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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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Guest bluemoonlight

Lmangla said: @bluemoonlight -- waiiiiiit.. don't leave yet... share your Taecgui story and then take a nap.. don't forget to say "we are micheseo and we love it!"

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Guest charliew

cchris5 said: @Lmangla Eh, I don't know how JYP (Park Jin Young) became famous. All I know is that he is the founder or head of JYPE which is home to 2pm, 2am, Wondergirls, Miss A .....He is also a truly gifted composer and singer, wrote most of the songs for his groups. Eh, he is forty this year...anyone interested?? @Lmangla go easy on the soju....how are you going to last the whole party, huh? hahaha....no ganbei.....

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Now that I got the food off my hands, dress code checked...I'm almost allowed entry to the party :P

a link to your favourite MV, picture or fanfic of TaecGuipiano-3_zpsd5c0ba9b.jpg

Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures...angelangie should have better ones saved in her laptop ^^There are way TOO many pictures that I love...these are just a few of them...
@Lmangla I'm admitted, right?  Followed the rules to the T ;)  :D
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Guest cchris5

OK, How did I become a delulu TeacGuiholic?

I am not a Hottest and probably won't ever be but I know of 2pm and have watched some of their MVs. Who have not heard of the beastly idols who go ripping off their shirts and doing acrobatics in their dances. I have also watched their 2pm shows which aired about 2 years ago and they are really hilarious. Everyone of them is dorky and funny. Watch it if you have not done so. Honestly, Taec did not stand out at all, they were all the same. However, I was impressed by a vid about 2pm members trolling TY 100 times without him knowing. They were so mean to him but he did not even get angry at all. I thought, wow, what a nice guy! And, of course I read about his scandals....

Before gwgm, I have only heard of GG's name but did not know how she looked like and have never watched any of her dramas or yt videos.

Out of all the WGM couples, I have only watched khuntoria, joongbo, some of jokwon/gain and leejoon/yeonseo. Well, when the scandal broke out about yeonseo, I gave up the series.

Then, when I read of gwgm and who the couples were, I thought that it should be interesting to see a korean guy paired with a taiwanese girl. In the beginning, I watched both couples but right from episode 1, I found TaecGui to be cute and funny. There was something genuine and real about them, they were really behaving like how a cross-cultural couple would behave. Everything they did was spontaneous and both of them were really cute and funny! After a few episodes I dropped you know who and don't want to incur anyone's wrath here by saying why.

And....like many of you here....I liked GuiGui from the first sight. I have been wondering, if we females of all ages and from all walks of life and different cultures
love GG.....how is it possible that Taec do not like her? I don't think it is possible, even seulong, go, kwanghee and his 2pm bros were quite taken with her.

LIke so many of you here, I too think that they are a match made in heaven and so right for each other. If only they realize it too and act upon it. Maybe they have and we just don't know about it.

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cchris5 said: OK, How did I become a delulu TeacGuiholic?

I am not a Hottest and probably won't ever be but I know of 2pm and have watched some of their MVs. Who have not heard of the beastly idols who go ripping off their shirts and doing acrobatics in their dances. I have also watched their 2pm shows which aired about 2 years ago and they are really hilarious. Everyone of them is dorky and funny. Watch it if you have not done so. Honestly, Taec did not stand out at all, they were all the same. However, I was impressed by a vid about 2pm members trolling TY 100 times without him knowing. They were so mean to him but he did not even get angry at all. I thought, wow, what a nice guy! And, of course I read about his scandals....

Before gwgm, I have only heard of GG's name but did not know how she looked like and have never watched any of her dramas or yt videos.

Out of all the WGM couples, I have only watched khuntoria, joongbo, some of jokwon/gain and leejoon/yeonseo. Well, when the scandal broke out about yeonseo, I gave up the series.

Then, when I read of gwgm and who the couples were, I thought that it should be interesting to see a korean guy paired with a taiwanese girl. In the beginning, I watched both couples but right from episode 1, I found TaecGui to be cute and funny. There was something genuine and real about them, they were really behaving like how a cross-cultural couple would behave. Everything they did was spontaneous and both of them were really cute and funny! After a few episodes I dropped you know who and don't want to incur anyone's wrath here by saying why.

And....like many of you here....I liked GuiGui from the first sight. I have been wondering, if we females of all ages and from all walks of life and different cultures
love GG.....how is it possible that Taec do not like her? I don't think it is possible, even seulong, go, kwanghee and his 2pm bros were quite taken with her.

LIke so many of you here, I too think that they are a match made in heaven and so right for each other. If only they realize it too and act upon it. Maybe they have and we just don't know about it.

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Guest alisonchua

@Lmangla. Hope I am not late because I have to travel by boat! We are michoso and we love it! The interaction between them is priceless...a very delightful couple that never fails to make us laugh and to anticipate what is going to happen next. My favourite moments wld be ep 3...'OPPA JJANDORI' and ep 8...playing in the swimming pool :D

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Guest lauramcfarlane

packmule3 said: Tagged ya, @mimitski12!  Glad you joined us.  Let me guess…you attended an all-girl Catholic school, didn’t you?  I’d no compunction about acting wild and boisterous at the playground, but every time I get called out by Sr. Mary-Jo, I ended up admitting guilt to something I didn’t even do. I realized early on, I couldn’t possibly live a life of crime.  Now, may I request some vegetarian noodles please and the little escargots in spicy coconut sauce.  Selamat! 
Hi @wishstarz and @aucourant! I’m glad you could join us. Aucourant, if you wish, you could give us a timeline of their days together. I did that for my reference so I’d know the sequence of events but I don’t know where my notes went. I think for the regular WGM, the casts are scheduled to meet every two weeks but the filming could last more than a day. But if you are mapping out Taecgui’s time together, pay attention to her nail colors, instead of her hairstyle or her outfit. You could tell by her manicure if days or weeks had actually elapsed between meetings because women don’t have their nails done daily.  
@pluie625! Welcome back! [Get ready for an air-kiss…right cheek…left cheek.] Seafood is one of my weaknesses!  Who also mentioned bringing a Philippine version of cioppino today, was it @b8l8?
And I love red velvet, too, @miz-em. Those look decadent!  I’d lined up at Georgetown.cupcakes for 30 minutes, in the winter, just to get my fix after a long day at work. Thirty minutes!!  It’s like the olden days in Soviet Union when there was a bread shortage, but the only difference between me and a Russian babushka [yeah, yeah @drft, just pretend I’m one] waiting at a breadline is choice. I chose to line up for red velvet, she shouldn’t have lined up for daily bread in the first place. That’s your economic theories at work. How are studies coming along?
@bibidep, whiskey, cognac, brandy…sure, I guess, they’re fine. Ask @lmangla.  She’s the boss.  I think she said to check the IDs, but perhaps check for intoxication as well, if they’re on the 3rd drink?  I’ve Irish-German blood so you could say, I tolerate alcohol…like a fish tolerates water.  lol.  But we don’t want guests taking an accidental dip in the Atlantic Ocean, fully clothed. :) 
Okay, now I’m going to call out some people to de-lurk: @vampireknight1972, @ai7een, @guierfa, @belle, @xoxohapie, @torreydinh, @nalikahibar, @ambass, @femeka, @D.O, @anotherdelusional, if you’re here just say hi! Or right click LOL.  You don’t need to bring anything. We’ve got plenty of food, but we’d love to hear from you.  
And @jcruz, @sg2013ship, @taecguilover, @jenniferlum @lauramcfarlane, @tangmo92, @minshariff @robotbunny @yddelight if you decide to attend at the last minute, your names have been added to the guest list. 
You, too: @sshevolkth, @fanfromsoutheastasia
@angelangie, @lmangla. The girls are fighting over who goes in whose tent, I believe. :) 

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Guest charliew

angelangie said: @labbit
no worries i felt you totally.....i shipped others couples before but just as passing but never one as strong as this.....
initially i was with them because of Gui Gui then the MV i saw that i share out in the previous page...that was actually wat really drew me to them....i was thinking to myself....how can two person looks so good together that they actually Picture Perfect even for the most casual pose and the most casual attire that both of them wear :)
then i watch their interaction in the conference....and do you honestly believe me that i even watch it while i was at work.....oh well not watching but listening since they has an english interpreter right at the scene though i tune her out when she interpreting Gui Gui as she got most of the stuff wrong....and being able to understand mandarin is not a hindrance for me......
i did sneak in one or two viewing in between....and so i was satisfied a bit partially warm up to ......then i went home and watch the scene of the conference and im totally bowl over....and i start thinking to myself......they are so at ease with each other....and Pd-nim mention that they had film 2/3 of their film together.....so okie fair enough which is why they should be at ease....but i didnt know that it was right after their honeymoon which is also their main reason they are so so so so so good together......and then once i knows i went back to replay their scene at the conference again...and i notice more!!! and i feel even deeper....
honestly TaecGui had make an impact in my life.....and i honestly cant let them off just like this.....somehow they got me crazy enough to buy the OST album.....and even buy the T-shirt Gui Gui design for the charity.....lols.....so tell me am i sane? hell no but hell i still maintain my rationality but here with my micheosso families i dont have to be sane i can be as crazy as want :D 
and a sides note those cocktail are superb!!! :D :x love it totally :D

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Guest aucourant

@angelangie lol I was just compiling this as well when I refreshed the page haha but yeah our calculations are the same and I'm actually quite curious about some of the dates lol it never occurred to me that it was very possible that the way the episodes were aired weren't necessarily the order in which they were filmed. Brings up so many questions, hmmm. It makes me sad to think that they only spent such a short time ago but it makes me want taecgui season 2 all the more. Fighting. x)

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Guest Thet Witch

Waaah... So busy with work but will definitely make it to the party ...


@angelangie @lmangla ... Stayed up till 3 am designing an invite but it was an epic fail .,, help... How do I upload photos and images in this thread...

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"We are micheseo and we love it!" Sorry to keep y'all waiting.  especially @Lmangla ;) I have a bottle of Condition just for you. Don't want you to have a major hangover. lol

I love every picture, mv, gifs of Taecgui but this scene is one of my all time fave. Episodeg045-vi.gif
Just love how she uses her aegyo on Taec.  Total gwiyomi!!!  (@angelangie thanks for the link ;) ㅋㅋ)

@yokalana are you providing the shoes for the party? If so, I'll take a pair of flats.
:> but since the party is on the beach I also packed my rubbah slippahs. hehe

What @Lmangla has been waiting for...


Here's some more yogurt drinks in case you run out of yogurt soju.

For our non-drinkers and young dongsengs, here's some watermelon punch. Feel free to grab some yogurt drinks too. ;) there's plenty!!!

Let's take a quick shot before I get back to work...hana, dool, shet~ gun beh, ganbei!!! Try not too drink too much. Don't want you guys to be all passed out before I return. :))  Remember soju doesn't hit you right away. ;)

Almost forgot...here's the bottles of Condition. You're supposed to drink this before or after drinking to prevent a hangover. Worked for me~ :)>-

@chinly Lin I'm grabbing a jasmine milk tea to go~ xie xie!! :x

I'll be back with some late night snacks. lol Have fun!! \:D/

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