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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest S_sun

illay said:


said:Let's all tweet to SBS our dissatisfaction of  this time changes. The more they hear from us, the better! https://twitter.com/SBSNOWIt is so unfair to the hard work put in by the AE cast and production team!

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I think Angel Eyes is really popular cause after watching the drama at viki.com, I went to Hotel King's channel to read  the comments written by people who watched the drama. I find it funny cause some writers keeps on mentioning Angel Eyes while they are on that particular channel. And they talked about how good AE is, and that it is highly recommended. AE fighting!

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Guest mrita

finished watching ep 3 and 4 it was really awesome i loved ep 4 very much ghs is very pretty and she never failed me in acting she did really changed her acting stylestill those who bash her i can say only one thing that u cant able to accept the truth as u r jealous many liked this drama and so i wonder wy it s not reflecting in ratingspls sbs dont do like this u r making rating gets decreased ae team deserves more hope from next week timings will be oki really cant wait until next week  :((

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cheerkoo said: Epi 4 was just as awesome! I agree with you all.Each scene is so memorable.I do wish that gas truck and car crash scene had a bit more action and less words....such an important scene that re-traumatized Swan. (I TAKE IT BACK!! I SAW THE EPI AGAIN AND THAT SCENE IS REALLY GOOD!!)
The ending scene was so beautiful...someone at DC repeated what DJ said to sleeping Swan:http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=131464&page=1수완아~ 나 여기에 있는데...(with bit of desperation and frustration in his voice ) Swan-ah, I am right here..

여기 니 앞에 있는데..I am right in front of you...


윤수완 Yoon Swan

생각만해도 눈물나는 내 첫사랑~My first love who makes me cry whenever I think of her.


아기가 엄마얼굴도 모르는데...라는 말만 되새기며 아파하는 이유가

사랑하는 사람의 얼굴도 모르는게 얼마나 가슴 아픈일이라는걸 잘 알기때문이겠죠ㅠㅠ

(DC fan is sadly affected by one phrase that Swan said, "the baby does not even know his mother's face..." It is because I know how so painful it is not to even know the face of someone you love.....

Swan does not know the faces of DJ and his mother and also DJ's sister~~people she miss so much. 

Boy! It is hard to shake off he drama and get back to work!! keke

Another thing that is so enticing about AE is that even though Swan has a fiancé who is devoted to her, it seems that Swan and DJ/Dylan are slowly falling in love all over again.....just like the question posed by young Swan in the first or 2nd epi when DJ and Swan were watching a movie: "No matter how many years have passed and things have changed (paraphrasing), can people who loved each other before recognize or love each other again????" I think that is what Swan said..DJ did not answer...

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KU HYE SUN appears like the warm spring sun on “Angel Eyes”
- Transforms into a passionate firefighter! She will do anything for acting Actor KU HYE SUN appeared on TV like the warm sunrays of spring through the 3rd episode of SBS’s weekend special drama “Angel Eyes” (Script by Yoon Ji Ryun, Directed by Park Shin Woo). 
In the episode aired on April 12 (Sat), the character Yoon Soo Wan grew up to be a passionate firefighter who would do anything to accomplish the job. The vivacious Soo Wan gets the nickname “Yoon Ttol” from her colleagues, which indicates her just and responsible character. 
In the previous episodes 1 and 2, Soo Wan gets her sight back, which she had lost from an accident, through a transplant from Park Dong Joo’s (played by Lee Sang Yoon) mother who dies from a hit-and-run accident. But Dong Joo happens to leave for the U.S. because of his mother’s death and his sister’s surgery, and more than 10 years passes between Soo Wan who can now see and Dong Joo who is no longer beside her. Dong Joo eventually returns to Korea as a successful doctor, but Soo Wan, who has never seen his face, fails to recognize him. 
KU HYE SUN plays the adult Yoon Soo Wan. Transformed perfectly into a firefighter, her beauty creates an illusion of her being in a commercial when she washes the ambulance under the blue sky. 
But on the other hand, she devours pizza in front of mischievous boys who made a prank call to the fire department, while pouring a can of beer on a man and kicking him for making a sexual comment, “I like women in uniform.” Her strong character is indeed eye-catching.
In the episode, KU HYE SUN absolutely fused with the character Yoon Soo Wan, perfectly acting out the short-tempered character although the personality conflicted KU’s beautiful appearance.
At the end of the episode, Dong Joo, who became the chief of the E.R. at Soo Wan’s father Yoon Jae Bum’s (played by Jung Jin Young) hospital, saves Soo Wan from a patient who tries to stab her in the throat. But as Kang Ji Woon (played by Kim Ji Suk), a neurosurgeon, appears in the picture, a love triangle is expected to become part of the story.  “Angel Eyes” is aired every Saturday and Sunday night at 9:55 pm.

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meow13!YES---Swan said can people fall in love even after they have been apart for so long...after DJ and SW were watching "Bungee Jumping" movie.
Another YES to Swan working as a 119--to "show him" ----that guy whom she hates til death and whom she misses til death......
Next epi seems to far away.....miss Wan-Ju couple.I wonder if Swan's friend, MinSu, the policewoman ever met Ddong-Ju??? She may provide the connection for Wan-Ju and all the things inside their Pandor'a Box....
I must say~Of course, I did not read everything but I noticed that many articles that reporters post about AE are very moving and very positive....it feels as if the reporters are also very touched by AE. This article is rated most read--"DAUM TOP"--it is in red box in the Daum news portal--it talks about why Ddongju decided not to reveal his identity to Swan....AE is already DAEBOK to me,,,,I just wish the Korean viewers in Korea realize it!!!http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201404140700421710
(Maybe many viewers did not realize that AE was on Suday night and the are reading up on the epi 4 summary??---I hope----keke)

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I don't know if it would help AE out in anyway....at least we would or might be letting the reporters know that people are interested in AE???Maybe if we have time, we can kind of click on the articles about AE in various Korean news portals??Jut click on articles with AE pix only under NEWS/뉴스. Here are Korean news portals that I visit:it is already the GHS section:NATEhttp://search.daum.net/nate?thr=sbma&w=tot&q=구혜선



Thanks...hope it helps.

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I am going on this morning...keke...hope you don't mind...Difference bet DDongju and JiWoon~~JIWoon seems to love Swan like she is a princess.Whatever she says, he would try to do. But there is a limit to how much he would do as at least I saw in the emergency situation.He can be rash and not think about the propriety when it comes to Swan.But he also said about Swan to DDongju--" besides saving people, Swan is not good at anything...but she makes several amazing dishes."  (we know they are DDongju's mom's dishes---the real angel!!)

DDongju:I love his calmness in the face of crises. I love his tranquil confidence with utmost respect for everyone around him.He integrates propriety and manners no mater what the situation.Even in that road crisis, he asks the chief fire fighter if they can have few minutes to save the baby's mom---to properly deal with Swan's emotionality and Fire chief's judgment.He deals with Swan's improper work behavior in a very cool way.Swan discovered an elderly person who was lying down bleeding while she was trying to get the suicide jumper off the ledge----because she is JiWoon's fiancé  who is the son of the CEO of the hospital and she is also the daughter of the medical director..she calls ahead to Jiwoon saying that she got a patient who needs neurological help----she is not playing by the rule and propriety but she was bending the rules to get the patient the help. Ddonju told her that he will not sign her paperwork and that he would not let her 119 Company bring in any patients to his ER...hahahahaThe other staff were happy that DDongJU did that because they must have been upset all along with her behavior all this time and they could not say anything due to her social position.
Also, he is not letting his identity known to Swan because he feels that she is in love with JiWoon and is his fiancé....but that is his own thinking....Nevertheless, DDonju is a better man!!keke
ohchloe!!Love those GHS pix!!!Love the ones with that little boy----Swan's middle boss's son...he is supposedly a single father raising his son alone. GHS looks so natural and good with that little actor....she is amazing with kids!!

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I hope this is OK...I am monopolizing posts this AM
I read this article just now.http://www.unionpress.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=250602
Someone wrote his view point criticizing AE in how it dealt with the suicide issue---Korea is known as the number 1 country with most suicide--according to the article. So, the writer did not like the way it was dealt with.But I think the writer forgot the exact content of the drama..Swan first of all said that she is a 119 worker and not a counselor...She was sent up there to talk with the jumper because it would take longer to set tup the bubble in case the guy does jump. They needed to buyt some time to be better prepared in case the guy jumps. At times, no matter how good you are as a therapist, you cannot prevent suicide even if the patient never meant to kill himself...accidental death in suicide attempt is humongous!So, the drama 's 119 team was doing their job!!! Being Very professional as much as possible. I am sure Swan picked up the jumper----although they did not show it. And the jumper wanted her to come to him. as she was moving away and discovered the fallen elderly in another apt. Also, Swan was using one the well know psychology method---forgot the terim....reverse psychology on the jumper and also using cognitive strategy to let the guy see the consequence of his action...that is one the professional method. Anyway, it was also obvious that the character was not going to jump--he was more scared than anything Also it was stated in the drama that it was his 3rd time attempting suicide that month. Not that I am saying we need to take suicide jumps lightly but Drama 119 team was being professional behind their humor. Anyway...to work in jobs such as 119 rescue team, you gotta have some humor or you will get depressed.

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another distraction for me today!! keke
In this GHS dc gal page, there is a clip from Swan and DDongju when he is treating her wound.Very nice acting of amazing expressions by Wan-Ju couple!! Just with their eyes..Breath-taking!!!I initially felt a bit yukky about these two actors acting together---but their chemistry is amazing!!keke

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cheerkoo said: another distraction for me today!! keke
In this GHS dc gal page, there is a clip from Swan and DDongju when he is treating her wound.Very nice acting of amazing expressions by Wan-Ju couple!! Just with their eyes..Breath-taking!!!I initially felt a bit yukky about these two actors acting together---but their chemistry is amazing!!keke

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드라맥스(Dramax) @ch_dramax 9h

[엔젤아이즈] 드라맥스 ID 촬영중인 선남선녀 구혜선-이상윤 커플! 딜런박과 윤수완의 가슴아픈 사랑이야기 <엔젤아이즈>는 드라맥스에서~~ 채널고정!!! pic.twitter.com/eQqsK6bEl0



@cheerkoo Minsu dis met Dongju once in E02. She was the one telling DJ about SW birthday. I am not sure though if she could reckon him after 12 years... and  I think she would be very angry with DJ since he made SW cried a lot after he left for the US. Let's see, I think she's the key
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Finally watched the eng sub version of episode 4. I realized that ghs eyes are really big. Just a thought.

Hopefully the ratings will keep improving because ghs really did very well in this drama. I hope everyone out there will watch it and realize how good is her acting skills.

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@cheerkoo @meow thanks for sharing. Hi Sunnies thanks for your pics & comments.

Sue I laugh so hard the way SW dealt with the jumper. ".... so after you die what do you do? Is there an assurance that it gets better?..... " hahaha... That's what you call tough love. Many people use this tactic in everyday life.

AE is getting interesting. So many questions that needs to be answered. There's more coming so brace yourselves! AE fighting! GHS fighting! I'm a fan of SW & DJ definitely! :X

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Guest S_sun

pumpkin_pie said: Finally watched the eng sub version of episode 4. I realized that ghs eyes are really big. Just a thought. Hopefully the ratings will keep improving because ghs really did very well in this drama. I hope everyone out there will watch it and realize how good is her acting skills.

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