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[Drama 2012/13] My Love , Butterfly Lady 내 사랑 나비부인


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Another big thanks to Ayame for the recap.  @smhelen... that's the guy who is in cahoots with SA in the money scheme.  He didn't inject anything since he was caught, but they were trying to silence JW for what he knows.  For most of this drama, he's been hiding in Hong Kong.

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@smhelen that's Moon Hyung Shik, the one who was working with Seol Ah regarding the hidden money (and who was also hiding in Hong Kong). He didn't actually inject anything, since Woo Jae and Na Bi walked in on him before he actually did anything. (He first appeared in Ep 45, when Sylvia Choi was getting the info from him for the evidence.)
//EDIT// Whoops didn't realize it was already explained to you, lol.

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With this being wrapped up next week I just hope SA doesn't do anything else stupid like run over NB. I want to see NB and WJ happy these last two episodes. I like that NB bonds with her former in-laws stayed strong and good. They can bring YJ back now and she can care for JW

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@IBELIS, I was thinking the same thing that SA might try to run over NB. Then I thought she's not out to get NB at this point. She's trying to figure out a way to get in to get rid JW.  If she could find away she would kill JW herself.

I want to see YJ come back too and take care of JW. His family thinks of her as this rich spoiled princess. They need to see and realize how much she loves JW.

Who I really feel sorry for is SR and MR. SR was only placed into the presidents position until WJ was ready. Now that WJ has made it SR feels him and his family are of no use to SG now. MR also realized the same thing. They could fall off the face of the earth and SG wouldn't even notice. The only son he sees and cares about is WJ. He's not going to be going to jail so what I think should happen to him is that he's left in that house all alone. Make him realize what he has done to both his sons. That his actions selfishness, treatment of them has came back and bit him in the butt and he has lost them both.  

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Doesn't it seem odd that there are no airbags in these crashes?  If I was one of those car sponsors, I'd be pretty upset that my product looks like  if you rolled down an embankment you didn't have more protection.

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said: Doesn't it seem odd that there are no airbags in these crashes?  If I was one of those car sponsors, I'd be pretty upset that my product looks like  if you rolled down an embankment you didn't have more protection.

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Ep 50 written preview is out... //EDIT// Written preview for Ep 51 out as well.

50회 [2013-04-06]
나비는 설아에게 서류봉투를 찾았으니 도망갈 생각 말고, 문형식 잡는데 협조하고 자수하라 한다. 한편, 설아는 연지연의 스캔들 소문을 들먹이며 해리엔슈를 인수하라 제안하는데...

Google Translate:

Na Bi to Seol Ah to get away do not think about that I've found the envelopes, Moon Hyung Shik catch and cooperation embroidery. Yeon Ji Yeon scandal rumors of talks Seol Ah argument. Herian Shoes to propose...

51회 [2013-04-07]
그동안 [내 사랑 나비부인]을 사랑해주셔서 감사합니다^^* 마지막회 끝까지 많은 시청 바랍니다. 설아는 자신과 다투다 머리를 다친 형식을 보고 두려운 마음에 상현이 있는 납골당으로 도망을 가고, 수정에게 미안한다는 쪽찌와 함께 인감도장을 택배로 보낸다. 한편, 나비는 그동안 미안했다며 사과하는 설아의 전화를 받고 불안한 마음에 번호가 찍힌 별장으로 가는데...

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Thank you for loving [My Love Madame Butterfly] all this time.^^* Hope the last episode can garner more ratings 'till the end.

Seol Ah in a crypt fear to go away Sang Hyun, Hyung Shik head hurt themselves and contend, sorry to Soo Jung jjokjji with seal be sent by courier. On the other hand, Na Bi Seol Ah apologizing, saying sorry phone number stamped on getting restless mind in the meantime, go to the villa...

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Ep 50 live recap post... might or might not lag for me (hopefully not lol).
Starts off with scene from last episode where NB sees SA in front of Meji Bean. SA gets out of her car and NB confronts her and asks about JW. Now back to NB's house and the scene where JW's brothers found the yellow envelope. Now NB went inside Meji Bean to talk to JW's mom and grandma. Then NB gets phone call from BG to tell them what happened. SA's on the phone at her apartment.
Now back at JW's house, JW, BG and CG return and give her the evidence. JW's in the room, NB's talking to him and thanks him. As NB leaves the room, JW's hand slowly turns into a fist. Now at SA's house, she's thinking to herself, and starts packing. SJ comes in and tries to stop her. SA moves past her and SJ seems to be injured. SJ still runs out of the room to stop SA. SA pushes SJ to the ground, SJ holds her stomach in pain. SA stares at SJ in panic, says sorry and runs out of her apartment as SJ stays on the floor in pain. SA tells herself, "It's okay" and drives off.
In NB's car, BG and CG are there, CG gets a call. They all go to SA's apartment and SJ is resting in her room. BG watches SA outside the room, while NB and CG go inside the room. SJ gets on her knees at begs for NB's help. SA goes into the room to and tries to pull her up. SA gets shown the evidence and NB tells her to turn herself in, but SA just keeps arguing about it.
Now at WJ's house, SR in his room talking on the phone. HMR comes in to talk to him and he leaves to talk to LSG in his room. LSG calls after SR as he leaves the room. Now at SA's apartment, she's walking around in her room, thinking to herself. SA walks out of the room and she talks to NB about MHS. Now WJ and NB meet at NB's shop, and now they talk about what's happened. Now at JW's house, SJ and CG talk to JW. Now at the workshop NB is talking to JW's father about the situation.
Now back at SA's house, she's thinking to herself again. SA goes to the store to talk to one of the employees (with BG and GH watching). YJY visits SA at her store and they go to somewhere nearby to talk (about a scandal I think). Now at NB's house, NB's mom on the phone, she hangs up and HMR shows up. NB's mom runs in a panic into her house and HMR follows her inside. NB's mom tries to beg HMR, and then HMR gets on her knees and starts begging NB's mom (lol).
Now back at SA's apartment, SA returns (with BG and GH). SA's on the phone with MHS with BG and GH watching and they talk. Now NB and WJ are in WJ's car as he's driving and they talk. WJ also asks NB when she's going to propose (lol). Now at NB's house, NB's mom drinking with HMR (lol), and NB returns home and she's surprised to HMR there. Now at WJ's house, LSG is by myself eating at the meal table. LSG spills food on himself as he's eating. And decides to walk out of the dining room. WJ brings HMR back as she's drunk. HMR cries as she's drunk. Now WJ's talking to LSG and he walks away after.
Now at NB's house, NB's thinking about the competition. The next day at JW's house, NB talks to JW's house to talk to JW's father about the competition. And JW's father tells NB about JW's improving condition.  JW's getting pushed around in his wheelchair by his grandma. NB comes to see him, JW can now move his arms and talk. At SA's apartment, SA's tries to call and then she leaves her apartment. At World Dept. Store, WJ talks to YJY. At SA's shop, SA calls again and she leaves. Now she meets up with YJY nearby (with BG and GH nearby watching them.) SA is about to give YJY a document.  BG tries to ask SA questions, but SA just goes to the bathroom. SA goes to a stall with a sign on it, and switches bags with a bag inside the toilet. SA leaves the bathroom and then GH searches SA's bag.
Now at WJ's house, LSG comes out and calls out, but no one answers. Now SR and his son, Yoon returns home and Yoon greets LSG. Everyone went inside, and now SR gets a call from NB's mom. SR reaches the bar place, and NB's mom is sitting there, but he sees HMR on stage dressed up and she tells SR something and HMR starts to sing and SR just looks at her. NB's mom smiles and leaves the bar. SR just continues to look at her. SR turns around, but HMR gets pulled by a stranger, and SR turns back around and runs towards them.
NB's at her shop and waiting for her mom to arrive. NB's mom arrives and then NB's leaves since it's the day of the competition. Now at World Dept. Store, WJ talks about the competition and SA, NB and the other dude are there. SA nods at YJY and the competitors leave the room. NB and SA leave the room. MHS calls SA and NB listens to the phone call. NB calls BG (who's with GH) and tells them what just happened. BG and GH run off.
Now YJY is looking at the shoes, but she starts to panic a little bit. Now in the parking lot MHS is walking talking to himself. A lot of guys surround MHS but he runs off (and they chase him). Now back to World Dept. Store, and the results are about to be announced. The other competitor dude says something, then SA says something, then NB does. And now YJY writes down her decision. And then.... Na Bi wins! (Like it was going to be any other way lol.) Now the reporters surround her. Back in the bathroom, SA switches clothes and disguises herself and walks out. YJY goes to shake hands with NB and congratulates her. YJY thinks back to before, where another guy gave YJY a bag before she met up with SA.
Now at World Dept. Store, SA is walking, and MHS spots her, she starts to run, but stops when MHS calls out to her. MHS starts to question her and asks for his money. SA then gives her the bag. MHS looks through the bag and realizes it's not the right one. MHS grabs her clothing. SA pushes him off and MHS falls down the flight of stairs and is not moving. SA slowly walks to the stairs and turns MHS over, but he doesn't move at all. SA looks really scared now. Now back at WJ's house, LSG thinking to what WJ and SR said.
Now at JW's house, the family is waiting for the news, and NB calls them to tell them she passed. Everyone's so happy and celebrating. But now LSG is waiting outside JW's house with other guys. JW's grandma gets angry, but LSG puts his hand up and tells JW's family that he's sorry. The guys continue to track MHS and BG and GH follow them. They find MHS, one guy stays while the other guy follows SA.
Now back at WJ's office, WJ hugs NB and they talk. NB's about to say something to WJ, but BG calls NB to tell her that SA escaped. NB's shocked. Episode ends.
Ep 51 Preview.WJ and NB seem to be happy and are going somewhere. NB asks WJ to marry her. SA continues to try to run away, she visits her brother and talks to him. NB seems to visit someone at the hospital. WJ and NB seem to have a disagreement at the end of the preview (not sure what NB said, I could be wrong).

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Guest cupcakedarling

@Ayame Thank you :x You're awesome as always.

I'm kinda sad it's all going to end tomorrow :(( What am I gonna watch now?

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@Ayame, Thanks of the recap

 Adding to the preview for 51

NB visits SA in the hospital. Everyone is at GH and BG's wedding. CK and SJ have a baby girl. Looks like someone is getting out of prison. It looks like it's NB, SJ and CK waiting outside the prison. NB and WJ are  facing each other holding hands and NB says something and WJ takes his hands away and NB walks away upset.  

The preview can be seen here: http://wizard2.sbs.co.kr/sw11/template/swtp_preview_view.jsp?vVodId=V0000369136&vProgId=1000828&vMenuId=1017857&vVodCnt1=00051&vVodCnt2=00&vSection=V7&vCompressCode=T2

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@awsparkle Oh, thanks for the video of the preview, I forgot it can be seen on the official website.
But it seems like at the end of the preview, I think NB asks WJ if he really can't do something (or if something's not going to happen? not sure) and I think NB says, "Let's end it here." I really need a translation of the first line she said before that (before the "Let's end it here" part), I really want to know what's going on, lol.
Other things I noticed in the preview:SA leaves a note to SJ saying, "I'm sorry, Soo Jung... I'm really sorry..." And when SA visits her brother, she says, "Oppa, should I go to you?" So I'm guessing SA attempted a suicide?

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Yeah previews are always edited to make stuff look more dramatic.

I'm guessing from the preview that SA attempts to commit suicide and she is admitted to the hospital (NB obviously visits her and probably yells at her to wake up and pay her dues by going to prison). SA eventually goes and I'm betting that the episode will do a time jump to a number of years later where SA gets out of prison (notice everyone is watching her get out, including SJ). And within that time jump is when CK and SJ have a baby and I'm guessing JW recovers from what's happening to him...and NB and WJ get married.

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BTS filming pics...
From Yoon Se Ah (SA)'s twitter with Kim Jung Hyun (CG)-bhetehrciaa6cx3.jpg
From fantagio's FB [fantagio's the agency that Yum Jung Ah (NB), Kim Sung Soo (JW) and Kim Young Ae (JW's mom) are under]:10008415641405198926334.jpg

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