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[Drama 2013] Master's Sun 주군의 태양


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The part where Taeyang got possessed by a ghost dog is the straw that broke my camel’s back. I want to love this show, but I don't think I can at all.

I’d say I don’t care for the Hong sisters’ kind of humor, which is alarmingly peppered with subtle and not-so-subtle sexism. I spotted a pattern in numerous dramas of theirs; the Hong sisters like to make jokes on the expense of the heroine’s dignity or self-respect, jokes that is based on her silliness or lack of common sense. Adorable, not!

In this context, Tae Yang being possessed by a dog might seem funny, but it is really problematic. This is the second drama I've watched this month that somehow established an analogy between dogs and women. In Fabulous Boys--which, ironically, is the Taiwanese adaption of the sisters' You're Beautiful--the hero called the heroine his personal guidedog, and she called him her star. Here, the writers literally turned their heroine into a real dog. And don't forget the hero is the Master here.

And what does a dog really stand for if not for being clingy, needy, happy-go-lucky, blindingly loyal? The standard, if stereotypical, portray of women via media. This is where I throw my hands up to the air and say, “I’m out.”

(Based on the preview of episode 5, he still manhandles her like she’s a shack of potatos, and I can't take that as humor.)

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@missabeat -- I was a little perplexed on why there would be a dog ghost in the first place.. in my land, it is common belief that animals can sense spirits and ghosts and a dog howling in a particular way indicates that someone is about to or has passed away. it is also thought that cats can see ghosts as well. but I never heard of an animal ghost and it makes no sense to me on why an animal would linger. does anybody have any cultural insight to pass or is this more of the writer's imagination?

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Guest Ayin Santos

Oh! In my own opinion , Maybe we can see someone wearing that jewelry in the drama so we can find out who the kidnappers are.  :-?

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Guest colleenfh

@uglypearl  That would be a great use of your ill-gotten gains, financing your seemingly legitimate future.  I am sure we won't discover who the culprit is until much closer to the end of the drama probably around episodes 13-15.

@missabeat  This is a Hong sisters drama there is no deeper meaning than what you see on the surface.  I thought the dog possession was kind of hilarious because who would expect that animal ghost could possess a person and the ripped up pillow was just icing on that vignette.

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@Lmangla: I think both Western and Eastern cultures have the superstitious belief that dogs and cats have a connection to the supernatural or spirit word. In my country, people think dog can chase bad spirits away, and cats are sometimes the medium or ghost radar. But I'd say the Hong sisters brought a ghost dog in just because they thought it would be funny to see a woman act like a "wild Siberian husky."

@colleenfh: exactly, a large part of the Hong sisters' humor is mindless jokes.

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hi~i'm new here ^^ About the scene when JW's father took the jewelry out of the safer, it was a flashback or present? i really love this drama even if i'm kinda scare of the ghost :D and i love JW's gesture when he tells TGS to get lost. Am i crazy? LOLCan s.o post the gif of TGS's wink in the preview? I find it very funny ^^

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@missabeat -- it is interesting that in your country they believe that dogs can change evil spirits away; am guessing that would motivate some to get a dog... here, it is the opposite as in they think that dogs can sense death coming.. so some people, especially old people, will not keep dogs at home..

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missabeat said: @Lmangla: I think both Western and Eastern cultures have the superstitious belief that dogs and cats have a connection to the supernatural or spirit word. In my country, people think dog can chase bad spirits away, and cats are sometimes the medium or ghost radar. But I'd say the Hong sisters brought a ghost dog in just because they thought it would be funny to see a woman act like a "wild Siberian husky."

@colleenfh: exactly, a large part of the Hong sisters' humor is mindless jokes.

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Guest chajoowon

So you havent seen ep 4?  It is ironic you give up on the ep he stops pushing her,around with his hands and the ep they come to a deal to be close to each other, use each other.   
I can see why you would give up, Hong sisters have always been about some subtle humor and some silly, mindless jokes.  The dog was a failed joke.  

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just a random culture post -- a classmate of mine was a different part of my country. in his place which is quite hilly and lots of mountains, it was believed that ghosts/spirits can take the form of butterflies and apparently, they say that if you feet a strange chilly wind when walking downhill, run/walk fast and don't look back for it might be a ghost passing...

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@Lmangla: our folklore vary a little in each region of the country, but dogs are ultimately considered good omen and protectors, an animal that brings fortune and wealth. Cats are, in contrary, all sorts of bad luck and bad omen. Black cats are believed to be able to wake the dead. There is the urban myth that if a black cat jump across a dead person, the body will sit up. Needless to say, a lot of business people don't like keeping cats as pets, and the poor black ones are shunned like they were the incarnation of evil. My parents don't really buy superstition stuff, but they used to refuse to have pet cats. It was only a year ago that they allowed me to take a stray cat in. And they've been greatly fond of our cats ever since. 

I'm from from Southeast Asia, and I've been studying in the US for about 8 years. My view on ghosts are similar to my view on God--I'm an agnostic. I simply don't know if there are such things as ghosts or spirits. One of my best friends used to tell me in her dead serious tone of voice that we're surrounded by things we can't see. That friend is a science major, and her religion is Buddhism. Just the type that seems to have a good combination of rationality and spirituality. And I trust her so that's why her words had weight. They spooked me off but I don't give that too much thought, because what's the point?

What's your stand on ghosts?

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@missabeat -- I am of the same opinion as your friend -- there are things we can't see and better not messing with stuff like that.. my grandmother could supposedly see ghosts and she didn't tell me any stories because I was too young when I knew her. But heard some of the stories from my dad and other relatives when I was older and I was sufficiently creeped out. So while I never saw any, I would still believe -- have you stepped into a house and been really creeped out for no reason at all whereas other houses give a pleasant comfortable vibe? there are some things that just cannot be explained...

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@Lmangla: I love the animals themselves and I believe both cats and dogs are intelligent and beautiul (Husky is my most favorite dog breed). But it is the metaphorical meanings we human perpetual assigned on them that are problematic. It is a general belief in my country that dogs have supreme loyalty while cats have none; you can beat up a dog and still expect him to come back because that is just how they are; cats are an ungrateful bunch that will just up and leave. And there are countless of verbal insults in my country that involves comparing a person with a dog. Living like a dog, for instance, means living a humiliating and miserable life.

@chajoowon: I've watched all 4 episodes. I'm afraid the show pissed me off too often that even when it got to the good part, I didn't get to enjoy it as much as I could/should. Four episodes in and I haven't cracked a smile so that should tell me about my compatibility with this show.

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I both like GHJ & SJS hands :)) match made in kdramaland!

Not to mention their clothing style...its very stylish!

ogyogy said:

omo, can I say what nice hands he has? no pervy thoughts here, just stating... he could model for moisturizer ad... I must also say, what nice rings he has...

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