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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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ChelseaS said: @eunsuhae

They did have some interactions before. Remember the scene where SN was serving tea and was tripped by the other maid and she was saved by WY? That's one scene I remember but I'm sure there are others.

She did look like she was impressed by SN. Maybe she saw that SN's eyes were totally fearless.

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larabn said: @CherKell
thank you for the preview :)

from the preview it looks like there is no hidden identity
and everybody knows it's SN
I wanted that to happen because I wanna see TN die from jealousy and anger that SN survived and is TH's concubine
but I that will cause them to try and hurt her more specially DK who will want to kill her now

I wonder will WY know that she is a live too
poor thing he just married :(
this ep was the best ep so far because we all have been waiting for SN's revenge and transformation
as well as Tal Tal's interaction with SN...I think everybody wants Tal Tal and SN

I'm on tal tal and SN's ship with you :)) :x count me as another passenger on that ship :) I think it will take another 2 to 4 episode before they might let WY know that SN is alive... but if it doesn't then we'll see a time jump like how we saw based on SN pregnancy  that confuse everybody....

But even though TN and DK still want to kill SN, i don't think it will be that easy anymore... SN now has a cold heart... she is now ready to fight her battle. after she enter that carriage and cry out for the people that she love  and her friends, she's ready to face anything that comes up to ehr..

Oh and don't forget, We have Tal Tal  now so he got this :) :)) :)) :)) :x :x

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ooooooooo ~ I LOVED that Tal Tal is so into intellectual foreplay. He was on-fiyah! staring down Seung Nyang ~ with his sexay guyliner.
I SUPPORT this 3rd lead interjection. You Go! Tal Tal ----- maybe you'll rank high enough to get a bath scene soon. (crosses fingers)  :P

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To WY team: Don't be so sad over his marriage, he won't sleep with her, 100% positive! If he does, the PD will not show you either... To TH team: Don't be too happy that SN is marrying him... She is no more a mother bird no more, she might turn into a heartless wife! To Tal Tal team: Go CELEBRATE! :-bd

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@ChelseaS : exactly! ED seems to be empressed by SN and will probably support her as someone who can stand against TN as you said
it will be so interesting to see that at some point ED herself will have to fight agaisnt SN once she realises she's even more powerful than what she thought

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goodnight guys... at last I can sleep tonight with a happy feeling and face tomorrow's exams with confidence!! I get my energy mostly in this drama... I can concentrate well tomorrow 'cause I will not think about my broken heart on ep22.. it's been replaced by this episode..


guys... thank you for the live recaps and spoilers... and happy 700th page.... fighting!! sweet dreams...






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minnie0103 said: Wang Yoo and Seung Nyang's misunderstandings are also in. Apparently, Seung Nyang did not know that Wang Yoo thought she was dead. What she had in mind could be His Majesty betrayed me and just married another girl while he was in Goryeo, unknown to her, he agreed to do it for the sake of avenging her "death". He did it for her, actually. Wang Yoo did not know either that Seung Nyang was alive. If only he knew the truth, there was no way he would have agreed to marry that girl, no matter what El Temur gave him in exchange. His love for Seung Nyang is not comparable in kind. And besides, (I think) a part of Seung Nyang was feeling that she couldn't face Wang Yoo anymore because of the thought that she lost their child. :( 

Take note, Seung Nyang was actually planning to go back to Goryeo before she heard that her King would become somebody else's husband. 
There's just a very small world. Wang Yoo and Seung Nyang would eventually meet again. That's what I'm looking forward to. 

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from the preview i see TH will pretend that he can't speak and Don Mate tells Yang to throw away all her plans but i think in the ending he will stand by her side...and TH want's Golta to keep the secret and to find out were SN quarters are...

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although am very happy with ep 23 & 24 the last part of ep 24 bothers me.
why does SN's gaze with our dear Paeha like that? Is she blaming her again? WHY?????Did she forget that it was HE who saved her! (They are even now) And even WY can't beat ET. 
Why is she always blaming TH. Can't she see TH loves her so much?
am I getting this right or am i getting way ahead of the drama again? hehhe :D

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jeenee said: although am very happy with ep 23 & 24 the last part of ep 24 bothers me.
why does SN's gaze with our dear Paeha like that? Is she blaming her again? WHY?????Did she forget that it was HE who saved her! (They are even now) And even WY can't beat ET. 
Why is she always blaming TH. Can't she see TH loves her so much?
am I getting this right or am i getting way ahead of the drama again? hehhe :D

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@jeenee :
I don't think that cold gaze was personally meant for TH and  I don't think she's blaming him either
it's just to underline how determined and focused she is on getting her revenge
she went through a lot and trained hard to be there, her mindset now is so that she won't let anything make her waver so don't expect her to break into a big smile and frantically wave to TH upon seeing him

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Guest anjshin

Miky88 said: ET sent DK to Goryo to be part and tell him about his upcoming marriage and that he will be in one team...i think the girl WY married is from Yuan,so now he will be as well or something...WY knows who was behind the killing and tells DK at the table if he knows SN died and he faigns surprise and WY tells him he want's one thing in return from their alliance and that he will go to Yuan and that is to help him catch the ones behind all of this....WY is playing the nice guy that doesn't know a thing ...u can say his plan of revenge is already in motion after asking DK to help him...he is playing with him and he keeps him close and when he doesn't know he will strike him big time...join hands,be friends,gain his trust,make him believe he is ignorant while WY will use him and will avange all those he hurt along with ET and his clan...I actually like WY way of doing thinks,he is brilliant in tactics so revenge will be indeed joiful when is cold...WY like i sad knows very well who are the criminals and will go for all of them and maybe will make some kill them between themselves...

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