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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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I seriously do not understand why are the ratings for Blood not good? I think it is one of the best shows. Why do the korean netizens judge that shows like You From Another Star is a good show while Blood is not good. Like You From Another Star, I am also glued to the screen from beginning to end of every episode of Blood.

Is it really because of the actor and actress? I really would like to know what exactly do the mainstream koreans(not just the haters) think about GHS. Do they dislike her too? Or are they indifferent to her.

It seems weird that the international community is so into the Blood show and the native koreans are not. Is it a culture thing? I do not mean to offend anyone, but are capable women in korean well accepted or are they considered bad? Because there are a few cultures where women are only to be seen not heard, is korea a little like that too? It doesnt seem so from all the kdramas I have seen so far.

So why are there so many haters for GHS? I really do not understand.

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Snowsummer report/update on money collected. Credit @n_adimurti tweeter.


Thank you. 

Snowsummer says that she will report the balance every 3-5 dyas.
1,259,901Won from Korean fans at this time
643 Dollars from foreign fans at this time.
She is still collecting funds.

She still has not heard from YG.
She is now asking for ideas and the person who will design and do the stickers. (these stickers go on top of any snacks, cups, dishes, etc.)
She wants people to post on DC page or send it to her through her email.

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Support Event is most likely happening in the middle of next week --on a week day. 

There is still no definite date since BLOOD filming schedule constantly changes.

Snowsummer wants people to choose among following 3 ideas.
Snowsummer was told that BLOOD team already has a contracted meal cart that comes daily. So it cannot be a meal event. 

1. 츄러스 + 커피음료=a cart of churros and coffee beverages

2. 분식(떡볶이/어묵 등)=a cart of Korean snack (Korean spicy rice cakes or UhMook=fish cakes)

3. 간식도시락(샌드위치/과일/음료수)=simple lunch boxes (sandwich/fruit/drink)

On that DC-GHS page link, She has pix of each of ideas on that DC page.

Do you have any preferences?

If you post I can give some feedback to snowsummer.

Since they have a meal cart already,,,I would imagine our cart would go in couple of hours after the meal is over?

I wonder if churros cart also has fresh fruits, cookies and juices along with coffee? I saw Rita munching on cookies while reading vampire book...keke

Simple lunch box seems good too....they could get hungry if there is late night filming---but it is not too heavy? But this idea wont be a cart but a box dellivered with lunch packs as they did for <Dauder> premier??

Anywy, let me know what you think. It is Tuesday or Wednesday already. She may not have much time to decide on sticker design and decision based on fund collected.

If you still want to donate---whatever amount will help the event...if more gets collected, perhaps we can do one more support event towards latter part of the drama? 

Remember Snowsummer accepts fund through paypal and her email is fantasia_s@naver.com.

Let's us give them cartful of support and thanks for such an enjoyable drama. 

Thanks very much.
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@cheerkoo-  thanks for bringing the news-- wow, they're doing it next week already!!

Well, pali, pali Sunnies -- calling esp. Northern America Sunnies - let's show GHS & Blood Team our appreciation & support.  This is truly a concrete & positive action that can be done.  Changing attitude of antis or stopping the hate or affecting the Korean rating - these we cannot do anything about!   But to bring warm & happy thoughts to the whole Blood team- esp. to that adorable one that we all idolized - GHS, this we can do!!!  

Tbh, it''s a little disappointed to see only six people sent their support thus far -- Korean fans are doing all the leg work so let's send them enthusiasm & energy by having a long list of sunnies participating --

But do hurry !!!  Pay Pal is easy to use (5% fee - e.g. send $10 -> costs $10.50)    Ok- I'm getting off my soap box now kekeke!

@cheerkoo- just my 2 cents - but I supposed that depending on the time, some choices fit better than others.  For example, I think for mid morning - fruits & cookies- not fish cakes; for mid-afternoon- korean snacks- etc.   Anyway, Snowsummer & co prob. know best so tell them to decide. 

@cheerkoo- please let them know that we send our love & appreciation for all their hard work!!

Fighting DC-GHS sunnies, esp. Snowsummer & the organizing team !!!


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This is the KBS BLOOD homepage where audience leave his/her comments.
(thanks to Zamzam, Gayu312, Guemtrangdi, and others for leading me to this site. I have been hesitant to consider joining as they do ask for your personal information.)

As we are always looking for ways to support GHS and her activity=currely the BLOOD=this could be one way of doing it.---by writing our suppport in polite and sincere manner. Each episode, we can comment. 

Let me see if I can find a way to get into it. Forgive me,,,I am technically challenged and pretty much suspicious of the internet...keke--but I may do this.

On top of that page link, to the Right is: Red box with 글쓰기=write

1. When you click on that red box, it leads you to a page to log in.

회원로그인=KBS member log in


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Message from Snowsummer~

In advance, she is asking for cheering messages and design ideas.

She herself is thinking about one 1.snack cart and (if fund is available), a 2. coffee cart as well.
So she is looking for 2 phrases for posters/banners to place above each carts.

She desperately needs someone to design the banners and stickers.

Snowsummer came up with few examples:
What Yoo Rita said to JS on epi 8---"We really didn't have time to dine out so I just quickly prepared.."
Yoo Rita said this to JS in Jejudo: "I wish I could see him just once. That oppa." and play with that phrase and come up with: "I wish I could eat it just once. This snack."

Very clever!!

Thank you for finding the MV by Vietnam fans....maybe tweet to GHS??? keke
The words of the music are very touching.

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I saw a video clip of Entertainment news posted by LauraA in BLood thread.

I am not going to post the link here.
I feel as if that is an example of poor and somewha biased reporting by entertainment reporters. 
I don't wnat to put all of them down although I may have done it before out of anger.
She says all the positive things about male actors--AJH and JJH. She completely ignores the actress who plays Min GaYun. On the screen she also makes a question about GHS's way of acting...forgive me...I just could not find what 갸우뚱 means---The reporter says GHs's acting is somewhat 갸우뚱...but I have a feeling it is not positive. Such an example of "professional reporting" has been going out even before Blood aired. !!
Also, GHS must have repeated the question asked by the reporter---why were you given this role?
Being ultra-sensitive about negativity towards GHS these days, I am also looking at the way a question is posed. A reporter can ask GHS, how does she feel about this new role? But to dare ask why do you think you were given this role? There is a feel of difference. 
I know there have been very positive reporters in the past for GHS....but overall, I have no respect for entertainment reporters in Korea...lightening may strike me down soon for putting down a whole group.

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I'm inclined to agree with @cheerkoo regarding the entertainment reporters in any country. :-q Being as we're all in the know about the Korean reporters, they do indeed seem to go after celebrities (particularly females) with shark-like visciousness. (Actress Lee Tae Im appears to be their latest feast.) Incredibly talented, hardworking, overly stressed, and sensitive people are chewed up by these hounds, and by crazy anifans and netizens to boot. This is no joke as people have actually taken their own lives at an alarming rate within the industry. Thank goodness that our Goo Hye Sun has her family, her pets, and millions of fans who support and love her. I know that she's strong and resilient (Jandi the weed ;))), but I'd still really like to give a lot of these clods "what for" at times! b-( [-X :)>-
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I post the link, do not know Korean, so I do not know how they referred to GHS but I realized as they ignored the other actress, and it seems disrespectful, as to how the journalist behaved, me angry now that is, but we must also we be condescending, it is your job to be means ...., what matters is that we know what she is worth.


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I do not go to media portal to save myself but I post at DC if someone shows doubt about her acting...of course, if the subject line is total negative and anti, I just skip--no use to waste my time there.

so I posted this there...hopefully they read it.

Why? 수완이와 유리타 다른 캐릭터. 유리타는저한태 한국드라마에서 아직 못본 캐릭터--차가와도 따뜻한, 까칠하고도 부드러운, 똑똑하고도 사랑스러운, 할말다하지만또 충성이있고, 너무웃기고 귀엽고, 너무 시원한 사람--구혜선 연기대박 and AWESOME!!! -----this DC person says she has been her fan for a long time but she still feel uncomfortable with her acting now. She liked Swan a lot..so I said that SWan and Rita are different characters...Rita is a character that I have not met in Korean drama as of yet...she is cold and yet warm, sharp-tongued yet soft, smart yet lovable, does not hold her tongue yet she has sense of loyalty, so funny and so cute and so refreshing a character...GHS's acting is DAEBOK and AWESOME!!
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LauraA----I just saw your post.

I was not in anyway putting you down for posting the link.
I thank you for the link. I hope you understand. You could not have known.
What made me upset is the reporter and how Korean media allow it to go on.
I also felt it is more appropriate for me to come and vent here at GHS thread about it--instead of doing it at BLOOD thread where many are not GHS fan per se. 
I hope I did not upset you...there was no such intention.
I guess I have to be careful when I get upset.
I hope you understand.
Thank you and sorry.
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Please donate anything you can to BLOOD Support event.

Since BLOOD already has a contracted meal cart, they are suggesting a snack/beverage cart.

Snowsummer would love to do both snack plus coffee cart which is bit more expensive. Current amount does not allow for both.

Would you consider giving 5, 10 or 20 towards the event? The event will benefit and cheer for ALLL the members--front and behind the scenes---of BLOOD.
Snowsummer takes paypal and her email is fantasia_s@naver.com

Hopefully a nice reporter take pix and promote BLOOD with our fan support!!

Let us give the crew/team snacks and coffee!! Thank them for hard work and producing a great drama for us.
Korean fans are coming up with banners for the carts, promotional stickers to place on cups and snacks, etc.
Please support!!
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Guest Carmel1

A quote by cheerkoo:

"...I know there have been very positive reporters in the past for GHS....but overall, I have no respect for entertainment reporters in Korea...lightening may strike me down soon for putting down a whole group."

My dear Cheerkoo,

Cheer up!  Be cheerful!  Koo is not just Korea's idol but the whole world's.  If you will read blogs by international fans in all the internet reviews, you will be encouraged.  If there's a demolition job in Korea to put KHS down, we international fans, are also rallying behind her to support her works and the drama Blood.  We think that she is an excellent actress and a wonderful person.
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Why? 수완이와 유리타 다른 캐릭터. 유리타는저한태 한국드라마에서 아직 못본 캐릭터--차가와도 따뜻한, 까칠하고도 부드러운, 똑똑하고도 사랑스러운, 할말다하지만또 충성이있고, 너무웃기고 귀엽고, 너무 시원한 사람--구혜선 연기대박 and AWESOME!!! -----this DC person says she has been her fan for a long time but she still feel uncomfortable with her acting now. She liked Swan a lot..so I said that SWan and Rita are different characters...Rita is a character that I have not met in Korean drama as of yet...she is cold and yet warm, sharp-tongued yet soft, smart yet lovable, does not hold her tongue yet she has sense of loyalty, so funny and so cute and so refreshing a character...GHS's acting is DAEBOK and AWESOME!!

Hi @cheerkoo- love, love your explanation of Rita char. to DC fans  :x =D>    Rita &  Blood are something really new to Korean viewers so I think this is the big reason for the low rating in Korea.  It will take time for them to adapt/adopt this - probably with younger viewers!   Being a pioneer (Team Blood) is never an easy path!!  

Also, I had been thinking of the demographic of the audience for the time slot Mon & Tues 10-11pm.  It's probably older viewers who prefers historical drama (Shine or Go Crazy) vs this new & unfamiliar "Vampire/Action/Rom-com" drama, which btw Int. audience completely is opened to and embraced!!

I tweeted the vid to HS -- @gayu312, @myonenonly, @wmeen & other Sunnies who regularly tweet HS-ssii - pls tweet vid to HS bc she might read yours (vs not reading mine) Hahaha!!   Rlly want her to see it - I think she would be moved by it  :-S

TC Sunnies & hope to be surprised by an "overwhelming last minutes support" for Snack Cart project :)

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