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[Drama 2012] Glass Mask 유리가면


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Yes, I saw the written preview was for 5 years jump.  It will be nice to see a seven year old daughter with her and their interaction also, including the interaction with Seon Jae. There should bring about a lot of jealousy for Ha Joon.  What he could have but he abandon to save his own self. A comparison of her bringing up someone not her own to In Cheol and Hae Sun.  Yi Gyung will do a far better job. 

Did I read somewhere there was an outcry in korea because of the scene where Yi Gyung poured water to create a scar? What's wrong with korean viewers? It wasn't overboard. Don't tone down or else the whole drama will be ruin, writer.

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@apache934. Yeah after rewatching some of the older episodes and what led to yg death. I have a feeling that the whole revenge is focused mainly on two people and they are sy and in cheol. Ha joon is a jerk who like you said is stuck between a rock and a hard place, but he also had a choice and he made one that ended the life of the woman he loves. His character to me is like a sinner seeking redemption. As to whether or not the writers go this way not sure, but from all the images out there the look on his face tells me that is a possibility. Off subject here guys and gals. I want to learn to read and understand korea what is a good tool or resource to do that?

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Guest shondrea2

@robertbrittian I'm trying to learn also, Try Talktomeinkorean,. Koreanclass101and BusyAtom. You can find these and many more on youtube. 

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Guest apache934

SGT has been in the jail more than 25yrs ( I'm not sure how old YG?? ) for IC 's sins

What can Korean's  law do if they find out the truth that  IC is a killer ?? because this case already expired ??


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@apache934. Well I think if they can find the evidence to prove in cheol did it then yes they would have to reopen it and set the record straight which btw I'm way excited to him being taken down. I'm going to truly enjoy when sy's world comes crashing down as she finds out that her amily is nothing but crooks!

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Have you all seen the new look of Yi Gyung as Jeong A? I've been stalking for this for the past five days.

Credit: http://mask.interest.me/Index/15/Board/View?b_seq=80.

People who wants to read episode summary (google translated). It's where I get watch raw and refer to write summary. You usually be able to read summary for that day between 12.30 pm to 1.00 pm eastern standard time. See the link below under experiences/review:

Credit: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=ko&tl=en&u=http://blog.naver.com/prologue/PrologueList.nhn%3FblogId%3Dfkdnf0808%26parentCategoryNo%3D72

Ep 47 Credit: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=ko&tl=en&u=

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Ep 47 - This episode is probably more showing Yi Gyung as Jeong A which people are more curious about.

5 years have passed. So Yeon was doing charity work on behalf of Hye Ran. Hae Sun is proud of So Yeon's achievements in Fideli and in the society. Geon doesn't believe So Yeon has become sensible. In Cheol wants to be promoted and he seems to be more ruthless at work (capture and then find evidence slowly) which is turning his colleagues off. So Yeon still hasn't had a child with Ha Joon and has become a focus point of Hye Ran. She told So Yeon not to use work as an excuse not to have a child. Hye Ran told So Yeon that the reason she's agreed to their marriage is because not just because So Yeon is smart, but she feels that they can build a sensible family together. Hye Ran told So Yeon that she cannot hold her position as President forever and she must be able to show Ha Joon stable family life to the board so that they can rest assured. Hye Ran told So Yeon that even though they might think it's early, she planning to recommend Ha Joon to become the next President of Fideli at this week's shareholders' EGM.

So Yeon seems to be at loggerhead with Ha Joon over the design of the next season's products (fighting over control). So Yeon claimed that has climbed to the position of Head of Department not because she's Ha Joon's wife but because of her design. She cannot tolerate anyone who ruin her design. She confronts Ha Joon about it. Ha Joon said that due to time pressure, he had discussed with Hye Ran to make the decision. So Yeon is furious at Ha Joon for not discussing with her and asked him when he will cut his apron string from Hye Ran. Ha Joon said he is the Deputy President and So Yeon as a Head of Department should listen to his instruction. So Yeon informed Ha Joon about Hye Ran bringing up the matter of having a child. So Yeon told Ha Joon that she has mention it to him many times about trusting her so that she can rest assured and do other things. So Yeon told Ha Joon that both of them will be in charge of Fideli in the future and that Hye Ran is going to make him become the next President at the next shareholders meeting. That makes Ha Joon happy. So Yeon told him that he cannot behave like this in the future. Ha Joon said he will handle the matter at the factory.

The rich ladies at the charity event were gossiping about So Yeon and Hae Sun. They despised Hae Sun.

At an emergency board meeting, Hye Ran mentioned to the shareholders that she planned to call a shareholders' EGM to promote Ha Joon to President. The shareholders comment that it's too early and there will be a lot people rejecting the idea. It will create a chaos. Hye Ran wants a new start for the company and she thank everyone for their support to enable Fideli to continue till now. She request the shareholders/directors present at the meeting to retire along with her and they will be rewarded handsomely. An uproar among the shareholders as they know Hye Ran's intention of passing the company to Ha Joon and threatening them to resign on their own accord.

At the office. Secretary Cha informed Hye Ran' that combining her shares with her supporters as well as with Ha Joon's shares, they have 48%. If they combine Chairman Seo's shares, their success of pushing the motion across at the shareholders' EGM will be great. Hye Ran informed Ha Joon that Chairman Seo has agreed to support her.

Geon is still attempting his reporter's exam. Hae Sun initially thought So Yeon is expecting. So Yeon and Ha Joon told her family of the news that Ha Joon is going to be the next President. Hae Sun is happy and request that Ha Joon finds a position for Geon in Fideli. Ha Joon agrees when he becomes President. Geon is not happy.

OMO. Seo Gi Pal is working for Seon Jae. Seon Jae is with Gim Ha Ra's daughter, Ginny in Seoul. She calls Seon Jae, samchon. Yi Gyung visited an unconscious Gim Ha Ra in hospital (drops of tears).

At the shareholders' EGM to vote on Ha Joon being President. The shareholders rejected the motion. While Seo Gi Pal waited with Jeong A's daughter, Ginny outside the board room, Seon Jae appears in the EGM and introduce Jeong A, Chairman Seo's granddaughter to the board to cast the vote on Chairman Seo's behalf. The expression on Ha Joon, Hye Ran and So Yeon were priceless when Jeong A took off her sunglasses.

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I think Yi Gyung meant to haunt them. I think five years to get the ground work done and all loose end tie so that there's not possibility that she couldn't be Jeong A was great.  Furthermore, she has time to develop her relationship with Jeong A/Ha Ra's child and Chairman Seo's trust.

Seo Woo when she is in revenge mode is to kill for. The look she gave them was so good.

The next preview  is causing the three of them to question if Yi Gyung is really dead and they trying to retrieve the ring that Ha Joon gave to Yi Gyung.

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Guest apache934

only one second for YG in the episode 47 ..but good enough

waiting for 48 ..I think it  would be not much ...for YG ...because of her accident ???

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Ep 47 had a chilly vibe to me. I mean your all going to burn in hades kinda feeling. Ha joon and everyone is all happy go luck then bam! Freaking awesome! I love the fact that soe gi pal is working with them it tells me that they've been preparing for a fight. But I agree yg purpose was to haunt them. Excited for this weeks episodes!

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Guest shondrea2

gene does that mean the grandfather is dead or we don't know yet ? I wonder who is the guy in the preview. The time has come for the crap to hit the fan yes!! I'm sure Yi Young know the truth abouth her mothers death and her father being framed, and i'm sure she knows that Seo Young is her twin.This and Missing You are worth watching.

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@shondrea2 - Chairman Seo is still alive (shown in the preview). You should see him in the next episode. Chairman Seo want to get the company back to Seon Jae and help him with his revenge.

Yeah, Seo Gi Pal working for Yi Gyung and Seon Jae does mean they know everything. Oh, how exciting. I wonder if they are going to do a bit of flashback on that?

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I think in the end chairman seo will join the bandwagon of revenge once he finds out who attacked his grand daughter. What is awesome about this..... This entire scenario can be tracked back to sy. Because of her obsession over ha joon. Still ep 47 for me was perfectly done right. The happy little villains believed things were going their way which tells me that they didn't think the chairman was returning....then he surprised them with the grand daughter. Also why has in cheol gone crazy?

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