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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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I'm also hoping that Ae becomes a massive hit across Asia especially in China and Japan where there are big markets for kdramas. Hyesun will get more exposure and more cfs too! More funds for her future independent film projects :)

Love the little similarities betwen bof and ae. Same writer so it's bound to happen. The writer must be really fond of stargazing. And sure does know how to create such heart fluttering scenarios.

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Hello my Sunnies sisters :)

I was away for a day and I had to catch up

thank you all for the updates i really appreciate them all :)

Love YSW


@cheerko Love the poem so glad DC is going crazy about WanJu couple love it :)

Have a great night

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I Think when it comes to awards.....surely they will be attending it...usually korean drama awards happen at the end of the year...hopefully we can see both of them attending and im anticipating GYS to wear a formal gown 

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a nice pix of WanJu from AE Official Page.
cr to yushinkoo of DC-GHS.

I just want to ask about this pic..is it part of the drama or their bts together...so sweet


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@cheerkoo : thanks for bringing the poem here. About Koo's reputation about the kiss: lol for that. If it's acting, GHS can do it if it fits the story. And so far, her kiss in AE is so convincing. I thank her for that. And it could be the PDnim work to force her doing it wholeheartedly ;)). 
 Yes, I hope AE will win awards this year. I want to see GHS walking in red carpet with beautiful dress. I must agree about someone comment, that GHS wardrobe in AE drama is a little old fashioned. But it might be for a purpose. Because if she dresses like a catwalk model each time, she can be a fashion icon herself. And ppl won't notice the story, just notice her dress and what she'll wear... ;)). It's enough for me to see her face, and i don't care about what she wears anyway... :D
 All the best for GHS and AE!!! \m/

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Although. like all of you, I would really like to see our Hye Sun "dressed to the nines", I never get a chance to give it all that much thought because I've been getting lost in her beautiful face, and eyes, for so many years. :x Part of me becomes completely incensed when someone mentions that her acting, or her beauty, has become apparent in this recent drama as both have bowled me over from day one.  :-?? While I'm happy that her star is, once again, on the rise, part of me wants so say,  "Well, duh!" to those who didn't get it the first time.  #-o I guess denial, and jealousy, can cloud one's vision like nothing else on this earth. Sometimes, I just think that it's so much less complicated being a guy... ;)

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same as posted in AE soompi:
This is a good article that not only promote LSY but also the drama AE:http://www.newsculture.tv/sub_read.html?uid=33384&section=sc158I will tranlate bits and pieces....sorry don't know how to bring over the BTS pix of LSY.

'엔젤아이즈' 이상윤 비하인드 컷 공개, 여심 사로잡을 수 밖에
=AE's LSY's BTS cuts revealed: He cannot but capture the hearts of women

(뉴스컬처=김재연 기자)=Reporter Kim JaeYun of News Culture
SBS 주말 드라마 '엔젤아이즈(극본 윤지련 연출 박신우)'에서 한 여자 밖에 모르는 바보 같은 남자 이상윤의 현장 비하인드 컷이 공개됐다. SBS AE reveals BTS cuts of LSY who plays foolish man who only loves one woman.
공개된 사진 속 이상윤(박동주 역)은 본인의 트레이드 마크인 햇살 같이 해맑은 미소와 우월한 신체조건을 기반으로 댄디한 수트 패션부터 순백의 의사 가운,구급대원복까지 완벽히 소화해냈다. LSY's basic trademark of sunny and bright smile with his superior physique is beautifully displayed. ...
특히, 첫사랑 구혜선(윤수완 역) 앞에서 유독 따뜻한 눈빛을 보이는 이상윤은 바람에 흩날리는 수완의 머리칼을 조심스레 쓸어 넘겨주고 모든 여자들의 로망인 기습 백허그로 달콤한 분위기를 연출해 갖고 싶은 훈남 남자친구의 표본을 보여주고 있다. He is all women's romance with his warm gazes for his first love YSW--how he carefully pushes away SW's hair blown by wind,,,his sweet back hug, (I love that all these scenes are also given credit to great directing.!! YEAH!!)
또한, 사진 속 이상윤은 장소 불문, 대본을 손에 놓지 않는 열정적인 자세를 보이는가 하면 수완 앞에서는 12년 전과 변함이 없는 '못생긴 박똥주'로 변신, 장난꾸러기 같은 귀여운 표정을 지어 보이기도 했다. LSY is also seen in these BTS cuts concentrating on studying his script, being playful and adorable,etc.
그 동안 '국민 사위', '엄친아' 등의 다소 단정한 수식어로 지칭돼왔던 이상윤은 '엔젤아이즈' 박동주 역을 통해 풋풋하고 싱그러운 청년의 얼굴을 보여주고 있다. 또한 소중한 첫사랑 수완에게 우직한 순정을 다하는 '무공해 순수남'의 이미지를 구축하고 있기도 하다. All along, LSY has been voted as the "best son-in-lalw type", "umchiah=best and proud son", and through his actions toward SW in AE, he is seen as the "genuine/steadfast guy", 
더불어 이상윤은 보는 이들의 가슴까지 설레게 하는 닭살 로맨스 연기부터 모성애를 자극하는 눈물 연기까지 폭 넓은 감성연기를 선보이며 안방극장 새로운 ‘여심(女心) 사냥꾼’으로 급부상 중이다. On top of that, his acting deeply moves the viewers' heart stimulating romance, appreciation for parents. His tearful acting is praised highly. He is rising as the "hunter of female hearts".
감성적인 연출과 스토리 전개, 이상윤,구혜선의 열연에 힘입어 '청정드라마' 열풍을 일으키고 있는 SBS '엔젤아이즈'는 매주 토, 일요일 오후 9시 55분에 방영된다. Impressive direction of the transmission of the story line along with great acting by LSY and GHS is creating wave for this "kind/pure drama". AE is seen every Sat and Sun at 9:55PM.
(BRAVO!! Thank you to this reporter who has basically praised ALL aspects of the drama!!!)

프로그램명: '엔젤아이즈' =Program name=Angel Eyes
편성: SBS 토, 일 오후 9시 55분~  Broadcasting time: SBS, SAT, SUN, 9:55PM
작가: 윤지련 Writer=Yoon JiRyun
연출: 박신우 Director=Park ShinWoo
출연: 이상윤, 구혜선, 정진영, 김지석 외 Appearing: LSY, GHS, Jung Jin Young(SW's father), Kim JI Suk and more.
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Everywhere in the news portals are about what GHS is wearing, the bag that PDJ bought for YSW, the popularity of YSW's hair color, what PDJ's wearing...These articles are pointing out the brand names, talking to the actual hair stylist that does GHS's hair, etc. keke The articles say that people are requesting information on these type of items...keke
I guess they are signs of popularity of the drama??
http://www.newdaily.co.kr/news/article.html?no=203178 (re GHS' hair color--by Chung Dam Dong Yoning Hair Salon's manager Suh Yoon--her hair color is called "vintage orange")

http://enews24.interest.me/news/article.asp?nsID=402987 (re pink bag bought by PDJ for YSW--brand name is LoveCat...keke along with  PDJ's line from the drama-- "남자가 여자를 좋아할 때 선물은 중요하다. 특히 가방 같은 것"=When a man likes a woman, it is important to give her a gift, especially something like a bag"---I remember PDJ being scolded by his mother JungHwa-ssi for not buying SW a birthday gift.---are they doing a CF inside the drama?? keke)And there are many ads for what GHS and LSY are wearing in the drama. So far, I liked her simple long, white skirt with purple top---keke)

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TGIF! One more sleep til ep. 11! The agony of waiting! Good thing our girl makes the long wait so worth it.

@robbo4 Me too. I dwell on her pretty face too much for me to even think about her wardrobe. The only time she shocked me was during the Kbs awards but then i realized that maybe she wanted to make a statement since Geum Jan Di was dear to her heart, it's like one way of honoring the character :)

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Hello Sunnies :)

@myonenonly hey let me know if target and walmart has it I want to color my hair too :)

@cheerkoo Thanks again for all the info I love that picture so cute :)


LSY so attentive to our KHS

I cant wait for Saturday and it looks like Wanjoo couple is going on a date wahhhhhhhhhhhh :)

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Guest ginger4clover

Hello Sunnies,
I am trying to catch up with all the reading in this forum, I will catch up eventually. @cheerkoo very much appreciated all the article and translation from AE-DC. Please continue posting the articles that will keep sane till Saturday. Wow! AE-DC they are energized they even wrote a poem... Way to go... @GHSforeever thank you for the BTS, LSY/PDJ is so attentive to our GHS/YSW. What a lovely site...GHS still pix she is so beautiful as ever. In regards to her wardrobe I did not really put so much emphasis to it cause I am just mesmerized by her acting and beauty. GHS is so perfect in portraying YSW character. GHS nail it... I said it before and I will say it again no one can do justice to YSW character but GHS.  ^:)^

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yes,,I am here again,,,keke.Regarding that pix of DJ pushing away SW's hair...AE-DC fan posted it as a BTS pix from the AE Official Website,,,but who knows, the director may use it as real cut..I hear that the pix of DJ giving SW a forehead kiss was used in news paper but the director did not use it or cut it out of the drama...So, AE director may be full of teasers and surprises...That is a good director!!
I know,.we cannot seem to get enough of that epi 10 kiss scene at the observatory....AE fans are saying that PDJ is definitely the younger and the conservative of the couple because Swan initiates and gives him all the come-on gestures...kekeWhat is also good to see in both GHS DC and AE DC are new addicts of AE---they either never knew about GHS and LSY or that they heard that AE is good and came over and could not stop watching the episodes...that always make me so happy. This particular new AE addict brought that kissing clip along with the music to this DC page. enjoy.http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=132204&page=1

And, look at this:http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=angeleyes&no=9816
The banner wishes them success until the end and to keep their health until the end.AE DC gallery members are supporting AE staff and actors with snack cart and they made banners that include all the actors...they are really sweet....kind dramas bring kind fans...
They also decided on some of  these pix for cookies, cups, etc.--I cannot find the page containing their final decisions..sorry--too many pages..http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=angeleyes&no=9774&page=2

DC-AE fans are also trying very hard to get a DC thread just for LSY. It seems like a harder process in DC to get a celebrity's own thread. Best of luck to them.  But, in the mean time, many LSY fans post their love and affection in DC-AE thread. 

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@cheerkoo yes that video kiss is getting views like crazy in youtube

thanks as well for information in regards to LSY

DC-AE fans are also trying very hard to get a DC thread just for LSY. It seems like a harder process in DC to get a celebrity's own thread. Best of luck to them.  But, in the mean time, many LSY fans post their love and affection in DC-AE thread. 
so happy for him, My MFF sisters will be very happy :)
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