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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Annyeong chingus,
Ah was feeling really down these past days reading the negative criticism about hyesun..i tried my best to avoid reading any negative article about her but somehow ended up reading some..the amount of hatred they have omo omo its truly pitiful..and those stupid articles about her acting in the teaser,it makes no sense to write an article about the 6mins teaser when two full episodes have been aired.Even those sites which usually dont post about her achievement news those sites too were very quick in posting news about the teaser..but the one i read today in soompi was constructive and written in a matured way in my opinion and i already commented how i felt..
I usually avoid writing about these haters coz it makes me bitter too but this time some crossed the line specially koala,i feel stupid to have commented on that garbage article but i could not stop myself from writing as i was really very angry..i am just glad that ugly thing will not watch blood anymore >:P  >:P  sorry for this sunnies but i had to let all this anger out..
Newaz my wish of seeing hyesun's nephew came true,i really wanted to see him..he is sooooo cute,chubby and so adorable awwww :-* :-* would love to see more of this little one and hyesun together..
Thanx sunnies for supporting hyesun everywhere.. ^:)^  ^:)^ :-*  :-*

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Our postivie opinions have just as much right as the negative ones that seem to be taking over. Negativity can get so much power and spread like infection. I agree with Ariana27...I am just goign to enjoy my drama. I pray that the actors stay strong and focus on their drama and not get swayed by the ever present negativity.Thanks.Stay strong Sunnies and let us enjoy BLOOD.Fighting!!

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Guest chin7088

Hello Sunnies! Thanks @sheherizade3‌..yes!....showbiz is showbiz,whatever they will do,good or bad,it will always be criticized.. From now on,like the others,i will stop reading those articles and will just enjoy watching the drama:) i dont want to have an induced hypertension from them anyway hehehe ...but..im still hoping that before the drama will end,critics and antis will be awaken and be respectful....Go GHS,just continue what you feel in your heart is right,dont pay attention whatever to anybodys blame.They are just jealous :wink:

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Added to the Soompi's "First Impression" article-- mainly I said the following:

2) You also wrote, "She was excellent in “Angel Eyes” and that’s the kind of acting I want to continue seeing from her."  Let's take her acting in the proper context- that is- AE's YSW role was a serious, dramatic role while BLOOD's YRT seems to me more of a COMEDIC, love interest, secondary story to the drama.  GHS is EXCELLENT with her comedic portrayal in my opinion.

I think judging her acting in the right context is very important; I hope that you'll consider this with future assessments!!

I think the writer is pretty good with taking feedback.  Just wish there's more professional review where GHS's performance is judged objectively & fairly!!  I know HyeSun-ssii appreciate constructive criticisms.   But ,yes, it's hard to keep a clear head while hearing/reading these feedback- only after a little time & reflections that we can see it in a positive way, move forward & learn from it!!!

GHS Fighting!!  BLOOD Team Fighting!!  Whoooaaaa, it's Friday already-- Have a fun weekend, dear Sunnies   >:D<

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Actually, let me restate what I said before.Maybe it is not good to just sit back and relax.Negative people may actually enjoy spoiling anything good about the drama and the actors. 
If it is possible, we should leave our honest positive feedbacks for the drama and actors if we come across any negativity. I think balance is a good thing. As negative criticisms can be so insidious and ruin the good, I hope we may be able to bring some light and positive balance so that the hesitating viewers can make up their own minds.What do you think?At DC, I posted some of my own positive comments where I could...I did mostly in Eng because writing in Korean takes too much time for me. But, it felt good somehow. I did not fight with anyone, because then I may get stuck there and get my blood boiling. I want to enjoy and promote the positive and NOT get sick. kekeSo, if you like what you see,,,I hope you say it. Thanks.

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Cheerkoo -- is DC-GHS similar to our Soompi-GHS thread?  If yes, then I would think there's mostly positive posts, right?  Or are you referring to other "threads" on DC- is DC a general forum like Soompi?   Please enlighten us :)   Are there some posts in English other than yours?   If yes, then I'd go on to ck it out.  I am really curious about Korean GHS fans.  Totally agree with everyone that had written to keep things/comments positive in response to reviews-  definitely don't want to stoop down to antis' level. 
Like Cheerkoo said, writing positive things gives us good feelings :)

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Guest elizabeth90

Yesi agree with @cheerkoo if there are negative article we should always try to balance it with our comments and support, but please do so calmly and civilized so as not to be seen as a crazy fan lol, i plan on avoiding most article until the next episode airs, i do not want their thoughts influence the way i see the drama, so i probs wont be here until Wednesday.

Also found a good review of goo hye sun by @mocorochi if any one of you use twitter please rt her tweet of blood.

Sunnies fighting! !!!!!!!!!!!!

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geumtrangdi said: Cheerkoo -- is DC-GHS similar to our Soompi-GHS thread?  If yes, then I would think there's mostly positive posts, right?  Or are you referring to other "threads" on DC- is DC a general forum like Soompi?   Please enlighten us :)   Are there some posts in English other than yours?   If yes, then I'd go on to ck it out.  I am really curious about Korean GHS fans.  Totally agree with everyone that had written to keep things/comments positive in response to reviews-  definitely don't want to stoop down to antis' level. 
Like Cheerkoo said, writing positive things gives us good feelings :)

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said: Actually, let me restate what I said before.Maybe it is not good to just sit back and relax.Negative people may actually enjoy spoiling anything good about the drama and the actors. 

If it is possible, we should leave our honest positive feedbacks for the drama and actors if we come across any negativity. I think balance is a good thing. As negative criticisms can be so insidious and ruin the good, I hope we may be able to bring some light and positive balance so that the hesitating viewers can make up their own minds.What do you think?At DC, I posted some of my own positive comments where I could...I did mostly in Eng because writing in Korean takes too much time for me. But, it felt good somehow. I did not fight with anyone, because then I may get stuck there and get my blood boiling. I want to enjoy and promote the positive and NOT get sick. kekeSo, if you like what you see,,,I hope you say it. Thanks.

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cheerkoo said: DC is an open forum. There is a manager of the thread but not very active. Anybody can post. I was able to get in easily once I realized how to do it...albeit it took me over 4 or 5 years!! keke  I think the managers just get rid of too many advertisers who post on the thread. It is not like soompi where we have rules and we can get warnings and alerts, etc.  DC at times can get vicious with cursings and etc. Because many use similar usenames that at times I dont know who is a fan or not. Many anti fans write their posts there and can trash GHS really bad. I know that some fans go to negative articles and post positive feedbacks and ask others to do the same. I have not figured that out ---don't have the time to figure it out now. Anyway...I see that even the fans in DC get swayed by the negativity. Some express sadness or I see that there is less posting by the fans. At times positive posts are filled with doubts  and uncertainty in the message...Negativity can pull us down badly. 

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when people bash her acting, they forget that the PD was the one directing the actors.If he feel that the acting does not suitable with the story. I think the PD wants there's a little bit slapstick and comedy side in the early of drama.I must admitt that GHS's style acting here resemblances with Geum Jamdi, which i think it's fine.
But where' are they when uri Hyesun did very well in Angel Eyes. Ockoala or dramabeans didnt even bother to write the synopsis. netizenbuzz didn't even bother to wrote the comment.But one people said negative comment, and bunch of nugu start bash her too.funny thing, the last thing they remember still...Geum jandi. it's been like...7 years..where have you been nugu???
and the most hurftull comment in netizenbuzz was someone that saying GHS must be living in a bubble...thinking that she's talented or something like that. if someone called you ugly, will you just run to the plastic surgeon and fix your face...and people still call you ugly, and you will get another ps, and people still call you ugly..and so and so...it would hurt yourself at the end, rather than that mouthfull people.
so let them saying anything as long as they can hide cowardly behind the pc...they're not worse than alien in the mars.

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Here is a good positive note for Blood! All thanks to Kavee who sent me this link..A highly rated web page as it has latest updates of every artist

I just took Koo's page


Its actually the drama's rating which is written on the side..Blood got 7.6 already with just 2 epsidoes.. This rating is not just based on popularity but also based on the story and other elements !This would be good proof for all the haters.

The ratings are given for all her dramas & movies too.

I m proud to see Koo's directorial "Daughter" and "Heol nan seol haan" were given 10/10

Koo's dramas BOF, non stop 5 got 8.1, Ballad of seo dong got 7.9, Angel eyes got 7.6

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I was enjoying watching 'BLOOD' .. they are so funny and the action scenes was like you are watching a movie, but some action scene are unbelievable to survive, but he is a vampire so he is supposed to be an immortal here. .. gets? Antis & haters, are everywhere as if they don't have anything to do with their time but to bash others.  Even on 1st episode they have negative comment about GHS, as if she is already acting on episode 1.... hahahaha now you know they are just around the corner the nega people.. GHS is so popular.. because she is  one actress in korea with natural beauty and inborn talents.. We Love GHS she's a good person in real life with positive looks in life..

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kstar1234 said: To all Sunnies,
this article seems like praising Blood but intentionally targeted to hurt GHS. Watch out..source : http://www.soompi.com/2015/02/19/first-impressions-blood/ HE/She seems pretty good pretending like parsing Blood and pulled out the acting of all Actors/Actress individually. nothing seriously with other actors but ONLY GHS ,  Actually he/she wanted to criticize GHS but try to cover her/him self by writing good things about other co-stars. and keep saying that she is doing this for the good of GHS. I wrote back and front with that person still I don't understand Why they did that, my question is "do they get paid from those kinds of article?" Interesting.. I think you hit the right words for this kind of person, it seems that he is being paid to destroy GHS career..

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OMG..getting dizzy after read all the pages from 1570 til 1584! I just dont understand one thing..WHY DO THEY HATE HER SO MUCH??!

Did she done any harm to them?

Or do they feel uneasy with her?

They dont like her kind heart?


It's that simple rite? Why do they have to spend their very golden time to

8-} to criticise her? Don't have anything better to do?

Just DONT understand with some people's attitude! #-o :-@

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Hi sunnies, I just want to share with you that yesterday a Spanish Facebook page was asking the opinion about Blood to Latinos K-drama fans, and I am pleased to let you know that the comments were all positives, even from people that are not fans of GHS. I started laughing when I read a couple of comments bashing korean netizens that were attacking GHS. They said that those korean antis do not know nothing about a good drama, that that is why they are criticizing Blood and all the casts, jajajaja. Yes, they were very passionate in their comments, and I was very happy, jejejeje. Other good news is that our angel is among the best actress (3rd position) per Dramafever site, yes! This is why I do not waste my time with antis comments; for me, they are just a few making noise.

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akoito said: kstar1234 said: To all Sunnies,
this article seems like praising Blood but intentionally targeted to hurt GHS. Watch out..source : http://www.soompi.com/2015/02/19/first-impressions-blood/ HE/She seems pretty good pretending like parsing Blood and pulled out the acting of all Actors/Actress individually. nothing seriously with other actors but ONLY GHS ,  Actually he/she wanted to criticize GHS but try to cover her/him self by writing good things about other co-stars. and keep saying that she is doing this for the good of GHS. I wrote back and front with that person still I don't understand Why they did that, my question is "do they get paid from those kinds of article?" Interesting.. I think you hit the right words for this kind of person, it seems that he is being paid to destroy GHS career..

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