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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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sorry for the random question but does anyone know if they're still in China filming? I know the first few eps were filmed in China but what about now when everything is in the palace?the no episode next week thing is going to kill me. I hope they'll at least release new stills/previews. Also not sure why the ratings are not increasing. I think the pacing is still excellent considering this is a 50-ep show. Not really happy about every cliffhanger in recent eps being a three way stare ("Heirs" much?) but I still really enjoy all the palace scheming :) 

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I just finished episode 17 with english subs. I was so excited for the scene in the shadow play. Waaa~~ lucky SN having two handsome guys wanting to hold her hand. lol :D I'm stll waiting for the next episode with english subs. As a WY-SN shipper, I'm so happy with the bridge scene. :D:D:D
Btw, reading your earlier posts, so there would be no new episodes next week? When will it be back?

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Guest loveintheicee

Omg that shadow play scene is intense lolAnd I love the Emperor's shock face when he saw the rat :DBut I agree that the show is getting slower.
And yay chinese subs are out for Episode 18 :3

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Guest anjshin

> Just watched episode 17 with the english subs, hmmm is there a past love like scene between empress dowager and el temur??? ;;) ;;) similar to DK's creepy one sided love to SN??? like father like son indeed.
> for yeum byum soo to be dead? i bet he will survive until the end of this kdrama, such a reputable actor, bravo Jung Woong In, credits to you you're doing such a great job pissing us all.  =D> =D> 8-}
> WY you're every girls prince charming, i got caught up with the line to SN " who told you that you're a lowly servant, et al, don't ever say/think of that," if i remembered it correctly.
> to TH, keep up the good job learning the basics, thank you very much for unconsciously provoking WY to burst out. LOL
> and as an avid fan of HJW, pls writer/s and PDNIm i'm already wanting to see the witty SN for good sake, this is EMPRESS Ki after all, no need to specify much.  :D ;;)

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MERRY CHRISTMAS to Peaha, Chona,  SN and all casts and production crews of Empress Ki. Such superb acting/performance from all.. Thank you for bringging so much cheer to us all for 2013..
However need to give my viewes on the lower rankings of previous episode. Everyone is so excited about Chona and SN but when they first met after being apart, the scenes were not as romantic or thrilling enough I suppose. Chona needs to do something about his very blend boring stiff expressions esp when near SN - should send out more oooomph. I give high credits to Peaha where this is concerned, his eyes really send out all sorts of messages - fear, confusion, suspicion, desire, jealousy, cheeky, spoiled brat etc etc. 
Soompi.. thank you for letting us share our thoughts in this forum. When we were younger, Harry Potter books and movie series created same impact for us here... from as young as 10yrs old we hear yapping and chatters non-stop infact up to this day, over 10yrs we still miss Harry Potter.
Do hope Empress Ki will give all of us similar long lasting impact!

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I saw this week's last episode. I think it was bold for TH to ask for help for SN when ET was right there with him. And he also is becoming brave fighting back to ET, but he just can't really fight back when everybody is pointing swords at his neck... D= in the end, WY was the one who rescued her, sigh. At least TH tried. Kinda. I think. But i noticed that TH's personality has changed a bit. His facial emotion, speech and movement are really bit more mature and calm than before. Though he became childish again when he went outside of the palace. But still i felt TH has become a different person when TH said that SN doesn't think about TH's feeling getting hurt when SN said to him to let WY and her go after the fight is over. Anyhow, i liked when WY found SN and was going to ask about Buddha blood crying. He suddenly looked childish and eager to see her. I think WY did want to ask about the Buddha, but i think wanting to see SN was much more strong feeling for WY. WY really looked happy to see SN. I could feel him trying to stay longer, but SN kept make him leave before he gets caught. I understand SN, but still i wanted WY to stay longer. It was so rare to see that emotion from him. Anyway, i hope one day, TH will grew up to think for himself and he is getting there. SN demand him to stay, but he came to meet the guard of his father (but of course, it turned out fake, and almost got himself killed). You know i think realistically, SN really has to stay in the palace if she is going to be a concubine. I also believe that TH will not become equal to SN. He would always be more inclined toward her and she would be his adviser, but hopefully she will just become an adviser and a helper, but NOT a puppet-master of TH.

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insertusernamehere said: sorry for the random question but does anyone know if they're still in China filming? I know the first few eps were filmed in China but what about now when everything is in the palace?the no episode next week thing is going to kill me. I hope they'll at least release new stills/previews. Also not sure why the ratings are not increasing. I think the pacing is still excellent considering this is a 50-ep show. Not really happy about every cliffhanger in recent eps being a three way stare ("Heirs" much?) but I still really enjoy all the palace scheming :) 

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Hi everyone ~ (っˆーˆ)っ♥ 
sneaking by as I wrap the last of my presents...
Thanks to all for the insightful comments and thoughtful commentary. As my last-minute-gift-shopping brain is fried - I'm only going to touch on the silly bits of the most recent episodes (because I'm like that)
* tossing bagged rats onto a roof.seriously? guys...guys....a) you may actually kill the rats that way  B) you've left a 'bag' on the roofIt doesn't take a Sherlock to figure out that the rats got lofted onto the roof. (facepalm)
* Tanashiri not noticing the tug-of-war going on 6 feet to her right.seriously? If your ploy is to make two men jealous - the FIRST thing you notice is if there's any other woman in the room. It's kinda basic strategy.Especially if she's standing in between your intended conquests. (sheeesh)
* El Plague not. dead. yet.damm, dude has the key to life or sumthin'. He should bottle it, sell it and buy his own country.(loved him getting poked in the ear...can someone use a sword next time?)
* Why are the Eunuchs so hot? (just sayin')
* Dang! KiSe cannot be killed before he has a shirtless scene. (sez me) Even if he has to be killed AS his armour is ripped off him, that's ok.But before that...no. (even Eunuch Bang got his day in the sun)
* I'm a bit disturbed by *smiley Wang Yoo* -- it's not that he can't be all happy to see Seung Nyang, but I just found it a bit jarring with his previously stern personality. If the writer is going to do this...it needs to stick. He needs to continue to be smiley or I'm calling foul. (personality transplant for sake of shoehorning romance -- wags finger)
* Can Empress Dowager slap El T at least once? or throw tea in his face....sumthin'. The Lady needs to deliver at least one physical blow to the old fart. (I know this won't happen...wishful thinking)
* Would the costume designer please put Tal Tal in some bedclothes at some point? Something silky and blue with white under garments ~ ~ (drifts off in thought for a moment) ~ ~ ~ 
* Evil Water Maid needs to accidentally fall off a roof...or fall face first into a pond, while unconscious. They've got a whole storeroom full of earthy, bark-y poisonous herb-age -- can't someone fix her some permanent tea?
* Crazy Lady Noh ~ c'mon now --- give Nyang-ah the blood letter -- we need to move this story along ~ ❤
and Lastly --- it's been a while since mahEmperor has had a looooooong bath -- if they're going to repeat bathing scenes, please use the tub. (that is all)
HUGS to everyone ~ Happy Holidays!

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Guest mysuperidol

i can't stop LOL at the Empress whenever she saw Wang Yoo or when she's hallucinating about him being secretly in love with her XD 

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can't watch the episode as my internet decided to take a Christmas holiday as well :(
but I think the ratings went down because it's Christmas specially ep18  where people were busy
and didn't watch it but since the story started getting more interesting last ep
when ep19 and 20 do come the week after next week people will be done with the holidays
and the ratings can increase again :) that's of course when they release the crazy preview that I'm sure will be crazy
and people will be waiting for the episode so bad

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Random thoughts on ep 17 -
Whoever it was that guessed El Terror kept TH from learning how to read/write was correct. When TH mentions he wants SN to start teaching him, the first words out of Gol-ta's mouth were "if he finds out..."  So kudos to whoever it was! :-bd
The writers need to give TS something else to do beside put on her lipstick - that little red folded paper is in every single episode. Can't she fix her hair or try on new shoes? Yeesh.  /:)
What is Tal Tal up to? I can never figure out what he's thinking.  (but then I guess I don't need to, I can just look at him) :x
Yah, where is Lady Park? Are pregnant women locked away until they deliver? :-/
LOL at TS's maid telling her that TH wants to reconcile.  =))

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Seriously, i want to see the clear face of the one who pretended to be TH while TH left the palace. His face was hard to see. His positions hardly let his face to be seen and his scenes changed too quickly to see clearly of his face. But i am sure he was handsome. My first reaction of seeing him was like "wow, who is this guy?" 

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