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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Anyone else notice the more they show Tal Tal up close in all his glory he looks like he could be a character on Lord of the Rings as an elf? He would be the best looking of the bunch..LOL

SN's power to manipulate and get revenge grows with every episode. Makes me nervous to think that at some point while exacting her revenge she fails to recognize she has become exactly what she is seeking revenge from. :(  Im not complaining ET and clan deserve everything that is coming to them in the form of SN, TH, Dowager, Bayan, Tatal, WY...Get in line folks.. The list of people you have trampled on in your long history of tyranny is pretty long.  When ET marched himself around while TN was being accused with the governor's calling for punishment...I wished TH would speak up but then realized, NO ..it packs a bigger punch if you wait for ET's abdicate speech with his fake blood vow. Can't wait for TH to be a true emperor.  I wonder, what if Episode 1 was TH's dream? My love radar is just not working with SN and WY. Im not shipping TH either because Miss Ki is on a mission of her own at the moment but at this point it seems SN almost has more chemistry with Tal Tal. lol. Floods of tears will flow  once she realizes her son did not die at the river and that, I suspect, will change her coldness. She will still exact revenge for her friends but she will also now have to consider her love and safety for her son. I imagine she can only protect him as  Empress Ki else if she has a baby with TH , the cruel palace will suspect she would want her son to rule instead of TN's son aka SN's son.. Oh what a tangled web the authors have woven to keep us coming back for more...I'm excited for the next episodes.  For heaven's sake please give Dangkise some more lines than just his shock and surprised look scenes...granted he does it better than anyone...LOL  

Happy Singles Day tomorrow!!! LMAO   :x  ( I always call it that because no other day makes it more obvious your single then on Valentines Day)

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Guys, Does the air time for ep 30 & 31 will be on the routine schedule ? I read on Soompi news that KBS will air 2 episodes Full Sun on 1 day. I think KBS plays trick to make netizen interested to the story. Even if netizen watch EK / 14 days God's gift..of course after it finishes, they will turn remote to KBS because that's the only drama remains. With the cliffhanger left on ep 2, people will interested with ep 3.
edit: 14 days God's gift premiere on february 24

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Guys, Does the air time for ep 30

No news yet. Speaking of God's Gift. For a show which is supposed to start soon, there is no trailer, no pictures, no promotion. So weird :))

LOL Well KBS sounding bitter about EK (probably buyer's regret since they rejected EK after SBS did too), so I'm not surprised they are pulling a two episodes a day. I'm really not in the business of tit for tat so I'm going to attribute what I'm about to say to my love for EK. MBC should air two episodes on the same day too >:)

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At first we hear and see a lot of the baby....now nothing....To really secure her position as Empress SN will need to bear a son to TH.....to have the power in the inner court and outside the palace...just random thoughts...several of the dramas are being shorten because of the Olympics....

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Guest filchiny

Episode 29:
Now I understand a little bit why Bang did not tell WY about SN pregnancy. Although I still do not agree with his decision not to tell WY, he had the right to know. Bang didn't feel it was his place to tell him about something very personal. BUT as I've said WY had the right to know and given the circumstances at that time, he should have told him.
@ravendark, we were right. the poison was in her fingers. as we discussed, they have no access or control over the tonic and dates that it had to be in her fingers. Plus the mere fact that they focused on her licking her fingers was a hint.
This episode was all about the EYES! I particularly LOVE SN, TAL TAL & BAYAN with the way they conveyed their feelings through the way they looked.
For SN: It made me feel proud of her when I saw her worried look with a hint of pain even when Empress Brat's maid fell down after eating the poisoned dates. Her fight is with the brat not her maid. and although she has done some evil deeds for her master, she personally didn't do anything to SN. I guess what I am trying to say is that even if she wanted revenge on Empress Brat, she can still distinguish who the real enemy is. she is not consumed with hate and has not turned into the very people she wants revenge upon, who couldn't care less who they hurt or even kill as long as they get what they want.
Tal Tal: Despite his personality of always using his brains, he looked very worried when he saw SN poisoned being carried to the room. Okay.....I must admit I kinda felt happy at that particular moment and for a second there I wanted SN & TT to be a pair. X_X :)) BUT no my fellow WY & SN shippers, I am not abandoning our OTP! :)) It was a momentary lapse. I just got carried away by the moment. :P
Bayan: In the same scene when he and TT were standing and saw SN poisoned being carried to the infirmary, at that moment, the look he gave SN was like a father concerned for his child. It moved me. Both General Bayan and Tal Tal knew of the plan and yet they were still worried.
SN: If that meal where ET his sons and the governors were gathered was full of testosterone, the confrontation between SN & Empress Brat was pure estrogen! I love SN's sarcasm "Enjoy your stay in the Frozen Palace. I heard it is always cold over there"  :)) This time you definitely feel her anger with those stare! In fact on both of them. It is also here were one of the best lines was said: "There are others staying in a much colder place!" =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
Just a thought here: Doesn't anyone find it curious why they chose "Frozen Palace" Could it be perhaps to tease JJM for his movie Frozen Flower?! =)) They could have used Winter Palace, Icy Palace, Chilly Palace. so the writer has a sense of humor! =))
Once the power is gone you get to see the real Empress Brat. In that scene where the governors were demanding her removal, she looked like a lost girl. You can tell she won't survive the world by herself. No power, no daddy ET, or brothers and maids, she is simply a helpless lost girl. Btw, banishment is so not enough of a punishment. THE BEST PUNISHMENT FOR EMPRESS BRAT IS TO BE  DEMOTED TO A SLAVE STATUS! That is what she deserves! Once she feels how it is to be really powerless, maybe she can develop some compassion towards others.
PS. Was I the only one who wished SN after preventing Emporess Brat from slapping her should have slapped the Empress Brat instead?! I mean it is long overdue for her to be slapped!

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Guest tookie18





Koryo (Korean) Kingdom ruled from 938-1392. During this period Korea began to form a distinctive cultural tradition. The Dynasty was formed by General Wang Kon. Kogorgo defeated the kingdoms of Silla and Paekche to unify Korea in 936.  In the 10th century a bueracratic system replaced the aristocratic tribal one. Koryo flourished in the arts, especially ceramics. In addition the Kingdom was greatly influenced by Buddhism and Confucianism. In the 13th century Koryo suffered a series of Mongol invasions.

The Yuan Dynasty a barbaric, brutal, treacherous, and cruel. They would slaughter thousands at a time on a whim or to conquer. The Mongols would rape and kidnap the women and children with the intention of enslaving them and to enlarge the number of concubines. China and other nations hated the Mongols and desired to escape from the Yuan Dynasty.

The Yuan Dynasty from 1206-1368 the Mongol Nomads were established in China. They established their capital in Dadu (now Beijing). The Mongolian empire was a vast area, from the plains of Eastern Europe across the steppes to Mongolia and China.

Depite the Mongol’s bloody and barbaric nature, they made advances in technology. They rebuilt the Grand Canal, roads and postal stations and used paper money throughout the Kingdom. In addition, advances were made in art, astronomy, medicine and mathematics.





Seung-Nyang and Wang Yoo were born during the Koreyeo era. Their goals were the same, to deliver Koryo from Chinese rule, however, their backgrounds and upbringing was the complete opposite. Seung-Nyang life as a boy was difficult, however, she withstood it for her the sake of Koryo, her country and family. Seung-Nyang became Wang Yoo’s shield, protector, aide and right hand man. Seung-Nyang and Wang Yoo were born with warrior spirits, their common goal and the subjects of Koryo. Wang Yoo treated his subjects with respect, never with disdain, he refused to abuse his power, I believe for this reason that drew Seung-Nyang to respect and love him. Seung-Nyang and Wang Yoo’s bond is pure, strong and unwavering; they communicated through the spirit when they were apart.

Seung-Nyang’s love for her country allowed herself to become the Emperor Ta Hwan’s concubine in order to save her beloved country.  When her mission is accomplished she will return to Wang Yoo.

Wang Yoo, was a proud and warm hearted ruler who puts his subjects above himself. Just as Seung-Nyang was, his heart was full of pain and revenge against the Yuan Dynasty for killing and scattering his family. He was well respected amongst his peers, aides and throughout the land because of his uprightness for his deep seated compassion for his people. Nonetheless, he was an unrelenting warrior and a force to be in awe of. Although he was king, it did not faze him to do battle right alongside his soldiers. He had no fear; he went into battle with the confidence to win in order to regain his nation. Wang Yoo’s unabashed resolute posture will free his kingdom from Chinese rule.

A personal battle ensued between him and Ta Hwan for the love of Seung-Nyang. He fights hard to keep the love of his life. I hope Seung-Nyang will not end up with the Ta Hawan, her love for Wang Yoo far exceeds anything remotely special about the Emporer that would cause her to stay with him. She loves Wang Yoo with all of her heart and soul. When she was crowned Empress, she was smiling, seemingly happy up on the stage. However, when she looked over at Wang Yoo staring at her, her wine glass dropped down by her side and tears rolled down her face.  Hopefully, she will get the job done, which the true reason for being the Empress Ki and leave with Wang Yoo in the end. Seung-Nyang is a secret agent for her country, she has a job to do and when her assignment is done she will kiss Ta Hawan and the Yuan Dynasty goodbye. She may grow attached and become fond of the Emperor but she loves Wang Yoo and Koryo too much not to return home.

Since history does not tell us what happened to her, I believe it would be a tragedy for her to end up holding Ta Hwan’s hand for the rest of her life teaching him the basics of life. It takes at least thirteen years in the 21st century to go from kindergarten to the twelfth grade. She would go crazy because he is too immature. Why does he not know how to read and write anyway when the Yuan Dynasty was so well developed? There are scholars and the eunuchs around the palace, let them have that tedious job. Ta Hwan being handsome and young should have nothing to do with persuading her to stay with him. She is on assignment and that is all.

Seung-Nyang and Wang Yoo are warriors; they have many things in common. What do she and Ta Hwan have in common?  Realistically, a strong woman like Seung-Nyang would not desire a man like him in the least. The emperor cannot even clean himself. Mentally challenged and handicapped people are taught and encouraged to be independent. The Baby Emperor will get along just fine with all of his MANY concubines, eunuchs and other staff; He has more than enough people to wait upon him hand and foot.

Seung-Nyang and Wang Yoo belong together like white on rice or icing on a cake. I realize these comparisons and idioms sound silly, however, this is the first thing that came to mind. They really do belong together.

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Guest roshan90

I dont know why but the scene of SN - TH sitting together on the throne and WY coming in, really feels like a dream to me..  It is so possible for Tahwan to dream such a thing when he hears WY is coming to the capital.. Maybe he dreams of SN leaving him?? and wakes up heartbroken
Or it might be WY's dream.. WY dreams of SN sitting with TH and ignoring him?? and wakes up heartbroken..
I am really looking forward to this scene more and more now.. But for sure, someone/everyone is going to be really heartbroken because of this scene..
Ok when is that Monday coming?

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Guest filchiny

roshan90 said: I dont know why but the scene of SN - TH sitting together on the throne and WY coming in, really feels like a dream to me..  It is so possible for Tahwan to dream such a thing when he hears WY is coming to the capital.. Maybe he dreams of SN leaving him?? and wakes up heartbroken
Or it might be WY's dream.. WY dreams of SN sitting with TH and ignoring him?? and wakes up heartbroken..
I am really looking forward to this scene more and more now.. But for sure, someone/everyone is going to be really heartbroken because of this scene..
Ok when is that Monday coming?

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@roshan90 - If it truly were a dream, it would explain why TH and SN were sitting so close and why SN was sitting there on the throne in the first place. She's not the Empress or anything and I don't think she has the right to sit there even if she were TH's favorite or whatever. And there were no people in the scene as well.
Hmm, roshan, we'll see how it goes :D Your prediction might turn out to be right (and it could be TH who's dreaming this since he looked insecure).

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Guest critics


Maybe it would be best if the writers/PD reverses their status:  TS will become SN's palace maid after a year or two of isolation at Frozen Palace.  Of course this time, ET and his minions were no longer in power, probably sent to Yuan's boundary
0006.gif where constant backstabbing, fighting, and killing are present to make use of ET's "Sword Dance" 0005.gif.  Let's see how long they will last (like what they did to WY).

We will be cheering then 24/7.  LOL  0009.gif   0005.gif

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After they overthrow ET, and TN steps down, they will probably try to set up TH with a new empress. My guess is ED might choose Seol Hwa because she is always suggesting her. I wonder if she has something going on with her dad, like she can use him for power. BA might then choose his niece, but I wonder if TH will try to suggest SN. Both may very well object but then how does she become second empress, is it her pregnancy?
I wouldn't be surprised if BA niece is chosen, ED would try and make impregnate her choice of concubine, but will she make his niece infertile? I just know she wouldn't want BA to gain more power. 
As a side note SBS and KBS rejected EK, after watching the ratings I am sure someone got fired and to this day I am sure every monday and tuesday someone is getting cursed out. I mean the track record of the writers should have been enough or were they worried about a potential controversy, but whatever I am happy had the balls to air the show. I mean EK ratings are killing the time slot, sorry KBS/SBS "no guts no glory"   >:) >:) >:)

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Guest adjani1430293095

Maybe not because the Empress is in the Cold Palace and so technically anyone can sit with TH until a new empress is named .. and since she is the favourite, sitting with him isn't too far fetched I reckon. 
chocobana said: @roshan90 - If it truly were a dream, it would explain why TH and SN were sitting so close and why SN was sitting there on the throne in the first place. She's not the Empress or anything and I don't think she has the right to sit there even if she were TH's favorite or whatever. And there were no people in the scene as well.
Hmm, roshan, we'll see how it goes :D Your prediction might turn out to be right (and it could be TH who's dreaming this since he looked insecure).

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after all the evil things Tanashiri did all she gets is banishbent to the Frozen Palace! wth!  I wanted to see her bloodshed, I wanted to see her torn from limb from limb like SN said .  I want to see her dunked over and over again into the icy Sea of Japan until she begs to stop suffering ! LMAO!!!! I expect further punishment in later episodes.

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yes I wanted SY to slap the kimchi out of Tanashiri after she deflected her slap ! LOL and by the way who are the Koreans and who are the mongols?

I always thought the Mongols were, El Temur, his son, Tanashiri, Emperor, Empress Dowager,

Koreans, Sunyang, Wang Yu, palace maids, Bayan, correct me if I am wrong .

This drama takes place in 1300s china right, so where are the Chinese?

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