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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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@Enonane1, yes when people falls in love, they brighten up and looks delightful from any angle. YD is experiencing his first love so that's more special.
@bluepheonix, she is cuter when she cries in front of YD than kissing KT. I don't know why she has to make that face while kissing male actors. Is it because of work's pressure or she simply doesn't like kissing?

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@hnin wintnaing who knows maybe it's just the director's indication to kiss that way . we all had big expectation from that first kiss scene .maybe because its a school drama they didn't want to make a hot kiss and just a symbol kiss...I really don't know what I am talking about ! lol

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Guest Enonane1 .

hnin wintnaing said: @Enonane1, yes when people falls in love, they brighten up and looks delightful from any angle. YD is experiencing his first love so that's more special.
@bluepheonix, she is cuter when she cries in front of YD than kissing KT. I don't know why she has to make that face while kissing male actors. Is it because of work's pressure or she simply doesn't like kissing?

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OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!! I finally watched this weeks episodes and episode 12 was simply epic!!!

OMG I have too many feels I don't know what to do!!  feel so much for KT!!!

The ending scene was way too perfect!!

KT did this not just for ES,but for his mother! it hurts him the most that people can just walk all over her !! Yes she made a mistake, a grave sin if you may consider it that,but come on people are going to keep condemning her for that!. You can't judge someone that sins differently than you. Its like the old adage whoever has never committed sin can throw the first rock! .. Yeah no one  is blameless . I am glad about what KT did, I don't think dad will kick him out, he will do something worse. Unless dad gets like an even harder stroke, which is what I am assuming has him ill and that can make KT regret what he did, not permanently,but momentarily to open room for ES to fight for their love!

Honestly now that the illegitmacy is out in the open! I think RH will be the one to blurt it out to everyone at school out of resentment! and ES will now be by his side. ES knows the risk KT took and with all that has happened she will take his hand for now she is sure that he loves her and even if the road gets harder she will be at peace knowing that he is by her side.

YD really is growing on me  poor guy he is in so much pain. Boy needs love really! But his constant animosity towards KT is not helping him achieve that in any way.

With all this one key theme here is forgivness. So many people hold so much resentment because they were hurt and never learned to forgive. Forgiveness does not benefit the one being forgiven but the one forgiving. It releases so much bitterness and hurt, while the one who the hurt was done to looks for ways to get even to hurt back the person that hurt them the offender is most likely living their lives happily not knowing or not caring what they did to the other. Honestly if a person hurt me and they didn't deserve my heart they most certainly don't deserve my tears. It a waste of a good and happy life spending it in anger,pain and bitterness.

going back to KT mom I honestly don't see wrong what she did, its was KT dad who did it all. It obvious with what fake mom said, you thought that after 18 years things were going to change. KT mom thought that his father was going to take her in marry her,but the fool, idiot,moron, bastard( all the names he called KT when in reality it is him)was him. He was a coward who chose money over love and look at the anguish it has caused him,sure he plays a good poker face,but it has to hurt him somehow. He is just too proud to admit it!

Seeing how HJ referred to KT as KW described him to her, I believe KW seeing that his brother took the courage to do what he couldn't , I believe he will help his brother! I can't wait for this bromance to flourish! :))


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adlyn13 said:

going back to KT mom I honestly don't see wrong what she did, its was KT dad who did it all. It obvious with what fake mom said, you thought that after 18 years things were going to change. KT mom thought that his father was going to take her in marry her,but the fool, idiot,moron, bastard( all the names he called KT when in reality it is him)was him. He was a coward who chose money over love and look at the anguish it has caused him,sure he plays a good poker face,but it has to hurt him somehow. He is just too proud to admit it!

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I'm starting to think that Tan will tell HS first that HJ is\was Won girlfriend when she will become a teacher at Jeguk High and learn that his friend is in love with her..i'm also curious about his stand because he will be between his now close friend and his brother i'm sure he wants both to be happy,so will he take one side or just watch from a distance..i bet HS will come to him to talk and i bet it will be hard for Tan to give a advice knowing that he may hurt his bro..hope they will show this aspect as well...as much as i like the mains i would want to see more about the other characters as the possible trio Won&HJ&HS...I felt real sorry for Won but i would kinda like that Hj will fell for HS,it would be an intresting approch and show that some must bear the choices or lack of them because he really takes her as granted and thinking she will wait all her life for him,always be nr. 2 on his priority list...Now that that path would be more easy for her with a mom like Hyo Shin's and that she is his teacher at least till he graduates(not much actually),but HS seems to be more clear into his upcoming plan of rebeling and cutting family ways than Won will be in a long time...

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Just one question.. director-nim.. Why don't you playing Park Shin Hye ost again.. the story song really mellow.. I love that song..

I hope somehow or some of this left episode they were going play that song again.. I am so in love with that song Park Shin Hye - The Story.. so sad.. and really describe eun sang a lot..

that song always break my heart.. just listening it.. I'v always found my self want to cry.. please play that song again..

maybe it possible for Young Do and Eun Sang scene too.. (just couldn't let go this ship.. poor my heart)

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chrissydiva said: adlyn13 said:

going back to KT mom I honestly don't see wrong what she did, its was KT dad who did it all. It obvious with what fake mom said, you thought that after 18 years things were going to change. KT mom thought that his father was going to take her in marry her,but the fool, idiot,moron, bastard( all the names he called KT when in reality it is him)was him. He was a coward who chose money over love and look at the anguish it has caused him,sure he plays a good poker face,but it has to hurt him somehow. He is just too proud to admit it!

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Guest prosperity

Miky88 said: I'm starting to think that Tan will tell HS first that HJ is/was Won girlfriend when she will become a teacher at Jeguk High and learn that his freind is in love with her..i'm also curious about his stand because he will be between his now close friend and his brother i'm sure he wants both to be happy,so will he take one side or just watch from a distance..i bet HS will come to him to talk and i bet it will be hard for Tan to give a advice knowing that he may hurt his bro..hope they will show this aspect as well...as much as i like the mains i would want to see more about the other characters as the possible trio Won&HJ&HS...I felt real sorry for Won but i would kinda like that Hj will fell for HS,it would be an intresting approch and show that some must bear the choices or lack of them...Now that that path would be more easy for her with a mom like Hyo Shin's and that she is his teacher at least till he graduates(not much actually),but HS seems to be more clear into his upcoming plan of rebeling and cutting family ways than Won will be in a long time

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Guest funtimes

Prosperity said:

Which leads me to another thing about this episode I am not sure about. Why did YD threaten KT with that information? He claims he wouldn't use that information against ES, then why was he trying to use the information against Tan. At the end of the day the revelation would hurt ES more than Tan, so I am not quite understanding, how he says he is not threatening ES but KT, when in fact it is the same thing. Can someone hep me with this?

@prosperity: I'm not sure if someone has answered this question for you, but after watching that scene twice with different subs and reading 3 different recaps (can you tell I don't understand Korean?), I came to the conclusion that YD initially wanted to threaten KT to stay away from ES so YD could instead protect her. It's kinda like "I know you like ES, but you're in a too complicated position to protect her. Don't protect her blindly. If you can't do it properly (as in still trying to get with her with the engagement still in play or because his family will definitely not approve of their own housemaid's daughter?), then YD will protect her and her family. He basically wants to beat KT at it instead. Nothing speaks more than wanting to be the one to protect the person you like. At first I thought YD was giving in to KT to allow him to protect her correctly, but in re-watching that part, it seemed like it's not. However, by the end of the conversation, it seems like YD might've given in since KT said that things always go wrong for him whenever YD tries to beat KT. Basically KT is telling him to stop trying to beat him and keep out of this fight and ES will be okay. KT is already thinking of ways to protect her. YD has a unique way of "threatening" people that's why ES doesn't understand him when he means no harm towards her. YD likes to state facts. Here, he's not threatening ES because he wants to protect her. He's just stating the fact to KT.

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Guest Spring Andrew

They shot morning scene n Night Scene at MangoSix.. 
Seems like they only shot in this place today.. maybe the writer is still writing. n is that Tannie mom? with ES n KT .. the other girls arent that tall n her hairstyle looks like his momz

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Just finished watching ep 11 & 12. Getting more interesting now...please EXTEND!!! 20 episodes is not enough to develop all the characters and have a good ending for everyone. Extra 5 episodes will be fantastic! Although I'm a KT and ES shipper, would love to see more of YD and ES scenes. I think it'll be a great idea to have ES find out about YD's past and got to know him a little bit more. They can develop their relationship more, not as lovers but good friends and definitely ES can be one of YD's soulmate (he desperately needs one since KT is no longer one).
Side tracking a bit now, initially I thought LMH and PSH don't really look at good together when they first took on this project. Since they've started working on it and I see more and more of them together...I think they look pretty compatible. Love their onscreen chemistry. Would be perfect if they date in real life after finishing this drama just like my other BB, Kim Bum and MGY. LMH and PSH start dating for real please...fighting!!!!

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