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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Congrats to the EK team for the ratings! Party time <:-P Re: Wang Yo's wife She probably won't appear in any of the next episodes, that's why they didn't make any effort to get a more beautiful actress. But agree they should have gotten someone more attractive. I mean, WY is going to have a loveless marriage anyway, it would have been some consolation prize if he had a beautiful wife to ease the pain. But no, even that chance is taken away from him. =)) :D

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Guest missred123


I was thinking the same thing especially the lie about the last cry.

However, for some strange reason I feel this one is the truth.

TH was the last Emperor of Yuan, so maybe who took it over killed SN and while WY is fighting against them for Goryeo he also was killed at the same time.

That would be like the perfect ending.

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Daughter: Something really good happened! Your emperor finally wins the heroin over?

Me: Not yet but you know what, Mr Perfect is finally here!

Daughter: Oh, the brown hair boy.

Me: ( getting all excited) He is not only good looking, he is very very intelligent, cool, skillful etc etc...Just perfect!! Oh, he has this very catchy kinda name, it's...

Daughter: Whatever, just call him OPPA, Mama.

  • LOL 1
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WY-SN so alike... they're both using the same war strategy... staying close to the enemy... Awesome ship WY-SN  ^:)^
WY's wife, she's going to suffer big time... probably the most unhappy wife EVER... however, we all know he has to comply with "his duty" I wonder if they're going to have little chona quesos too... poor kids, they're going to end up living around the family of hell  >:)
I'm soo happy that my hunch about SN getting all the support from TalTal came to be, it only makes sense, for him to end up betraying his beloved uncle; it only means love...  I heard once somebody saying: "There's nothing more sexy than a man falling in love with a woman's brain" @petria, @anjshin, please don't make fun of this saying... I can tell where your minds are going all Frankenstein... [-X
I'm liking the merchant character dude, he's sooo fictional character like, he just needs the eye patch! He's awesome! :ar!

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Guest lunatiger14

UGH every time I see TN or ET holding SN and WY's baby I want to scream! Please Please Please let SN find her baby soon! I don't want this to drag on and on. I also hope that the kid is not going to be a Yuan prince. He should be with his father. When TN gets deposed of and we all know she will, the fact that she faked her pregnancy will be revealed. I'm sure of it. I don't see how they will keep the child when this fact comes out. At least let him be with his real father WY. If WY can't have SN then at least he can raise their son. He deserves that much after losing his love and have to get marry to a dull looking girl... :(

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I am excited for the episode 25. The moment when TH & SN talk to each other in a different level for sure a lot of fan of empress ki will feel excited. Can't wait for Monday to come. The story of empress ki will rock our world.

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Here are the Top 30 Most Popular Characters in all Dramas today :

g77o.jpg  phgs.jpg  d6zq.jpg

4fcl.jpg  5f07.jpg  p5fx.jpg

(When I was saying that TN was popular =)) O:-))

There are also this week :

- 20th : BaGan (+43)
- 21th : HugSu (new) --> the pirate :D
- 25th : El Temur (+18)

Credit : Naver

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Guest suwan1430273820

wow.wow.wow. I thought i was prepared for this week's episodes...guess not. These episodes were really like knifes piercing through my WY-SN ship. I've seen lots of sageuk in my life, lots of tragic ones too...but honestly, so far, empress ki's OTP has the worse tragic love story of all time. It's like the whole world is against them, and unfortunate things just keep happening one after the other. havent you guys noticed the pace of the story since the beginning ? It started off pretty easy going, with fun stuff btw the 3 leads...and then as the drama goes on, it just keep getting more and more intense...its like a big 50 episodes countdown till the BIG bomb explodes....

One thing that really bothers me though is that everybody seems to think that WY has already given up on SN. That's why he has decided to marry that girl. That he loves his throne more than SN. Sorry but i have to disagree BIG time. WY & SN are actually doing the same thing right now : getting revenge by getting closer to their enemy = SN becoming the empress of Yuan and WY marrying El Terror's niece thus becoming his in-law. They are using the same war strategy to get rid of their enemies. So please, no more of WY giving up on SN blablabla.

@sarah.lina mentionned this earlier and I found it very interesting. During the flashback, at that moment precisely, WY-SN were in pure happiness. They confessed their love for each other and believed that they would spend the rest of their life together. If i were to make a wish, I would wish to live forever by my lover's side. However, the wish was more about dying together

"I wish for us to be able to die in the same day & in the same year...And even if we have to die, we have to die with each other beside."

I really do feel that's a subtle hint from the writers at what the ending might be. Maybe, what if, at the end, SN&WY will die together..? Tragic, yes, but at least, they will be together (Princess Ja Myung Go's ending...) Maybe some of you will disagree...but I will hold on to that thought. I will not give up, i will die with this ship.

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@suwan I thought exactly the same when I read that dialogue... here comes the foretold ending for this couple... I'm ok with that ending, both looking at each other's eyes and expressing their everlasting love ... but please writers don't reincarnate them 300 yrs later... [-X you should have gotten yourself a lifeboat like me... from the beginning I stated I was in WY-SN ship but TalTal was my lifeboat... in this world is all about strategies... :-\" :\">

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Guest kaeruchan

recap for ep 24..


well...have someone made an MV for TalNyang couple? The material in episode 24 is enough to make one for them! LOVE their interaction!

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Hi all ~  :-h
I've enjoyed reading all the comments - whew ~lots of pages --- but that's what we do here, right? ha!
Not much I can add that hasn't been said already - but I especially loved the Stadium Rock entrance for Bayan, Tal Tal and the Provincial Governors, because nothing says: Goryeon Sageuk like blaring electric guitar. Nice touches with the old guys all having varying degrees of long, braided hair and brilliant silk robes - VERY Retro Hair Band. I approve =D> if only because it made me laugh aloud.
Tanashiri - seriously girl? You think you can infertility-ize every woman who crosses your path? You couldn't even protect your own Ova. I think the maddest I could possibly get at this show would be IF the writer doesn't kill her off in a REALLY ugly way. I'll forgive everything else -- all of it -- but TN has to die as wickedly as she's lived. 8-X
p.s. Tal Tal is clearly turned on by intellect - Seung Nyang should grab a couple of philosophy books and fan dance for him while reciting verses --- the poor guy would explode! *POOM* ....hahahaha!

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WY will love only SN.  His marriage to the woman selected by ET, is purely a political marriage.  It is a way for Yuan to control Goreyo.  And, that is the only way for WY to recover his throne.  By having a wife that is from Yuan.  There's no feelings involved.

Marriages of the royalty were never about love.  (Regardless of what the historical dramas tell you.)  It was always about alliances, power and control.  Just like a merger between two conglomerates.  Just like the marriage meetings between two chaebol families.

As for WY, he had only two goals; to recover his throne and to make SN his queen.  Since he thinks that SN is dead, the only goal left for him is to recover his throne and therefore, his country and people.  And, if marrying the Yuan princess meant he can achieve his goal, he had no objects at this stage of the game.   Perfectly logical and reasonable step for him to take. A marriage with the princess had already been offered to him in the earlier episodes.  So, it was a standing 'offer' that he eventually had to accept anyway.  (An offer that could not be refused.  Just like in the "The Godfather".)  :P

As others of you have pointed out, some of the dramatic ploys are ridiculous, lately.  How could she hide that big old mirror on her body, especially with all the running, falling, etc!

I wonder when SN will see the three spot birthmark and realized that the evil empress' baby is actually SN and WY's baby.  And, if that baby rules Yuan, then, it is actually a Goregyo person ruling Yuan.

BTW, in a version of Chinese physiognomy fortune-telling, there is a old saying that a man with a single noticeable birthmark/star on his feet will command a league (thousands) of troops.  And, that a man with three noticeable birthmark/star on his feet will bring peace to the world.  (Probably because he's conquered everyone.) 

And, the birthmark on SN's baby had three spots.  It's interesting how these dramas reminds one of the stuff we learned as kids  :P

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Guest suwan1430273820

@stclaus : hahaha lifeboat huh ? :) unfortunately, i can't be a two-timer haha once i choose my otp, no matter what happen i stick with them.

you can't leave this boat though ! i wont let you...we will all sink together ! >:)

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@Yoonmi66:  Your spoiler is absolutely brilliant and right on target.  This is the core of the drama.

Viewers not realizing that there is more depth than just a love story, in this drama, will be missing the heart of this drama. 

BTW, Han Fei Zi was the philosopher that Wol was reading in the secret room, behind the King's room, in "Moon Embracing the Sun". 

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