that he needed to get close to them, but WY is already considered one of ET's men, even though we know it is not true, but WY is already a person at ET's side. He has all the skill to make ET trust him, he is cunning enough to back stab ET without getting married to his niece. If SN was alive ET would have offered his niece to WY anyways, and we assume WY would say no, even if it would cost him the throne, so he can also do that now. Out of his love for SN he could have preserved himself instead of tying himself to someone he does not love. However he so gallantly sacrifices himself and marries in to ET's family for revenge. In the same light SN also decided to do the same thing, because she is so similar to WY. Now that he has excepted the wedding offer there is no turning back for WY. If he were to reject ET after agreeing to the marriage, it could mean serious political repercussions to the extremes of ET sending an army to crush Goryo. The only option for SN if she goes back to Goryo is to just be WY's concubine, if the political courts even lets that happen. Then what about her original plan for revenge. If it is true that WY got his throne back due to this marriage, then there isn't much for SN to do in terms of her revenge because she will probably be stuck in Goryeo. Not only will she have to share WY, but she will be unable to avenge her father, mother, her friends, and most of all her baby. She has to make them pay herself, she can not rely on WY to do it for her because then it wouldn't be her revenge, it will be WY's act of revenge on SN's, who I might add is perfectly capable of getting her revenge on her own, behalf. She should not have to choose to have a life on the side lines, and she deserves to be. Also, I do not see anything wrong with WY to continue to fight for her. You say he would be chasing someone else's wife, but he is someone else's husband. And they both are supposedly in a loveless relationships while they are in love with each other. It was mentioned that you find that WY loves her no less than his political goal, but I never really saw him have to choose between her and his political goal. Even when for example he had to bargain with ET to save SN, the situation worked in his favor because WY wanted to not only bring SN back to his side, but to also partner up with ET. You said the situation is unfair to WY because SN got her revenge and power, but WY also got his throne in the end. That is what he has been fighting for all this while. I would say that both their situations are unfair, but SN's situation is even more unfair, her kid, which she thinks is dead is being raised by her enemy, and she will have to witness first hand her baby being raised by someone she hates. SN can never gain back the things she is getting revenge for, but at least WY can get back his throne. So WY's character is not that pitiful. Even now, after finding her alive and in her current situation, it would not be pitiful if he decided to take vengeance on those who attempted to kill his lover, and played a role in getting her in that situation.  At present her heart belongs with him, and if he so chooses, because we are assuming he loves her more than his politics, he can go to her and ask to run away together, and forget about his throne. What SN is doing now is basically similar to what WY is doing when he marries ET's niece, which is probably why the writers had the event occur on the same day. The situation is unfair to both of them but it can be argued SN's whole life situation is more unfair than WY's.   

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First can I just say SN always cleans up so good....and I finally get the shippers of Tal Tal and SN. SN is all about the revenge now. She doesn't even attempt to reach out to WY that she is alive....the fates of these three are so sad. Baby Emp gets her back but she currently only has revenge in her heart

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Guest adjani1430293095

I love the white dress, purity and yet seems to suggest "rebirth", revenge.. in contrast to the other colours.. the concubines and empress was wearing. Very much like a distinguishing feature of her "new mission" and an elegance that is to sweep the palace.... and again, is SY that will "show" those men what she is capable of. 
So far, I really like the Empress Dowager and SY in this drama... never mind the men :P 

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