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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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OMG, is the writer/SBS reading this forum.. LOL There's a Titanic reference.. haha YD-ES shippers been talking about sinking ship and Jack in the previous pages or it just a coincidence ..   :)) Poor YD, I hope she gets a girl that will love him in the future episode. 

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Guest rain_drops

feliciawst said: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove today's episode.  Young Do's unwaxed hair! gosh he looks so handsome with that hair but it makes me more want to protect him because with this hairstyle, i don't know why but he just looks so vulnerable. the way he waited for Eun Sang to tell her that Rachel knows about her workplace and apologized because it was his fault was such an aww moment and even aww was when he told her the time when he started falling for her...

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I hate it when this happen.  Just when the series is getting really good, there's only a handful of episodes left!  Just when things are picking up and I find myself loving Tan and ES, it hits me that there's only 3 weeks left.  
I really feel bad for YD.  The guy is in obvious pain.  He really likes ES a lot but it's too bad that he never gave ES the chance to like him back.  He wants to be her knight but then it's sad to see him realize that he would probably be the last person she calls if ever she needs help.

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Truly amazed at getting 5 spam for saying someone's post was insightful and awesome and that we need a button for that as well as I agree on what they wrote. Enough on that nonsense.

With six more episodes left. I hope that we can see a resolution to Company issues and the personal issues for Won and Tan. I really feel that Daddy Kim needs to go sit down some where. He has created all these problems and yet takes no responsibility. I am up in the air about Won and HJ, I believe he would have to really show her that he can put company matters aside and think of her for a bit.

ES and Tan I see a little more turbulance in their relationship from outside forces (Daddy Kim), but I am hoping that given how smart they both are and with help from friends and family they can jump over those bumps.

YD I want him to search for his mom  with Tan's help. For some reason in the flash back we saw today, it seemed like she was scared to death.  I wonder if she has been in hiding from his dad.

I really am worried about HS, I am hoping this is not the grand event he had planned. Please do not hurt yourself!

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Guest prosperity

Another thing that I like about this scriptwriter, is the fact that she gives each character an opportunity to shine and not just the main cast, no matter how small their roles are. Yes, some could do with a little screen time, however I am starting to enjoy the screen time that they do have.
I also love that she gave each of the main leads their episodes to shine, now that things have kicked into gear. I think that is really what made me enjoy these past couple of episodes as much as I did.
Episode 12 belonged to KT/LMH, with ES/PSH coming in strong at the end of that episode.
Episode 13 was a good tandem episode where everybody got the chance to shine, and gave us the viewers what we have been wanting for a while, real OTP scenes.
Episode 14 belonged to ES/PSH and she was allowed to shine. YD/KWB did really good this episode as well, and KT/LMH did as well. Oh and Rachel whether you hate her or not, the actress really came through this episode. The fact that she made so many people upset, means she is doing her job.
All fan bases should be happy, and I totally get why so many actors wanted to be in a KES show. It might have took a while to get there, but I am thoroughly enjoying the show now.
I might be in the minority, but I hope KES allows Rachel to redeem herself. I hate to see the female be the richard simmons while everyone else gets to transform into butterflies. So I am still holding out hope that she gets her wings as well.

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I only rarely share my opinions on Young Do since I’m completely absorbed with KT&ES and I don’t care to become a part of any fandom wars but this scene has made such an impact on me that I can’t do otherwise.


What I appreciate most about YD coming to ES’s aid is how selfless this simple yet grand gesture is on his part while motivated purely by his worry for her. While in the past his actions towards her were motivated mostly by his animosity towards Tan now he’s finally begun to act with only ES’s well-being on his mind which is something that makes me believe in YD’s redemption, at last. It appears as if YD’s finally left his anger behind (at least for now) and resigned himself with the fact that he won’t ever get ES’s love, not in the romantical sense he wants, and this realization made him a better man. What really hits me here is how genuine and honest he is, not only coming impulsively to her aid (like a true knight a shining armor) but also not wanting or even expecting anything in return from her. YD truly regrets he caused her more suffering with him unwittingly revealing her secret to Rachel and if he is capable of genuine regret, apology, and selfless help - apologizing to her even though this was really not his fault and then offering his help in future to make amends - then I’m firmly convinced that Choi Young Do will shed his bully exterior and become a man worthy of love.


I've read many comments claiming that KES deliberately makes YD hateful and difficult to root for as a contender for ES's love (obviously to give Tan even bigger advantage in this lopsided love triangle as if he needed another one) but for me he is written as one hell of a character; complex, unforgetable and perfect in his imperfection and flawlessly portrayed by Kim Woo Bin who truly breathes life into him and gives him depth, intensity and dimesion rarely seen in kdrama second leads. I mean sometimes I hate him and would gladly kill him with viceral pleasure but he never comes across as a one-dimensional villain.


Since the first time we got a glimpse of him in episode 1 Young Do was already like this. He has never been nice to begin with, not now, not even 3 years ago when he was already aggressive and bullied others not doubt due to the harsh treatment of his father and his mother abandoning him, however, it doesn’t change how he’s behaved for half of his life. The constancy of YD’s character and actions is what makes him so perfectly written therefore a sudden change would feel unrealistic and would completely undermine the estabilished personality. Who would believe that this wilful and angry man would simply wake up one day and decide to change himself overnight, the self-proclaimed King of JH (something he’s worked for 3 years), for a pair of pretty eyes? Such a substantial metamorphosis (Kafka) develops gradually and takes time.

Now, I’m more sure than ever that YD can become a better man, thanks to the influence from ES and Tan, but, unfortunately for him, love doesn’t wait for anyone, not even for swoonworthy black knights in shining leather jackets.tumblr_mwmtgwz7mT1s8t96qo7_1280.png

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Congratulations! Really good ratings. Another hit for writer KES. I thought this would be first KES drama with average rating, based on numbers of earlier episodes. But she has done it again.

This is even more impressive because unlike Secret Garden and AGD, this is not a weekend drama.

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I really love this episode..  :(( I'm crying and the last scene is so great. It was PERFECT!  :x
Favorite Scenes:
1) Taking off the apron (it's like the are newly wed LOL)  and Forehead kiss (Beautifully done! Prince LMH and Goddess PSH)  :x :x :x
2) When they are arguing outside the party - I feel like now they are able to understand each other and finally the truth has been revealed, ES was able to breathe. 
3) Rooftop scene - When he asked if they should elope but ES said they can't leave their moms. How touching she really loves her mom that's why Rachel gets a slap for insulting her mom. 
4) Hugs Scene  >:D<
5) LB and CY cuteness ;))
6) ES and YD scene outside the cafe. He really cares a lot for her and I really he will get better and it's time to best buddies with KT. Since they are each other's 1st Love LOL Bromance.. haha

:x  Thank you KES, you are AWESOME! ;)

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briseis said:

but for me he is written as one hell of a character; complex, unforgetable and perfect in his imperfection and flawlessly portrayed by Kim Woo Bin who truly breathes life into him and gives him depth, intensity and dimesion rarely seen in kdrama second leads. I mean sometimes I hate him and would gladly kill him with viceral pleasure but he never comes across as a one-dimensional villain.

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Is it already sure that we'll be getting only 20 episodes? I hope not! I just cannot instantly let go of this stellar cast. I need more LMH-PSH loving! :(

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