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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Alternative link for video that @meow03 posted above
(because SBS hasn't made it available in my country)
cr : 베티핑끄  on Youtube

thanks for your translation @cheerkoo :D

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Thanks meow13!!There are so many goodies to look at with AE that I am so distracted these days....kekeI just saw that video clip in DChttp://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=131350&page=1
There is another one where  the other actors are also asked questions by co-actors.GHS said actually she wants to "build" the house---I think she wants to build it herself. A small house of 3~4 "pyung" with only the most essentials. That is her most current interest. LSY said that, You mean you are still that white even though your make-up is two tone darker?" ---keke
I would love to see that house!! She already is skillful with wood and she build Gamja's house!! keke
few highlights from memory from other cast members...Seungri has a big Academy in GwangJoo that teach singing and dancing to potential stars. He is also getting into "Waffle maker" business---it is a special waffle maker from Belghi? Where is that? Koreans pronounce countries differently--it might be Berlin. Gong asked if he can borrow money from SR and SR says Of course but that he will be charging interest....he is a business man!!He is also close to female idols and most close to Koo Hara as they grew up together since young age. 
Gong--He is good with cursing and he says his cursing has to do with love and affection. (GHS's question to him) Would you marry your wife again if you are given a chance? He asked if he will marry again in this life or in next life. GHS said..next life...and others actors tell him your wife is watching...Gong said that in his next life he does not want to marry.
LSY says that he does curse---especially when he is playing sports as he gets competitive. He says he also expresses anger a lot while dating. ???? He knows that things can turn out bad but he also thinks that it could turn out positively while dating. He feels good about dating in public more than dating in secret because he feels that it does not feel sincere to be hiding around. (I guess that makes sense too?? Most celebrities prefer secret dating as there is always a possibility of breaking up and usually someone's bf or gf follow them around forever.) GHS asks what he would be doing if he did not become actor--he says he would be continuing to study and maybe teach. He has a degree in physics from Seoul N U. If the AE rating is above 40, if anybody asks him to buy a meal on the street, he will gladly do it for about a month. At first he said that he will treat the nation to a meal if rating is 50% then he calculated that would be impossible so changed.  keke I pray so!! I GHS asked him about being able to do a popular skit?  So he shows it...funny.
Suh JiSuk-people noticed that he likes skinship...He admits that he likes it because it helps him to get closer and friendlier faster. (keke) He says his first kiss was with "Rebecca"--while he was in England. He thought she will just give him a peck and it ended up being a real kiss that it gave him culture shock. SR asked him if he learned about skinship through Rebecca--he did not answer. He also swam in the same pool with Prince William because their school was side by side. But right now, he does not even have Prince's email. 
Ahhh,,,they seem to get along well and GHS seemed much more relaxed just with the actors!!! 

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Hi Sunnies.. 
I feel scared for Hye Sun unnie these days. I can't imagine how much pressure she is going through. I know and I know she knows that many people wanted or are expecting her to fail over and over again... I just feel so much pain whenever I read peoples comments about her being in Angels Eyes. I sincerely hope that people would once again open their hearts for Hye Sun unnie because she has so many things to offer and she is a wonderful human being... :(( :(( :((
I am praying that Angels Eyes would be so daebak that all the haters would stay and be on their closet like forever. I want them to realize that their hate for Hye Sun unnie would not make them into something..
I read unnie's latest magazine interview and the more my heart aches. Just knowing the reason why she stayed away from making dramas for the past two years was that she wanted to be forgotten was really heartbreaking. 
Let's all hope for the best!.. I'm praying for it... Fighting forever Sunnies!!!!!!!  \m/ <:-P \:D/ 
PS. Anyone have the other video of the casts interview?? Because it was already blocked.. Please give me a link??? Kamsamida... :D

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Hi Sunnies.. 

I feel red for Hye Sun unnie these days. I can't imagine how much pressure she is going through. I know and I know she knows that many people wanted or are expecting her to fail over and over again... I just feel so much pain whenever I read peoples comments about her being in Angels Eyes. I sincerely hope that people would once again open their hearts for Hye Sun unnie because she has so many things to offer and she is a wonderful human being... 






I am praying that Angels Eyes would be so daebak that all the haters would stay and be on their closet like forever. I want them to realize that their hate for Hye Sun unnie would not make them into something..

I read unnie's latest magazine interview and the more my heart aches. Just knowing the reason why she stayed away from making dramas for the past two years was that she wanted to be forgotten was really heartbreaking. 

Let's all hope for the best!.. I'm praying for it... Fighting forever Sunnies!!!!!!! 

\m/ <:-P \:D/ 

Well said sis !! My exact thoughts! She did her best in everything! Why cant people give her a chance again ? Its according to them...Hope her hard work pays for her and good luck comes to her! Please God.

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Guest mrita

neehr said: Hi Sunnies.. 
I feel scared for Hye Sun unnie these days. I can't imagine how much pressure she is going through. I know and I know she knows that many people wanted or are expecting her to fail over and over again... I just feel so much pain whenever I read peoples comments about her being in Angels Eyes. I sincerely hope that people would once again open their hearts for Hye Sun unnie because she has so many things to offer and she is a wonderful human being... :(( :(( :((
I am praying that Angels Eyes would be so daebak that all the haters would stay and be on their closet like forever. I want them to realize that their hate for Hye Sun unnie would not make them into something..
I read unnie's latest magazine interview and the more my heart aches. Just knowing the reason why she stayed away from making dramas for the past two years was that she wanted to be forgotten was really heartbreaking. 
Let's all hope for the best!.. I'm praying for it... Fighting forever Sunnies!!!!!!!  \m/ <:-P \:D/ 
i'm too praying for it my positive thought that this drama going to get hit as rescue worker is new concept and they will accept her too as she really did changed i'm waiting eagerly for saturday

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i think news same as what @cheerkoo translated above :)

'한밤' 구혜선 피부 비결 "집밖에 나가는 것 안좋아해"

기사입력 2014-04-09 22:06


[TV리포트=하수나 기자] 배우 구혜선이 하얀 피부의 비결로 외출을 잘 안한다고 밝혀 눈길을 모았다. 

9일 방송된 SBS ‘한밤의 TV연예’에선 드라마 ‘엔젤아이즈’ 주역들의 직구인터뷰가 방송됐다. 여주인공 수완 역을 맡은 구혜선은 요즘 관심사가 뭐냐는 질문을 받았다. 

구혜선은 “요즘 집을 짓는 게 관심사다. 살아가는데 최소한의 것들만 갖춘 그런 하우스를 만들어보고 싶다”며 마이크로하우스에 대한 관심을 드러냈다. 

또 한 유난히 하얀피부를 자랑하는 구혜선은 피부비결에 대한 질문에 “나가서 노는걸 좋아하지 않는다”며 외출을 별로 하지 않는다고 밝혔다. 이어 그녀는 하얀 피부에 대해 “지금도 거의 두 톤정도 낮춰서 방송하고 있다”며 실제론 더욱 하얀 피부임을 털어놨다. 

한편, 이날 방송에선 구혜선을 비롯해 이상윤, 김지석, 공형진, 승리의 직구인터뷰가 방송됐다. 

사진=방송화면 캡처 

하수나 기자 mongz@tvreport.co.kr

Copyright ⓒ TV리포트(tvreport.co.kr), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지

source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=213&aid=0000467934&sid1=001&lfrom=twitter&spi_ref=m_news_twitter
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thanks kgr143 for the info.thanks Sukreen for the article...that reminds me that Kim JiSuk commented that GHS is known for her skin and asked her how she keeps it so good. GHS said that she does not like to go outside of the house to have fun. It also talks about GHS's current interest to build a house equipped with the utmost necessity only. 
We have seen GHS entertain guests through the Cafe Manolin. When Kal SoWon came to visit, she set up a tent inside her apt and told ghost stories. Some blogger stated that the top floor is well guarded as if someone lives there. I always thought GHS lived in a basement apt because she says there are no windows...but maybe it is the top floor that is her apt above the Cafe Manolin? Maybe she has very heavy curtains or blocked windows to block out the outside?? It is best for her privacy anyway. 

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Guest blessingo0

i think goo hye sun is gonna blow everyone away,apart from king and i havent really seen any drama of goo that have pushed her futher.. this is like her first melodrama and melodrama are well really dramatic am sure goo will blow ppl away like she said in her interview everything about her acting changed,  though i never really had a problem with her acting before, but i think we should expect something amazing from goo she might even suprise us fans with how well she has grown as an actress. i also think she made the best decision with choosing a melodrama for her comeback. anticipating episode 3 so so baddddd.

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Thanx for the translation cheerkoo sis :)
hope hyesunnie is not pressurised by AE and enjoys filming the drama,comparing an adult and a child role is stupid itself..the child will obviously have different charms compared to the adult role..even in AE the child actress is blind and emotionally hurt coz she blames herself for her mother's death but she became cheerful when she fell for Dong Joo and met his kind mom and lil sister,and being blind her body language will be totally different from the adult Soo wan who can now see,has a boyfriend,a job that she enjoys,she will be very different from how she was 12 years back..
Angel fighting!!ure already the best and we trust u and your skills.. :) :)

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Guest blessingo0

omo just watched the preview for episode 3 again and did not realized that it was soo wan that fliped a dude upside down hahahahahaha,always wanted to see goo in a kickass role,when she was rumored for you are surrounded and i read the sypnosis for it, i so wanted that rumor to be true bcos of all the awesome stunts she might do. love seeing women be badass on screen.ever since goo hye sun did that spin kick on boys over flower, i havent stoped imagining her in a full on kickass role.but looks like my dream might come true hehehehe i hope she gets into some situation where she actually beats the ish out of someone lol. #angeleyesfighting :D

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Guest S_sun

blessingo0 said: omo just watched the preview for episode 3 again and did not realized that it was soo wan that fliped a dude upside down hahahahahaha,always wanted to see goo in a kickass role,when she was rumored for you are surrounded and i read the sypnosis for it, i so wanted that rumor to be true bcos of all the awesome stunts she might do. love seeing women be badass on screen.ever since goo hye sun did that spin kick on boys over flower, i havent stoped imagining her in a full on kickass role.but looks like my dream might come true hehehehe i hope she gets into some situation where she actually beats the ish out of someone lol. #angeleyesfighting :D

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Guest zhasky

go angel ghs!!! don't let others pull you down!!  :x >:D<
@blessingo0   i was hoping ghs would be cast on the drama your surrounded.. hoping she would reunite with lee seunggi... maybe next time..   :)

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Hi Sunnies! I share the same feeling with you all. I also believe that GHS' acting in AE will be awesome like in Pure Hearts 19. She accepted AE because she know that this drama will showcase her improved acting skills besides a beautiful script from a trusted writer. She feels pressure just like every actor. GHS is just too honest to admit it. :)

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I have to say that, after eight years of exposure to her immense talent, ethereal natural beauty, and quality person, that I have no longer ANY understanding, sympathy, or patience with any detractors of Goo Hye SunL-)  For those envious that she's either kissed, or stood next to, their oppas, they need to just grow up  [-( For those who claim that she was anything but spot-on in her creation and portrayal of Geum Jandi as the character of Tsukushi Makino in the Korean version of Hana Yori Dango, you need to both consult the original manga (which Goo Hye Sun played to the hilt with her overblown, cartoonish explosions in accordance with the original design, despite the fact the bulk of the fledgling cast of 'flower boys' treaded the waters, admittedly, lightly in her wake:-S), and it's author who publicly stated that Goo Hye Sun was the absolute human embodiment of the character that she'd written.:-bd

To the Johnny come latelys who see a swan grown from an 'ugly duckling' just because she finally gave into the pressure (from both friend and foe) to grow her hair out: Are your eyes even capable of sight?  Is there really anyone out there who thinks that this incredibly accomplished, beautiful from birth, person has anything left to prove to meet your standards? :-??

I am well known (in my neck of the woods) as an easy going, live and let live, generally liberally minded sort, but, like Popeye was famous for saying, just before inhaling a can full of spinach,  "I stands what I stands, and I can't stands no more!!!~X( X( #-o:ar!

Let it be known, far and wide, that this individual fan will gladly cross swords (and wits) with any, and all, detractors of this one-of-a-kind, talent/woman/person and, if need be, I'll enlist the aid of Gamja, Bap, Soon-dae, Mandoo, SSam, and any of the other four legged critters among her household menagerie to help in her defense.

Bring it on....>:/

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I first noticed the cute pilot Goo Hye Sun in Please Captain. Loved her there and then fell hopelessly in love with her and F4 in Boys over Flower. I watched BOF to the end cos of Jandi. Her portrayal of the character was the best among the 3 versions. Then went on to watch Absolute Boyfriend online and cried buckets at Youthe end. Loved her and cant understand what antis are going on and on about! Fighting Goo Hye Sun ! You are the BEST!!!

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