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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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@allaboutmissb what? anaknya Mira W? haha is that because she wrote too many melodramatic novels?
no dear, but my mom is her big fan. :))

@rulezhine I will upload it once my internet connection is not so slow I want to throw my modem out of the window!!
hopefully tomorrow I can do it. :D

woooow so @bloodiamond is now writing ff too!! @renebecks and @cincalawra helped her translate it in to english??
you guys rock!! \m/ off to read!!


@bloodiamond I've read it!! cool start dear!! the guy cw bumped with was jk?? cute first meeting!

are they going to be matchmade by their grandpa and father??
and who's yoo ri jk fell in love with? is it yoo ri from snsd??
so many questions I know kkk :P can't wait for ch.3!!

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Lol at the SJK's blind dates in @blooddiamond's ff. Nice job girl! Can't wait til their first meeting! And nice job @renebecks! Your translation is awesome!! :-bd

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Guest rosemarygirl

miss chaeki a lot! too busy with work and had to backtrack  
  credit: see tag
  credit: see tag

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cincalawra said:
master @jeonghyang has come back... \m/
and ... JK was spotted as one of his father's business' employee.. washing cars!Wow! He must be pretty busy texting, washing cars, fishing, playing baseball, CF shooting... busy busy busy... and only CW remain silent (undiscovered....). sigh.
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hello-2010.gif Burnt ToastsGawd! Fanfic Writers ~ Thanks much for all the updates. You guys love to shatter our hearts into pieces.Please minimize all your tortures. Don't be sadistic! It Really ( Ost by SJK ) hurts! dying-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862500
Missin' ChaeKi badly! depressed2-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928
FFW @limanh
:: I missed you dearly! I've been dreaming of you lately. It's actually your avatar keeps on haunting me. Are you okay Tart? Worried much! Hope you're absolutely FINE. Please take care always!

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It's coincidentally that all three updates are rather mellow/sad...so maybe one day all our updates are happy as well?...
We need to mend the broken hearts, ne?... :D

Did I ever say that I love your entries here?....Thank you, dear!  Though I'm a writer but when it comes to nice entries I'm such a looser...hahaha... L-)

You really took your time to read the 50+ chapter fanfic? Wow...I think I would give up after one chapter already...the translation would annoy me too much and I'm too impatient for it...lol...but the names are really funny...(you are asking why not 9 in 10 years? Cause then Eun Gi wouln't be human anymore...hahaha)...and there was no hot/naughty scenes? That's a pity for such a long fanfic...maybe it's only censored...lol...from now on I will skip it, too! Only concentrating on other stuff...it kills less brain cells... :)) :))

Thank you @bloodiamond for sharing your fanfic and the two great girls @renebecks and @cincalawra for making it possible for us to read... :x

I missed you, too!  I'm tired from RL but fine...how about you? I hope we will see your comments often again... :x
You did?...lol...I never remember what I dreamed of...so I don't know if I ever dreamed of ChaeKi... :(( :((
Why would my avatar haunt you? You want me to change it here?...

edit: Ah okay, I understand now...hahaha...I will grant your wish...^^

I know our fanfics have been heavy lately...but be assured better times are to come...(or not? Maybe I'm promising too much? Don't kill me if it turns out differently, okay?....*hides*... :-\" )

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What should I say...:D thank alots to @renebecks and @cincalawra who translated my ff so it can be read by others. My sunbaenim @limahn and @SJKMCW, @riendonghae for support this kind collaboration. For @tami4869 who always ask about the update, @rulezhine who make my ff more live in live journal. Thank for all who had read mine. Thanks for names cant be written one by one. I cant guarantee you best ff as my sunbaemin have, i just write it coz my hunger of chaeki couple. Gumawo chingus.

(me...like giving speech for an award, ne~....:)))

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@allaboutmissb LMAO, ChaeKi Bible, :)) . You cutie pie, you *squishes cheeks*. No I'm not prophetic - wished I was so I know what ChaeKi are up to and when they are coming back with a project. At the time, I had known JK and CW for quite awhile - had observed their performances as well as their off-screen persona. Call it instinct, but I felt their natural affinity for acting, as well as a sincerity in their roles - no matter how small or short - made them very compatible in my eyes. Of course, I also felt their close age would benefit in a collaboration. I just didn't predict their collaboration could potentially turn into something romantic. ;)) That did come somewhat as a surprise, since I wasn't expecting CW to grow so close to JK in such a short time. I knew JK's sociability and sincerity would open CW up...just not that quickly. NG's press conference was the first time I got the impression a romantic interest was actually possible for ChaeKi. CW surprised quite a few of us older fans with her openness and comfort with JK.
I can't believe you Google Read a 50 chapter Korean FF. =D> That takes so much patience and drive. You go girl!

I'm glad several of you are writing FFs. I remember when I used to read and write those as a teenager, but now I seem to have outgrown it. Nonetheless, I think it's great we've got Toast authors who are willing to share their works and help people participate. It's a great way to keep Toasts bonded together...and I really do miss many of my sistas and kindred spirits here. I may not always be active in the thread, but I have ChaeKi and Toasts in my heart. Thinking of and wishing the best for ChaeKi and you all. :-*

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Guest lucky120593

hello toasts!! 
I'm just dropping by to say hi because its been awfully quiet here...all toasts must be very busy huh?? As for me, I am totally chincha cheongmal busy busy busy. My final exam is in two weeks time and I really don't have time to relax and enjoy myself..( why did you take this course? why??? ) :((
but anyhow, I visited this thread everyday.. because a day without Chaeki is like living without oxygen or something.. hahaha.. call me crazy but I just don't care.. I'm missing them so much.. I really hope to see both of them soon, especially Chae Won because she's been MIA for far too long. I need to see her on my screen!!! right now, I just want to see both of them in their new projects.. and i hope we will.. soon enough..
CHAEKI... I miss you guys so much.. please come back soon...
Take care toasts! annyeong!

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Thanks rien i have watched it the video in YT and left a comment there...hahhaa it's really awesome video...love it so much
:-* :-*

ahh btw i got chaeki BTS from ep 9 where eungi wrote kang maru name.. it's only a minute video... i got it from maple_Ki Aile

:-* :-*
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ChaeKi are seriously so adorable saying "Oh my god". :x I miss them so much!! I swear, I sense this aura with them! They seem like a real couple. I love SJK's reaction when the director yelled cut. ;)) So priceless. I wanna see the nxt BTS. :D

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even this video only a mi minute but still there was chaeki moment there.. a little interaction but their chemistry so great... i think MCW looked so beaufitul in that BTS.. so pretty and love her smile..
:x :x

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@rulezhine I replied your comment. do you like it? I hope you do!! [-O<

and thank you soooooooooo much fot that BTS!
I love them there, cw is soooo beautiful and jk, oh... don't get me start about how handsome he is!!
I wish there's more, though...
oh well, we have to wait patiently for our dear @sun_han right? ;)) (but take your time, sweetie!) O:-)

love you all toasts!! I should go to bed because I had to leave early tomorrow morning! :-* >:D<

I just watched the video and I love how cw's smiling to the kids. that's motherly smile!!! :x
and she always turns around to look at the kids when jk's playing with them.
omooo did she pictures of how both of them are going to have a child together one day and they will be like "challanda" to them?
*delusional mode on* :\"> :\">

lol I wish all of you got my points. I really should sleep right now. good night!! :-h

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Thanks for sharing @rulezhine! I really miss ChaeKi! Love SJK at the movie premier. He's seriously so cute & adorable.

Nice video @riendonghae dear. Thanks for always mending our hearts with ChaeKi vids. :-*

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