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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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Triton823 said: I think hj is out to protect her children and that means putting the kangs on the dirt and off their high horse. Hw/jh is still end game and it will be like a thai drama in which they hug at the end and then roll the credits. Tw is about to become humiliated at work because of his brother. I love the fact that fil is scared to death of hj. He and mil thought she would be a push over but he got something coming and he sees that. He is going to force tj to prison because he knows hj has the goods that could destroy all of the kangs.

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Just watched episode 28 with subs:  Can't believe it- TW was the one who set up the appointment at SK's boutique setting off the chain of events and has the gall to get mad at JH?  This man is a lunatic.  His jealousy and anger is causing things to deteriorate and has no one to blame for his sad situation except himself.  He is definitely a chip off the old block.  The Kang family are a bunch of lunatics, none of them having any compassion for another human being and only consider the importance of their own wants and needs.

I'm curious about the eldest son who disowned his family.  That is the only Kang with his head screwed on the right way.  His story would be interesting to follow, but I guess because he is a man, there was no room in this drama to develop his story line.

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Guest SexyDolceVita

If jh returns to cold castle with tw...she will probably stay for a few days...then...mil will insult jh greatly again...and this time jh will not take it anymore...

She finds no meaning in staying with the kang family...everyone is in a bad mood and she has to take the brunt of it, albeit indirectly...

Plus, after the han river confrontation scene, where tw has maligned jh for not returning with him due to hw, jh has fully realised how tw doesnt trust her anymore. There is no trust between them at all.

Jh doesnt trust tw will provide her with a better healthier lifestyle, in fact, he wants her to live according to his way...rem, he tells her to be a novel writer, endure his mom further, he will buy all of her books to make her a famous bestselling writer... it actually sounds very insulting and self esteem tramping in jh's ears, although to tw, he thinks it is an act of love...

Tw doesnt trust jh because after discovering hw's msgs in jh's phone, he has opened up the pandora box within his heart...the box of jealousy and possessiveness, which he closed up a year ago after he told jh he forgave her and he will love and protect her forever...he will be her dog...

Plus, i dont blame tw for feeling lonely within his marriage with jh... it is actually good that he confesses to jh how cold and emotionally distant jh has been towards him. She didnt make him feel like she was his woman at all... her body and her heart do not connect when she was with him... urm..is tw talking about the quality of their sex life too?

Jh probably didnt realise this too. I mean all the stress hj and mil had been giving her was already too much to handle for her, jh simply did not have the energy to focus on improving her marriage with tw...

maybe it is true, jh's heart is dead after she realised she has lost hw, her possible one true love in this lifetime...

Once your heart is dead, for a woman, you dont really project love onto any man anymore...you just drift through life...till you die.

For jh, her feelings for tw stem mostly from a sense of duty and responsibility. She promised to marry him, she did it. Now she is fulfilling the remainder part of the promise.

Before jh goes to the bridal shop, tw tells jh he feels tired of handling jh... and jh is actually kinda glad that tw is being honest with her. To jh, she probably feels for once, both tw and her are communicating.

Jh is still trying to give their marriage a chance. At the han river scene, jh tells tw to talk to her, ask her the questions he wants to ask, so he can get the answers he wants to know... jh is offering tw a chance to COMMUNICATE with her...

But tw is resistant to that because he doesnt want to face the truth or the horrible news of jh and hw having a deliberately set up meeting...tw is being avoidant here...

But jh wants to clear things up, so tw doesnt think the unnecessary stuff about her and hw...

Jh herself is also puzzled and helpless as to why she keeps bumping into hw...this is the third coincidental meeting with hw since jh got married...the fourth coincidental meeting though in hw's eyes...

But tw goes to do the taboo thing of doubting jh's loyalty and integrity by asking jh, so your heart has changed because of him, is him the reason why you dont want to come home...

Jh feels greatly wronged by tw and she finds his doubts totally ridiculous...how can he imply her of being an unfaithful wife, who doesnt want to go home because of a man she had given up long ago before their wedding...

It is also from this that jh realises tw never truly get why she doesnt want to go home...it is his mom, the tiring meaningless lifestyle with his family that she cannot stand!

Why does tw never seem to get it and he has to think the unthinkable of her?

Then when tw reveals his own pains and loneliness as jh's husband for the past year, jh probably gets a hit on the head too. She probably did neglect tw's feelings too unknowingly. I think jh feels a little guilty and sad too for making tw feel that way... she didnt know... she didnt mean to hurt tw...

I think when jh returns to her sister's place, she will reflect on her marriage with tw...

Since both are tired when living with each other, maybe it is better to let each other go...

jh also doesnt want to make tw suffer...

And jh will face her innermost feelings and look within herself for the reasons to hold onto her sense of duty and responsibility further...

Once jh thinks it is enough while back at cold castle, jh will pack up her belongings and drive away while tw is at work...

Mil will be too absorbed in the fact that tj has to go to prison. And because of this, she will take it out on jh, indirectly helping jh to make a firm resolute decision to escape from tw and his twisted family.

Jh has to make a final return to kang family so she can wrap up her life there...

I cant wait to see tw's expression when he returns home and finds jh missing with her belongings...

Jh even left their wedding photos behind.

Tw would probably hug a small frame of their wedding photo and cries himself to sleep on their marital bed.

Because he knows this time, he has truly really lost jh forever.

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Better episodes come with better ratings...

EP 27 Ratings

Nationwide 11.4 (+0.4) Seoul 12.1 (+0.8)

Nationwide 10.7 (+0.9) Seoul 12.9 (+1.5)

EP 28 Ratings (Highest ratings so far)
I guess Korean audiences do stay up on Sunday night to watch GOM if the writer gives them what they want to see.
Nationwide 12.3 (+0.9) Seoul 13.2 (+1.1)

Nationwide 11.6 (+0.9) Seoul 13.5 (+0.6)

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I think more that the MIL and their household, one reason why I want JH to go for the divorce is TW himself.   He just doesn't understand her because he never listens.  He has never, even once, tried to put himself in her shoes.  Has he even tried to listen to her writings, her innermost thoughts?  NO.  Why? Because he selfishly doesn't want to be confronted with his perceived weaknesses, failings, the truth or they don't really matter to him.  Because for TW, marriage means a certain form of ownership and possession, and acts accordingly.  Whenever he talks to her and that's very seldom, he cuts her off and just tells her what to do.  And when they talk, he tells her to live her life using his standard and continue living as if she's dead.  Ha!!!!!!!!  You can only use the fear-of-losing-her reasoning for too long.  And JH is different now (she just lets TW talk to her like that), but I think there is still a part of her who wants a marriage base on partnership, and she's not in one.  So how can you expect her to love you back?


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I decided to jump of the ship. I have feeling hw/jh will not be together in the end.this is complicated drama, and seeing them together at the end is like miracle. Writer would not allowed it. And i will not watch any drama by the writer after this anymore.

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Auntie Mame said: Some of the best dialog, in any drama, has been in the recent episodes.  And, the best of the best was Eun Hee's conversation with scrunch-faced philandering husband, at the bbq eatery, in ep 28.  What she said about women's perspective was excellent.

I'm no longer worry about Eun Hee going soft-hearted and returning to scrunch-faced.  That was the finale of their relationship.  Now, she will proceed with the divorce.  =D>

It's amazing, regardless of wealth and social standing, that both JS' MIL and JH's MIL has the same standard and values.  Their bio-child is never at fault. They will always blame it on the other party, regardless of how illogical or absurd they sound.  They will always defend and protect their own child, even if, in their heart, they know their child is the one who has done wrong. 

Lest, anyone thinks these two mothers are not real, they are real.  Although, I haven't encounter their type for a long time.   In my last encounter with a woman like them, I commented to my elders about the absurdity of her defensive statements, which produced the explanation that 'it is just a mother protecting and defending her child'.  At which point, I said, with a smile, loud enough for all to hear, "Oh, so that's why her son doesn't know right from wrong! Whoa, that must make it hard for him be an adult.  Wonder how he's doing at work?"  (Guy could hardly get a job and never could hold one for long.) None of my elders replied to my comment.  And, she must have overheard me because she shut up.  >:P

As for MIL's phone conversation with JH and calling her dim-witted, here's how I would have replied to MIL:  "I'm too dim-witted to serve anyone, especially someone of your high standards. Annyeong." >:P

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msmy said: Auntie Mame said: Some of the best dialog, in any drama, has been in the recent episodes.  And, the best of the best was Eun Hee's conversation with scrunch-faced philandering husband, at the bbq eatery, in ep 28.  What she said about women's perspective was excellent.

I'm no longer worry about Eun Hee going soft-hearted and returning to scrunch-faced.  That was the finale of their relationship.  Now, she will proceed with the divorce.  =D>

It's amazing, regardless of wealth and social standing, that both JS' MIL and JH's MIL has the same standard and values.  Their bio-child is never at fault. They will always blame it on the other party, regardless of how illogical or absurd they sound.  They will always defend and protect their own child, even if, in their heart, they know their child is the one who has done wrong. 

Lest, anyone thinks these two mothers are not real, they are real.  Although, I haven't encounter their type for a long time.   In my last encounter with a woman like them, I commented to my elders about the absurdity of her defensive statements, which produced the explanation that 'it is just a mother protecting and defending her child'.  At which point, I said, with a smile, loud enough for all to hear, "Oh, so that's why her son doesn't know right from wrong! Whoa, that must make it hard for him be an adult.  Wonder how he's doing at work?"  (Guy could hardly get a job and never could hold one for long.) None of my elders replied to my comment.  And, she must have overheard me because she shut up.  >:P

As for MIL's phone conversation with JH and calling her dim-witted, here's how I would have replied to MIL:  "I'm too dim-witted to serve anyone, especially someone of your high standards. Annyeong." >:P

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Guest SexyDolceVita

jdkk09 said: msmy said: Auntie Mame said: Some of the best dialog, in any drama, has been in the recent episodes.  And, the best of the best was Eun Hee's conversation with scrunch-faced philandering husband, at the bbq eatery, in ep 28.  What she said about women's perspective was excellent.

I'm no longer worry about Eun Hee going soft-hearted and returning to scrunch-faced.  That was the finale of their relationship.  Now, she will proceed with the divorce.  =D>

It's amazing, regardless of wealth and social standing, that both JS' MIL and JH's MIL has the same standard and values.  Their bio-child is never at fault. They will always blame it on the other party, regardless of how illogical or absurd they sound.  They will always defend and protect their own child, even if, in their heart, they know their child is the one who has done wrong. 

Lest, anyone thinks these two mothers are not real, they are real.  Although, I haven't encounter their type for a long time.   In my last encounter with a woman like them, I commented to my elders about the absurdity of her defensive statements, which produced the explanation that 'it is just a mother protecting and defending her child'.  At which point, I said, with a smile, loud enough for all to hear, "Oh, so that's why her son doesn't know right from wrong! Whoa, that must make it hard for him be an adult.  Wonder how he's doing at work?"  (Guy could hardly get a job and never could hold one for long.) None of my elders replied to my comment.  And, she must have overheard me because she shut up.  >:P

As for MIL's phone conversation with JH and calling her dim-witted, here's how I would have replied to MIL:  "I'm too dim-witted to serve anyone, especially someone of your high standards. Annyeong." >:P

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Well, NSM is definitely a beauty. Since episode one, I had admired her beauty.. ;)

I have not find the time to watch the two latest episode... but I enjoy reading spoilers/comments on this thread lolol.
It's a routine that I always do before I officially watch the episodes with subs.


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Guest SexyDolceVita

Gemmie said: Better episodes come with better ratings...

EP 27 Ratings

Nationwide 11.4 (+0.4) Seoul 12.1 (+0.8)

Nationwide 10.7 (+0.9) Seoul 12.9 (+1.5)

EP 28 Ratings (Highest ratings so far)
I guess Korean audiences do stay up on Sunday night to watch GOM if the writer gives them what they want to see.
Nationwide 12.3 (+0.9) Seoul 13.2 (+1.1)

Nationwide 11.6 (+0.9) Seoul 13.5 (+0.6)

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Annyeong chingus :)

I'm wondering if there are any BTS video for GOM or not? I would love to see the BTS kiss scenes of EP1 and EP5. Please share the link if there is, thank you very much.

Hi @SexyDolceVita I agree that NSM looks the best in GOM. I love to see her in GOM. She's gorgeous and elegant here. I have seen  most of her dramas and usually she either looked messy or like an ahjumma. I'm happy to see that her beauty shines in GOM.

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Annyeong chingus :)I'm wondering if there are any BTS video for GOM or not? I would love to see the BTS kiss scenes of EP1 and EP5. Please share the link if there is' date=' thank you very much.Hi @SexyDolceVita I agree that NSM looks the best in GOM. I love to see her in GOM. She's gorgeous and elegant here. I have seen  most of her dramas and usually she either looked messy or like an ahjumma. I'm happy to see that her beauty shines in GOM.[/quote']

There were some BTS featured on SBS Good Morning...

I think once on a featurette on kim ji hoon.

it featured BTS of episode 14...

The other SBS program is TV Entertainment...?

It featured the BTS of the first cafe scene of hw and jh in episode 4 after they met each other at the book store for the first time since jeju...

Go look at kjh's thread... it has a link on the y star interview and arirang interview of kjh on the set of gom while they were shooting episode 22.

So..far, that is all....

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Guest SexyDolceVita

ezyarou said: I decided to jump of the ship. I have feeling hw/jh will not be together in the end.this is complicated drama, and seeing them together at the end is like miracle. Writer would not allowed it. And i will not watch any drama by the writer after this anymore.

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