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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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I was reading about reactions in Korean sites to GHS's new song and mv.
Some really liked it and some criticized her accent, it is not as good as SIG's version, etc. But, most people wrote that they really liked it.
One person left a reaction that made me flabbergast---that person said that GHS's falling into the water in the MV is GHS's answer to a break-up---suicide!!!
I wish I could respond to that person...but since I cannot!
Let me post here.
The poster is obviously not listening to the lyrics and did not know about GHS's trailer for the Disabled's Movie Festival!! All I know is that GHS explained that for her love is like falling into the deep water---your entire sensory system changes just because you are in love.
I noticed that GHS shows the falling-into-water scene twice in her MV---once when she is asking whether she and he would have been happy if only she did not say she love him. Then, she shows it again when she is talking about how finally, after a long time, she is now living a new and different life (without him)...Perhaps she is saying through that scene that she is in love again ??? and that the old bf cannot interfere with her new one!!!???  keke--
She posts "butterfly effect" on the screen. I read that butterfly effect has to do with how one event no matter how small it may be can have an effect elsewhere.--that even in a world that seems chaotic, there is order and connection (could it be fate??) somehow. Right?? I think GHS is also trying to say something like that. She wonders if she should not have done something in the past----but it happened like fate....and she is now living a new life and there is a tone of strength and defiance about it in her song and her delivery.
kekeke--GHS's creations always make me want to analyze...keke...of course, it is just my own 2 cents.

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I think we cannot just please everybody but the good thing is there are more people who liked GHS's new song and what made me happy reading those good comments is that there were people who does not even know her or didn't realized it was JANDI from BOF and saying they love her song i mean they are not biased hehehe like me but instead they appreciate and love the song heartfully..
LOL that's how we are for GHS if i read something really not good to my eyes i do always respond to that comment if i can..from what i can remember from your translation before during the DISABLED FILM FESTIVAL,GHS said that being disabled and in love is like being in a water where you don't see or hear anything but your feeling.. The 1st time i listened to this song and watched the music video my feeling is that she regret when she said i love you to her past relationship represented by her in black dress and we can just see her back and subconsciously i said she is fighting too against all odds with her new relationship but then she is happy represented by her in white dress playing with those garlic flowers but then i didn't want to say it because i feel like im biased to this being a fan of them..Again this is just my POV and my heartfelt feeling..HEHEHE

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Hello Sunnies, have a wonderful day everyone :-h

@cheerkoo can you look into this piece of news please, thanks :)

이해우, 구혜선 영화 '다우더' 캐스팅…구혜선과 연인호흡

마이데일리| 기사입력 2013-12-02 08:25 기사원문


[마이데일리 = 김미리 기자] 배우 이해우가 구혜선이 제작, 각본, 주연을 맡은 영화 '다우더'에서 구혜선과 연인 호흡을 맞춘다.

이해우 소속사 스타제이 엔터테인먼트 관계자는 2일 "이해우가 영화 '다우더'에서 구혜선의 상대역으로 캐스팅 됐다"고 밝혔다.

구혜선의 세 번째 장편 연출작인 '다우더'는 강압적인 체벌을 하는 엄마와 고통 받는 딸의 갈등을 다룬 심리극이자 사회적인 메시지를 담은 영화다.

이해우는 과거의 아픔으로 힘들어하는 여자친구(구혜선)를 위해 묵묵히 옆에서 지켜봐주고 보듬어주는 따뜻한 남자친구 진우 역할을 맡았다.

지난 2011년 영화 '퍼펙트게임' 에서 롯데 자이언츠의 얼짱 선수 강현수 역을 맡아 화제를 모은 이후 2년 만에 스크린에 컴백하는 이해우는 "연출을 맡은 구혜선 감독이 직접 연락을 해와 선뜻 출연을 결심하게 됐다"고 밝혔다.

한편 이해우는 현재 KBS 2TV 일일드라마 '루비반지'에서 어려운 가정환경 속에서도 의젓하면서 밝은 성격을 지닌 노지혁 역을 맡아 시청자들에게 눈도장을 찍고 있다.

[구혜선의 영화 '다우더'에 출연하는 배우 이해우. 사진 = 마이데일리 사진DB]

(김미리 기자 km8@mydaily.co.kr)

기사 제보 및 보도자료 press@mydaily.co.kr

- NO.1 뉴미디어 실시간 뉴스 마이데일리(www.mydaily.co.kr) 저작권자 ⓒ 마이데일리. 무단전재&재배포 금지 -

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thanks sukreen,,,
Lee HaeWoo has been cast as GHS's boyfriend for the movie, Daughter...
Let me read the article little later.
Lee HaeWoo is part of Star J Entertainment. who  told the media about the casting.
He will play GHS's warm and supportive boyfriend as she deals with her pain from the past.
GHS called him directly about the role and he readily agreed.

In 2011, Lee Haewoo played a handsome baseball player in the movie, Perfect Game. (I think Jo SeungWoo also starred in that movie...right??). The article states that he gained much popularity through that movie.
Currently, he appears in KBS drama, Ruby Ring, and plays a character who possesses positive outlook and integrity even though he comes from a difficult background.
Perfect Game occurred before GHS's SamSung Galaxy CF..So she took Lee HaeWoo's baseball player role into her CF naturally....In that CF, they were bf-gf too. Now they will continue on with bf-gf roles in GHS's Daughter.
And, Lee HaeWoo has come a  long way from the days of BOF!!

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@sukreen thanks for the great article and @cheerko thanks for the quick translation looking forward to the full article to be translated in English.

remember this guy Sunnies Lee hae Woo he was in GHS commercial (Baekgu)

this movie Daughter is going to be good movie :)

Fighting GHS and LHW

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Hello sunnies,

so mr galaxy will play hyesun's boyfriend!!to to be very honest i really was hoping that it would be daniel when she mentioned 'a friend' so i m abit sad :-( but its ok..lhw was the last one on my mind..but since angel chose him i guess he is good in acting too along with his good looks i trust hyesun with her choice..wishing hyesun lots of luck for 'daughter'..Fighting :-)

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Lee Hae  Woo confirmed role in the film "Daughter" by Goo Hye Sun / / Lee Hae Woo boys participated cameo for the film "Boys Over Flower"


Actor Lee Hae Woo starred in the movie "Daughter"Goo Hye Sun of electrical goods. 
The film "Daughter" is the third film of director Goo Hye Sun, genre film tells the story of family conflict mother and daughter, the mother of the abused daughter. 

On December 2 J Entertainment management company of Lee Hae-woo has confirmed he will take part in the drama of Goo Hye Sun. In the film Lee Hae Jin Woo Woo will play the girl's boyfriend, a boyfriend behind underground warm comforting your grief when her daughter crying. 

There are many supporters who sent messagede movie, now Lee Hae Woo is also starring in the movie"Ruby Ring" appears KBS but not much. 


Lee Hae Woo participated cameo for the drama "Boys Over Flowers" in 2008 KBS drama he plays a guy who is Oh Min Ji (Lee Si shoulders Yuong actor) hired to create misunderstandings Geum Jan Di (the role of actors Goo Hye Sun) in episode 4 of "Boys Over Flowers" 

Source Naver 
Credits : minsunnguyen@kites.vn 
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Guest Dayna Bornes

Thanks cheerko and sukreen! I'm very happy Koo Hye Sun's selection, Lee Hae Woo is very handsome and a great actor. Now I am translating it into Spanish! :) 

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so, it seems that our GHS-ssi kept in touch with yet another "Flower-man" besides the original F4 of BOF.
She befriended many child actors with whom she worked---from King and I and Please Captain. She made her best girlfriend the star of nearly all of her movies and trailers. She consistently worked with Mr. Choi IlHwa and another older lady who came out in every one of her pictures. That older lady also came out briefly in BOF--as the older lady who gives Jandi and her brother a free apt on top of a building that Joonpyo's mother demolishes.....remember?? Even Choi Daniel made a cameo in Peach Tree. She calls them "my actors".
That is a real nice pix of GHS and Lee HaeWoo side by side as posted by gayu312!  Thanks Sunnies for all the updates and posts!!

PS--Lee HaeWoo also is a student at SKKU in the Theatre and Movies Department.---Wow, they have many points of connection.

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This is a bit alarming to see it in the news portal.
A tweeter twits that he wants GHS to contact him and that he wants to date her. He says he has met her before and that she is still pretty. It may be just a fan, but he tweeted the similar message over and over again to GHS and he even tweeted message to President Park over and over again that he wants her to give him a lot of money for free so that he can enjoy life with pretty women...
I hope it is just a joke--but a bit of an alarming joke!!
Please be careful GHS-ssi!!

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@gayu312 President Park Geun-Hye is the current president of The Republic of South Korea. She's the 11th president of the country. This stalker (I consider him a stalker now because of his numerous & repeated postings) must be treated seriously. It's like a bomb threat, all threats are considered serious. HS should be very careful with these type of fans. @cheerkoo thanks for sharing. Welcome @Shinalyn Bello & @iilay to this thread. I hope you continue to visit & post something good about our girl. :) Hi Sunnies! I'm happy to know that GHS has chosen her lead actor in the movie. This dude is cute. He looks tall & slim like LMH. kekeke.... I wonder if there are more main characters in the movie? I'm looking forward to more news of "Daughter". The holidays is fast approaching, we will probably hear more next year? Take care everyone. It is cold here in my place. Keep warm & hydrated. :) Ciao! :X

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cheerkoo said: This is a bit alarming to see it in the news portal.
A tweeter twits that he wants GHS to contact him and that he wants to date her. He says he has met her before and that she is still pretty. It may be just a fan, but he tweeted the similar message over and over again to GHS and he even tweeted message to President Park over and over again that he wants her to give him a lot of money for free so that he can enjoy life with pretty women...
I hope it is just a joke--but a bit of an alarming joke!!
Please be careful GHS-ssi!!

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 I am so happy with the casting in GHS  new movie, Daughter! LHW matches well with GHS, as evidenced  from the Samsung cf.
Actress Shim Hye Jin is a veteran actress ! I bet some of her actor and actress friends will cameo for her!
I am excited for it! Good luck, , actress/director Koo! O..oh, when will the movie start filming.....

Welcome to all new Sunnies! Thanks to all for the updates and warm comments. Have a good week! :)

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도전으로 빛나는 스타들
Shining star in the challenge of (translate google)

[베리타스알파 = 김주현 기자] 연예인이면서 다른 타이틀로도 빛나는 스타들이 있다. 탤런트, 가수 등 자신의 분야에서 활동하면서 이루고 싶은 또 다른 꿈을 위해 꾸준히 준비해 결실을 이룬 스타들. 자신의 재능을 더욱 인정받아 유명세를 탄 스타들도 있고 아예 과감하게 전업한 스타들도 있다. 꿈꾸는 자의 특권이라는 점에서 늦은 도전은 없다. 머릿 속에 그리는 미래가 있다면 지금 과감하게 도전해 보는 것은 어떨까

화가, 소설가, 작곡가, 영화감독 등 만능 엔터테이너의 대표 구혜선

다재다능한 배우로 손꼽히는 배우로 구혜선을 빼놓을 수 없다. ‘꽃보다 남자’로 많은 사랑을 받은 구혜선은 지난 8월 중국에서 세 번째 전시회를 열었다. 지난 2009년 인사동 갤러리에서 개인전을 통해 화가로 데뷔를 한 구혜선은 2012년 9월 또 한 번 개인전을 열어 화가의 꿈을 선보였다. 구혜선은 장편소설 <탱고>를 통해 소설가 데뷔도 이뤄냈다. 일주일만에 삼만 부 이상 팔려 화제가 되기도 하였다. 구혜선의 세번째 타이틀은 작곡가. 28일 5번째 디지털 싱글 ‘행복했을까’를 발표하면서 직접 연출한 뮤직비디오를 함께 공개했다. 구혜선이 연출한 작품은 처음이 아니다. ‘요술’, ‘복숭아나무’로 영화감독 데뷔한 상태이기 때문이다. 구혜선은 2014년 ‘다우더’로 새로운 도전에 나선다. ‘다우더’에서 그는 연출과 시나리오, 배우까지 1인 3역을 맡았기 때문이다.

i skip the unrelated
full new >>http://www.veritas-a.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=18948

@cheerkoo don't mind please :D

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