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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Week of 10 February - 16 February 2014 AGB Nielsen Top 20:
'Empress Ki' 22.7% average - 4th overall

Episode 30 Ratings:

AGB Nielsen:  Nationwide 26.5% (2nd; +3.8%) / Seoul 29.6% (1st; +4.3%) STILL 1ST PLACE!!!
TNmS:  Nationwide 25.3% (2nd; +4.5%) / Seoul 30.9% (1st; +5.6%)  30%!!!!!

NOTE:  Episode 30's ratings were broken up by AGB Nielsen into two parts: 1st part before the interruption for the Gyeongju building collapse, and the 2nd part afterwards.  What I've posted above is the 2nd part's ratings, since that will be the one entered into the ratings books.

Everyone who is suffering from bad weather these days... Tanashiri is with you in solidarity!!!  :P


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@CherKell thank you for clarifying! Scared me a little there when I saw part 1 and part 2 for EK ratings.  I thought they split it because of that newsflash.
Considering Ep.29 was a repeat and still made it to the top 10 for both National (19.5%) and Seoul (21.8%) ratings, that's really good, no?
Edit - See previous post for details on the AGB ratings.

WE BROKE 30%!!!

<:-P :)
Quickly, spread the news! :)]
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That really sucks how the ratings were split, didn't the newsflash cut the episode pretty early, like probably 1/3 of the way?
Tal Tal to Mr. C (aka AGB in this case) - How dare you pull a stunt like that on the ratings, HOW DARE YOU AGB!!! You must die now!

Image Credit: EK DC

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Have a mentioned before how sexy Tal Tal's voice is....why yes, I think I have mentioned it once or twice...maybe even 3 times!!!!  How can a man's voice get to me so, the way his does......I think I may have to move my puppy emperor over a bit, to let Tal Tal in.  I'm not so sure I would like a relationship with that batolo girl and Tal Tal....I guess I would just have to replace her face with my own....brain photoshopping to the rescue!!!!
Sorry, I am tired from staying up to watch the livestream and my mind is sort of wandering...... 8-}

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WOW!! The ratings O____O I'm so happy!!

It's just me or JJM and JCW have lost weight?:(( Poor them, filming for 4 month must be like hell!

I'm rewatching for the 10000th time the hug scene... I found it quite sexy, because it was slow, the light was soft and the height difference stood out. And they're both so pretty/handsome, like a dream!
IMO if TH wouldn't have had that da*n big hat with strings, He would have kissed her LOL

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CherKell said: Week of 10 February - 16 February 2014 AGB Nielsen Top 20:
'Empress Ki' 22.7% average - 4th overall

Episode 30 Ratings:

AGB Nielsen:  Nationwide 26.5% (2nd; +3.8%) / Seoul 29.6% (1st; +4.3%) STILL 1ST PLACE!!!
TNmS:  Nationwide 25.3% (2nd; +4.5%) / Seoul 30.9% (1st; +5.6%)  30%!!!!!

NOTE:  Episode 30's ratings were broken up by AGB Nielsen into two parts: 1st part before the interruption for the Gyeongju building collapse, and the 2nd part afterwards.  What I've posted above is the 2nd part's ratings, since that will be the one entered into the ratings books.

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Guest Ding Lin

I have to say that my love for WY increased greatly from Episode 27-30 :)!
 I think JJM's acting is getting better and better!!  The way he portraying WY touched my deeply!!  In Episode 30, he was not just sad.  A part of his soul died with SN.  Joo Jin mo used subtle body languages, but carried strong emotions!!  It was powerfully wonderful! 
WY  is a tough guy with a very soft and passionate heart!  In fact, I always think that he has a much softer heart than TH despite his seemingly tough look.   After all, he has sympathy and the ability to feel the pain of suffering people, such as those tribute women or sick villagers.  Now, he is trying to help SN in his quiet and secret way.   I just hope that SN will one day realized that WY has helped her! 

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