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[Drama 2013] Wonderful Mama 원더풀 마마

Guest reijaye

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I'm glad Soo Jin isn't like her mom. She knows when stop and let go. She deserves some good guy to love her. Seems like the doctor has some kind of feelings for her. But aren't they have same father?

Da Jung's ex husband is just stupidly hilarious. Is he gonna realize what he's lost?

Kindda feel a bit uneasy watching the way Young Chae talked back to her mom. I meant she upset and all but shouldn't be too disrespectful like that. Feel sorry for the Mom.

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Agreed YC needs to stop disrespecting her Mom. I also think that EO will tamper with the DNA results to make it look like the Doc and BH aren't related. But when Doc and SJ start going out then the secret will be revealed by EO to stop that relationship.But it could just be me taking a wild guess :D

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Beeba said: Agreed YC needs to stop disrespecting her Mom. I also think that EO will tamper with the DNA results to make it look like the Doc and BH aren't related. But when Doc and SJ start going out then the secret will be revealed by EO to stop that relationship.But it could just be me taking a wild guess :D

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What I really don't like about kdramas is when the bad guys get forgiven in the end by showing remorse. Why do they do the bad things knowing its not the right thing in the first place? It's unrealistic how kdramas expect the protagonists to always forgive

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@Beeba Guess sometimes our judgments got cloud by emotions and didn't do the right things! Otherwise it would be peace on earth.

But I guess the message usually that the good ones are more compassion and will forgive. Fire and Fire create more Fire. You need water to rid of fire. Do you know what I mean? Don't know how to explain.

Anyway, so funny how Yong Soo tries to express his feelings to Da Jung at the Cafe but couldn't.

Someone mention EO gonna tamper with the DNA test? Wonder how she gonna do that?

Is Young Chae and Hoon Nam gonna move in that apartment? Where did they get the money for it?

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Guest tookie18

Beeba said: Thanks for the recaps, I really hate EO with a passion. Stupid woman is blaming her own faults on everybody but her. What kind of sane woman would pressure a man into marrying her when he left her for another woman? And then putting all the blame on others instead of her own self .

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Beeba said:   Omg I knew she would do something evil like that. I just hope BH doesn't loose her mind before finding out the complete truth. If BH made a mistake in falling in love with BH then EO did worse when she snatched BH's baby. Truth be told if their is true love in this world it's between a parent and child.If BH is getting some kind of punishment then EO should be skinned alive because she has time and time again made mistakes and sins.Writer you better do some thing about this situation.

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Hello, I am new here, but I have read a lot of interesting things that everyone have said. First of all, I think EO is really evil how can she thinks that BH took her husband away from her. Is not like BH did it on purpose. Just a thought, I don't know if anyone have noticed, after BH and BS did the DNA test and BH tells the doctor how thankful she is that the doctor is live and well! And after that BH was like I have thank EO too for what she have done. This is what i think, "I was like you must be some kind of crazy person to thank her. EO has done nothing but made your like miserable". And I am guessing that she is going to forgive that little witch at the end. Also I really hope EO is going to feel really bad knowing what she have done to BH.

Lastly, some people think that BH should have give YC the money and apartment? Well, she is not one bet grown up. She still treats her mom like crap. In fact I dislike her the most out of all the BH's kids. She only wants her mom when she wants something. Actually all of her kids are. They are not thankful nor sorry to their mom. Mom is their moneybags.

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Guest lj3k99

Happy to see more interest in this drama :)

BH, BS, and doctor hong go to the genetics lab. EO calls her driver and heads to the hospital. EO gets to the hospital and the nurse confirms that BH is there with doctor hong. She sees them come out of the lab and goes did the test already finish?

BS, BH and doctor hong go to a cafe to get some freshments. BH asks if the doctor wants something cold and he goes he does not like cold things. BS replies he is just like me. They really want to see minsoo.....BH truly believes the doctor is her son. BH and BS discuss about things, but its not going to be as happy as they think it is.

HN and YC are going over the new fashion designs and have a kissing moment. It was so cute. HN's brother comes in and YC says the wrong term for her brother in law as she is still learning the terminology.  YC has no choice to ask her mother for the apartment because the family thinks the apartment is already for her and HN.

BH has a dementia moment and she freaks out. BS finds her in the middle of the street. She keeps freaking out in the car and BS comforts her.

YC cooks dinner, but YS goes break up now  or he is never going to be able to eat your food. Another moment happens between the family where money is involved. Man BH can never have a good night at home because her children break her heart every single time. At the same time YC begs her mother very earnestly and says her piece to her mother.

I love how HN comes in and drags YC out. He is such a good guy. He is trying to teach YC, but YC does not understand. He tells her he will succeed and make her happy. I love how he is so charged about it. She rushes to him and apologizes. All she cared about was relaxing his burden. He says are you going to do it again? and she goes I won't.

EO asks about her grandchild. SJ tells her brother to take care of it, but the secretary interferes. SJ then mentions how the secretary has not been doing any housework or preparing breakfast after she moved into her brother's room. That conversation leads to pregnancy and EO takes her to the OB/GYN. The secretary has either tied her tubes, previous abortion, or condition that prevents her from having a full term pregnancy. The doctor say it will be hard for you, but the secretary states to not tell EO.

The kid comes home and tells YS that you have to marry my mom so I can have a dad. The kids at school made fun of him. DJ says she has to talk to the kid.

EO goes to the geneticist and tells him to follow her orders. [so evil....]

The secretary is so evil, not allowing JH to provide his son a bank account. She takes it and says she has a plan for his son. She then leaves his office and says I would never let him inherit the company. She comes to DJ later on to send the kid to Canada for boarding school. She says she wants to do something as the stepmother, but DJ knows that its just to push them away. She tells DJ that she can't get pregnant and that wants the kid to get a proper education. Some of her words seem like truth, but she is still a hateful person.

DJ hands YS work money. YS says he never wanted it. DJ says she hired new people and wants YS to leave. DJ wants YS to work at the afterschool or tutoring center.

BH is thinking about BS picking her up. YC comes in saying the meeting between the families is happening today and BH forgot. HN and YC have a family meeting and it was decided that she is moving in with HN's family. She goes she is scared of HN's sister in law.

I hate how the result of the DNA test came out, and all they did was close up's on the everyone's eyes. The results say BH and doctor Hong are not parent and child at all. BH is so surprised and goes if doctor hong is not minsoo, where is he?.

The preview starts with YS and DJ arguing. YS confesses to DJ. Next screen is what everyone previously mentioned, HN could be Minsoo......BH collapses at the meeting of the families.

If HN and BH do a DNA test and match because EO tweaks the results....EO is so twisted.

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OMG if EO mess up the DNA test one more time I will personally go on the screen and kill her. Although i think that it will be hard for her EO to mess up HN's DNA test because HN has a brother. Also, remember, truth always reveal at the end. I just hate EO. I think BH have suffered enough because of EO. Gush she has Early Onset AD, give her a break. I am positive HN is not BH's kid. And BTW, why did the doctor lie with EO does he know how much trouble he would get if they found out he lied about the DNA test? 
Just a little thought, this is what I would like to see it happen. Do you guys remember, when they had clothing contest to see who would get the money, well, when SJ mess up the scoring so that her friend would won the contest. And there is a guy (don't know his name) that went to HN and told him the truth. Well, how would you guys like to see that happen it again. I think the DNA doctor is going to tell Doctor Hong the truth about the DNA. OMG that will be a real miracle. 

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lj3k99 said: Happy to see more interest in this drama :)

BH, BS, and doctor hong go to the genetics lab. EO calls her driver and heads to the hospital. EO gets to the hospital and the nurse confirms that BH is there with doctor hong. She sees them come out of the lab and goes did the test already finish?

BS, BH and doctor hong go to a cafe to get some freshments. BH asks if the doctor wants something cold and he goes he does not like cold things. BS replies he is just like me. They really want to see minsoo.....BH truly believes the doctor is her son. BH and BS discuss about things, but its not going to be as happy as they think it is.

HN and YC are going over the new fashion designs and have a kissing moment. It was so cute. HN's brother comes in and YC says the wrong term for her brother in law as she is still learning the terminology.  YC has no choice to ask her mother for the apartment because the family thinks the apartment is already for her and HN.

BH has a dementia moment and she freaks out. BS finds her in the middle of the street. She keeps freaking out in the car and BS comforts her.

YC cooks dinner, but YS goes break up now  or he is never going to be able to eat your food. Another moment happens between the family where money is involved. Man BH can never have a good night at home because her children break her heart every single time. At the same time YC begs her mother very earnestly and says her piece to her mother.

I love how HN comes in and drags YC out. He is such a good guy. He is trying to teach YC, but YC does not understand. He tells her he will succeed and make her happy. I love how he is so charged about it. She rushes to him and apologizes. All she cared about was relaxing his burden. He says are you going to do it again? and she goes I won't.

EO asks about her grandchild. SJ tells her brother to take care of it, but the secretary interferes. SJ then mentions how the secretary has not been doing any housework or preparing breakfast after she moved into her brother's room. That conversation leads to pregnancy and EO takes her to the OB/GYN. The secretary has either tied her tubes, previous abortion, or condition that prevents her from having a full term pregnancy. The doctor say it will be hard for you, but the secretary states to not tell EO.

The kid comes home and tells YS that you have to marry my mom so I can have a dad. The kids at school made fun of him. DJ says she has to talk to the kid.

EO goes to the geneticist and tells him to follow her orders. [so evil....]

The secretary is so evil, not allowing JH to provide his son a bank account. She takes it and says she has a plan for his son. She then leaves his office and says I would never let him inherit the company. She comes to DJ later on to send the kid to Canada for boarding school. She says she wants to do something as the stepmother, but DJ knows that its just to push them away. She tells DJ that she can't get pregnant and that wants the kid to get a proper education. Some of her words seem like truth, but she is still a hateful person.

DJ hands YS work money. YS says he never wanted it. DJ says she hired new people and wants YS to leave. DJ wants YS to work at the afterschool or tutoring center.

BH is thinking about BS picking her up. YC comes in saying the meeting between the families is happening today and BH forgot. HN and YC have a family meeting and it was decided that she is moving in with HN's family. She goes she is scared of HN's sister in law.

I hate how the result of the DNA test came out, and all they did was close up's on the everyone's eyes. The results say BH and doctor Hong are not parent and child at all. BH is so surprised and goes if doctor hong is not minsoo, where is he?.

The preview starts with YS and DJ arguing. YS confesses to DJ. Next screen is what everyone previously mentioned, HN could be Minsoo......BH collapses at the meeting of the families.

If HN and BH do a DNA test and match because EO tweaks the results....EO is so twisted.

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I only watch this show because of BH and HN. If this story gets more twisted I think I might loose my avid interest. Writer nim if you really care for your viewers please don't muck up the more.If EO changes the DNA of HN and BH that means even SJ can't have him, cause that will make her step sister. At Least YC is adopted so in BH eyes if she believes HM is her real son they can be paired up.

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