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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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Guest charliew

angelangie said: @packmule3 
unnie....they only film about 13-14days in total and yes that means they only spend about that amount of times together....as both have tight schedule to maintain......lets see....
Episode 1 - Shoe cafe and snow mountain which finish filming in 1 day :) - Airing on 8th April :)5th Feb - the first times filming :) for Gui Gui as they were filming her BIR here :)  - DAY 16th Feb - :) - okie then kill me now....im running in circles trying to string them together DAY 2
Episode 2 - Moving into the New House :) - 13th April airing21st Feb - she was strolling up the pathway towards Taec to move into their new home DAY 5
Episode 3 - Continuations of them settling into their new house and cooking dinner and exchanging gift :) - 19th April airing5th Feb??? @@" - so this mean they had already meet now that is sure funny lols if this was film on the 5th as the clip said....okie unnie im going to say that the technical team insert the wrong date....because this definitely happen after the shoes cafe so corrections from me!!! DAY 1!!! @@"""""
Episode 4 - Selecting and Taking pictures for their Wedding Album - Airing on 22nd April
15th Feb - wow....they sure jump their days around......hmmmmmmmm....picking up and selecting their wedding concepts.... ><" - DAY 3
Episode 5 - Continuations of taking their photos - Airing 3rd May17th Feb - sure is headache stringing their days together lols so that means they had their wedding photo shoot well before their moving into the house??? more stars coming out of me ><"""""" :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ and more questions marks form !!!!! DAY 4
Episode 6 - Continuations of taking their photos - Airing 10th May17th Feb - too wow......now u tell me :/ wow.....honestly now we know why they are tired......im not sure if the part where they walk down thru the pathway to the photo studio is also on 17th Feb cause it wasnt shown DAY 4
4th March - after all these where they are gearing up for their jejudo trip and they picking up their rings first DAY 6
Episode 7 - Jejudo Honeymoon trip - Airing 17th May5th March - taking the earliest flight to Jejudo :) DAY 7
Episode 8 - Playing the swimming pool and the proposal :) - Airing 24th May5th March - also same happens on the same day wow....they really do compact their filming didnt they - pool side & proposal also lols DAY 7
Episode 9 - Breakfast and wedding day lols - Airing 31st May6th March - so the wedding and breakfast....and also playing about Jejudo - DAY 8
sides Notes: Gui Gui scandal with George Hu that was expose by her own mother exploded on 7th March.... that means she was flying back on 7th and her manager actually told the fans not to worry as the production teams and her husband is taking care of her.....so that leave us to wonder.....when actually did the scandal break? 6th or 7th as she still seems pretty normal for the wedding n also when they were playing about Jejudo
Episode 10 - Going thru their wedding Photo and preparing food for the house warming party - Airing 7th June14th March - Filming day hmmmm.......so that means they break for another 2 weeks before meeting up again??? DAY 9
Episode 11 - Nickhun and Taec's friends arrival day lols :) - Airing 14th June
14th March - also lols for the filming dayDAY 9
Episode 12 - The day they compose their songs & recording their songs together :) - Airing 21st June
okie i cant find dates for this one....i estimate maybe happen in 2 days???? DAY 10 & 11
Episode 13 - De-stressing days - Airing 28th Juneso no dates was mention again....but pretty sure it happen in 2 days again???? DAY 12 & 13????
Episode 14 - part of their everland journey and also the day they open their separations missions card :( - Airing 5th Julyso no dates agains.....Hmmmmm but this one 1 days from Episode 13 so is including im sureDAY 13so they are back at home and received the separation card a diff day? DAY 13??? or DAY 14??and the train stations is their last days... DAY 14 or 15???
Episode 15 - Separations trains scene - Airing 12th Julso this is another day in together with the episode 14 too i assumes :/ no dates again.....so did the productions stop putting in worried we string them together? lolsDAY 14 or 15???
If my calculations is corrects it is in 14days together unnies.....and if i'm not wrong.....the Chinese FB at Baidu.com did string them together too and i think they had also estimated that TaecGui only film together for like 2 weeks only.....so even if there is an additional it only 2weeks and 1 day i say

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We are micheoso and we love it!!!-what drew me to TaecGui? 
Before I get into that, let me just introduce myself. I am B8L8, originally from Cebu Philippines but currently living in Los Angeles. I first got into kdramas through TFC way back in 2007 when they showed "Lovers in Paris". I couldn't wait for the next episode and before long, I was googling for more and the door was opened into a whole new world. I prefer light, rom-coms to tearjerkers sometimes watching 3 at a time. 
I was browsing dramafever for something new to watch when I stumbled upon WGMG. It was shortly right after the 14th episode was aired. This is the first time I've watched a korean reality show in it's entirety. I have been following Sandara of 2NE1 only because I knew her from the Philippines and watch her guest on shows on YT. That's it. The others did not catch my attention despite or because of their outrageous hairstyles and fashion sense. They just didn't appeal to my ahjumma sensibilities So going back to my point, I did not have prior knowledge of 2pm. I chose to watch it mainly because of GuiGui who is from Taiwan where my husband is from and for Mina whom I just saw in the King of Dramas.
I have to say that I was drawn to TaecGui from the get-go and soon enough began skipping over the hongmina scenes (I just couldn't understand why they don't at least have a loveseat where they could sit together instead of that stage). I love how random and spontaneous GuiGui is, sometimes to the point of shocking Taec into a "mental breakdown". Like the time when she called him Yeobo. His reaction was priceless!!! It seemed for a moment he forgot the cameras were rolling and even the staff couldn't help but laugh out loud. There's a lot more but I'll stop here. 
Just one other thing, before TaecGui (BTG), I just lurked around soompi kdrama threads, and scoffed at micheoso fans but after TaecGui I actually got micheoso enough to de-lurk and comment. I even started fangirling (something I never quite understood and never thought would become!!!). ATG, I stopped watching my kdramas for a while and have to say I most certainly  contributed to that 1.8M views by refreshing every 10 secs! hahaha. 
Now, I have a family here, and when I come home I recognize the people who are online. They are not just usernames anymore!!! Although I have resumed watching (I just could not resist So Ji Sub), I spend more time on this ship, even making a few mvs myself (that's another first!!!)
We don't know what the future holds for our ship but I don't regret ever shipping them. Their virtual dating/marriage is over. It was fun while it lasted. Now, its time for their real one!!!
Now on to the food!!! Let's party!!!
KINILAW/ Mackerel Ceviche
sinugba2_zps1fc52ee2.jpgsinugba_zps9533855d.jpgSINUGBA/ Grilled seafood and meat
here's the dipping sauce for all that grilled goodness:suka_zps230605fb.jpg

since this is a really special occasion how about some:primerib_zpsba5cc438.jpg
Prime Rib
rack of Lamb
I know I promised Philippine-style cioppino but couldnt find a decent pic, so5840792313_c606fc554e_zpsee1f0e6a.jpgCioppino
for dessert, how about some macarons from Laduree8619966772_763f8e4c9c_zps4e1a00ce.jpg

ENJOY!Edit: oops.... Credits:kinilawsinugba, dipping sauce and prime ribcioppinolamb and macarons are mine

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Guest charliew

I love this 10 House Rules so much..Love seeing both of them interact with each other. But why they skipped Taec's rules from #1 to #5. I wanna hear what he said about his #2 and #4. That was really interesting rules. Also they did not show how finally they agreed on their 10 House Rules.
Here is Taec's 10 Rules:1. Share housework2. Dont Lie, be honest3. Give at least one compliment a day4. Always keep your promises no matter what5. Take care your own business6. Dont be a picky eater, enjoy every meal prepared for you7. Acknowledge your mistakes during fights8. Dont force me to wake up9. Dont force me to eat breakfast10. Keep a distance of 10 meters from me when i'm sick .... LOL.. why Taec?
Guigui's 10 Rules1. Always greet me with a big smile2. Express your expression for me everyday by saying I love you or giving kisses on the forehead3. Scratch any itchy spots .. back neck or wherever else ....LOL.4. The husband should always help the wife 5. Enjoy every meal the wife prepared for you and always thank and praise her by saying 'its really delicious' or my wife is the best... LOL..she is detailed oriented..6. Always have breakfast together7. Always hold each other hand when going out.8. The husband always should apologize first whenever get into the argument ... LOL.. thats my girl! 9. Never fart under the blanket ... LOL10. Do not snore while sleeping
His #1 matches hers #4, his #3 well kind of matches her s#5, his #6 matches hers #5...but his #7 and hers #8 woahahahaahaha.. I go with my girl hahahaha503k.png

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angelangie said: @yokalana @tango92
do join me lols.....but i leave it you girls first....as i need to get a shower first as i need to clear up another batch of works in 1 hours times and i need to get it done for another 8 hours.....yup ((reality suckss.....graveyard again tonight :) )) .... so that means that room will be my solace while i work and enjoy you girls chit chat....and currently we are play episode 10 since @tango92 had pick that....
well unnie we cant do much about that tent ..... it bounds to come off lols..... @129alphabet do get to the house should you? lols.....take a dip of anything on the tables....the food will be there thru out the weekend :D
and more are in the fridge so girls dont worry eat your fills should girls n guy which is @drft ....are you sure your gf / wife okie with you spending times at a girls only party or maybe you should bring her along :D we wont mind that just to convert her....promise you that she will be intact and in a piece when she left here :D

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Guest gil_noona

miz-em said:

Ohhhhhmylife!!! I'm in FOOD HEAVEN!!!!

Can't wait for the party to finally kickoff...!!!  Wait... do we need anything else????  Where's the list for all the food being prepared.. :)more booze? more appetizers? more fruits? more main meals?  anything?

Does anyone bring sausages for the BBQ already? Maybe you can bring fruits... banana? Since it seems that uri Gui2 like to eat banana (she ate it during wedding photo shoot bts and when they came to the house for the 1st time)...

Here..banana..with the minion's..kekeke..


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We are micheoso and we love it!
What drew me to Taecgui?
First, I got into Kdramas thanks to my friend who introduced me to it, first drama I watched was Only You. And if I like how the actor/actress played his role, I will check all his/her dramas and have a marathon. As for Taecgui, I've never heard of Guigui before and although I've known Taecyeon from his previous dramas, I still didn't watch any of 2PM clips and honestly, I only know Taecyeon, Wooyoung because of dreamhigh, Nichkhun because of his runningman guestings and didn't even listen to their songs until after watching GWGM because I saw the other side of Taecyeon, not the one who always holds a broom in Cinderella unni and the good dancer/performer in dream high. I saw Taecyeon the person, not the actor.
When 2PM made a comeback, my friend was bugging me to watch their performances and tell her how it was...and since I'm not into Kpop, and I only know and love Rain, yes, Rain and that explains why my username is pluie625 (french for rain) and unni @packmule3 was somehow right about me being expert on physics of rainshowers as I'm an engineer and we studied precipitation coz it's part of hydrology/hydraulics, but actually I'm just crazy about Rain the artist, and so why I used pluie as username and 625, well obviously has to do with him, it's his birthdate LOL...
Anyway, back to Taecgui, as I was saying she bugged me to watch 2PM and it took me awhile before I gave in and I was glad I did check their comeback because that led me to Taecgui. After watching one of their performances on youtube, their GWGM showed on the screen, so I checked it and the first thing I saw was their wedding photoshoot. And that got me interested, I saw something, love is in the air. They're attracted to each other, they might not know yet by then but they are into each other, checking each other unknowingly. Their chemistry was overflowing, and they have developed a camaraderie that their rapport was just mind blowing coz they are always in sync. What I like best about them, it's their spontaneity, they're not like any other couple, they just went with the flow, they're both fun to watch and mostly because of Guigui's clumsiness and antics that made the show alive, and what made Taec have his mental breakdown all the time and that made him alive. 
And I saw another Inhyun in the making, I've noticed that they somehow exude the same feel and what I saw in Inhyun couple. I've liked other drama pairings before like Rain & SHin Min Ah of A love to Kill, SSH and SYJ of Spring Waltz, KTH & SSH of My Princess, and JHW and YIN of Queen In Hyun's man...BUT I've never been this micheoso as I am with our Taecgui couple. That this house became my other home, I became a part of the micheoso family that I know who are who now by the usernames. And can't last a day without checking how the micheoso family's been doing and what happened to the couple themselves. And thanks to the ever rational angel who always updates us, what would we do without our very own @angelangie? And yeah, the rest is history since the day I started posting here. but being micheoso has its disadvantage too, I can't be micheoso around my family hahahaha, and 2 weeks was sooooo long for my sanity. 
Taecgui was the first and only WGM show I ever watched. And after watching their show and being a part of the micheoso family, I'm not watching much of Kdramas lately. And I don't know if I have to thank my friend or not for making me watch the 2PM comeback that led me to Taecgui and led me to this forum and making me michoso. But thanks to my friend, I've made friends from all over the world. Like @b8l8, I never imagined myself fangirling too hahaha and what would my officemates/coworkers say if they will see me like this LOL.
My favorite moment of Taecgui? 
Ottoke? I can't choose because I love all their interactions. But what really got my attention was the photoshoot and particularly this moment.....Their eyes speak volumes...they say it best when they say nothing at all....


I'm bringing the following for the party:


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Guest gil_noona

Woohoo! I learnt how to post a video from youtube. Thanks @minwooluv. I can't believe I am excited over a virtual party but you gals are fantastic with all the scrumptious food and setup. I think I am cra...zy! lol! Anyway, my contribution is JYP's (boss of 2pm, an extremely talented composer and singer)

latest song "Love is the best". It is a groovy r&b tune....enjoy!


cf. BubbleFeetBeatCH6

Mianhae..but he's ugly..

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I love Taecgui non verbal moments and using the eyes to show affection or talking in a language that only both of them understand. Below are the moments that made me sizzling hot... When the eyes met....nothing seem important anymore and in this world of theirs...there is just the 2 of them and that is what matters the most.. 705b27e7105185e1cabebb4f97b767b2.jpg860b5aacb714724177afc5574568bcdb.jpg02e83c07e7bdd92ca89d539addd35a9a.jpge34e9b5354965cc6a8cf1d44b9171e27.jpg

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and before I power Off... saw this one too and this reminded me of our very own authors' fanfic. They're all  in the same CF
@chu3x KHJ, @sshevolkth SSH @129alphabet JGS 
KHJ was a cutie around Choi Ji Woo, conscious and all, JGS was pretty himself (yes, pretty as a girl, a flowerboy hahaha), and SSH? gawd! he's just damn hot! and those eyes? I just melted! 

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we are micheseo and we love it!

What drew me to TaecGui so muchYea so one day I saw one of my friend watching GWGM in uni and I was curious and asked her what's she watching, and she told me is a show which a Korean idol marry with a Taiwanese actress. and yes she said Taec is very handsome lol. And because of my curiousity on how they communicate, I started watching in my home on one boring day, and bam, I'm totally in love with that couple. 
I like this moment of Taecgui haha

Anyway, I am bringing these puff to the party. Its famous of its durian flovour puff but for those who don't eat durian, its okay, there are other flavour like yogurt and banana haha. CIMG9036_zpse382083c.jpg

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Replies First:

@bluemoonlight hahaha am I really boy-crazy? Hahah just a little??:)) i'm junho/su crazy... Or assET crazy? Hahahahaha i'll be waiting for you to give me not just a preview unnie~~~ 8->

@chinly lin bubble tea is soooo yum!!! *grabs another glass*


We are Micheosso and We Love it :)

우리는 미친고, 우리는 그것을 사랑 해요.

Fave TaecGui moment: Actually, like all of us here, every second of every single episode is my favorite :) but...


image_zps51c9bbe1.gif credit: owner

I'd like to give emphasis on how they hug~ i'd spam the page with a long post if I put in gif all the times they hugged since ep1... But i love each and everytime they hug because it is so natural but still filled with affection. Sometimes, they hug randomly but you could see how much they like hugging right? ㅋㅋㅋ I placed the 'proposal' hug gif because its so lovely to look at ❤❤❤

What drew me to the TaecGui craziness?

Well, I was a fan of GuiGui since BSM.. and through my sister(taec biased too) I knew of 2PM... So when I saw the news on the pairing... I knew that it will be crazy fun so I tuned in to the show -- and I was not mistaken... And watching them just got me hooked and here i am now, very crazy in love with TaecGui and not regretting anything ;)

Well links to an MV or FF?? I'd rather not since I might shamelessly promote my own =)) but please do subscribe in all taecgui fics~ just like me ;) its all really fun and nice to read ;-)

Favorite SocMedia indirect interaction:


This is so obvious and sweet ❤ I would have put the "who is me" guigui fb post and teac promotion post but this "hide-and-seek" post just feels more personal so this is first place for me ^_^ definitely my favorite.. Makes me giddy :)))

Funny family experience

Well, aside from my sister who I tortured for her Taecyeon

Analysis back then, nobody really knew about my Taecgui craziness in my family.. But my sister has always called me crazy whenever I love an actor/actress or group so much.. Just like she called me crazy for sporting guigui hairstyle during the years that BSM and MIT were airing and now she calls me crazy for doing ffs and mvs for uri couple but she's not against it so all's good :-)

As for food well... Brought heaps of Pepero :)


And i made it extra special~~~


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dear unnies and all of taecgui shippers... am I too late for the party?!
cause look what I bring...
cakes and sweet drinks

I even have prepared my outfit for the party.. white dress and silver shoesValentines-Day-wedding-inspiration-ideas

and last but not least.. i also invited some of my friends to accompany us at the party and they will definitely heat up the party... hihihihi... (if its allowed)tumblr_lxpyclxw4p1qg22hlo1_1280_zpsbe65e

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Woohoo! I learnt how to post a video from youtube. Thanks @minwooluv. I can't believe I am excited over a virtual party but you gals are fantastic with all the scrumptious food and setup. I think I am cra...zy! lol! Anyway, my contribution is JYP's (boss of 2pm, an extremely talented composer and singer)

latest song "Love is the best". It is a groovy r&b tune....enjoy!


cf. BubbleFeetBeatCH6

Mianhae..but he's ugly..

;))keke good thing he's talented. I like this new song by him. It will be on repeat. ^^Thanks for sharing!

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Guest bladerunner

Belle said: dear unnies and all of taecgui shippers... am I too late for the party?!
and last but not least.. i also invited some of my friends to accompany us at the party and they will definitely heat up the party... hihihihi... (if its allowed)

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