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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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@eunsuhae ET sent DK to Goryo to be part and tell him about his upcoming marriage and that he will be in one team...i think the girl WY married is from Yuan,so now he will be as well or something...WY knows who was behind the killing and tells DK at the table if he knows SN died and he faigns surprise and WY tells him he want's one thing in return from their alliance and that he will go to Yuan and that is to help him catch the ones behind all of this....WY is playing the nice guy that doesn't know a thing ...u can say his plan of revenge is already in motion after asking DK to help him...he is playing with him and he keeps him close and when he doesn't know he will strike him big time...join hands,be friends,gain his trust,make him believe he is ignorant while WY will use him and will avange all those he hurt along with ET and his clan...I actually like WY way of doing thinks,he is brilliant in tactics so revenge will be indeed joiful when is cold...WY like i sad knows very well who are the criminals and will go for all of them and maybe will make some kill them between themselves...
About SN...she said she is Lady of the house Ki more or less...Don Mate recognized her,curious if she will tell him and join hands with him as well(most likely if u ask me) and ED was impressed by her beauty,she never knew SN and i don't think she ever stoped to memorize the faces of the maidens in the palace(she indeed saw her many times but i don't think she rememberes her)...from what i saw she liked her...when i saw the flowers and presents that TH must use to choose his concubines i was like,when he will see SN i bet he will give her all of them...TS is indeed quite clever,i guess one learns how to survive in that Palace or dies....for those who don't know...TS came to meet the concubines and gave them to drink before meeting TH...all of them heard the rumors about how scary she is and were afraid that she will poison them in that moment...it was normal tea...the scheme was to make them believe it was ok and in the future when they won't be scared to drink them she would use tea that will make them unable to have children and she would be the only one who has a royal child ever...and ED came back from her imprisionment because the council wanted her back now that TH is unable to speak and be in charge and ET agreed to keep them pleased and because he has other plans and WY is in there just like making him marry an Yuan women..The Turk girl said when he saw WY sleeping drunk that she is sorry but her future is not the same as his future and she has other plans..is like what i want and my country isin't the same things your country wants and needs

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Today felt like the shadow of Hwang jin yi/ the TT falls in love special.I think hearing that WY was engaged to be married was the thing she needed to do away with her last residue of hesitancy, because after she is a concubine she can't turn back, unless she fakes her death again. :)) However knowing WY is about to marry someone else probably signifies the end of their relationship, however I doubt it means the end of their love for each other. Since their feelings were so deep towards each other, I doubt there is enough dirt in the world to bury all that up. Also their son is a lasting legacy. It is interesting that the writers chose the day of her re-entrance into the palace to be the day same day WY got married. If you look at it, this was basically the day both began their revenge plot by infiltrating the enemy camp. (WY enters ET family, SN enters ET court). I am happy though she finally entered the concubine selection process, let the countdown begin to the time TN wets herself lol. I found it interesting that she had a little intimidation session and of course her evil reputation preceded her. It was really convenient that SN missed that. I got a kind of ominous feeling when TN said something to the effect that those women wouldn't try to get pregnant and then SN all of a sudden showed up in the background, with the defiant look in her eyes. This is kind of giving the belief SN will give TH his own son greater weight.  As a side note I liked how SN won TT over, she is quite charming. I really felt like I was watching Hwang ji ni perform her arts again, I can't wait to see more scenes where SN acts the cold beauty. SN you can't bestow any goryo mercy, you guys see how that is biting WY in the butt, may be the situation will change in the future for him, Batolu may not be a total loss, but that demon family definitely is, so get rid of them all        
>:)  >:)  >:)

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Guest minnie0103

From what I see, the drama is not far from the novel anymore. The child plot did happen, so will the revenge, which is starting right now. 
Wang Yoo and Seung Nyang's misunderstandings are also in. Apparently, Seung Nyang did not know that Wang Yoo thought she was dead. What she had in mind could be His Majesty betrayed me and just married another girl while he was in Goryeo, unknown to her, he agreed to do it for the sake of avenging her "death". He did it for her, actually. Wang Yoo did not know either that Seung Nyang was alive. If only he knew the truth, there was no way he would have agreed to marry that girl, no matter what El Temur gave him in exchange. His love for Seung Nyang is not comparable in kind. And besides, (I think) a part of Seung Nyang was feeling that she couldn't face Wang Yoo anymore because of the thought that she lost their child. :( 
Take note, Seung Nyang was actually planning to go back to Goryeo before she heard that her King would become somebody else's husband. 
There's just a very small world. Wang Yoo and Seung Nyang would eventually meet again. That's what I'm looking forward to. 
P.S.The spoiler I translated and posted about Episode 24 ending scene turned out to be true. Baidu Tieba folks are somewhat reliable too. ;)

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@larabn... this episode had put a smile on my face

1. SN transformation

2. TT knows to play the "hard to get" thingy!!.. there is a growing feelings for SN.. hehhe.. sweet

3. TH can speak now... and as he said before SN is her mother chick and the his 1st word was Ngangyi...cute happy for him

but WY is sad.. poor him..


@pegster... thank you for the translation... your a big help.. My Little Angel is so intelligent so no wonder when my grandchild grew up he will be like her mom.. a superhuman!! evading all disaster falling on him.. what a lucky child...   

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Guest roshan90

I havent watched the show Live.. I am dying of curiosity..
So can anyone answer my stupid questions Please??
1. To whom did WY get married to?? Batolu girl or unknown person?? (If she is, is she beautiful BTW?? hehee)
2. Where did WY get married?? Yuan or Goryeo??

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Guest Ding Lin

As a WY-SN shipper, I was heartbroken to learned that WY got married when I first heard the news. After giving some thoughts, I started to find comfort in the situation. I guess the writers would like to create a PATH of NO RETURN.  Otherwise, we would always wonder why SN chose to go back to the palace and did not return to WY.  Here, we have our answers.  In a way, it is comforting!  

As WY, I felt so bad for him.  It seemed to me that he is a man with a lost soul! 

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Guest lindearist

This is such an amazing kdrama. Even though I have too many works to do, one view on his thread.. and I'll finish nothing. Lol YAY THE NEW SN HAS COME ♡ please BS & TN be tortured the most then die with nothing. (not even the rock that the other dead palace had; by SN)

WY & SN 3 I feel sorry for them.. even worse than jack and rose from titanic had suffered.

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larabn said: I loved tal tal and SN in this ep :)

guys I have a question :Did ED and Dok Man know she is SN when she introduced herself or did she give them a fake name ?
I know SN and Tal Tal stole today's episode for me too..

About your question, so what name do you think SN will use?? how will they think SN is a different person?? I am thinking she actually use her name?? or do you think they'll say its SN twins or someone from another planet that looks like SN??

I think she'll introduce herself as SN.

Sorry for cutting your post :)

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@Miky88 : thanks for enlightening me, so WY is basically feigning ignorance? this is more like it
this is the "keep your friend close and your enemy closer" strategy and I like it
we can also see the difference between WY and TH personalities through their reaction to SN "death", WY keeping his cool even though he's deeply hurt because his personality is strong like that while TH completely lost it

about how BA&TT are going to justify SN's status and such, could it be that they feel more confident now that they have the Blood Vow?
if DK and ET try to hinder their plans, they can use the letter as a winning card

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thank you for the preview :)

from the preview it looks like there is no hidden identity
and everybody knows it's SN
I wanted that to happen because I wanna see TN die from jealousy and anger that SN survived and is TH's concubine
but I that will cause them to try and hurt her more specially DK who will want to kill her now

I wonder will WY know that she is a live too
poor thing he just married :(
this ep was the best ep so far because we all have been waiting for SN's revenge and transformation
as well as Tal Tal's interaction with SN...I think everybody wants Tal Tal and SN

I'm on tal tal and SN's ship with you :)) :x count me as another passenger on that ship :)
and I heard her say her name is nyang if I'm not mistaken
no worries about my post dear :)

thank you @pegster for today's ep translations

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Guest anjshin

petria said: Naughty, @anjshin, yes, I agree, Tal Tal knows what it is like to be a woman in a world of men.
I hope nobody kills me after this insight, it`s all Anjshin`s fault, I`m innocent. ^#(^ O:-)

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said: @Miky88 : thanks for enlightening me, so WY is basically feigning ignorance? this is more like it

this is the "keep your friend close and your enemy closer" strategy and I like it

we can also see the difference between WY and TH personalities through their reaction to SN "death", WY keeping his cool even though he's deeply hurt because his personality is strong like that while TH completely lost it

about how BA

if DK and ET try to hinder their plans, they can use the letter as a winning card

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