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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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@shanzay01, @prettywiz, @GHSforever sis-  wow - thanks so much for stepping up --
I am very excited to have this to cheer on our angel HS :)
@Cheerkoo sis - sorry to ask u to help us translate our messages -- please, please :x

Sunnies - please send in your love messages, compliments ASAP to one of the sis above (use Private Message PM).   Try to have your message not too long - write ur love message to our GHS from ur heart.  U can write on ur favorite Rita moment, abt Risang's "crazy" chemistry, on her acting, being funny, being beautiful, etc. 

@Shanzay01 - love ur meme above - def. shd include that!  Pls even make more!  Sunnies- if u have fanart of GHS/Rita- definitely send those in.

*** Again-- it's time critical so please send your love/support messages in ASAP so that team can have time to put the vid together!!

GHS Fighting!!  Rita Fighting!!  Sunnies Fighting!!

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geumtrangdi said:
Sunnies - please send in your love messages, compliments ASAP to one of the sis above (use Private Message PM).   Try to have your message not too long - write ur love message to our GHS from ur heart.  U can write on ur favorite Rita moment, abt Risang's "crazy" chemistry, on her acting, being funny, being beautiful, etc. 

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Hi Sunnies,

@macaronsand (M&ST) sis - thanks - that's perfect - love it :x :x

Ok - I have to nag again-  sheesssh- hahaha!   It's been 12 hrs and @GHSforever has now only two love messages - mine & M&ST (above).   Hurry guys- bro @robbo4, @myonenonly, @gayu312, @S_sun, @rolalockart, @cahaya, @chin7088, @gigiHS, @cheerkoo and the rest -which I won't/can't name - pali, pali - send in your love/support messages (PM to @GHSforever sis).  It can be something that u had already written like a post or a heartfelt tweet!

How do you love GHS's acting, how u love Rita char in Blood-> express your love & have it included in our GHS/Rita Cheer Video!!!

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Guest kstar1234

K-ind hearted Woman
Y-oung yet brilliant 
E-xtraordinary woman
S-hinning Star
U-ndeniable beauty
N-ever cease to challenge

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Since first meeting the beautiful, and mega-talented Goo Hye Sun (as Yang Gukwha in 'Pure In Heart') she has been a magnet that attracts me to any project that she appears in. All of her Soompi fans ('Sunnies'), new and old, have found inspiration and have the utmost admiration to this incredibly talented, generous, and lovely young woman who has fans, of all ages, looking to her as an example of how to live one's life to the utmost and to cheerfully charge forth with no regrets while setting no limits upon one's dreams. Her abililies as an actress, artist, writer, director, songwriter, singer, and overall creative person are staggering in this day in age of specialization as she lives her life as a true Renaissance kind of person able to create new awakenings with seemingly every rise of the sun. 
Her depiction of Yoo Rita, in 'Blood' reveals still another layer of the many, many layers of her talent. I never cease to be impressed with her abilities and take personal pride in all of her accomplishments, just by being one of her fans. Had anyone told me, nearly a decade ago, that this delicate young woman from land 10,000 miles from my own, born to a culture so different from my own would end up have such a huge impact upon my daily life I would have thought them to be dreaming. Watching Goo Hye Sun living her own dreams and also bringing so much joy, and pleasure, to so many fills me hope for my own life and sets an example for all of those, young and old who witness her successes and impact upon her loyal followers and those who she touches. 
Though we may never meet on this earth, I love her like a  family member, and look forward to seeing and hearing about her as she moves from venture to venture. I fell in love with her the very first time that I saw her in her powder blue outfit looking over the bow of that ship arriving to Seoul from Yanbian as the irrepressible country girl, Yang Gukwha, and that love, and admiration, has grown stronger with each treat that she has given to me and her ever growing army of fans. Aja, Goo Hye Sun! The gift that keeps on giving...
Maybe this message is a bit long, but it's not easy to stop once I get going on this particular subject.  8->

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@kstar1234 - that's awesome - thanks sis =D> =D>

@robbo4 bro- yeh - that's a bit long kekeke!    Normally, I can read your praises of our angel all day long ;)  But in this case - we're including hopefully many cheers for GHS so they need to be shorter- bro!

GHS/Rita Cheer Video (GCV) team - what do u think?  will u accept @robbo4's unique cheer -long version?  I say since he's early and his cheer is actually good (snickering), I vote to make it an exception.  Might want to trim it down a bit still for readability on the video!!!

Guys, please send your (shorter) cheer message directly (PM) to @GHSforever sis.
Also, let's make the love/cheer messages relate to Blood or Rita since the vid is
for GHS & her portrayal of Rita on Blood -- M&ST & @kstar1234 - can u guys also send
cheer for GHS/Rita ?

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@Ariana27 sis - please send ur cheer mssg to sis @GHSforever

@Cheerkoo -- thanks for your help - please send your own cheer message in!

Your cheer mssg shd be Rita-related or at least part of it.  Here's a couple of examples:

1. HS-ssii -Loving Rita in Blood -U r so awesome doing comedy!!  It takes courage & heart  to  try new things- U rose above all obstacles & kept on your own path!  U are my
inspirations!!   Love u so much <3  Geumtrangdi@soompi

The many expressions of RiTa in Blood! I love watching you.
Your eyes says it all RiTa! Amazing performance! (ref epi12)

credit: @KooSang2 tweets--  sis- hope u don't mind using ur tweet as an example :)

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geumtrangdi said: @Ariana27 sis - please send ur cheer mssg to sis @GHSforever

@Cheerkoo -- thanks for your help - please send your own cheer message in!

Your cheer mssg shd be Rita-related or at least part of it.  Here's a couple of examples:

1. HS-ssii -Loving Rita in Blood -U r so awesome doing comedy!!  It takes courage & heart  to  try new things- U rose above all obstacles & kept on your own path!  U are my
inspirations!!   Love u so much <3  Geumtrangdi@soompi

The many expressions of RiTa in Blood! I love watching you.
Your eyes says it all RiTa! Amazing performance! (ref epi12)

credit: @KooSang2 tweets--  sis- hope u don't mind using ur tweet as an example :)

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Just take this revision of the my paragraph @geumtrangdi. That should do it:
Though we may never meet on this earth, I love Goo Hye Sun like a family member, and look forward to seeing and hearing about her as she moves from venture to venture. I fell for her the very first time that I saw her looking over the bow of that ship as country girl, Yang Gukwha, and that admiration has grown stronger with each new treat that she has given her ever growing army of fans. Yoo Rita is the latest of her characters to become permanently tattooed upon my heart. Aja, Goo Hye Sun! The gift that keeps on giving...


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Guest S_sun

This is my message @GHSforever.  Thanks to all for doing this. :)
HyeSun-ssi, you are the sunshine that warms my heart and brightens the night sky with all your actions and thoughts.I love everything about you. You treated us to so many wonderful characters over the years. Thank You!You rocks Yoo RiTa. You makes YRT so charming that we can't help falling for her!Proofing once again your versatile acting skills...Love U Always  :x   from CanadaGHS fighting!  #BloodAJA

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@geumtrangdi @hanbillion @cheerkoo and all Sunnies good work :-bd
Dont mind please add my short message too. thanks :)

You are My Sunshine, My Inspiration, My One and Only, My Everything
I start to fall in love with #GeumJandi, cute, lovable, kind hearted, fighting spirit school girl
Now in #BLOOD without you,  #YooRita will not be the same.
Keep up your good acting #BloodAJA
I♥U   TODAY, TOMORROW & FOREVER. ~From Malaysia~

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Hi Sunnies,

Thanks for responding to the campaign- but just like my students before, some of you guys are not following instructions......  Half JK!!   Anyway, here's some updated instructions, please cooperate/follow them so that we can minimize unneeded communications-

1.  GHSforever sis has been gracious to agreed to do the video for us.   We won't be able to complete it for the SC event.  But we are going forward with the vid & will get it to GHS later.

2.  The deadline to send in your cheer messg (CM)/fanart is Friday 4/3 11:59pm PST
Please send CM to @GHSforever email addr:   shalimar0995@yahoo.com

**Those that have PM'ed or just posted CM on the thread @GHSforever is requesting that you re-send your CM to her email addr.

3.  Please keep your message to 3-4 lines (4 lines is max) for readability purpose.  Those sunnies that had already sent in or post your message which is longer than 4 lines, please edit your cheer message and resend them in please. 
I thank you for your help & understanding  :)

4. Along with your message, you can send up to 5 pics of Rita/GHS to be included with your message.  Those don't know how or don't care, @GHSforever will take care of it. 
Also, please include your name (soompi/real) and country.

I think that's it!    Have a wonderful week ahead dear Sunnies :x :x

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geumtrangdi said: @Ariana27 sis - please send ur cheer mssg to sis @GHSforever

@Cheerkoo -- thanks for your help - please send your own cheer message in!

Your cheer mssg shd be Rita-related or at least part of it.  Here's a couple of examples:

1. HS-ssii -Loving Rita in Blood -U r so awesome doing comedy!!  It takes courage & heart  to  try new things- U rose above all obstacles & kept on your own path!  U are my
inspirations!!   Love u so much <3  Geumtrangdi@soompi

The many expressions of RiTa in Blood! I love watching you.
Your eyes says it all RiTa! Amazing performance! (ref epi12)

credit: @KooSang2 tweets--  sis- hope u don't mind using ur tweet as an example :)

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