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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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meow13 said: Another good news from HKC! They are offering me limited number of VIP tickets for the opening reception on May 24. I have asked about the exact number she could offer and she reverted that she will try best to accommodate all.

So I am posting this post here as invitation, for those who can join us on May 24 for HKC art fair opening, kindly revert to me before 3pm this Friday (19/4) for me to reserve the tickets. But in case if HKC cannot offer enough ticket at the end, tickets will be allocated according to time of reply. (i.e. first-come-first-serve) I think this would be the fairest way.

Hong Kong Contemporary 2013 Art Fair Opening Reception
Date: May 24 2013 (Friday)
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: The Excelsior , Causeway Bay
please quote and reply to this post if you want a ticket* to join the event
Deadline: 19 April 2013, 3pm (GMT +8)

*tickets will be allocated according to time of reply in case if there is not enough ticket.

Thanks! :)
# BTW, May 25 is still on, but schedule (exact time) is not confirmed. Will keep you posted

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regie22 said: meow13 said: Another good news from HKC! They are offering me limited number of VIP tickets for the opening reception on May 24. I have asked about the exact number she could offer and she reverted that she will try best to accommodate all.

So I am posting this post here as invitation, for those who can join us on May 24 for HKC art fair opening, kindly revert to me before 3pm this Friday (19/4) for me to reserve the tickets. But in case if HKC cannot offer enough ticket at the end, tickets will be allocated according to time of reply. (i.e. first-come-first-serve) I think this would be the fairest way.

Hong Kong Contemporary 2013 Art Fair Opening Reception
Date: May 24 2013 (Friday)
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: The Excelsior , Causeway Bay
please quote and reply to this post if you want a ticket* to join the event
Deadline: 19 April 2013, 3pm (GMT +8)

*tickets will be allocated according to time of reply in case if there is not enough ticket.

Thanks! :)
# BTW, May 25 is still on, but schedule (exact time) is not confirmed. Will keep you posted

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Wow!!! Even though I cannot join you girls. I'm so excited and happy for all of you who are able to meet our ever dearest GHS... Just relax, enjoy and have fun with her... You are all VERY LUCKY... =D>  =D> =D>   GO GO GO SUNNIES !!!!!! FIGHTING !!!!! :x  :x  :x 

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regie22 said:

meow13 said:

Another good news from HKC! They are offering me limited number of VIP tickets for the opening reception on May 24. I have asked about the exact number she could offer and she reverted that she will try best to accommodate all.

So I am posting this post here as invitation, for those who can join us on May 24 for HKC art fair opening, kindly revert to me before 3pm this Friday (19/4) for me to reserve the tickets. But in case if HKC cannot offer enough ticket at the end, tickets will be allocated according to time of reply. (i.e. first-come-first-serve) I think this would be the fairest way.


Hong Kong Contemporary 2013 Art Fair Opening Reception

Date: May 24 2013 (Friday)

Time: 7:00pm

Venue: The Excelsior , Causeway Bay

please quote and reply to this post if you want a ticket* to join the event

Deadline: 19 April 2013, 3pm (GMT +8)

*tickets will be allocated according to time of reply in case if there is not enough ticket.

Thanks! :)

# BTW, May 25 is still on, but schedule (exact time) is not confirmed. Will keep you posted

@meow13 pls count us in...me and @iamaminsuner! btw, how much is the ticket? i hope it's affordable...thanks! ;;)

wow....im so looking forward to meet GHS and you too girls... :). i hope everything is going well and we can meet GHS there... 


Another good news from HKC! They are offering me limited number of VIP tickets for the opening reception on May 24. I have asked about the exact number she could offer and she reverted that she will try best to accommodate all.

So I am posting this post here as invitation, for those who can join us on May 24 for HKC art fair opening, kindly revert to me before 3pm this Friday (19/4) for me to reserve the tickets. But in case if HKC cannot offer enough ticket at the end, tickets will be allocated according to time of reply. (i.e. first-come-first-serve) I think this would be the fairest way.


Hong Kong Contemporary 2013 Art Fair Opening Reception

Date: May 24 2013 (Friday)

Time: 7:00pm

Venue: The Excelsior , Causeway Bay

please quote and reply to this post if you want a ticket* to join the event

Deadline: 19 April 2013, 3pm (GMT +8)

*tickets will be allocated according to time of reply in case if there is not enough ticket.

Thanks! :)

# BTW, May 25 is still on, but schedule (exact time) is not confirmed. Will keep you posted

Me and my daughter will join. Please reserve two tickets for us. Sorry for double posting. Not yet familiar on how to post here. Thanks a lot! We are very excited!

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@GHSforever @S_sun @regie22 @chyne22 @myonenonly @iamaminsuner and all Sunnies

VIP ticket is not for sale so HKC is offering us as a compliment.
And for May 25, the ticket for public will be HK$50 (USD$6.5) each

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http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=128939&page=1&bbs=yushinkoo has posted.대한주택보증, 전남 영광군 지역아동센터 건립 봉사활동
SBS CNBC| 기사입력 2013-04-17 15:18
대한주택보증(사장 김선규) 임직원 40여명은 17일 전남 영광군에서 지역아동센터 건립 봉사활동을 펼쳤다.
봉사활동에는 탤런트 구혜선씨도 동참해 구슬땀을 흘렸다.
이날 펼친 봉사활동은 다음달 10~11일에 방영되는 SBS 희망TV에 소개될 예정이다.
I did not read the article except for this excerpt that yushinkoo posted.
GHS is volunteering along with 40 employees of an organization called Korea Housing Guarantee company (it might be a volunteer organization). They have gotten together to build something for the neighborhood children's center. (We know GHS is good with hammer..keke). Their volunteer work will be broadcast on SBS's special program called HOPE--but next month on 10th and 11th. Supposedly GHS sweated along with the rest of the volunteers. They think GHS will onlly appear a little bit on the show. How does GHS get involved in all these works?? Do they call her or is she part of a bigger organization that helps children? Wherever there are children in distress, she seems to never tire of getting her hands dirty..she just plunges right in. BRAVO to the Korea Housing Guarntee co.!!

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대한주택보증, 전남 영광군 지역아동센터 건립 봉사활동 Korea Housing Guarantee Co volunteer to build a Children's Center in JunNam's YoungGwan-goon area. 

SBS CNBC| 기사입력 2013-04-17 15:18 기사원문대한주택보증(사장 김선규) 임직원 40여명은 17일 전남 영광군에서 지역아동센터 건립 봉사활동을 펼쳤다. On April 17, 2013, about 40 employees of the Korea Housing Guarantee Co.(President Kim SunGyu) started the building of a children's center in the JunNam YoungGwang-goon area. 

봉사활동에는 탤런트 구혜선씨도 동참해 구슬땀을 흘렸다. Talent GHS also volunteered and sweated out for the project. 

대한주택보증의 지역아동센터 건립 사업은 전남 영광군 대마면에 소재한 폐교인 대마서초등학교를 리모델링하여 사회적 돌봄이 필요한아동의 정서치료와 교육공간을 만들어주는 사회공헌사업으로, 대한주택보증에서 리모델링 비용을 후원했다. Korea Housing Guarantee (KHG) donated all the cost and labor to remodel a closed-down elementary school. The remodeled building will house programs to enhance the emotional, social, and educational needs of the children living in the area. 

대한주택보증 봉사단은 폐교의 낡은 벽에 페인트 및 벽화 작업과 배수 공사를 마친 운동장에 어린이들이 뛰어 놀 수 있는 잔디를 깔고 화단을 조성했다. 실내에는 어린이용 미끄럼틀도 설치했다. The KHG Volunteer Organization painted the old and worn-out walls, drew murals, and installed drainage system. After that, they spread out the green grass for the playground area and planted flower beds. They even set up indoor, children-size slides. 

직원들과 함께 봉사활동에 참여한 김선규 사장은 “우리 임직원의 작은 정성을 모아 만들어진 지역아동센터가 소외계층 어린이들의 건강한 성장에 밑거름이 되기를 바란다”며, “앞으로도 대한주택보증은 미래세대를 위한 교육?문화 후원, 다문화 가정 후원 등 소외이웃을 위한 사회공헌 활동을 더욱 확대해나가겠다.”고 말했다. President Kim SunGyu also volunteered his service that day. He said: "We hope that KHG's small yet sincere contribution will be the foundation for providing the needed services for the development of good health for the underprivileged children. We will continue to work hard towards supporting the programs for cultural and educational enhancements for the future generation. We will also work towards actively helping the multicultural families and isolated neighbors.이날 펼친 봉사활동은 다음달 10~11일에 방영되는 SBS 희망TV에 소개될 예정이다. This volunteer work project will be broadcast 10th and 11th of the next month on SBS channel's Hope program.최서우 기자freeminder@sbs.co.kr Reporter Choi SuhWooAccording to wikipedia, JunNam stands for Jella Namdo area of S Korea....far southern area where there are many small islands. I wonder how long the volunteers are staying there to do all that work. Could not be a one day work. Right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Jeolla_Province
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Guest S_sun

Sunnies, besides organizing the fanmeet and getting tickets to the opening for those of us going, @meow13 is also going to do this wonderful thing for those not able to attend.

Those Sunnies who wish to send a personal message/letter to HyeSun, please email to this address messagetohyesun@gmail.com and @meow13 will print them out and bring them to the venue!
Personal handwritten ones are nice , too. Just scan and email it.
Please do it by May 19 so it will give her time to do it. Thanks.

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hello sunnies,hope all of you are doing well!!welcome new sunnies..its nice with lots of people here so that whenever i log in i see the thread moving faster and faster :) the more the merrier.. :)
@GHSforever i dint know it was only copy and paste..next time i will try that..thanx!!
I am glad to hear about her directing the cf..i wish she was there too in the cf :) but i miss her alot on screen..hope she makes us happy soon..
@meow13 wow thanx alot really..it was really on my mind to send her a letter and a card since i was really feeling low that i will not be able to attend the function..but i guess i cant send the card since it wont be possible to scan it..its ok a letter will do..thanx dear :)
glad that hyesun participated in the volunteering work..love her she's the best :)
does anyone of you know how seo in guk's album is doing in the charts?

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cheerkoo said: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=004&oid=375&aid=0000070157

대한주택보증, 전남 영광군 지역아동센터 건립 봉사활동 Korea Housing Guarantee Co volunteer to build a Children's Center in JunNam's YoungGwan-goon area. 

SBS CNBC| 기사입력 2013-04-17 15:18 기사원문대한주택보증(사장 김선규) 임직원 40여명은 17일 전남 영광군에서 지역아동센터 건립 봉사활동을 펼쳤다. On April 17, 2013, about 40 employees of the Korea Housing Guarantee Co.(President Kim SunGyu) started the building of a children's center in the JunNam YoungGwang-goon area. 

봉사활동에는 탤런트 구혜선씨도 동참해 구슬땀을 흘렸다. Talent GHS also volunteered and sweated out for the project. 

대한주택보증의 지역아동센터 건립 사업은 전남 영광군 대마면에 소재한 폐교인 대마서초등학교를 리모델링하여 사회적 돌봄이 필요한아동의 정서치료와 교육공간을 만들어주는 사회공헌사업으로, 대한주택보증에서 리모델링 비용을 후원했다. Korea Housing Guarantee (KHG) donated all the cost and labor to remodel a closed-down elementary school. The remodeled building will house programs to enhance the emotional, social, and educational needs of the children living in the area. 

대한주택보증 봉사단은 폐교의 낡은 벽에 페인트 및 벽화 작업과 배수 공사를 마친 운동장에 어린이들이 뛰어 놀 수 있는 잔디를 깔고 화단을 조성했다. 실내에는 어린이용 미끄럼틀도 설치했다. The KHG Volunteer Organization painted the old and worn-out walls, drew murals, and installed drainage system. After that, they spread out the green grass for the playground area and planted flower beds. They even set up indoor, children-size slides. 

직원들과 함께 봉사활동에 참여한 김선규 사장은 “우리 임직원의 작은 정성을 모아 만들어진 지역아동센터가 소외계층 어린이들의 건강한 성장에 밑거름이 되기를 바란다”며, “앞으로도 대한주택보증은 미래세대를 위한 교육?문화 후원, 다문화 가정 후원 등 소외이웃을 위한 사회공헌 활동을 더욱 확대해나가겠다.”고 말했다. President Kim SunGyu also volunteered his service that day. He said: "We hope that KHG's small yet sincere contribution will be the foundation for providing the needed services for the development of good health for the underprivileged children. We will continue to work hard towards supporting the programs for cultural and educational enhancements for the future generation. We will also work towards actively helping the multicultural families and isolated neighbors.이날 펼친 봉사활동은 다음달 10~11일에 방영되는 SBS 희망TV에 소개될 예정이다. This volunteer work project will be broadcast 10th and 11th of the next month on SBS channel's Hope program.최서우 기자freeminder@sbs.co.kr Reporter Choi SuhWooAccording to wikipedia, JunNam stands for Jella Namdo area of S Korea....far southern area where there are many small islands. I wonder how long the volunteers are staying there to do all that work. Could not be a one day work. Right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Jeolla_Province
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meow13, thank you for reminding us about GHS's narration program.The all girls high school in the narration prog is located in Kyung Sang Nam Do whereas the SBS HOPE program takes place in Jella Namdo province. They seem to be two different provinces. But both areas seem to be at the southern parts of S.Korea. I cannot remember but I think GHS did want to go and see the mural...and, maybe she did?? kesukreen, thanks for the blog. What a find! http://m.blog.naver.com/4bcult/40187314510
The blogger is a volunteer who went to refurbish the old elementary school. He (the only male in the pix) is either the teacher or instructor at the PoongDuk Art and Culture School (I wonder if that is a high school or college?) where the students volunteered to create the mural. "Because of the size of the wall, they decided to go down one day earlier to start the mural. They went down on the 16th instead of being there on the 17th for the TV program. The blogger received only the pix of the wall by email. When they went down to the actual location, the abandoned school house was much better organized for them. Blogger says that since the students went down there to work rather than to learn, he was much more demanding and strict. And all the students concentrated well in their work. On 16th, they completed about 70% of the work to be prepared for the TV filming on the 17th. On 17th, GHS-ssi arrived earlier than the appointed time.To see her in real life, we were all dazzled for a while by how pretty she is. heheBut we returned to sanity and went right back into work.It looked so good to see her work side by side with the kids.Since I am in charge, I could order GHS-ssi to do this and that.But, deep inside, that is not what we wanted to do. hehehe(there is a pix of the leader and student giggling..that is what they feel like inside working with GHS nearby..keke)So, we again try to concentrate and get back to work.While working, we found another small wall right next to the big one. So, we decided to make a mural there too.Thanks so much to all the kids who worked so hard!!!As the person in charge, I took a commemorative picture (The pix of him with GHS). He says he will post a pix of everybody later.GHS-ssi came so much earlier than the appointed time and really helped a great deal.When the camera was not running, I saw her cleaning up the garbage even though nobody asked her to. I really think she is a pretty good person. I want to thank her from the bottom of my heart for making a great memory for all of us. So, now, take a look at the completed murals...
(It seems like GHS is much more interested in appearing on TV via documentaries, along with regular people doing the work?? It looks good! She is getting even closer to people this way than through tweeter...right? To get closer and communicate with people...I remeber her saying that is what she wanted.)

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