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[Drama 2012/13] My Love , Butterfly Lady 내 사랑 나비부인


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i know, why DOES NB care so much about them...It's just stupid!
Why is she evn trying so hard to help JW, she seems to have forgot/forgiven him for all the crap he's given her! She originally wanted him to suffer for what he has done to her, but the extent that she's going to to help him is just beyond me...  Where's all that anger she had?!

That's why i feel so sorry for WJ in the back who's watching her do so much for JW (that's probably why he's so depressed and lifeless - because she's making it so obvious that she still cares for him, and he can't do anything about it).
I sort of get the impression that she's in a way (probably without realising) using getting the evidence to get SA into jail as an excuse, she seems to be doing it more to get JW out of trouble more than anything (even though she says its for SA)...which is so irritating to watch.

And although i don't want to believe it, it sort of seems like she doesn't love WJ as much as she loved JW, like when she admits she loves WJ (to JW), it could be that she means it, or she is trying to convince JW and herself that she does? Like where she says to her mum she likes him because he makes her feel really comfortable and treats her like a woman...so she probably likes him more than loves him? Well at leasst for now anyway.  I think WJ needs to try and come forward a bit about the relationship and do more about it..i know it's probably because NB is still married...but he needs to do something...as NB isn't really that into him at the moment. lol.
Hopefully she will help him with his coming up family issues, and as a result become closer, and truely learn to love him.

It's probably a given that JW will fight with WJ over NB, but i will be so annoyed if she actually wavers...if the writer does that i will cry! lol.

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kda86... let's hop that NB doesn't waiver.. If she does, then I too will walk away from this drama.  We have spent too many eps, watching her struggle, get hurt and cry because of him, that the thought that she would even consider going back will be disappointing. WJ needs to step up his game and get a little more aggressive with his relationship with her.  Granted NB is still married, but the cheating and lies not mention the "other women" is grounds enough for her to slap him, divorce him and go to WJ who truly loves her.  Why is she so stupid and blind.

JW should end up with SA.  Two birds of a feather.  Selfish, mean, calculating and lack any sort of compassion.  As for Granpa, daughter-in-law, they too should end up together....lol

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In defense of WJ SIL/aunt, she is one of my favorites, I swear she need's no friends she has conversations all by her self, and is often amused by her own wit. How could anyone hate her.
YJ what can I say, when she got the papers wouldn't the logical thing to do is head straight for the police station, why the detour home first? I swear that investigator report that NB has will give them the clue to look into SA, I'm sure she still has it plus it has not been properly used as of yet.

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awsparkle said:

Just watched ep 33 with subs. Why is the MIL trying to hang on to NB so badly after what her son did to her. She told NB no matter what the case maybe divorce is unacceptable. In ep 34 I had to laugh at the nerve of this woman. She asks NB can't she see her pitful son once again. Can't she forgive him just once more and to please, not abandon him. Why does NB care so much about these selfish people.

NB's not taking GP's threats laying down. She's fighting back. She says he knows that SA and JW planned a fake marriage to her. That SA was behind the Beauty Mall scam. That he even hired someone to take the evidence that would convict SA. NB told him to go ahead and knock it down until he's content. That he often threatened her to tear it down and have JW sentence to prision. She no longer likes the man who married her fraudulently and she's divorcing him and leaving him. (the next part still has no subs) How does that matter to me. She then tells GP she needs to thank him. Once she divorces and there's no more Meji Restaurant to worry about then she can freely go to WJ. That's the only part of ep 34 that I enjoyed.  


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IBELIS said: In defense of WJ SIL/aunt, she is one of my favorites, I swear she need's no friends she has conversations all by her self, and is often amused by her own wit. How could anyone hate her.
YJ what can I say, when she got the papers wouldn't the logical thing to do is head straight for the police station, why the detour home first? I swear that investigator report that NB has will give them the clue to look into SA, I'm sure she still has it plus it has not been properly used as of yet.

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@IBELIS, I don't hate WJ SIL either. She is too funny. Money has blinded her and made her a little crazy.

I blame JW for the way YJ is. He made her like that. An insecure, mixed up desparate clingy woman. She loves him so much and is so afraid of losing him all logic goes out the window. 

NB's mind is all over the place that she hasn't stop to think she has evidence of her own.  Hopefully she will discover it when she starts packing her thing to leave that house.

@kda86, NB doesn't know herself who she loves and what her real feelings are towards both men. NB has not taken the time to sort out her feelings. She may have loved JW with everything in her, but those feelings had started going towards WJ. Add on what JW did to her and it took away a little more of her love for JW away. Pieces of love is still there but not like it was before. I think right now she has buried what she feels for JW and the pain and heartache has taken over. Also that's why she has focused so much on SA so she won't have time to think about what her true feeling are.

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I have to admit that I had not watched episode 34 after reading the spoilers here and finding out the dupicate documents were stolen I had no will to watch it. Well I just finished with subs, I am not surprised the Gpa stole the document, in truth I suspected that he was the one to turn in JW. What I'm not understanding is how they think this keeps NB and JW together, can't you divorce a criminal while he is in jail?. I now think that the Gpa's actions are what is going to set the stage for WJ/YJ mom's appearance. 
The thing that also puzzles me is that JW was suppose to be this big time business man in America before making the deal with SA, yet this fool did all this crap for now he sitting in jail and he never received the deeds that he was promised. Even a middle school'er would know that's not how you do a trade. When doing shady business shouldn't you get paid up front?
Watched episode 35 partially subbed, but the key points were all there. Gpa definately told SA he would not help her get back in the department store. NB also told her mother they would be leaving after the New Year. She told Gpa that he could tear the homestead down if he wants it means nothing to her because will be getting a divorcem so she will be free to go to WJ. SIL got an ear full, because NB also spoke about everything SA did from the fake marriage to being the mastermind behind the fraud, NB told if take 10 or 100 years if she had to find MS her self she will get proof and send her to jail.
On side note, SIL/aunt little black outfit with mask, was to funny, and the husband acting as if had no clue who she was, as if some strange woman would be in their house dressed that way.
I'm so look forward to this week end and seeing NB leave, I understand respecting your elders but if I was NB before I left I would MIL mom to side where no one else could hear and let her know what I thought about her and her puppy. I'm just saying, some times they just say thing that I would have to bite my tongue to keep from putting them in their place.
 I know a lot of people here think NB has grown since she has been living there but I think that was who NB was all along. She is the kind of person who did not concern herself with other peoples business, but is loyal, trustworthy and dependable to those she care about.Coming into that house she had to fight for place there they did not welcome her, she had to hear constant disparaging remarks about her husband, their feelings about him change because of her and that's one of the reason's the MIL loves her so much. When the homestead was in trouble it was NB who saved it. Making the sauces into a business was NB's idea, getting the father to start up the shoe business again was NB's doing. She was a god send to that family and she will be missed. The part of her that is selfish and arrogant is still there and is just as much apart of what makes her NB and that why I just root for her to beat the bad guys.

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Guest Chi Chi

Anyone watched in Ep 35 where the old grandma called grandpa a thief and then threw beans sprouts at him?  Does she just call any stranger 'a thief' or could there be more to it?  Old grandma is my favourite in that house.  

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I say GP and SA need to hookup and get married. They are two of a kind. 

@IBELIS, I don't think NB is going to allow anyone to push her around anymore. If they push she will push back even harder.  With her stepping to GP she really has to follow through on the divorce to prove to GP that she's serious.

NB has grounds for divorce without having JW's signature. The fraudulent marriage itself is enough, but he's also considered a criminal. 

NB won't give the GM a good tongue lashing but I hope her mother does and dare her to say something. After NB leaves the only one left for the GM to lash out at will be SJ  She's started on her already because of SA. What's going to happen when the GM finds out about the cancer.  SJ''s not thick skinned like NB and won't be able to take it.

JW and YJ have to be the most welll educated stupid people in the world. Senile GM could out smart those two.

Someone mention in another post that SGM might know GP. She just might. She loves her some WJ Oppa and maybe she sees him as the younger GP before he became such a horrible man.

I think YJ's mother is going to be the key to open the pandoras box that GP thought he shut and locked a long time ago.

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I also think either there was some history between the two families or NB's FIL knows the bad stuff that WJ's dad did in the past, as he used to work for World Group and left because of something, and really hates that company. That could be why WJ's dad is trying so hard to keep WJ away from the family? in addition to the fact he just wants to control everyone.

I know its a bit farfetched and random, but what if it's something really random like NB's FIL is also WJ's dad's son? lol. I doubt it like...but it could happen..

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kda86 said: I also think either there was some history between the two families or NB's FIL knows the bad stuff that WJ's dad did in the past, as he used to work for World Group and left because of something, and really hates that company. That could be why WJ's dad is trying so hard to keep WJ away from the family? in addition to the fact he just wants to control everyone.

I know its a bit farfetched and random, but what if it's something really random like NB's FIL is also WJ's dad's son? lol. I doubt it like...but it could happen..

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Can someone explain YJ's mom's influence on the department store? I asked this a while back, but no one responded and Viki still has not subbed a few of those lines. I want to know how YJ's mom got SA's richard simmons booted from World. Also in a scene shortly after where a rep from Korean Department Store rejects SA entering their deparrtment store, the subs show something along the lines of "Why didn't you tell us about that?" and then something about stocks. Can anyone explain this part? Thanks

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@BoAFriend, My conclusion without the subs was that YJ mother had the guy from Korean Department Store approach SA and offer her space in their store. SA gave up her space in World, to move her product to the other store, but she still owns stock with World. Korean and World are competitors. SA would be double dipping and making a profit from both companies. The guy told her when she sells her stocks to come back and they can talk. The news got out about her trying to double dip in both stores which put a black mark on her company and she started losing business. The added bonus was she was brought in for questioning about the Beauty Mall scam which put another blackmark on her character and company. She's now losing even more business. So any of the companies she wanted to do business with or is doing business with are pulling out.

What I think is going to happen is SA is losing so much business she will have to sell her stocks. YJ's mother will buy those stocks. The Chairman had something to do with the fire and somehow was able to steal the company from WJ's mother.  It will turn out that YJ's mother is also WJ's mother. The mother and WJ's stocks together will make them the majority stockholders and able to take over World.

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Thanks awsparkle.

One other thing...SA's shoe store appears to be called Mishall but in the Viki character description, her shoe company is called Herian...in Episode 32 when SA is looking at the newspaper article at her store, the subtitles read it as Herian as well. Any idea on this?

Yeah, I know...I'm interested in all the irrelevant small things about SA. Hahaha

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Written previews are out:
36회 [2013-02-16]설아는 삼구에게 돈은 안줘도 되니 증거물을 모두 돌려달라고 하지만, 삼구는 거부한다. 삼구는 자신을 믿지 못하는 설아를 불쾌해하고, 다시는 그 이야기를 꺼내지 말라고 화를 낸다. 한편, 우재는 나비를 찾아가는데...
37회 [2013-02-17]가족들은 정욱이 석방이 되고 나서 아무 연락이 없자 걱정을 하고, 서울 집에 방문하기로 한다. 한편, 설아는 형사에게 조사를 받는 도중 삼구에게 전화를 걸어 보호해달라고 하지만, 삼구는 죗값을 치루라고 하며 전화를 끊어버리는데...
I put the Google Translate under a spoiler, since it doesn't make complete sense lol: 

36th [2013-02-16]
Seol Ah handing the money to Sam Goo to return to all the evidence, but, Sam Goo denied. Sam Goo do not believe in Seol Ah, and offend, to bring it up again, not to get angry. Meanwhile, Woo Jae meets Na Bi...

37th [2013-02-17]
Jung Wook released after no contact their families to worry about, and Seoul to visit home when she did. On the other hand, Seol Ah during a criminal investigation, Sam Goo to call protection but don't, Sam Goo disconnected the phone and called sins pay to take out...

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in ep 35, when WJ and that have a talk in the workshop, when WJ asked what he did to make the mum disappear, and he told WJ that the mum disappeared because they made a deal where he will take in WJ, if she promises to disappear and never appear again.
He actually admits it!  How can he expect his son to ever even want to go home or even see his face after that?!
The next part of the story will definately be  WJ's mum coming back and helping him take down the dad...

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Ayame said: Written previews are out:
36회 [2013-02-16]설아는 삼구에게 돈은 안줘도 되니 증거물을 모두 돌려달라고 하지만, 삼구는 거부한다. 삼구는 자신을 믿지 못하는 설아를 불쾌해하고, 다시는 그 이야기를 꺼내지 말라고 화를 낸다. 한편, 우재는 나비를 찾아가는데...
37회 [2013-02-17]가족들은 정욱이 석방이 되고 나서 아무 연락이 없자 걱정을 하고, 서울 집에 방문하기로 한다. 한편, 설아는 형사에게 조사를 받는 도중 삼구에게 전화를 걸어 보호해달라고 하지만, 삼구는 죗값을 치루라고 하며 전화를 끊어버리는데...
I put the Google Translate under a spoiler, since it doesn't make complete sense lol: 

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Can some translate the title some of the songs of the tracklist from the OST?
04 가면을 쓰고05 나비처럼06 나쁜 친구07 날개가 없다08 두 번째 사랑09 봄을 기다리는 나비10 사랑이 지나간다11 지울 수 없는 기억

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