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[Drama 2012/13] My Love , Butterfly Lady 내 사랑 나비부인


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Guest manquant

Google Translate  :-j
South butterfly ride in an ambulance getting knocked out, jeonguk keeps beside her. Between any butterfly in front of the emergency room and asked to see a doctor to jeonguk husband says. On the other hand, do not receive phone Losing anxious to woojae the butterfly to ...
Jeong-uk, make up your mind, chebal. ~X( I don't think NaBi deserves that kind of love that stemmed from your pity for her being so gullible that she fell for you that much. WooJae, don't worry, you and NaBi are the OTP of this show, that jerk already reunited with his forever insecure girl Eugene so it's time for you to have your well deserved NaBi. :-bd
Ahhhhhh, so excited for this week's episodes. The show keeps getting better! ;;)

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Ah, Gawd bless Google translator - where would we be without it....
I suppose it would be out of the question for someone to drug up one of the grandmother's home-made alcoholic drinks with an extra strong doze of laxatives and give it to Roy?

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Ayame said: The text preview for Episode 27 was just updated on the official site as well. ^^
27회 [2013-01-13]기절한 남나비는 구급차에 태워지고, 정욱은 그녀의 옆을 지킨다. 응급실 앞에서 나비와 어떤 사이냐고 물어보는 의사에게 정욱은 남편이라고 말한다. 한편, 우재는 나비에게 전화해 보지만 받지 않아 불안해하는데...

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Guest manquant

@cupcakedarling It's Kim Nam Joo, uri WooJae's partner in that drama. She has good shows too. Check them out if you have time. ;)

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I must be one of the few but I actually think Roy's character is way more interesting and his feelings for NB are to put it mildly, complicated.
-- he is on the run from the authorities and he gets in touch with his wife. It is not like she has money left for him to scam but he chooses to meet her and SA has to corner him to get him to move to Hong Kong.
-- Roy actually tells NB that he is moving to Hong Kong - an odd thing to do to someone you are abandoning
-- Roy gives her the address of his family; the past few years, his entire focus and sole aim is to return to that family and see his mother and he resorts to ridiculous measures; he then sends NB to that very same family -- the question is why? did he think that she would abandon him once she knows the truth and move on with her life? again, if you are abandoning someone, you certainly are not going to give them information about people you hope to return to at some point in your life. ** In real life, abandoned spouses have absolutely no information or leads
-- every time, his girlfriend questions him about NB, he clams up and there is this big wall of silence. he does not answer what NB is to him because there is no black, white answer here. If NB was simply a tool he used, Roy is the kind of man to simply state that cruelly because his girlfriend is currently his ally but he does not. Nor does he richard simmons about NB's flaky, flighty qualities and how he was forced to marry such a woman.
-- When Roy talks to SA, his points are that she destroyed his business and he wants his land back. he never mentions her forcing him to marry NB as one of the crimes. If someone forced you into conning someone and marrying someone you despised, would that not be on the list of 'horrible things you did to me'?
-- he meets his mom-in-law and he instinctively blurts out "mom-in-law" and looks extremely guilt stricken. he is not smug or even defensive. he simply has no words or face to meet her. it was a con marriage and so why address her by the title, "mom-in-law"?
-- the girlfriend is no dumb cookie; she is insecure because she cannot gauge what he feels about this woman he married. not to mention that he is rather cold and standoffish with the girlfriend.

So will NB end up with WJ or Roy? Probably depends on ratings and audience reactions! But I think the above shows that Roy is not a one-card character and his feelings for NB are also complicated. Some folks mentioned that he never revealed stuff about himself to NB but there were small points during their marriage (like he missed his mom and he wants a Korean breakfast) that he did reveal despite himself which NB didnt quite pick up on. NB is the kind of woman who would accept Roy, warts and all and Roy is also that kind of man since he lived quite happily with two flighty, flaky women (both the mom and NB do have those qualities)

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@Imangla ... I agree that Roy still is NB's choice, and though many disagree, WJ will not be the winner.  Who thinks that NB could even be accepted in WJ's household?  Gramps hates her, and the aunt has already had a run in with NB"s mother, so how would that even fit?  The bond that she's already established with Roy's family says, to me, that that is her home.

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Guest Arawni1430292037

Roy is Nabi's choice - now. But I believe WJ will eventually win. Nabi seemingly thought that she was responsible for Roy's death and so had no right to be with another man. Also the fact that Roy was dead had such an effect that she basically remembered only good things about him and was able to paint everything in the past with rosy colors. She was able to idolize Roy and so of course she would always put Roy the Idol above any living man.

However, now that Roy is back and with another women in tow, Nabi will have to face the reality and see that her husband actually is a man who isn't all that perfect. A man who has betrayed her. Of course, knowing Nabi, it will take time and hard effort from tha lady in question to actually get this through to her but eventually she will see Roy as who he is. And she might find that WJ is in fact a better man. Nag, who am I kidding, she will eventually think so without question. ;)

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@msmy -- I agree with you. I sort of think thats how the story will end up because so much of the story has focused on Roy's family and NB forming relationships with them. As Young Jae says in Full House, "dummy, after we are divorced, this won't be your family any more" or something along those lines. At some point, Roy will be forgiven by his family. So where does that leave NB? It seems unrealistic that the family will still be friendly with the ex-wife.

Also WJ might be the better man but how often is it where the second leads are actually better men then main lead? Thats pretty much how the dramas usually roll. On that basis alone, it makes me feel that she will end up with Roy...

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Guest Arawni1430292037

But... WJ is the main lead. :P It has been clear from the promo material and for example from the fact that Roy was totally absent for the most of the episodes while WJ has been in every single one of them. So if it's Roy who gets the girl in the end, second lead man would've won.

And divorce doesn't always mean you have to divorce the whole family. Maybe this is what this drama is also about, that in-laws have become Nabi's family whether she's with Roy or not. And seeing that it's Roy who has wronged Nabi, in-laws would not blame her for the divorce at all but rather be supportive and help her.

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But surely Roy is the second lead?  There is no evidence so far to show that Roy is worthy of Na Bi and whilst I do agree that Roy will be eventually forgiven by his family, I think that it is also equally realistic that she can continue to be friends with her ex's family.  I think she had done so much over the year she has spent with them that regardless of whether she ends up with someone else, she will always be a part of the family.
I agree with your comment. Na Bi has feelings for Woo Jae - we know that but the barrier that is preventing her from acting on those is the belief that she was responsible for Roy's death.  Now, she will get the rude awakening that it was a sham marriage - she will question everything she knows and I think after all the shock/grief has passed, we will see one angry butterfly.   Family dramas don't tend to do plot lines out of the traditional lines generally so I think that the One True Pair will be Na Bi and Woo Jae.  He knew her when she was the arrogant cocky starlet to when she was a penniless struggling woman.  As far as Roy is aware, Na Bi now is the Na Bi before.  Woo Jae gets Na Bi.

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There's merit in NB choosing Roy in the end for 2 reasons:

1.  Roy is hotter than WJ.  I can even imagine how NB will reject WJ.  "You know WJ, I like you and all and you've done so much for me and also you're a nice guy but really Roy is way hotter than you.  It's true that he scammed me into the marriage when he didn't love at first, then ran to HK leaving me dealing with stuff, then came back in another woman's arm not considering my feelings and he may repeat the same stunt again in the future but you know that's okay.  I kind of think he loves me now and most importantly, I love him because to me he's still the hottest thing since the summer of 2012."

2.  Roy's family loves her.  "Roy, you may not love me but your family loves me so I'll marry you again."

But the possibility of NB choosing WJ is still pretty high because the drama may want others to be like WJ the nice guy of the world and not Roy the scammer of the world.  I mean if Roy the scammer of the world gets the girl then who the hell would want to be WJ the nice guy of the world.  They would all be like Roy the scammer of the world who gets the cake and eat it too.

Personally for me, of course I think WJ deserves to get the girl not only because I like PYW but because his love for NB is pure and unconditional.  He's willing to give without getting anything in return.  He is the Masumi of my heart.  Yes, he's the main guy and he's groomed to be loved so I'm loving him.  And really, there's no reason why I would even consider Roy when he's this fat scamming liar and more importantly not even hot enough. 

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Guest manquant

It seems our community here's divided between NaBi-Roy and NaBi-WooJae shippers seeing the current turn of events. ;)) I'm so happy that many like @arawm @Shinobu @Grumpy82 share the same sentiment with me, NaBi and WooJae is the OTP of this show. :D From their first (scandalous) meeting at that Madame Butterfly play to them meeting again and NaBi accusing WooJae as a paparazzi and breaking his pricey DSLR in the process, these two have come a long way. I'm actually weird-ed out when NaBi got involved in a whirlwind romance with Roy. Well. now it's clear that it's was just part of that deluded Seol Ah's plan. :> Writer-nim, please confirm that you're just misleading us with the current Roy-rekindling-his-'love'-for-NaBi arc. Even if the world's turned upside down, we can't change the reality that what they share is just a fake marriage. That fake marriage is the only thing hindering NaBi from running into her knight Woo Jae's arms. :-q And, @msmy and @lmangla , I think it's not impossible for NaBi to be still part of Kim family despite that. Ommoni told NaBi before she now has another daughter in NaBi so with or without Jeong-uk, I think she'll still have a family in them. And as with Hong Mo Ran conflict with NaBi's mom, with Woo Jae being that independent, I don't think he needs the approval of that irksome harabuji to be with the woman he loves. ;;)

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