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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest roshan90

My exams got over YAY!! I did a long post analysis for the first time (ep1 to 8).. I hope you all enjoy reading it..


1. Female/Male lead is in lowest position compared to the Male/Female lead (Fantasy couple, History of Salaryman..)
TN - Emperor SN- Concubine
2. If male lead is in higher position -not just good at studies but a genius -not just ordinarily rich but a chaebol (Playful kiss, Secret Garden..)
TN - Highest position in Empress Ki
3. Male/Female lead has an abnormal/jerk/arrogant character in the beginning or some even till the end (IHYV- Jang Hye Sung, King 2 Hearts)
TN- The Pluto Baby (cr: @larabn)
4. Male lead has an unforgettable trauma/girlfriend or parents problems/ (My name is KSS, Incarnation of Money)
TN - Father got killed and is seeking revenge
5. Misunderstanding/Accident/fight/Embarassing situation in the first meet (Full House, Baby Faced Beauty)
SN misunderstood TN grabbed his collars, Kicked him in the ...., dragged him by his ears only to dump him in the manure. Ha.
6. Still not getting close in the 2nd 3rd meets but someone(male/female/audience) finds a spark (Coffee Prince, MHIYD)
TN found that spark in SN after her awesome fight with Yeom Bong Soo and of course we all got the symptoms of delusional Second Lead Syndrome in this stage.
7  Looking for ways to meet the other person but still pridefully/(pretending) unwillingly /comically (no love just curiosity stage) (Princess Man, Heirs)
TN with a "I also wanted to have a drink" line threw his arms around SN. leg massage, Horse ride, archery, Sword fight.. Eventhough he is living in a period era he came up with this much.. Bravo Mr. Tahwan!!
8. After some on purpose/coincidental meets growing a bit close and understanding/ sympathizing the other (stage where audience get the feel they are meant to be together) (Goong, TWTWB) TN when he was cries for his late father SN was remembering hers.
9. A big incident/revelation of truth/past girlfriend appears/occurs leading to the seperation of the leads
(Save the last dance for me, I Miss You)
TN-SN separates due to his betrayal
10. Male/Female lead miss the time spent together. (Potato Star)
TN misses and wishes he should have just stayed in the forest.
11. Meet again but misunderstanding/amnesia are in the way still cannot return to the place they were before (IHYV)
TN misunderstanding SN for a boy and SN misunderstanding TN's survival as betrayal.
12. Male/Female lead puts in a lot of effort to prove that he/she actually and truly loves the other (Nice Guy)
This is exactly what we all are looking forward to see in the upcoming episodes.
13. Female/Male lead still in denial/amnesia mode but could still feel the other person's pain or love (IHYV,Nice Guy)
SN is going to be in a big time denial mode like someone said, and give more heartbreaks and pain for Tahwan. For sure she is not going to reciprocate his love till their marriage.
14. Misunderstanding / amnesia resolved (stage where closeness-smoochness/dating that fans love happens at last) (Birth Secret)
I don't know when this is going to happen. But as far as I know most of you are expecting and waiting eagerly for this part. BRING ON THE OOOLALAS
15. The writer creates a problem to prove that female/male lead also loves the other and becomes a noble-idiot. (My Girlfriend is a Gumiho)
I don't think this is going to happen here *LOL* But we can take it that this is the stage where SN is going to change into *EvilEmpress*
16.  Nothing else but a near-death/death situation brings the leads together (I am sorry I love You, What happened in Bali,Nice Guy)
I purposely chose two bad ending dramas and a drama that I didn't dare to dream about a happy ending *looking at you Nice Guy*.

I know some people are thinking this is also suitable for WY-SN couple.. Thats what I thought too. The writers are just awesome in that way making us getting confused about the end result..
I have come to love WY-SN couple too after watching ep18 hug scene. So I am going to watch again from their POV too. Will write about it soon.
Till then Lets enjoy this ride of Empress Ki..

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Guest anjshin

@petria: LMAO, yes eagerly anticipating those scenes, dark side? dark world? i though it's thor (kidding aside). Expecting for the worst, tragic scenarios, can't wait for Sn's V= vengeance. :)) >:)

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It bugged me that when SN goes with TH to town, she's supposed to be protecting him and they didn't lend her a weapon... how is she supposed to protect him (and herself)...? using her "cute attacks"? - As in I'm such a cute chic you'll faint-

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Guest JOSIEvang

I found it really sweet when WangYoo lifted the Empress during that mouse part. I find the Empress really cute, she so oblivious to everything and so harmless. But still want to see episode 19 teaser...hahahaAND!! Junsu's brother!! He looked so handsome in the Emperor's clothing, kekeke. I'll look out for him more~

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@shaym Thank you for the link of TalTal singing... I've always said that if he worked at the Starbucks drive thru near my house I would keep on going and going... even if he was a telemarketer, I would spend hours listening to whatever he has to sell...

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Happy Boxing Day to those who take part in such an event!  For me, it looks like the day after Christmas this year is "Bed Day," as I'm running a fever and coughing up a lung.  *sigh*  But as I promised about 37 pages ago... :))

Here's the "Gag Concert" episode where "King of Ratings" kinda sorta parodies "Empress Ki."  (I'll edit this later to just post only the sketch alone.)  The sketch starts at 30:59 into the show and runs for about 7 minutes.  I laughed so hard that coffee almost came out of my nose!  Enjoy!!

EDIT:  Oh!  I forgot about the "Concubines" sketch at 49:33, where they totally riff on EK by using the background music and naming one of their characters 'Danamishiri.'  TOO FUNNY!!!

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Guest Lyly1430292245



My exams got over YAY!! I did a long post analysis for the first time (ep1 to 8).. I hope you all enjoy reading it..


1. Female/Male lead is in lowest position compared to the Male/Female lead (Fantasy couple, History of Salaryman..)
TN - Emperor SN- Concubine
2. If male lead is in higher position -not just good at studies but a genius -not just ordinarily rich but a chaebol (Playful kiss, Secret Garden..)
TN - Highest position in Empress Ki
3. Male/Female lead has an abnormal/jerk/arrogant character in the beginning or some even till the end (IHYV- Jang Hye Sung, King 2 Hearts)
TN- The Pluto Baby (cr: @larabn)
4. Male lead has an unforgettable trauma/girlfriend or parents problems/ (My name is KSS, Incarnation of Money)
TN - Father got killed and is seeking revenge
5. Misunderstanding/Accident/fight/Embarassing situation in the first meet (Full House, Baby Faced Beauty)
SN misunderstood TN grabbed his collars, Kicked him in the ...., dragged him by his ears only to dump him in the manure. Ha.
6. Still not getting close in the 2nd 3rd meets but someone(male/female/audience) finds a spark (Coffee Prince, MHIYD)
TN found that spark in SN after her awesome fight with Yeom Bong Soo and of course we all got the symptoms of delusional Second Lead Syndrome in this stage.
7  Looking for ways to meet the other person but still pridefully/(pretending) unwillingly /comically (no love just curiosity stage) (Princess Man, Heirs)
TN with a "I also wanted to have a drink" line threw his arms around SN. leg massage, Horse ride, archery, Sword fight.. Eventhough he is living in a period era he came up with this much.. Bravo Mr. Tahwan!!
8. After some on purpose/coincidental meets growing a bit close and understanding/ sympathizing the other (stage where audience get the feel they are meant to be together) (Goong, TWTWB) TN when he was cries for his late father SN was remembering hers.
9. A big incident/revelation of truth/past girlfriend appears/occurs leading to the seperation of the leads
(Save the last dance for me, I Miss You)
TN-SN separates due to his betrayal
10. Male/Female lead miss the time spent together. (Potato Star)
TN misses and wishes he should have just stayed in the forest.
11. Meet again but misunderstanding/amnesia are in the way still cannot return to the place they were before (IHYV)
TN misunderstanding SN for a boy and SN misunderstanding TN's survival as betrayal.
12. Male/Female lead puts in a lot of effort to prove that he/she actually and truly loves the other (Nice Guy)
This is exactly what we all are looking forward to see in the upcoming episodes.
13. Female/Male lead still in denial/amnesia mode but could still feel the other person's pain or love (IHYV,Nice Guy)
SN is going to be in a big time denial mode like someone said, and give more heartbreaks and pain for Tahwan. For sure she is not going to reciprocate his love till their marriage.
14. Misunderstanding / amnesia resolved (stage where closeness-smoochness/dating that fans love happens at last) (Birth Secret)
I don't know when this is going to happen. But as far as I know most of you are expecting and waiting eagerly for this part. BRING ON THE OOOLALAS
15. The writer creates a problem to prove that female/male lead also loves the other and becomes a noble-idiot. (My Girlfriend is a Gumiho)
I don't think this is going to happen here *LOL* But we can take it that this is the stage where SN is going to change into *EvilEmpress*
16.  Nothing else but a near-death/death situation brings the leads together (I am sorry I love You, What happened in Bali,Nice Guy)
I purposely chose two bad ending dramas and a drama that I didn't dare to dream about a happy ending *looking at you Nice Guy*.

I know some people are thinking this is also suitable for WY-SN couple.. Thats what I thought too. The writers are just awesome in that way making us getting confused about the end result..
I have come to love WY-SN couple too after watching ep18 hug scene. So I am going to watch again from their POV too. Will write about it soon.
Till then Lets enjoy this ride of Empress Ki..

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Quotes from some of the scenes of Empress Ki Episode 18
Tae Hwan - Seung Nyang Act 1
Tae Hwan: "Now I want to give you another Imperial Order. The punishment for going against an Imperial Order is death. You must never talk to Wang Yoo. You can't look and you can't smile a him either. And absolutely, don't you cry because of him in front of me."Seung Nyang: "Why are you being like this?"Tae Hwan: "Are you trying to haggle your life over the Imperial Order?"Seung Nyang: "His Majesty is only..." Tae Hwan: "Jeonha! (His Majesty!) Jeonha! (His Majesty!) Jeonha! (His Majesty) I can't hear that sentence any more. Go out."
Seung Nyang - Tae Hwan Act 2
Seung Nyang: "If I help to chase away Prime Minister El Temur, will you reinstate His Majesty's position?"Tae Hwan: "So are you saying you don't want to let go both sides? You are really capable. Very capable."Seung Nyang: "If His Majesty is not willing, you can kick me out of the palace. I will not have any resentment."Tae Hwan: "Are you not in a least bit worried about me getting hurt?" Seung Nyang: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty."Tae Hwan: "You bad girl."
Wang Yoo - Seung Nyang
Wang Yoo: "Do you want to return to Goryeo with me? Let's go together, Seung Nyang."Seung Nyang: "Yes, Jeonha. I want to return to Goryeo. I will follow your majesty and go."Wang Yoo: "This matter will be very difficult."Seung Nyang: "I'm already mentally prepared." Wang Yoo: "It is also hard to say when it will happen."Seung Nyang: "Even if it's for a thousand years, or a ten thousand years, I will always be waiting."
Wang Yoo to Dangkise
"Don't you dare touch a single hair strand of Seung Nyang, or I will not forgive you.
Wang Yoo to El Temur
Wang Yoo: "You have many people surrounding and following you, that you are unable to distinguish the ones who are truly loyal to you."
Dangkise to Seung Nyang
"Even if I can't get your heart, I must have your life." 
I love all these scenes. With these scenes replaying on my mind all the time, I wonder how tired my mind would be looking forward to the next episodes. Haha. Too bad the Emperor's eunuch (whom I can recognized as the Crown Prince Biryu in Jumong - son of Seosono and her first husband before Jumong; if it's not him, they really look alike) only had a cameo role. That boy can act well in sageuk. Oh, episodes 19 please come soon, if not, spare us a preview. Lol.

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petria said: I don`t think that Ta Hwan is guilty for her being captured and tortured. He didn`t force her to join forces with him, she did it of her own will; after all, she isn`t a child, but grown up person, responsible for her own life.
But, I expect him to feel very bad and guilty about it. It will be good for him, he will perceive his limits and he will love her more. ;;)

As for Wang Yoo, I`m sure that he will be even more angry at Ta Hwan and that if there wasn`t Nyang on his back, Ta Hwan would probably be on the floor, with Ki See :-j

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Guest smoochysparks

lxands said: Just a thought....

Dunno if sumone else has mention this before but does anyone here have thought the crazy concubine is perhaps TH's biological mother? May be one reason why head Eunuch is still taking good care of her instead of sending her out of the palace, that perhaps becos her background didnt qualify her to be empress or later on as emperor's mother that he was raised by another one of late emperor's wife/concubine who has a more powerful background?

Well the 'massage my feet' command is so similar to TH's command that I cud believe its heredity  :))

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