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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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meow13!Thanks for the pix above.Is that the mint colored jacket that she wore to the Running Man?? kekeSomeone in AE DCgal said that DJ on bike is also in the top pix above.---the first one...way to the right.http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=angeleyes&no=371
Swannie's cooking scene in epi 3 was even more moving because the recipe tape had not only DJ's mom's voice but also DJ's voice and Swannie would imitate DJ's remarks along with his country accent. 
DJ's mom and DJ made the tape together...kekeHow can she forget DJ and his voice when she would hear him whenever she would try the recipes and for the past 12 years!! 

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 Me again ,good day to you ! I've made on observation ,long time ago : some of our senses like the sight which have a material support ,the image, can be lost in time and the other like hearing,smelling ,tasting can remain in memory much,much longer . And the writer ,director and GHS confirmed that to me :after meeting and talking a little to DJ ,SW had an imperceptible starting and later she stops ,thinking about with wonder :"what was this ?" OUR Princess build her character with fine ,subtle things ,I must see this drama many times to catch more of her astute acting ! To understand her fineness I must work hard ,but what a fulfilling sentiment ! 

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Guest OliviaH

Dear all,
I can't believe after being an avid K-drama fan (for about 12 years) and got to know soompi in 2008, I finally decided to have my soompi acc.
Gosh, always being a silent reader since 2008 and finally I decided to jump into the boat joining you all. I LOOOOVEEEE GHS so much....
May I know the live streaming link for tonight? (thanks)
^___^ love you all 

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OliviaH said: Dear all,
I can't believe after being an avid K-drama fan (for about 12 years) and got to know soompi in 2008, I finally decided to have my soompi acc.
Gosh, always being a silent reader since 2008 and finally I decided to jump into the boat joining you all. I LOOOOVEEEE GHS so much....
May I know the live streaming link for tonight? (thanks)
^___^ love you all 

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Guest S_sun

Welcome @OliviaH. Please join us in sharing your love for GHS and enjoy your time here. We are pleased to have you.
OMG Episode 4 had me going for the tissues so many times. Such a good quality production, so beautifully produced and sensitively done.GHS, I was mesmerized by your natural beauty but even more so by your acting! Sooooo  good!
Can't wait for subs!
Have a nice day/night, Sunnies! :)

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Epi 4 was just as awesome! I agree with you all.Each scene is so memorable.I do wish that gas truck and car crash scene had a bit more action and less words....such an important scene that re-traumatized Swan. (I TAKE IT BACK!! I SAW THE EPI AGAIN AND THAT SCENE IS REALLY GOOD!!)
The ending scene was so beautiful...someone at DC repeated what DJ said to sleeping Swan:http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=131464&page=1수완아~ 나 여기에 있는데...(with bit of desperation and frustration in his voice ) Swan-ah, I am right here..

여기 니 앞에 있는데..I am right in front of you...


윤수완 Yoon Swan

생각만해도 눈물나는 내 첫사랑~My first love who makes me cry whenever I think of her.


아기가 엄마얼굴도 모르는데...라는 말만 되새기며 아파하는 이유가

사랑하는 사람의 얼굴도 모르는게 얼마나 가슴 아픈일이라는걸 잘 알기때문이겠죠ㅠㅠ

(DC fan is sadly affected by one phrase that Swan said, "the baby does not even know his mother's face..." It is because I know how so painful it is not to even know the face of someone you love.....

Swan does not know the faces of DJ and his mother and also DJ's sister~~people she miss so much. 

Boy! It is hard to shake off he drama and get back to work!! keke

Another thing that is so enticing about AE is that even though Swan has a fiancé who is devoted to her, it seems that Swan and DJ/Dylan are slowly falling in love all over again.....just like the question posed by young Swan in the first or 2nd epi when DJ and Swan were watching a movie: "No matter how many years have passed and things have changed (paraphrasing), can people who loved each other before recognize or love each other again????" I think that is what Swan said..DJ did not answer...

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Hi sunnies! I'm so proud of GHS! Acting daebok! Episode 4 wow! She makes me laugh, just love her facial expressions. The rescuer team agreed to send SW up there to save the jumper because her supervisor said it takes a crazy person to understand one! Hahaha they think she's crazy at times. :)) She's a passionate rescuer that's why... Kekeke They bribe her for a pumpkin cake. I love SW! :x

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Guest zhasky

hi sunniez,am glad that our princess accept this drama to be her come back project.. she did it!! her acting is unquestionable.. you can feel her emotions as yoon soo wan... i am carried away...  oh my, have to wait another week...   :x :-SS

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I am so mad and sad!!It appears that AE scored 8.0% for Sunday rating. (4/13)---drop of 0.8%Why!!!!
한편 비슷한 시간대에 방송된 KBS1 ‘정도전’은 17.1%, MBC ‘호텔킹’은 11.6%의 시청률을 각각 기록했다.
On Sunday, competing drama Jung Do Jun-17.1%Hotel King on Sunday-----------------11.6%-----------------------On Sat (4/12) the rating was:http://www.fnnews.com/view?ra=Sent1901m_View&corp=fnnews&arcid=140413075516&cDateYear=2014&cDateMonth=04&cDateDay=13&recopick=5This article states that AE's rating for Sat 4/12 was 8.8%, increase of 2.2%.Jung Do Jun scored 17.1% (drop of 1.1% from last time)Hotel King scored 10.9%. (drop of 0.8% from last time)So, AE ranked 3rd for Sat and Sun night rating. ---------------------------------------SO...frustrating!!
This AE DCgal fan said:어제 ㅅㅇㅈ 선수 경기로 30분넘게 끝내고..AE started late due to an athletic event on SBS.
광고로 10분 끌고 막 시간도 뒤죽박죽 Then the drama started even later than that due to 10 min or so of advertising...

시방새 짜증나 진짜.. 제대로 해라. SBS is frustrating me. Do your work properly!!
8.0%로 떨어질 일도 없었다..There is no way rating should have dropped to 8%.
그 시간에 한다고 홍보도 개떡같이 하고 그게 SBS did not even properly announce the temporary time change for the Sunday schedule!!
시청률 오르기 바라는거냐 시방새야..SBS--do you really want the rating to increase??!!

이거 너무 하잖아 너희 시방새 드라마인데 This is not right! It is your drama, SBS!!
참 너무 하네.. 다신 그러지마라. Don't do it again!!

10%찍었을 것 같아..I really feel that the rating could have gone up to 10%.
(I agree!! SBS is so inconsiderate to its own program!!)

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I figured out how I'll watch this drama from here on out: First I'll watch the raws so that I don't have to look away from Hye Sun's face to read the subs. 8-> Then, I'll watch the subbed version to fill in the blanks. :)>-
P.S. Bribing her with food, the certain way to get this person to do your bidding...:P

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Guest S_sun

cheerkoo said: I am so mad and sad!!It appears that AE scored 8.0% for Sunday rating. (4/13)---drop of 0.8%Why!!!!
한편 비슷한 시간대에 방송된 KBS1 ‘정도전’은 17.1%, MBC ‘호텔킹’은 11.6%의 시청률을 각각 기록했다.
On Sunday, competing drama Jung Do Jun-17.1%Hotel King on Sunday-----------------11.6%-----------------------On Sat (4/12) the rating was:http://www.fnnews.com/view?ra=Sent1901m_View&corp=fnnews&arcid=140413075516&cDateYear=2014&cDateMonth=04&cDateDay=13&recopick=5This article states that AE's rating for Sat 4/12 was 8.8%, increase of 2.2%.Jung Do Jun scored 17.1% (drop of 1.1% from last time)Hotel King scored 10.9%. (drop of 0.8% from last time)So, AE ranked 3rd for Sat and Sun night rating. ---------------------------------------SO...frustrating!!
This AE DCgal fan said:어제 ㅅㅇㅈ 선수 경기로 30분넘게 끝내고..AE started late due to an athletic event on SBS.
광고로 10분 끌고 막 시간도 뒤죽박죽 Then the drama started even later than that due to 10 min or so of advertising...

시방새 짜증나 진짜.. 제대로 해라. SBS is frustrating me. Do your work properly!!
8.0%로 떨어질 일도 없었다..There is no way rating should have dropped to 8%.
그 시간에 한다고 홍보도 개떡같이 하고 그게 SBS did not even properly announce the temporary time change for the Sunday schedule!!

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Guest OliviaH

robbo4 said: I figured out how I'll watch this drama from here on out: First I'll watch the raws so that I don't have to look away from Hye Sun's face to read the subs. 8-> Then, I'll watch the subbed version to fill in the blanks. :)>-
P.S. Bribing her with food, the certain way to get this person to do your bidding...:P

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said:Let's all tweet to SBS our dissatisfaction of  this time changes. The more they hear from us, the better! https://twitter.com/SBSNOWIt is so unfair to the hard work put in by the AE cast and production team!

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