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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Why do I feel as if The Heirs will end happily? I feel as if the characters will live happily ever after in America...back to California (where the two main characters first met and started liking on another), especially knowing that KT will feel as if he should return everything back to normal. By heading back to California, he will be at peace knowing that ES will be able to return to her previous life--a life where she could go to a normal school, graduate, and find herself a stable job. I think that KT feels as if he violated her by getting himself involved with her. But we all know that ES left because she loves him, and by leaving she can feel assure that she hasn't intruded his prospective future of being "the heir" to his dad's company... I predict that ES will probably,,if not, most likely, will follow KT to America...haha!  The End. The Heirs will most definitely end happily ever after. :) Wouldn't that be nice?

Any thoughts?

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I just watched the episode with english subs, it was really sad, stressful and so painful to watch it, from the beginning until the end I sobbed and shed tears like a baby, this is happening to us for two weeks now and I am really getting tired of it, literally I feel a burden inside of me after I watch it and I’m not liking it! [-(

I felt so bad for Tan, he is lost, suffering and in so much pain. LMH is an amazing actor, he acted brilliantly and were able to transmit all that pain that Tan was going through so realistically that you could feel it in your bones. How his voice changes, shivers, how the tears fall from his eyes, his anger, pain, frustration, oh my poor english is insufficient to describe it. Way to go LMH!!!   =D> =D> =D>

At this point the only person I care about is Tan,  I understand ES too but I don’t feel bad for her, it might sound harsh but that’s how I’m truly feeling, I know she has it hard too but still. Maybe because Tan was shown to be suffering, crying more I feel more for him than her, I don't know!

There were a lot of sad scenes through out the episode but the saddest and the one that totally broke my heart was when Tan asked ES “was I a burden for you since we met”? at that line my heart broke into million peaces =((   because we all know that he’s always seen himself as a burden and as someone whose existence causes nothing but misunderstandings and trouble to his family and surrounding and asking her that question plus getting confirmation for it, was the breaking point for Tan and for me also  :(

I cannot stress enough of how much I hate that evil dad ~X(   how can he see his son in such pain and not be moved, he must be a robot!

I hope Won will be a brother to Tan from now on, helping him out of love and concern and not because he wants Tan to give him his shares, it’s about time he acts like a hyung he is.

The preview is not fooling me, ES probably won’t be back, that scene at the wine cellar was probably when she wrote it before she left, in school Tan probably is hallucinating, so I don’t have any hope that she’ll take any courage to get back, we’ll probably cry some more cause it looks like the writer KES, LOVVEEESSS to make us suffer!  [-X

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Guest rain_drops

Triv said: God, that was a disappointing episode. :| It didn't go at all like I expected it to. I thought KT will fight back using his shares and one upping his dad by allying with his brother but all we got was a rebelling teen, intend on ruining his life. That won't do any good to him or his dad. After all the anticipation..I feel rather flat. I don't even feel like watching the episode. :|

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I just watched the episode and I noticed Kim Won seemed to be almost pleading with his dad to let up on Kim Tan. He talked about the boy who knocked his door for 18 years in honesty and courage is now destroying himself. He cannot bear watching his little brother self destruct. I think he would have agreed to get married like his dad wants if he lets him have the company and let Kim Tan live the way he wants. He seemed to be entreating his dad to just be satisfied with him and to let Kim Tan go.  He is afraid his brother might die or hurt himself badly. He has never asked his father for himself to love his own girl in peace but he asked for Kim Tan which is significant in showing us how much he loves his dongseang.  I think even the father realises it when Kim Tan said I find living unbearable. He is 18 and at that age it's so easy to just give up. He really has just given up completely.
I think his mum is the only one now left that he cares about and if anything happens to her I think that will be the end for him. Truly can't his father see how much damage he is doing to his son. He is killing him. The father is throwing Tan's mother out now too so I guess he is targeting every person Kim Tan loves. Is he a father or an enemy ?  All that wonderful cheerful teasing beautiful person is a shell of human being now. Parents really just because you bring your children to this world does not mean you own them .
I was reading some comments about how he should use his power and fight his dad. What power does his shares give him exactly ? The power to sell them or give them to his brother which he has offered to his brother in return for his brother to protect and save Eun Sang. Those are just shares it does not automatically make him an adult .He is still 18 and I doubt he can even sell them at will. He is not in a  position to fight his dad and all his brave talk was just that in the end.  He finally saw how much ruin he brought to Eun Sang's life. He has ruined her life and that is an inescapable fact. 
The father has goons to drag him to heel and there is nothing Kim Tan can do to fight his goons .I have always wondered where his confidence came from that he could handle his father. Whatever gave him the idea he could succeed against an adult with money and power. I suppose he never realised how ruthless his dad was and to what extent his dad would stoop to bring him to kneel. Has he forgotten that Eun Sang is not alone but also has a mother that makes her even more vulnerable. All the father has to do is threaten her mother and Eun Sang will collapse like a house of cards. Really exactly what power do those shares give him aside from a bargaining position in relation to his father vis a vis his brother and his father is not interested in negotiating so that is basically a Mexican standoff.

YD standing there flinching waiting for the blow from his father who walks off having imparted a lesson to YD and YD looking thoroughly bewildered. Ahh these parents with their appalling parenting skills are frightening.

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Guest jjsweeter0211


To Management Department:

I’m going to expose Hotel Zeus Heir, Choi Young Do. Choi Young Do, with his perfect looks and never ending charm, tripped me, threatened me to eat black noodles with him, acted like he was holding onto me but pushed me into the pool, but he really liked me a lot. I wanted to hold this in because Choi Young Do is good looking, but I would like to receive a refund. Because I’ve already paid with my heart. Would there be a use to cancel the acknowledgment?

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Guest glamfan

I'm delurking guys. Just wanted to share a few thoughts about Kim Won.

This oppa was really hard to read. At first, I thought he was greedy with his endless talk of money, shares and owning the company. But as we progress into the storyline, I think I know what he's all about. I believe he truly loves Tannie and has always encouraged Kim Tan to live in US, not because he wants Jaeguk to himself, but to keep Tannie away from the inevitable corporate war. He's seen how his dad's family fought over the position and rip apart the relationships among each other. Won wants Tan to live his life with as much freedom as he could and that can only be found if hes away from it all.

I don't have more insight into the other characters that hasn't been shared in this thread. You guys are all amazing - fellow Heirlings. I haven't seen ep 17 but I have seen the live screencaps here and let me tell you, I've never cried just watching caps before. I've followed most of LMH's dramas but can not consider myself a fan (always found him too pretty :):) I have to admit, he was sooooooo good in this episode. Hats off to him.

I'm a new fan of Kim Woo Bin. This man can emote with just his eyebrows. ;))

Love the ratings...let's break 25% and top at 30% next week!

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"…from the resigned look on his face I’m afraid he is about to do something selfless and self-sacrificing like letting her go, just like Kim Joo Won did at the end of episode 17 in SG." - Me in my episode 17 preview post

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You must have realized from the many posts about episode 17 what a deep impression it has made on me because I usually write only only a post or two about the odd episodes because I don't have enough time to make them before the Thursday-episode. But episode 17 is just so epic that I'Ve decided to cut on my sleep a little and ramble.

Today Is the Day When Dreaming Ends

When Tan decides to let CES go on that beach it’s the moment all his dreams cease to exist because he gave up on them and his life turns into a horror - she was his only dream; one that leaves before the dawn, never returning no matter how much you wish for it, and yet you can’t forget about it even if you wanted to.


How heartbreaking it is to watch Tan take down the dreamcatcher? The same one he stubbornly hung in every place ES was -  like some mystical protection against the evil and harsh reality? It appears like a foreshadowing or the first sign of him becoming only a shadow of his past self.


I adore the way PD chose to film this scene - with the illuminated city in the background while Tan is absorbed in the darkness, becoming a part of it because he no longer has ES, his beacon of hope, to show him the way.


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Guest feliciawst

okay that last part of the preview, after Eun Sang said annyeong Kim Tan. did he reply with is it really you or did he say are you really leaving? the neo and deon sounds almost similar. i replayed it over and over again and it sounds more like deon which means he's asking her if she's really leaving him. 
the one reason why i came to this conclusion is because in the umbrella scene, Tan said annyeong Cha Eun Sang before leaving and i feel that Eun Sang is mimicking Tan by saying annyeong Kim Tan before leaving. can someone who can understand Korean clarify this for me? 

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Haven't been on this thread for a while, but the best part out of this whole drama is this:


I feel like I could have been rooting for KT and ES (just like I did in the beginning before YD was introduced), but man their feelings seems so forced and so painful beyond reality which makes it tiring to root for them. Also KWB and PSH have so much chemistry, I hope they will be the END GAME :P


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While I think the ratings are looking good, am I too greedy to ask for heirs to reach at least 25% nationwide within the last three episodes? Please? [-O<

Speaking of which, we only have three episodes left. :((

@briseis ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

The way you describe these scenes, just perfection!

I'm sitting here waiting to see what else you have to say.

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Guest minshinetic

from what i saw in the preview it looks like tan is seeing ES everywhere again that's why when ES said hi , he ask if tnat is really ES....

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