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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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I can say i totally loved Tal Tal in this episode even if he had few scenes he shined as always...we already see him aknowlagening SN as his Master or something like that(don't have a better word right now)...He was very clear in his conversation with WY when he told him to stay away and not shake SN resolve or get in her plans because from now on he will have to pass throu him first and he won't let him be if he does something to harm her...If he wasn't seeing SN as the one he serves i think he wouldn't bother to threating WY in the open like that and use other ways to keep him away...I know this isn't complety all because of SN but also fro ther own plans but he sure desn't WY to go near SN...we got to see the begining of his loyalty and were will he be standing and i must say i loved it...oh and by the way kinda funny and sad at the same time,i was so absorbed about SN and TH scenes and all the things happening that i forgot about WY in the story and when we saw the scene with BS tring to kill him i remembered he was into the story as well

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wow..the preview shown how manly taltal.. in the preview shown he pointed the sword on the mr cripple neck....he is superb...working in and out palace to bring down et clans...no matter wat...we still x blame wy to get mad...all the while he tot she dead..n now she is yuan concubine..though it is for revenge..wy didnt knw how bad sn suffered frm the death of her goryeo frens n even  lost the baby...he again will think sn made a drastic move without leaning on him...even though she sitting side by side with th on the throne..th still know sn heart  is not with him.....wat a tragic love story for 3 of them...

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Guest missred123

I am going by the human factor. WY is human and there is no way he is going to be happy about the situation. That was also shown in ep 1. I mean, you fall in love with someone heard from a reliable source that she died. Mourned her death for over a year then to find out she did not die, but became a concubine for TH. Where is the happiness/understanding in that!! SN did what she did for her own benefit/revenge. WY married for SN's revenge.

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Guest kaeruchan

Ep 30 preview trans

Tapjahae: One day, the traitor will be found out when he brings out his sword. (Not sure what he’s talking about…)

Taltal: Now, you need to die.

Yeon-chul: It’s okay if you don’t know the content. Just stamp your Imperial seal. Stamp it! The seal! (Ya, you old man! That poor guy can’t speak, he's not deaf!!)

Taltal: Honestly, it’s impossible.

Seung-nyang: Even if it’s hard, we have to make it work.

Baek Ahn: We might be able to block it.

Taltal: But it can cause harm to both Your Highness and His Imperial Majesty.

Wang Yoo: I’m here.

Seung-nyang: Thank you, Wang Yoo.

Seung-nyang: Do you hate me?

Wang Yoo: Don’t shed any tears; continue on your path with dignity. I’ll do the same.

cr: http://thetalkingcupboard.wordpress.com/2013/11/08/empress-ki-previews/

Feel free to correct any mistakes! I haven't watched ep 29 yet but tearing up just from watching ep 30 preview!!
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@Miky88 - GIANT HUG to you for your (always) wonderful After-Cap. (squeeze, hug, squeeze) 
So...I'm still not clear on Tanshiri's punishment...she's getting kicked out of the Palace AND has the seal taken away? Or just the seal and basically being confined to her own Palace rooms? ...because that just not bloody enough for me. haha!

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Guest avocado1430291863

Well although Sn still did not respond TH' hugs...at least she didn't shove him either...cheonchoni...step by step....she will give herself to him
And that's i like.... no overrushed "happang' for this moment...
We Th-SN shipper will wait patiently till the time come....

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Guest roshan90

kaeruchan said:
Wang yoo: Don’t shed any tears; continue on your path with dignity. I’ll do the same.

If he is going to say this to SN, He deserves all our Love.. :x

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said: @Miky88 - GIANT HUG to you for your (always) wonderful After-Cap. (squeeze, hug, squeeze) 

So...I'm still not clear on Tanshiri's punishment...she's getting kicked out of the Palace AND has the seal taken away? Or just the seal and basically being confined to her own Palace rooms? ...because that just not bloody enough for me. haha!

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My thinking is this: SN has every right to be cold to WY, in her mind - he married ET's niece in order to gain his throne and forgot all about her. (this is called "misunderstanding #1) WY also has every reason to be angry with SN because in his mind - he was told she was dead and was planning to seek revenge. (this is called minunderstanding #2) So both of them have a legitimate reason to be upset and/or angry with the other. WE all know the truth of what happened but they don't.  ;)

@pegster - I hope someone has! We've had quite a few people predict things in this thread (since the very early episodes) that have come to pass! I know @larabn predicted something that came true too.  :D

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Guest anjshin

@kaeruchan: thanks for translating, i took a part of it.

Seung-nyang: Thank you, Wang Yoo.

Seung-nyang: Do you hate me?

Wang Yoo: "Don’t shed any tears; continue on your path with dignity. I’ll do the same. "

@petria: epic line, to follow, this is my most awaited line, very well said Wang Yu.

Gabi/ Russian Coffee parody

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Actually SN made her decision of entering the concubine selection upon hearing about WY getting married. We cannot really blame WY for not waiting because he thought SN is dead. Given the circumstances, SN wasn't able to look for WY and tell him she is still alive in time. That's why I think their suboordinates play an important role in delivering the right information with proof. SN was heartbroken when she learnt that WY was getting married and that was a partial reason that pushed her to choose the revenge route I guess because she had lost her friends, her child and when she really 'lost' her love, she told herself that all this had to be avenged as WY's marriage is actually also directly linked and caused by El Temur's family which is who SN wants to take revenge on for all her loved ones. So, when WY learnt that SN is a concubine of TH, he was pissed because SN didn't look for him (but he didn't know that she heard of his marriage even before she went to look for him) and she wants to take revenge which is something he will never allow her to do by herself because he loves her alot that he doesn't want her to get hurt (like how TH feels). So, he being angry is normal and if SN is angry, it's also understandable because due to the lack of communication, they ended up in this state. I believe only when they sit down to talk face-to-face will they realise that what they did was unnecessary cause basically WY is avenging for SN and SN is avenging for all her loved ones. I think WY will eventually learn about their baby Byul from SN cause everyone is keeping it from him or he may learn about it from TH if he learns about it earlier than WY. :-SAbout the removal of TH from the throne, I think his plan may not go as planned cause as seen in the preview, he is surrounded by El Temur and his son and the guards so he cannot reject. Hopefully, Empress Dowager will enter in time to stop this from happening cause I think she's the only one with enough power to back him up. Even at this point, I don't think TH's reading and writing skills will come in handy. Unless he does it infront of everyone in his Imperial Palace Hall and reveal the blood letter at the same time. That would make an impact.

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drbigapple said: wow..the preview shown how manly taltal.. in the preview shown he pointed the sword on the mr cripple neck....he is superb...working in and out palace to bring down et clans...no matter wat...we still x blame wy to get mad...all the while he tot she dead..n now she is yuan concubine..though it is for revenge..wy didnt knw how bad sn suffered frm the death of her goryeo frens n even  lost the baby...he again will think sn made a drastic move without leaning on him...even though she sitting side by side with th on the throne..th still know sn heart  is not with him.....wat a tragic love story for 3 of them...

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