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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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 @timsha, I think she will wake up with memory loss. I look for SG to have done something when no brain left him alone with her.  They are all aware of it so he;s gone into hiding. I hope this isn't a dream i like to see VP kick that azz. lol  If this is so SJ will help him but VP is smart enough to follow SJ because he knew that SJ was lying and covering for SG.  Also i could see him getting arrested at YJ wedding because LK regain her memory or the witness show back up.  That would be good he comes to the chruch with insp. jo calling him a murder telling how SJ father died and how he tried to kill him.      

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Yes that Yeondong project was something that LK had pumped lots of money into but with her in hospital, many of LK's contacts abandoned this project causing Seoul Hotel to suffer huge financial constraints. Assy Shin instigated SG to use his well known relation to 'noonim' and get their hands on it. SG on hearing that EH was the proxy President, offered to help guide EH in running the hotel with the intention of using the hotel seal to transfer this Yeondong Project to them .... when EH proved to be a stumbling block (after remembering LK saying she wants to use money from that project to make Seoul Hotel  the best in the country for VP...EH decided not to follow SG's advice ....  and that is when SG hired Jaepil to accuse/humilate EH in front of lawyer/director of being a murderer's daughter ....just so that the directors would replace her).  Of course SG  failed to have the Yeondong Project transfered cos VP came back and SG had to go to Assy Shin to apologise with his tail between his legs.  Basically SG needed lots of cash to launch his polictial career and Yeondong Project in their hands was to both Assy Shin/SG an ideal way of achieving it.

I too sometimes need to watch the episodes on KBS World to connect the dots.

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Okay guys I just figured out why EH is dumb and becoming worst.
 Eh version she want to go back from the beginning. She want her mother back that raise her since she was baby.  She want to lived at  Incheon and be NORMAL PERSON.  She want Sj back because he  treated her nicely and YJ as a friend. In her mind she still imagine THAT SJ and YJ was most important to her and her mum in Incheon.  
She doesn't really cared about LK,VP, and Jt.  I think she not over SJ because they still have unresolved feeling. If only the writer just end they feeling for one another, she can moved on with someone else, I not talking about VP or JT.
Regarding about the stupid tv novel.  There is no romance on the show at all.  It only about SG and him getting caught and paying the price.  All drama is about him and also YJ and Sj wedding leading toward his finally captured.  Eh never had the romance anymore and her own story ling. Think about it. Why did the writer put the titles TV novel Eunhee. I thought it about her and finding her own romance and and struggle. IT the writer fought because they should renamed the titled TV novel YJ or Sg.  the WHOLE STORY LINE INVOLVED Yj AND HER CRAZY FAMILY. also SJ too.
Eh should be second lead because she seem supported cast not lead woman.She dumb and the writer make her worst heroine.  Let Vp go back to US with LK and JT she find another job away  from EH.  Let EH end up only because she doesn't deserve anyone at all.

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  @katesg,  Your not alone i'm also waiting before i watch the episode. She normally have it done by now I guess she is busy, But she won't let us down.  I'm sure she will get around to it.
Did you watch this episode I'm interested in tomorrow Preview    

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Ep 118

*EH leaves the room, leaving SG alone with LK, he is thinking about that letter when LK opens her eyes.  SG is taken aback, LK's voice over saying SG why did you do that (maybe it was SG imagination??) ...anyway he panics and rushes out of the room .... VP sees SG leaving calls out to him but does not get a response....VP dashes to LK's room ...EH come back and notices LK has opened her eyes ..... delirious with joy.....VP also comes in ...LK just staring blankly (though at one point when EH questioned her I thought she kind of responded by closing her eyelids.... not sure).

*SG in his car furiously hitting the steering wheel cos he thinks its all over now that LK is awake.

*VP with doctor ... doctor says good sign and is hopeful now that LK has woken up from her coma. He congratulates VP....VP is anxious and query why LK does not respond at all  ..... doctor gave some explanation (vague). Inside the room, EH also thank LK for waking up, VP re-enters the room, EH finds out from VP what the doctor said and is relieved at the positive feedback. VP questions EH about SG being there.....she replies that SG was there but gone by the time she came back.....they are not sure whether he saw LK open her eyes.

*SG still in his car parked on the streets thinking about LK opening her eyes when 2 policemen come over to check his car ... like a frightened mouse he tries to make a run for it, but the cops chase after him and he stops .... they check his ID (think they were looking for someone else) and lets him go.  SG books himself into some motel room, drinks soju and falls into a drunken alcohol infused sleep.

*Next day Halmoni's house breakfast scene ....SG not there.... Halmoni questions Gilrye, she says no calls from him. Halmoni finds that strange as he normally he would have called. Everyone talking about different scenarios ......In the office, SJ on the phone checking out the various places SG might be but with no luck, a worried Halmoni walks in suggest calling the police, SJ say to wait a while more.  In his motel room SG still asleep when the motel lady wakes him up....SG opens the door and an angry VP rushes in (not elaborating... its another dream) ....SG wakes up realises what time it is.

*Miss Ko receives call from SG inquiring if anyone called/looking for him ...says it cos some work he was delayed ...leaves instructions not to tell anyone he called.  SG hanging around near LK's room at the hospital....sees JT/HJ coming and hides. EH/VP in the room talking ... LK has her eyes closed again....JT/HJ enter....HJ crying and apologising to LK pleading with her to open her eyes ...suddenly LK opens her eyes again (just a blank stare).....HJ crying, and then LK closes her eyes again.  VP looking upset leaves the room with JT following him out.  They talk outside ....VP still suspecting SG although JT still not so convinced.....VP leaves, JT returns to the room.

*SG with Jaepil in his office... trying to find out if any info on LK.....Jaepil says no info from hotel/nothing unusual happening, suggesting to SG he is worrying unnecessarily since with Yongpal missing and no hit&run car... but SG is still in a worried daze....he leaves after telling he will call him if needed.

*SG returns home....screams at Baeksu for pulling his legs and goes to the office. Halmoni in her house asking why SJ is still not notifying the police .. when SG walks in telling a lie to cover his absence.....goes into his room to rest.  SJ looks worried as he did not fall for that story SG gave.  In their room SG all worried.....asks Gilrye where YJ is...Gilrye says at school.....he tells her to pack up necessary items ....she is shocked, why???.....SG says that LK has woken up....Gilrye tells him to calm down maybe LK might not remember, says something about the letter(??)...SG insist Gilrye gets started..she complies.  SG leaves the house and runs into VP outside....VP asks where are u going in such a hurry...asks SG whether he knows about LK....they are about to go to his office when Baeksu runs over to greet VP....thru Baeksu blabbering he finds out that SG just returned home.  VP says good news must be shared.  SG/VP head for the house....inside with Halmoni, Gilrye, SG,SJ ....VP talks something about the wedding again ..... conversation leads him to inform them that his mother is awake and will return soon ... SG is worried again....VP asks him why are u shocked?  SG says not shocked but happy, Gilrye too joins in the conversation saying its a relief.  SJ asks whether LK knows who the hit&run driver is.....VP answers very soon they will get to know (???).  Even Halmoni is pleased with the news then notices SG does not look too good and asks whether he is feeling unwell.....VP looks on grimly at SG....both SG/SJ look upset/uneasy.  VP walks to his car accompanied by SG/SJ .....VP mentions about SG being at the hospital ......SJ looks questioningly at SG, SG looks at a loss for words, then says he is happy/relieved  she is recovering ..... therefore VP says please reconsider holding the wedding at the hotel. VP leaves .... SJ says it is great that the hotel president is recovering ..... SG bitterly agrees turns away and leaves with a worried SJ looking at him.

*SG goes back home .. everyone is waiting for him inside.  He says VP has left.  Baeksu/Haengja happy with LK's recovery ....Haengja asks SG wont they be able to find the hit&run driver soon ....he says maybe....Baeksu/Haengja is roundly cussing the driver and wishing all kinds of punishment on him ....

*SG goes to the office ..... pondering his next move as he finds it strange that VP has not come outright about LK saying anything....he is wondering if its all a lie.

*SG goes to the hospital to check out the details of LK's recovery, flashing back on Jaepil's words that nothing unusual happened....however when he tries to enter LK's room 2 guards block his entry. He outraged when told only family members are permitted ...screams at them about his 'noonim' asking them to check with JT....JT comes out but refuses to allow SG to enter either, he then tries to get information on LK's progress but JT feigns ingnorance.  SG goes to the doctor to get information whether LK memory is intact (??), the doctor too looks pissed at him, SG says even when he was busy he came from Incheon as he was concerned....but the doctor asks him to leave too. SG is puzzled.

*EH/JT in LK's room ....EH all upset why SG is kept out, wonders why VP is doing this and asks JT whats the reason....so JT tells her do you remember saying that night LK received a call from someone she knew, we think the hit & run driver could be someone we know, EH says dont tell me you think that its ahjusshi (SG)...JT says no just that we are being careful with everyone.  VP comes in and hears from JT that SG came .... VP says he knows.  EH tells VP that he is keeping information from her ....she wish he would tell her too so that she can understand/know and not feel upset....VP tells JT to take her out to eat as she hasnt eaten at all....EH/JT leaves.  SG on his way out of hospital furious with everyone.  VP alone with LK pleads with her to wake up and remember.....he is screaming at LK asking her do you know who long I have been waiting.....was it Cha Seokgu ...wake up now and tell me ...... LK opens her eyes.....VP says 'ommoni' staring at her.  END... there was no preview.

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Just a word of caution to newcomers .... do watch it on KBS World cos sometimes I get things wrong....I watch too with english subs to know if I had made a glaring mistakes, little one I overlook but if I am totally wrong I highlight it here.

Also I stay away from the happenings in that old man's house, (I normally take a break cos its so totally irrelevant to the plot and I cant stand that fat guy, IIbong).  They could do away with the lot of them.... for comic relief there is that greasy cockroach Baeksu and slow talking Haengja. Cant understand why they wasted so much time on unnecessary characters when they could easily use that airtime to develop some romance for EH ....I believe right up to the end there will be no focus at all on EH's love life ..... a pity as she has such potential as an actress, especially when I saw her in 'Shark' I remember thinking she was good for someone so young .....the director/producer/writer in this drama did nothing but potray her as a very dull and drab mouse apologising her way for everything and everyone even when its was not her fault resulting in her nickname 'no brain dorothy' .... to me the ones with no brains is the scriptwriter for introducing EH as the lead and then forget about developing her role.

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 @lindab12       You may also like Master Son. The 3 new ones that has caught every ones attention Warm words, Pretty Boy Aka Bel Ami, Well Raised Daughter. If these are not to your taste let us know we will be sure to suggest others.
Really not to much happening.   I think our SG would get the asst. from Japiel again. He cannot have her waking up. Thank God (VP) he's smart to hire bodyguard EH don't think  SG is capable of something like this.  I wish she would keep her mouth closed when she should speak she don't and when don't speak she should . With this last 3 episodes dragging,  I'm looking for a much needed surprise for friday's cliffhanger.
.@timsha      Can you shed some light on the scene with police officer. What kind of list was that did he show his DL or some kind of membership card.  Also in episode 108 Insp. Jo was fired. They couldn't charge him with bribery.  So he was let go at SG request. Insp. Jo told SG he was going to the country to do some farming.  I think he;s keeping a low profile and watching SG actions,       

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@valsava the cops checking SG's licence realised they got the wrong guy after verifying his name was Cha Seokgu .... one cop said to the other 'I dont think he is the one' .....probably the cops checking out some other driver with similar car having some traffic violations.....I dont think it was important...just SG freaking out thinking cops were already onto him after LK opened her eyes. 

SG never requested Insp Jo to be freed ... the bribery charges SG framed Insp Jo with  forced him to take an early retirement and he said he planned to settle down to farming in the countryside ...but I thought that was just to throw SG off thinking he has washed his hands off the case. Insp Jo reminds me of Columbo, never gives up ... like u I hope he is still tailing SG, but then again with VP there do we really need  Insp Jo ;) Insp Jo is old school, some one who plods along...VP got more brains and more proactive than everyone put together, plus he is gorgeous, got this soft puppy eyes full of sadness now .... OK going to stop here or this comment will take up half this page.

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 5:50am  CST    Top of the morning ,   Well I don't look for any romance in this novel.  The heroine  plays a very lonely character in this drama.  Her life is very boring nothing to hold the viewers attention in regards to her role. I don't no if was purposely done by the writer or they just got caught up in SG character. 
The title should be called  The Cha Family Evil Deeds.   

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 @/rollingpig    I also think she is hopeless in this drama maybe this is her first of her being the lead.  Her as a person how can she let them portray her character like this she's not speaking up nor her manager I understand not wanting to cause a scene it would be hard to get other directors to work with you but this is beyond me. If the writer don't hurry and do something drastic with her character she will remain not seen in this drama.  Were not seeing any emotional scenes to show her talent Looks like they gave those scenes to YJ.    This will also hurt her in the future with other projects. 
Okay writer you have 22 episode to have upcoming actress shine so give her a chance to showcase her talents.         

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Guest katielinhnguyen

Hi everyone.   I just finished watching ep 108 that was when VP came back!!!! He is sooooo handsome.... I don't know why I like SJ first LOL.  Anyway, I love it when he said to Eunhui, "what are you doing looking like a fool?"  he should have said, Hey STUPID, wake up... just kidding.   Then he saw LK ( I love him even more because he so cares for LK but pretends to resent her) by saying to himself, what are you doing laying there, that's not you. wake up and tell me why I am late." so touching..

He didn't stopped there by telling JT what are you doing, "when I left, I told you to look after LK and Eunhui and now one in the hospital and the other is still dumb LOL ( I made the dumb more up)

@Timsha, thanks for th re cap again.   I so hope by tonight, they will know that SG knows he is the real murderer.   I hate the fact that his whole family, including, SJ is covering up for him.   Now I really started to hate Gilyre, SG wife more.  She is hiding more for him than he himself.  Why can't she just say come out and be clean and ask for forgiveness etc... They are digging themselves into more trouble.

VP is so smart by hiring guards to protect LK and of course Eunhui is still on SG side.   I think I am starting to understand this novel... Here we have a main character that is so pretty but yet so naive and innocent that she takes everyone's words good or bad and keeps it to herself.   On the other hand, we have SG, is so evil and trying to do anything to protect him and his family..  In the end, the good one will prevail but I would love to see how SG and of course, YJ pay for the crime first (for at least 20 episodes) and not just a few remaining left.

I am hoping the wedding at the hotel will be next episode too so VP can have the police arrest SG for the murder of Eunhui dad when stupid SJ and evil YJ about to exchange vows.  Or after the vow too so that SJ knows he is marrying a murderer's daughter...   Not only she is a murderer daughter but also a lying manipulative B***itch and she is now his wife.  Gosh, I am starting to feel that he doesn't have a sense to see what is wrong and right anymore. 

Alright, I am getting too mean.  until next time!!!!

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@katielinhnguyen  Well SG can't be arrest for Doeksu's murder but he can be arrested for KYP murder, attempted murder of LK, Slush funds, etc, etc,. If only that lying witch of his daughter would do something criminal too so she could go to jail right along with him! Yeah I can't stand Gilyre anymore also, she might as well have string attached to her body because she is nothing but SG's puppet.

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aaaack!  Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam!  VP is back!  I had given up watching it ever since our charismatic VP left, and I happened to be toggling the channels when I chance upon him!  Hurray!  He's the only reason I am watching and I hoped this means they will pair him up with the lead actress.


Really cant stand that EH still look so dreary - shdn't they dress her up and make her pretty by now?

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