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[Drama 2013] Sincerity Moves Heaven 지성이면 감천

Guest reijaye

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Is there any info that Dong Wook end up with the divorced sister? It seems Dong Wook have an issue with police. It is the same situation like in YTBLSS the divorced sister and baker guy case.

Ye Rin will be an antagonist character. I wonder the writer how the way want refresh this character because if doesnt happen, It will be hard to watch if we always see same thing/circulate. Unfortunatly always that happen in long time drama like was SA in MLMB or GW in CUMK or CG in AHYI.

Is there any info how the way Joo Hee's family lost Seo Young? I dont think they given up Seo Young.

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It seems that Seo Young's adopted family used to be very rich with the largest bakery as well as a bread factory.. Seo Young some how needed a heart operation and so they sponsored her and instead of sending Seo Young back to the orphanage, Seo Young's adoptive parents brought her into the family despite granny's objection. Seo Young's adopted mom passed away shortly after. Granny accused Seo Young of bring bad luck to the family.

Seo Young's real brother lost her when his father entrusted her to him. Joo Hee had never blamed her son for that and it makes him feel more pain than getting a beating. He still blames himself for that.

That is what was said in the second episode.

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Guest reijaye

lmao.. totally agree with  just too many cliches.... however i find my self enjoying watching this drama...

ep 12 link

dong wook shirtless???

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Guest atomickitty

Thank you so much for the clarification, @gene71632. I am really glad you are here. I completely missed that and these are the type of points that add to a story and can be used later as plot devices. I wonder if her birth family knew she had a heart problem. Se Young is not afraid to tell anyone she's adopted, but maybe someone in her birth family will find out she also had a heart problem when young. Coupled with a few more clues, it might prompt someone on that side to do a DNA test just on the off-chance. Hopefully not Ye Rin as she will keep her mouth shut on it. I am rooting for the brother to be the one who discovers Se Young. I think this will help him redeem himself as the one who lost her in the first place. I feel bad for children who make big mistakes, like losing a younger sibling, just because they didn't know any better. It's usually a scar that stays for life.

When they have these birth secret stories, I'm always interested in how they choose to reveal it. This one is especially tricky because they don't have anyone who knows exactly where she comes from. No particular person switched her at birth, or lost her deliberately. Because of this, the standard ploy of the "overheard conversation" between child swapper/kidnapper and his/her accomplice can not be used. Thank heavens as I always hated that in dramas. My feeling is, if you did something bad, SHUT UP ABOUT IT. Why talk about it where people can overhear? Ha.. but that's just me and my devious mind.

As this is a 100+ episode drama, I'm hoping Se Young's birth family reveal comes out around episode 60. In a description I read somewhere, it says the drama is about an adopted woman and her conflict between her adopted family and birth family. I am really interested to see what this conflict will be. I am thinking maybe Joo Hee will want Se Young to come live with her and that will cause problems with her current family. I also wonder about Jae Sungs grandfather. We all know Jae Sung is going to fall for Se Young. Will grandfather stop rooting for Ye Rin as his grand daughter in law once he finds out she's adopted? Does that mean he'll root for Se Young when he finds out she's the 'real' daughter? So excited. Can't wait to see how the writers decide to tell this particular story.

I know dramas, dailies in particular, can be predictable, but I like some aspects of that predictability. If you think about it, most stories are predictable. There's the good, the bad. In the end, most people want to good to win and that's who generally does. I think we, at least I, keep watching these predictable stories because of the characters in them. Depending on the actors, the way a particular set of characters interacts with each other is different from drama to drama. For me, I am loving the interaction between the sisters and how they care for each other. Also between Mi Sook and the 'anti' Ahjumma. So hilarious. Even Jae Sungs father has moments that make me LOL. Se Youngs grandma and her vanity also tickles. Overall, I'm looking forward to more episodes.


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Guest texashot

@reijaye, thank you so much for the link...yesterday I couldn't watch episode 11 with dailymotion.

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Kim Joo Hee talked to her lost daughter's picture with tears streaming down her face...
... promising & wishing that they'll see each other again.
Choi Se Young's grandmother talked about her first love... who wasn't her husband.Han Jae Sung's grandfather talked about his wish to see his first love.

Seeing the cliches & forced coincidences in this drama...
... The two grandparents were probably each other's first loves.
So... 3 relationships within two families?... where more than one is TABOO!

Jae Sung & Se YoungHis grandfather & her grandmotherHis uncle & her eldest sister
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Guest linakyon

omo omo omo! bless you writers :) increasing Dong Wookie time is good but showing his precious biceps is even better :x

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Guest kdramafan2

Cliches or not i am hooked... I may be biased as a PSY fan and just happy to see her in a lead and having a fun character with some romance... Finding it hard to watch daily, one of my only issues with daily dramas..
A blah episode today.... Now i understand why they added the shirtless Dong Wook scene (not that i m complaining ;) )... Maybe i found it boring cause there was no dramatic action and i obviously don't get the conversations... What were se young and Jae sung arguing about??
@anoxan thank you for the translation on grandma... the whole all romance within the family does kind of seem a little over the top but maybe will work if used only as comic relief...
In the next episode preview was that the bio mom having a make over into a regular lady??

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Guest atomickitty

it was the bio mom having a much needed makeover. HOLY SMOKES. It's amazing what some (or the appropriate amount of) makeup will do. To me, she looks very classy and much prettier.

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Guest kdramafan2

@atomickitty totally... We could rather call it a make under.. Ha ha.. As you said very much needed.. Didn't understand why she had to be shown dressed like that all the time just cause she was an ex porn star...

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Guest atomickitty

Oh I forgot I read that somewhere, that she's an ex porn star. I wonder, was that clarified in the drama? I didn't know dailies would/could have characters like that. If that's the case, it's going to be ruff on Ye Rin when she finds out. I thought she just ran a bar but ex porn star is much worse than that.

I also started to get mad at Jung Hyo today. Why did he give her a gift? The girl has said on many an occasion.. Leave me alone. I don't want to be associated with you. And you buy her a birthday present? Not only are you not leaving her alone, you're bringing up the association (orphanage so he knows her real birthday) that she wants to deny. I'm not saying he shouldn't give her one because she was mean to him, I'm saying he shouldn't give her one to respect her wishes.

Still waiting to see what his character will be like. We all know he's Ye Rin's puppy, but will he be an evil doing for Ye Rin puppy or a steer Ye Rin on the right path puppy.

Speaking of Ye Rin, ya, I don't like the acting the actress playing Ye Rin does. It doesn't feel natural at all.. feels like acting. Someone else said that here, too lazy to go back and check. but ya, her acting is.. meeehhhhh.

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Ye Rin's bio mother is a famous ex porn star. She had an affair with a married man who told her that he will get a divorce but was abandoned after he found out that she was pregnant. The man's wife came looking for her asking what her husband should do. Telling her she cannot give her much maintenance money and had some trouble with her. She told the woman that she doesn't need the money and will handle it herself. But she cannot find work that will accommodate the child. That is why she secretly send Ye Rin to her the orphanage that she had stayed before. At least that is the place where she can trust. She said she wanted to fetch Ye Rin after earning some money but greed took over and things weren't going her way. She said she did some bad things in order to earn more money and now, she ended up like this. She asked Ye Rin's adopted mother if she can have a meal with Ye Rin before she dies. She wanted Ye Rin's adopted mother to tell Ye Rin that she is her fan. The adopted mother agreed. She also wanted the adopted mother's help (money) to change her appearance to meet Ye Rin for the last time.

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Yes, Ye Rin's bio mother is going to die in 3 months due due to liver cancer. She drinks too much. That is why she wanted to meet her daughter for the last time. I don't know if this character will be killed off soon.

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Ohhh, so Ye Rin's bio mother was not looking for her to get a transplant from her.  Just merely to see her for the last time.

Of course, Ye Rin is not going to want to see her mother because she has been trying to forget that she was adopted.  If she could change the world, she would make her adopted mother her real mother.  That's how desperate she is to live in her own fantasy, which doesn't necessarily make her a bad person.  However, if she deliberately harms other people in order to sustain her fantasy, that is a different story.

And, I agree that I have little sympathy for Jung Hyo, who is not respecting Ye Rin's wishes.  Besides, his actions are not alturistic, in that he truly just wants to wish her a happy birthday.  Actually, he is still hoping that his actions will melt her into his arms, which makes his birthday gesture flawed.  :-S /:)

In ep 12, I was ROFL when Jae Sung's mother had to sing for the old farts.  She must have been wondering if she got a raw deal by marrying into that family, instead of staying single and working at the TV station! :))

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Guest atomickitty

Auntie Mame said:
In ep 12, I was ROFL when Jae Sung's mother had to sing for the old farts.  She must have been wondering if she got a raw deal by marrying into that family, instead of staying single and working at the TV station! :))

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Guest atomickitty

I don't know why. I like Min Gook. He seems a nice enough fellow. I mostly feel sad for him because he lost his sister and has carried that guilt. Young Ah is just there. She seems flighty and useless but I have nothing against that. She hasn't done anything malicious so.. she's fine by me.

Question to @semi-fly. Why does your signature say retirement: 24 June 2013? What will you be retiring from? (~ she asks with a quiver in her voice ~) Not posting torrent links I hope...

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