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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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@rinchan76 and @ChelseaS
Interesting observations but Ta Hwan is wearing red in the second to last image and gold in the last image. Maybe the hunting trip takes place over a couple of days to allow for a costume change? Hmmm a few days together in a yurt....the mind wonders. ;;)

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Guest HanN1430293555

Ohhhhhh  woow...... :x  :x  :x  thank u for the photos, my wishes come true, I really want SN and TH doing the archery cant wait for tomorrow, 

hello doctor   :)]  can u gave me some medicine im goin to have an heart attack of excitement!!!!!....................  

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Guest kaeruchan

Jin Yi-han aka TT tweeted these pics and looks like everyone is out for a hunting spree!


that includes TN! Curious...what makes her join the baddies group? I don't think she's coming with TH's entourage...

credit: Jin Yi-han's twitter

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@filchiny : "You had better hurry. A house won't remain without a new woman for long." SN
This quote left me wondering, when she said that, she doesn't seem to talk about herself, i think that BG, TT & her are already talking about who will take the throne?. It's not like she's thinking of herself, she wouldn't dare to, she's a goryo citizen moreover a daughter of traitor or lowborn, it's impossible for  that (the governor will going to oppose)...Maybe BG's niece?

@minni0103 : I second that Seung Nyang and Lee Soo Jung are totally different, if we follow the writers (only), she's sure about her feelings, but if we add the professionalism of  Dr Jin's PD, then we are not too sure about it. I'm looking forward, how he will change the script in his manner in the upcoming episodes. 
:)) :)) :))

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Guest seohaseurri22

@minnie0103 Wow!!! I've been waiting for ages for that archery scene to happen. ... But I think it should be better if they put out that red cloth off our Puppy Emperor's head and let them show his glorious majestic forehead, though!

EDIT: I can smell romantic scenes ahead!! 8-}

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Guest ravendark

@filchiny you made my day :) was about to sit to wrote few pages and saw ur msgs:) lots of thanks from this Raven:) cant help it love TalTal above all. He is a mistery but also we mostly know how will he react:) calmly enen at the face of death.

30 and 31 ep were really good. My fav line also revange talk of SN toDKS. I was shouting "you go girl:)" my cat jumped a feet high at the same time imagine how laud i was.

Empress Brat was as predicted. Childish selfish arrogant and definitely has goddess complex. Since she thinks she can avoid punishment ofc she will fake sickness and come back to tangle the web. Her undoing is underestimate the Ki. For all its actuallt the fact. They all think what a mare woman can do to them. And they still act like that. ET is not stupid but arrogant. That is the biggest weakness of him. He still dont get who he is dancing with.

Bayan s prophecy was hit fo me. He actually saw himself in future i guess. So we cant blame TT for betraying uncle since it was his order.:)

I m still thinkin on episodes and try to figure out what is next.

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Guest ravendark

So YES I accept it, I'm stuck in this sub plot, and once again I'll comment about it... Here I come...

Who's the head of the Merchant Group?

Bi-Soo's assistant still got a letter from the so called "leader", he presented it to ET... somehow the news got to the leader that Heukso had been killed. Baklava girl couldn't have written such letter 'cause she was being held by WY...

Thinking back, please correct me if I'm wrong, SN and her mother left her household, right? So Gral. Ki was left taking care of the other siblings, I assume all of them are older brothers. From the little bit I know about history, it was very common for the sons to follow the father's footsteps: (since they were part of the "warrior class")

1-Were these brothers part of the Koryo militia like their father?

2-If so, did they all die at the island's attack?

3-Supposing they were not warriors...
That would mean they opposed their class/father (rebels in exile), is it possible that one of these brothers is the Leader of the Merchant Group?

4-If so, would this be the cause why EK (in history) sends the Yuan troops to Koryo - I know the historical reason - but I'm talking about a "fictional" reason...
What I'm getting at, WY will find out that this "Ki" person has been the one screwing up with the finances in Koryo, he sends his warriors to get rid of them, this infuriates SN when she learns her brother(s) were killed by the Koryo Kingdom, so in revenge she sends her Yuan troops against Koryo...

5-Am I on pot?  :-?

Agree on Ki brother is head of marchants but dont think WY will kill him with knowing he is bro of Ki Nyang. He may kill him without knowing.

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Guest ravendark

@filchiny :

"You had better hurry. A house won't remain without a new woman for long." SN

This quote left me wondering, when she said that, she doesn't seem to talk about herself, i think that BG, TT & her are already talking about who will take the throne?. It's not like she's thinking of herself, she wouldn't dare to, she's a goryo citizen moreover a daughter of traitor or lowborn, it's impossible for  that (the governor will going to oppose)...Maybe BG's niece?

@minni0103 : I second that Seung Nyang and Lee Soo Jung are totally different, if we follow the writers (only), she's sure about her feelings, but if we add the professionalism of  Dr Jin's PD, then we are not too sure about it. I'm looking forward, how he will change the script in his manner in the upcoming episodes. 







Idd they may be dicussing who will be next. Dont think SN Ambitious about becomin empress atm. All she thinks is revenge. Hope she wont need to deal another bratty empress before becomin empress herself. Whish i think it may be. She wants influeace on throne to protect koryo people but dont think she ever thought of becomin empress.

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Guest ravendark

What i m thinkin right now is how SN s offer herself as bait will work. Sayin bring it on is challenging ET ... Do they think he will enrage and make mistake?

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Guest seohaseurri22

Agree on Ki brother is head of marchants but dont think WY will kill him with knowing he is bro of Ki Nyang. He may kill him without knowing.

Will this be the time when SN's brother will finally appear at last? I wonder if Ki Cheol's role will take place soon...


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Oh Ki Cheol as a master of El Cripple, interesting....
That could be possible, but in History, WY (here it's Gong Min but WY is a fictional character of Chung Hye?!?) killed Ki Cheol clan because he threatened the Goryo throne :-? :-? :-?

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Guest seohaseurri22

Oh Ki Cheol as a master of El Cripple, interesting....

That could be possible, but in History, WY (here it's Gong Min but WY is a fictional character of Chung Hye?!?) killed Ki Cheol clan because he threatened the Goryo throne :-? :-? :-?

Haha it's just that I immediately thought of Ki Cheol when somebody talked about SN's brother. (Wohooo! Talk about the Faith fever..) But possibly, too, since it would be more relevant if his role will be added here in the story, and remembering the fact that WY was originally King Chunghye in the drama....


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