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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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Guest SexyDolceVita

One thing I don't get is...WHY ARE JI HYE AND HYUN WOO SO PASSIVE?
Sigh...Two passive characters falling in love, then getting married after a big detour...
Will their marriage really work?

Just like how someone had imagined the conversation between JH and HW in an earlier post.
This is my imagined scenario of JH and HW's marriage life....wahaha...

HW: Where shall we go later?
JH: You make the decision.
HW: Or shall we go watch a movie?
JH: What do you prefer?
HW: Anything for me actually.
JH: Me too... Anything is fine...

*Awkward silence*

Stop being passive individuals Ji Hye and Hyun Woo...especially Hyun Woo...take control of your lives!

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SexyDolceVita said: One thing I don't get is...WHY ARE JI HYE AND HYUN WOO SO PASSIVE?
Sigh...Two passive characters falling in love, then getting married after a big detour...
Will their marriage really work?

Just like how someone had imagined the conversation between JH and HW in an earlier post.
This is my imagined scenario of JH and HW's marriage life....wahaha...

HW: Where shall we go later?
JH: You make the decision.
HW: Or shall we go watch a movie?
JH: What do you prefer?
HW: Anything for me actually.
JH: Me too... Anything is fine...

*Awkward silence*

Stop being passive individuals Ji Hye and Hyun Woo...especially Hyun Woo...take control of your lives!

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Guest arctikmon-k1430293041

SexyDolceVita said: One thing I don't get is...WHY ARE JI HYE AND HYUN WOO SO PASSIVE?
Sigh...Two passive characters falling in love, then getting married after a big detour...
Will their marriage really work?

Just like how someone had imagined the conversation between JH and HW in an earlier post.
This is my imagined scenario of JH and HW's marriage life....wahaha...

HW: Where shall we go later?
JH: You make the decision.
HW: Or shall we go watch a movie?
JH: What do you prefer?
HW: Anything for me actually.
JH: Me too... Anything is fine...

*Awkward silence*

Stop being passive individuals Ji Hye and Hyun Woo...especially Hyun Woo...take control of your lives!

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Ji Hye's awful experiences and misfortunes in Kang family

  1. Episode 2 --> MIL tells (kinda threatens) JH not to neglect visiting her more often --> Forcing JH to apologise.
  2. Episode 2 --> HJ reminds JH not to mention anything about her work at the broadcast station --> Discouraging JH to open up herself to members of Kang family.
  3. Episode 4 --> MIL tells JH there is no need to prepare any wedding gifts for Kang family --> Hurting JH's self esteem. Disrespecting JH's father and elder sister.
  4. Episode 8 --> MIL tells FIL not to reprimand TJ in front of JH because she hasn't married into Kang family yet --> Treating JH as an outsider. Not trusting JH.
  5. Episode 9 --> TW tells HJ and TJ he is moving up the wedding date without informing JH first --> Disrespecting and ignoring JH's opinions on the wedding date.
  6. Episode 13 --> HJ reprimanding JH for being late again for breakfast duty and telling her to pay more attention to her duty in Kang family --> Treating JH like an employee/slave in Kang family.
  7. Episode 13 --> MIL criticising JH's homely clothes as inappropriate and tells her to wear formal wear at home at all times --> Implying JH's clothes as unacceptable for Kang family.
  8. Episode 13 --> HJ tells a maid to send JH formal maid wear --> Dictating JH what to wear everyday at Kang family.
  9. Episode 13 --> HJ calling JH out to go support TJ at the last minute --> Dictating JH's schedule without giving advance notice.
  10. Episode 14 --> MIL demands JH to quit her radio writer job --> Dictating JH to give up her career for Kang family's sake.
  11. Episode 14 --> MIL orders JH and HJ to return immediately for an interview --> Dictating JH's schedule without giving advance notice.
  12. Episode 14 --> MIL lying to reporters about letting DILs do what they want to do --> Forcing JH to go along putting up a facade of happiness and cohesiveness within Kang family.
  13. Episode 15 --> MIL scolds and insults JH in front of HJ about JH telling TW to speak up on her behalf to FIL about MIL's demands. --> Damaging JH's self esteem and insulting JH's family greatly.
  14. Episode 15 --> HJ puts pressure on JH to quit her job. --> Dictating JH to give up her career for Kang family's sake.
  15. Episode 15 --> FIL beats up TJ in front of JH and TW --> Shocking JH as she witnesses first hand the domestic violence in Kang family. 
  16. Episode 15 --> HJ insults and orders JH to quit her job as soon as possible --> Dictating JH to give up her career for Kang family's sake.
  17. Episode 16 --> HJ being aloof to JH during breakfast preparation --> Treating JH like an employee instead of a family member.
  18. Episode 16 --> MIL insults JH and HJ during breakfast about not listening to her orders --> Insults JH's wardrobe choice and Dictating JH to give up her career for Kang family's sake.
  19. Episode 16 --> HJ blames JH's refusal to quit her job as the reason behind the bad atmosphere during breakfast and places more pressure on JH to quit her job --> Dictating JH to give up her career for Kang family's sake.
  20. Episode 16 --> FIL laughs at JH's salary amount and gives her a job offer she cannot refuse --> Dictating JH to give up her career for Kang family's sake and tramples on JH's self esteem using monetary figures.
  21. Episode 17 --> MIL and TW fight over JH's job issue. MIL hits TW's chest and blames JH for making TW so unfilial to her --> Insults JH and Dictating JH to give up her career for Kang family's sak. JH feels trapped between listening to TW or MIL.
  22. Episode 17 --> FIL asks when is JH going to work at his company --> Dictating JH to give up her career for Kang family's sake, FIL forcing JH to follow his orders.
  23. Episode 18 --> HJ finds fault with JH in her cooking skills and preparation methods. She tells JH to hide her emotions at all times in Kang family. --> Insults JH and oppresses JH to keep her emotions within herself.
  24. Episode 18 --> HJ tells JH to run errands for her and tutor Yuri and Yujin --> Treating JH like a family slave.
  25. Episode 18 --> MIL orders JH to run errands for her --> Treating JH like a family slave.
  26. Episode 19 --> MIL and HJ order JH to go to a fertility clinic --> Forcing JH to produce a baby as soon as possible.
  27. Episode 19 --> HJ says sarcastic words to JH and verbally patronises JH --> Trampling on JH's self esteem. Misunderstanding JH.
  28. Episode 20 --> MIL tries to stop JH from going to NY with TW --> Dictating JH's life as if she is MIL's property.
  29. Episode 20 --> MIL insults JH greatly by saying she brought bad luck to Kang family --> Tramples on JH's self esteem greatly.
  30. Episode 21 --> MIL yells at JH for being such a sleepyhead --> Unforgiving towards JH's rare lateness.
  31. Episode 21 --> HJ reprimands JH for returning home drunk and dictates her to go shopping or drink at home if she is in a bad mood. HJ further insults JH for having no brains even though she was a writer. --> Trampling on JH's self esteem and not trying to spare a thought for JH's feelings.
  32. Episode 21 --> TW doesn't try to understand why JH got drunk and reprimands her instead --> JH feels like a criminal for letting loose and getting drunk once in Kang family. No one cares about why she got drunk in the first place. No one cares about her feelings.
  33. Episode 22 --> JH witnesses the aftermath of MIL beating HJ --> Another scary first hand experience of Kang family's domestic violence
  34. Episode 22 --> TW not showing any concern towards JH when she asks him what to do with HJ and TJ's problems --> JH not feeling any love and concern from TW regarding her feelings.
  35. Episode 23 --> FIL yelling during breakfast time at everyone at the table for not answering his question like a general --> Another jittery experience of Kang family's infamous bad temper trait.
  36. Episode 23 --> MIL scolds and insults JH in front of Yeon Soo, causing the latter to run away asap. --> Trampling on JH's self esteem and not respecting JH's right as a human being to have friends over at home.
  37. Episode 23 --> MIL throws JH's books and breaks her laptop while scolding her for lying to MIL --> Trampling on JH's self esteem and not respecting JH's right as a human being to have her own freedom to do things during her own free time.
  38. Episode 24 --> JH quarrels with TW over her wish to get a divorce. TW out-rightly refuses and says he will die with her if their marriage doesn't work after giving in better effort. --> Oppressing JH's right to have her own freedom from a suffocating married life.
  39. Episode 24 --> MIL doubts JH's illness and still orders her to go work in the kitchen. MIL doesn't care for JH at all. --> Treating JH like an employee, showing no care and concern for her as a human being.
  40. Episode 25 --> MIL assumes JH had a miscarriage and scolds her without making sure of the facts. MIL insults JH by saying JH has married into their family with an unhealthy or infertile body --> Disrespecting JH as a human being and instead of caring for her, treats her trash when she thinks JH has a miscarriage.
  41. Episode 27 --> MIL calls JH and insults her on the phone, labels her as a bear and being slow witted --> Disrespecting JH as a human being and tramples on her self esteem immensely.
  42. Episode 28 --> TW doesn't want to acknowledge JH's reasons for not returning home and gives her a 1 week ultimatum. --> Treating JH like a property, showing no care and concern for her as a human being.
  43. Episode 28 --> TW maligns JH as not wanting to return home because of HW and refuses to listen to her --> Treating JH like a property, Doubting JH's integrity and loyalty as a wife.
  44. Episode 29 --> TW refuses to let JH go and insists on giving their marriage 2 more years to try it out --> Treating JH like a property, Doubting JH's integrity and loyalty as a wife.
  45. Episode 30 --> MIL puts pressure on JH by telling her to work harder after returning home. MIL also rudely asks what is JH looking at sarcastically, oppressing JH like an evil queen. --> Oppresses JH like she is an employee and not a family member.
  46. Episode 30 --> JH suffers panic attacks intermittently and is visibly mentally stressed. --> JH loses her health gradually.
  47. Episode 31 --> JH is frightened by FIL's sudden yelling at MIL --> Another jittery experience at Kang family.
  48. Episode 31 --> MIL insults JH as still being so slow witted and acting like a bear. She even says the word "bear" out loud twice! MIL further pressurizes JH to bear a son for her sake, so she can use JH and TW's son to fight against HyeJung. --> Disrespecting JH as a human being and tramples on her self esteem immensely. Oppresses JH like she is an employee and not a family member. Forcing JH to produce a son as soon as possible.
  49. Episode 32 --> JH suffers from insomnia even with the intake of sleeping pills. JH feels lonely, tired and exhausted from her inability to sleep. She also has intermittent panic attacks, breathing difficulties and gets easily frightened by the slightest things. JH finally accidentally overdoses on anti-depressants, tranquilizers and sleeping pills. --> JH losing her health...and mental state greatly!
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Not that there weren't enough things flawed about this drama and writer, I really think that the extension has dumped this whole thing into the trash can.

It's obvious, with ep 32, that they are filling in with protracted scenes and s-t-r-e-c-t-h-i-n-g the story until the end.  After all, how many times do we need to see evil MIL sitting in the living room, with a face mask on?  And, how many times do we need to see HJ and FIL sitting, pondering and looking troubled?   sheesh ...

And, I suspect that next week's episodes will be just as bad.  [-(

For these two episodes, the best scene was Pil Ho's perspective on love and marriage.  It was a well thought out and rational statement that was a total opposite of the Prince Charming and Cinderella fairy-tale idea of love and marriage.

I found it interesting that the writer gave this dialog to Pil Ho - a young guy versus the old guys.  Perhaps, the writer was saying that the younger generation can express themselves without justifying their views based on the traditional male hierarchy.  Does anyone know whether the writer is male or female?  

I also cringed when he mentioned 'mother'.  However, in the context of the type of woman a mother would want her son to bring home, I do see his point about a mature woman who has a reasonable view of love, marriage and the world, in general, and is mentally stable enough to share a live based on those realities.  Unlike the fairy-tale endings where 'a kiss and a wedding' results in . . . "And, they live happily ever after."   (yeah, right)  8-|

And, I think Min Jung is going to find out reality very soon.  :P

Even though HJ has returned to the 'nut-house', she is no longer the same HJ, as before.  Before, her image was of the obedient slave who would tolerate physical and psychological abuse, without saying a peep.  Therefore, everyone assumed she was a weak, money-hungry fool.   But, now, at least, FIL knows her to be a formidable opponent.  Kang family didn't know they had been raising a tiger for 8 years.  Evil MIL still doesn't understand yet and still thinks she can behave as usual.  But, she's starting to see how the power dynamics has switched from herself to HJ.  And, I'm hoping to see HJ wipe the floor with the 'old bag'.   She may find prison a better alternative to living with HJ.  :))

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Auntie Mame said: Not that there weren't enough things flawed about this drama and writer, I really think that the extension has dumped this whole thing into the trash can.

It's obvious, with ep 32, that they are filling in with protracted scenes and s-t-r-e-c-t-h-i-n-g the story until the end.  After all, how many times do we need to see evil MIL sitting in the living room, with a face mask on?  And, how many times do we need to see HJ and FIL sitting, pondering and looking troubled?   sheesh ...

And, I suspect that next week's episodes will be just as bad.  [-(

For these two episodes, the best scene was Pil Ho's perspective on love and marriage.  It was a well thought out and rational statement that was a total opposite of the Prince Charming and Cinderella fairy-tale idea of love and marriage.

I found it interesting that the writer gave this dialog to Pil Ho - a young guy versus the old guys.  Perhaps, the writer was saying that the younger generation can express themselves without justifying their views based on the traditional male hierarchy.  Does anyone know whether the writer is male or female?  

I also cringed when he mentioned 'mother'.  However, in the context of the type of woman a mother would want her son to bring home, I do see his point about a mature woman who has a reasonable view of love, marriage and the world, in general, and is mentally stable enough to share a live based on those realities.  Unlike the fairy-tale endings where 'a kiss and a wedding' results in . . . "And, they live happily ever after."   (yeah, right)  8-|

And, I think Min Jung is going to find out reality very soon.  :P

Even though HJ has returned to the 'nut-house', she is no longer the same HJ, as before.  Before, her image was of the obedient slave who would tolerate physical and psychological abuse, without saying a peep.  Therefore, everyone assumed she was a weak, money-hungry fool.   But, now, at least, FIL knows her to be a formidable opponent.  Kang family didn't know they had been raising a tiger for 8 years.  Evil MIL still doesn't understand yet and still thinks she can behave as usual.  But, she's starting to see how the power dynamics has switched from herself to HJ.  And, I'm hoping to see HJ wipe the floor with the 'old bag'.   She may find prison a better alternative to living with HJ.  :))

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Wow I didn't know it was the same writer as The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House... I watched that drama and enjoyed it!!

:-?? Perhaps Goddess or Marriage end up being a total disaster is because of the extension.

Nonetheless, once I start something, I must finish it...so I will be watching Goddess of Marriage till the.. end even though it is such a roller coaster.

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I never watched any of the other dramas.  I started Sol Pharmacy . . . and got mad at some situation in the drama.  Cursed, and never went back to the drama.  I don't even remember what was the situation.  But, it must have been something demeaning or absurd.  So, I quit.

The main reason I came back to this drama was because I really love the OST.  I guess, instead of watching it, I can just listen to it.  8-}

Thanks for the info, kaciemom. :-h

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I'm sooo disappointed in this writer, I love her previous dramas Golden Era of Daughters in Law and I Believe in Love, they were both a lot more lighthearted with some drama of course but still funny. This drama  from what I'd seen and read since I drop it after 10 episodes or so it seems nothing like the others at least to me, maybe the writer wanted to try something new for her a do a shorter than her usual 50 something episodes dramas and a lot more melodramatic, but it didn't work for me specially for over 30 episodes maybe if it was for like 20 episodes I would had enjoy it a bit, but not for 36!. All of her previous dramas had 30-50% in ratings while this one just barely makes 9-12%, I usually don't care about ratings but sometimes it telling of when the viewers just don't like a show. I also wanted to see this drama since she had work with some of  the male actors before so I was curious about the new drama and what she was going to do with their characters, but I just didn't like it. I hope next time this writer just does another light family weekend drama like she's done before or something shorter but not so melodramatic. Maybe I should watch her other drama The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House soon which I had read mostly good reviews, I skip it because I wanted to see this one first, but now I wish I haven't watch it, I don't even care about the ending really.

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Gotta say love jh overdosing on meds!? Love the frightened look on hw face though this weekends ep were duds i love when the terror was on his face. I disagree with those that expect next weekend ep will be more of the same I think the full fledge forest fire has started because tw will believe jh is in the state because of him and his family. I expect him to do the divorce so that she can have the life she wants.
I do think in the end tw will join his brother in america because he will blame his mother and rightfully so for the destruction of his marriage.

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Tae Wook and Hyun Woo's cell meeting scene


I think I am falling in love with the character Kang Tae Wook now...
Why has it become like this? Hahaha.... My 50-50 stance is acting up again.
No wonder Kim Ji Hoon is gaining popularity in South Korea because of GoM.
A lot of women really adore his image and character!


The scene where he speaks to Hyun Woo in the jail cell is a pivoting scene.
Everyone must watch it to understand what I meant.

After the usual formalities, which I will not elaborate here...

TW says he visits Hyun Woo mainly because he feels sorry towards HW.
He feels guilty for snatching HW's woman away from him.
He knows HW must be the one who gave up JH first, so JH can return to him in Episode 10.
He knows HW is that sort of upright person who will not do bad things.
He also says JH told him HW is like a fallen leaf floating around in her heart. She has no ability to control how and where the leaf floats.
TW says he doesn't believe in what JH said to him...?
He doesn't believe JH is still pining for something.
Because he understands her really well, meaning JH will not betray him.
HW asks TW what does he want to say actually by visiting him.
TW says the truth is...he feels apologetic towards his wife JH.
JH has given up everything she had by marrying him.
Things that she likes to do. Friends. Freedom. Free time.
Everything has been taken away from her.
He also does it to her because he wants to fully own her.
He rems what HW told him at the cafe when they met earlier.
HW says even after getting married, one cannot totally own the other person within the marriage.
Whatever experiences and memories the person had before the wedding, the other person has to accept them and not interfere with them.
TW says this statement made by HW has left a deep impression in his mind, although at first TW finds it revolting when he heard it from HW's mouth.
That is why he is here, visiting HW at the jail cell.
Because he feels he can't even protect his wife's memory.
His family's messy corruption affairs and the leaf within his wife's heart.
He can't seem to be able to protect both.
And it seems like only by seeing Hyun Woo in times like this, TW is able to face JH guilt free for the rest of his life.
He apologises again to Hyun Woo on behalf of his brother and his family.
He says although he has apologised to HW on an emotional level, he is unfortunately unsure what kind of punishment HW will face.
He doesn't know yet.
But he is quite sure it will not harm HW or his company very much.
And his family will pay the price for the laws it had broken.
So, he hopes HW will be strong and endure further to maintain his innocence.
He offers his hand to HW for a hand shake.
He says if not for his wife and his brother's corruption matters, he and HW could become good friends actually it seems.
But unfortunately it is a shame it has to be like this.
HW shakes TW's hand and says yes he also thinks it's a shame indeed.
TW says that's it.
He leaves the cell, while HW, as usual, withdraws into his blank state of mind again.

My god... TW visits HW mainly because he feels sorry towards JH.
Because of his family, even JH's memory aka HW is being tainted and implicated.

TW really really loves JH a lot a lot...
His level is actually of a deeper level than HW, I have to state here unfortunately.
No doubt HW understands JH a lot and loves her very much too.
TW's love, on the other hand, borders on the devotion level, which is unfortunately constantly mangled by Kang family's messy affairs and TW's job.

Sigh...if a man like TW loves me that much.
I will be really touched in real life too.

If TW is able to have time for JH and live their lives away from Kang family, I'm sure things will work out for them.

God, please make another JH for TW please...
I will feel so sad at the end when TW gives JH up eventually.
Because I know JH will definitely feel happier and healthier with HW, and they will end up together for sure.

But what about TW....?  :((
He is a good man too...but just unfortunately trapped by his family's complicated and messy matters. Sigh.

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[I think @SexyDolceVita were both typing it up on this passage, and she beat me to it - which I saw only after I posted it :) ... We think alike!]

I think @SexyDolceVita had a bit of trouble (as did I too) with that long 5 minute one-way conversation from TW to HW at the E32 beginning.  I had to rewind and watch some 2-3 times and then even go to the SBS script to see some of what he said.  Too many words and complex stuff he was saying in there (good writing, actually).  Anyway, there are some changes to what we thought initially.

He did not offer HW money.  If I heard right, what he said was that he is sure that "his family will pay for their sins, exactly as they deserve".  It sounded like "we will pay you" initially, that's all. He was extremely candid, to the point of sounding like he has almost given up on ever making JH happy.  This was actually the first time I felt in many many episodes that perhaps he may even give up JH in the end.

Ok, as I liked the whole exchange, and as some of you seem to have misunderstood that passage, here is my translation of the whole thing.  Hope I got it all in, and sorry for any mistake.


HW- How come you are here?
TW - First off, I am not the prosecutor in charge.
HW - Then why...
TW - In fact, I shouldn't be visiting you like this.  Especially as my family is involved in this case, strictly speaking, it is illegal for me to meet you.
HW - Could I ask first why you are here?
TW - Must I really talk about it?
HW - I am here for an illegal matter. I am already scared enough about it.
TW - I know it well.  That you are not one who would do anything illegal. That's why I came.  Anyway, it is something that my brother did, and was your bad luck. On behalf of my family, I apologize. (bows in all seriousness)
HW - It doesn't seem like anything you should be apologizing for. It's not anything you did, right?
TW - Still, I wanted to do it, and I came down.
HW - Why would you?
TW - (sighs) It seems I have no way but to talk about it now. When I came down here, you know what I felt I should be telling you?  It was that I have a personal debt to you, HyeonU. That has nothing to do with my brother. It is that I, who everybody thinks has everything in S.Korea, had stolen a woman away from you, a mere vice-CEO of an architectural firm.
HW - (taken aback) Why say such a thing...
TW - People won't believe that it was stealing a woman, would they?
HW - Prosecutor Gang!
TW - It doesn't matter. Had I dropped my desire even once, it wasn't something that would ever return to me. You think "people like you are like this. The ones who have it all, are always like this. Even at this point you keep tearing and biting", don't you?  Well, you indeed must feel that.  But, for me this matter was more important.  [HW looks a bit puzzled at how he speaks riddles. Then TW decides to open up a bit; steps away to talk]. In truth, things have not been gong well for my wife.  Even otherwise, she is one who cannot adapt to my family's ways, and looks at my family folks and even other chaebol people like insects (worms?). She says that without even her being conscious of it, her heart still has you, HyeonU, like a fallen leaf that still moves about. But I will not believe it.  Even if (she says) so, I cannot that easily believe that my wife's heart conceals other thoughts like that.  Why?  Because I know way too well what kind of a woman she is.
HW - What in the world did you come here to tell me, really?
TW - Honestly, it is because I am sorry to her that I came here. After she got married to me, everything was stolen from her while in my family.  The work she liked to do, her friends, her freedom, and her free time.  They were all taken away from her.  It is just the same as me doing it all to her. After all, wasn't it me who just had to have that woman?  That time when me met at the cafe you said something - "One gets married carrying no baggage. If it's any matter that arises from the independent side of the spouse, whatever is the story, and whatever is the memory, just acknowledge it, and don't interfere in it". That turns out have been quite a praiseworthy line.  Initially I had thought of it as just bad luck. But as time went on, it remained in (her?) heart.  That's why I came.  I think I am unable to provide my wife with good memories. In my family, I feel that even the fallen leaves in her heart have been raked around. I felt that I can even look at her face for a life time, only if I did this. [HW nearly shocked.  TW takes a deep breath and adjusts his jacket].  I am sorry, HyeonU.  Also, for the problem with my brother, let me once again apologize. But despite my sincere apologies, what would happen later in this legal case is still unknown to me.  However, your non-deliberate cover-up of a company matter for the company's sake, will probably amount to nothing. My family, fitting with the family's sins, will have a price to pay. But I will be rooting for you.  [extents hands for hand shake].  Had the issues with my wife and my brother not caused all this, even in a bad-luck way, we could have been side-by-side for a long time as friends, and I regret that.
HW - [slowly]  The same way, I too... regret that. [holds hands]


I think this whole thing was written beautifully, and everything he said fits so well to the very interesting character that the writer has made with TW.  You just have to feel sorry for the guy's plight, though he himself made the mess.

I am getting a slight hint that may be, just may be, he would just let her go back to HW.  I would be sad about that.  And that's mainly because I like the SK character so much, as she deserves better for how good she has been.

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Guest myrtle52

After reading all the insights the viewers posted, I'm like a pendulum swinging to and fro. The ending can go one way which is:
1. TW, because of his love for JH, will make the ultimate sacrifice and let her go.She might not go to HW because I also believe, just like one commenter said that JH has not really known HW for a long time hence her feelings for him is fleeting at best. JH might have left a deeper impression of her but that's as far as it goes- I think HW is just a romanticist and dreamy at heart. Then, after the divorce, JH will go back to her old job where she is happiest and start a new life as a single lady.Fast forward a couple of years and this is one scenario that might happen: a) JH &HW  might meet again and  start learning about each other in a conventional way. or b)JH&TW meet again under different circumstances - TW went to NY for further studies and met JH there, accidentally. His parents are now gone. They start to date and begun a more loving and lasting relationship free of distractions of yester years.The END.
The other way:simpler way
TW fights for his love for JH and leave the Kang household for good. JH thrives with his love and affection (he's a better, more considerate person now) and produces a cute, little bundle of joy. THE END.

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One other thing in today's episode was what the FIL (looking out at the window) said to HJ... I think he asked her to become the Chairman!  "Hwaejang-irago haera" ("you do/be like the chairman").  What surprised me was that she raised her head slightly but didn't show any big response.  Hmm... what was that??  [Any Korean expert can help? - Am I reading too much and am totally off?]

He said, "No matter what, a storm is about to come, YuJin's mom".  she says "yes, FIL". And he says, "You be like the chairman.  Only if we do that, can you and me fight through this storm and come out".  She says "yes, chairman".  He says, "Taejin. Bring him back"

Does he mean that he is going to jail, and want TJ back to help HJ?
What's the deal here?

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Though most of you liked the revelation from tw im glad that he's acknowledging he can't provide for his wife this must be the writer's come to Jesus moment.
Unfortunaly, with the excellent translation from the tw/hw moment this goes to back up this notion when tw discovers jh overdosed. Regardless of how it happened you can see utter fear and terror in tw. I think he will conscent to the divorce because it's finally going to clue him in on if he had stood up for jh things might not be as bad as it is turning out. Just my thoughts.

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Guest SexyDolceVita

MIL and HyeJung's confrontation scene

Another pivotal and revealing scene in Episode 32 is the scene where HJ and MIL confronted each other.

When HJ returns to cold castle, MIL asks HJ what is going with the construction and art gallery cases?
Shouldn't HJ report the updates when she is back.
And why didn't she address MIL when she is back?

HJ stares at her.
MIL asks HJ what is that stare about?
How dare HJ stare at her like that?

HJ asks MIL if she cares so much about Sin Young Group's future, then why did she create such a huge mess for the company?
MIL says what?
HJ says MIL has been protecting Nam Mi Ra right?
MIL owns up and says yes she has arranged Nam Mi Ra to go into hiding in an apartment.
She told Nam Mi Ra to hide until the case is over but she cannot bear the hiding and had to come out and got arrested.
HJ yells, if that is the case, then MIL should have hid Nam Mi Ra in a better manner!
MIL is shocked by HJ's yelling, and asks HJ how dare she yell at her like that? What does HJ want to do now?

HJ walks over to MIL and asks MIL, does she know what is happening to the group now because of her?
The entire group is facing bankruptcy just because MIL is materialistic and doesn't know how to love her children appropriately at the right degree.
Sin Young Group is facing closure.
MIL is shocked and says what?
HJ says if MIL likes art, she can just treat it as a hobby. Why does she have to open an art gallery with that little capability of hers, and get in cahoots with Nam Mi Ra to make such a mess now for Kang family?
MIL says...my little capability?...you are really...

HJ says MIL should raise her children in a right manner.
Doting on her children must reach a limit too.
Whatever her children want, whether it is legal or illegal or not, MIL just blatantly condones her children to get what they want.
Even a forty something TaeJin, MIL has to dote on him that way too?
MIL says what...what? How dare you treat me like this?

HJ continues...when she married TaeJin, he has not deteriorated to such a ridiculous state yet.
Even if she did marry into Kang family for money, for the title of Sin Young Group's daughter in law,
at that time, TaeJin did have his attractiveness as a man and had such a great future ahead of him.
Yes, his interests are wine and women.
But even if he is unable to resist such things, he is still a man worthy of her to gamble her life and happiness, that was why she married into Kang family.
Does MIL think it is a possibility that she married into this family because of her?
MIL says what?
HJ asks MIL but why does she have to destroy her own children?
MIL asks what did I destroy? What?

HJ then reveals the marriage of TaeYoung, the eldest son, in Kang family, was broken up by MIL because MIL interfered in their marriage.
Because ex Eldest sister in law comes from a chaebol family and MIL hated that she was too stubborn and was too difficult to manage.
Meaning ex Eldest SIL didn't listen to MIL's orders all the time, which makes sense because she was brought up to do whatever she wanted anyways in a chaebol setting.
Eldest brother in law's marriage with ex eldest sister in law was broken up by MIL!
MIL says....how dare you...how dare you...

HJ continues to say TJ is by nature an impatient and Laissez-faire type of man...
MIL listens and promises to give him whatever he wants...
He wanted to go into politics, MIL supported him by laundering money to fund his campaigns...
So...was MIL destroying just her child?
The entire Sin Young Group business empire built by FIL through blood and sweat based on his ancestors' efforts and legacy...is ALSO going to be in ruins soon at the blink of an eye.
MIL is getting another shock and says what?
HJ asks does MIL want her to repeat what she said?
This Kang family which has been passed down for three generations is going to be ruined in the hands of MIL and TaeJin.
Sin Young Group is going to be bankrupt soon.
When Nam Mi Ra was arrested and Min Woo architecture firm was fully investigated, they will be ruined.
There is nothing to stop it.
So...MIL.. go ahead and continue to put on your facial mask and continue to be the MIL you want to be...
Just wait and see...
HJ walks up to her room.

MIL yells "yah Hong Hye Jung! You think by becoming group vice chairman, you can talk to me in such a loud voice? How dare you raise your voice at me!
Come over here, YuJin's mom! Come over here! Yah!!!"

What a powerful deliverance of speech given by Lee Tae Ran.
Very smooth and right to the point.

One of the best scenes in this drama so far.

Let me highlight this point too... The main problem of Kang family is none other than...Evil Mother in Law.

She cannot bear to see her children happy, except TaeJin perhaps...by pacifying him whenever he wants anything.

But as for TaeYoung and wife...MIL interfered and caused them to divorce.

Now...TaeWook and JiHye seem to be following in TaeYoung's foot steps, when MIL demanded JH to quit her job, do this and that for her, for the family, and most importantly, MIL insulted and verbally abused JH many times over. MIL even smashed JH's laptop.

Previously, TaeJin and HyeJung's marriage was also interfered by MIL, e.g. Hiring of Nam Mi Ra by MIL, MIL ordering HJ to send fresh working clothes to a womanising TJ at Sin Young Hotel, etc.

If FIL wants peace in his family and see his sons have successful marriages, he has to remove MIL from Kang family by banishing her to another country or by divorcing her!
Once MIL is out of the picture, Kang family will have peace for sure.
I'm sure the difference is not hard to notice, Kang Man Ho!
GO and get rid of your crazy ignorant wife now! ChayBye!

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