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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=128955&page=1&bbs=Choi InYoung's blog--->He says that it is the first time that GHS's song is bought by other people. Is that true?? Does it mean she never sold any songs to others? I bought her Breath album--5 of them. I have not bought her individual songs,,,however. I am such a dunce when it comes to computer...I wonder if I can just buy her new song for my computer. Is that possible? viewimage.php?id=guhyesun&no=29bcc427b68

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Just want to share this HQ song of GHS ~ Marry Me. What a cool and lovely voice she has, keke :-)


credit to the uploader. Thanks man for sharing :-D

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@cheerkoo,there is not sufficient words to thank you for all your translation ! Without words in this world we'll be blind and deaf unable to do anything .In fact we didn't exist in here ! THANK YOU VERY,VERY MUCH! THE WORD IS ONE OF THE POWERFUL WEAPON ! I wish to drop my opinion about all this poisonous antis, who act very sneaky everywhere: I consider that: they are very scared about the power of kindness ,intelligence, talent and of cause beauty of GOO HYE SUN and cannot abstain to attack.In fact I think this is their strategy: waves of incessant attack, a strategy of guerrilla war .They won't stop because they feel the blast of terror to lose in their own napes. And how it says : what you are afraid you have not escape ! WHAT ABOUT HER LOVE? I' m suggesting the"privy" council of this thread to establish a strategy to shot down their action ,based on intelligence , rich imagination which you do not lack ! And to finish in an optimistic tone : have YOU  observe at the MANOLIN CAFE, the family of snow man-father ,mother and child ,and the cats too ? Don't you wish, like me, the same for our sweet ,dear, beautiful GEUM JAN DI? DOESN'T THAT MEANS ANYTHING?

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Guest S_sun

Sue, Thanks again for all you do for us. You can buy the song from the itunes store online. Do you have itunes downloaded? First you have to have that , then open an account there , go to itunes store and type in the song or Seo In Guk, you will find the songs and you can buy it (it does not cost much) and download it. Good luck!

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Okay - my first attempt at copying and pasting but this link is the one I was talking about in an earlier post where seo in guk was a guest on simsimtapa radio and this is part 5 - where he talks about GHS.  Hope it works!   :)
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Thank you kgr143 for the SIG clip above.ShinDong comments that GHS is many years senior to SIG. SIG at first says yes then says that she is not that senior. Shin says that as far as he knows, GHS is even older than he is. SIG then says that GHS has a very young face. Both agree. Shin comments that when MV is made, there is hardly any get-to-know-you time. In making a drama, the actors get together to have at least a meal and have some time to get to know each other before starting the filming. Shin asks if SIG knew GHS before the MV. SIG says that there is a song called, Would We Have Been Happy in his album. That song is composed and written by GHS-sunbae and she gave it to me. Everybody shocked.SIG says,It was really an honor for me. When I was preparing for this album, a proposal came in from GHS saying that she wants to give the song to me. The way it happened is that YG contacted my agency with such proposition. Yeanh, it is amazing. Right? So, the work started. The usual way a song is recorded is for the composer to supervise the recording. Right? But, the thing is that composer is GHS-ssi. That means that GHS-ssi had to watch over the direction. But, I felt extremely tense about that. This may sound strange and it is my first time saying it. But, I made a slight lie. I am sorry to YG if I did something wrong. What I did was if the recording session was scheduled for 1pm, I told them that recording was scheduled for 3pm instead. What I did was I crazily recorded the entire song beforehand. Shin says..Ah, so you recorded the whole song so that when she comes she can just fix the parts that she wants to fix. SIG says, Yes. I felt so embarrassed. I also heard from people around me about GHS and heard that she is very introverted and may have hard time telling me what to do. So, I felt that it might be very burdensome for both of us. That is why, I recorded the whole song first. I decided to let her hear it and then have her make give me feedback. After hearing her feedback, I would tell her that I will finish up. Shin says, and then you got an OK the first time?SIG says, Yes. Shin---But, if she was unhappy and upset with your approach,...although it was a relief that did not happen.SIG,,,it might then have been really awkward to act as lovers in the MV.Shin. So, after the recording, you felt it would be good to have her appear in MV?SIG..Yes. So, my agency approached GHS's agency with a proposal for her appear in the MV. We are very grateful for the song, but would she do this for us this time. We asked her and she said yes right away the first time. Shin--that is so good.SIG--It is such a thankful thing.Shin--So, in a way, you made a MV with the composer. Really amazing.SIG--But, as I said, GHS is so young looking. We had to do a back-hug. There is a scene of hanging laundry. The whole shot was made in slow motion angle shot. Then, we watched the monitor together. When the shot was taken of GHS sunbae, the shot looked just wow and just so very pretty. Shin--and then?SIG--Then, the angle moved on to me. And suddenly an ajussi appeared (laughter). It seemed more like a daddy smiling. (he is calling himself older looking than GHS.) So, with editing, the whole shot came out like a piece of art. (That is true!! love that shot!) You see, it was immediately edited.Shin..Ah,,everyone, if you look at the MV with such a background story, it will be very interesting to watch. Shin--so it seems like all of you had fun making your mv's.SIG--yes, I had fun making the mv. (Then, mc moves into other things...)

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Again, I am more than anything a fan of GHS the person. I saw this tweeter in the media portal.https://twitter.com/suyeonoh/status/325384417885446144tweeter by Suyeon Oh'사람은 본인이 갖고있는 능력보다 더 많은 것들을 할 수 있고,해야만 하고 공부하면 다 된다고 생각을 해요' _<구혜선의 인생극장>중에서. 그녀의 삶에대한 긍정적인 자세와 강한 정신력을 닮고싶다. http://twitpic.com/ckih4i  "A person can do so much more than the talents s/he possesses. And, s/he must do them. If s/he studies it, I believe everything is possible."---a quote by GHS from <GHS's  Life Theatre program>. I want to resemble her positive attitude and her strong mental fortitude about life. (me 22222)

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Guest Ana1430292405

 thank you so much for the English translation of SIG radio interview...
i just love this guy specially when he sang live...thanks to GHS song
now i can appreciate a Korean male performer... keeping my finger cross,
i really want to see them together in any project...

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Guest lovegoohyesun

Hello Sunnies don't forget to VOTE 1x/day :D


So sad wonder why the haters like to bash HS-ssi, even at the

Since Goo Hye Sun represents perfection, she is ipso facto a subject of "envy"!! Everyone wants to resemble her!! Since they can't, they end up in jealousy and hatred!! Remember none kicks a dead dog!!

"“Haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves;

because you're a reflection of what they wish to be” (but can't)

― Yaira N

Let's stay strong and positive!! Love ya all!!


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hello sunnies,hope you all enjoyed your sunday..aww..hate mondays coz i gotta go to work again..lol :))
thanks for translating @cheerkoo..i didnt see that interview before so its like a new one to me..thanx for translating sig interview too..
seo in guk should call her noona by now and drop the sunbaenim..hehehehe..afteral we would love to see them together in a drama or movie..that back hug scene was indeed so very beautiful will bubbles in the air.wish they could show more of the scenes in the video,,even the scene where he is resting his head on her shoulders in the library is missing too..they showed only a small portion in the last part..ah i wish the video could be longer around 6 to 7mins..hehe..i guess this is asking for too much.. :) loved their chemistry..
hope to see her again on screen..missing her..

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Guest S_sun

Hello Sunnies,

Hope you all had or is having a wonderful weekend.

Sue, thanks for the translations and bringing over the tweet with the inspiring GHS quote. I love that back hug scene too. In fact the whole mv is a work of art. Like in a movie.The story and song is so emotional. Kudos to the director. One of the best mv ! If you all are like me, I am never tired of feasting my eyes on that mv. I miss HS so much on the small screen. So if I watch 15x a day, it is like watching 1 episode of drama! kekeke

In addition, I am listening to HS songs on my ipod and they are the background music when I am on the computer! And watching @GHSforever 's vid with the English subtitles! This will keep me going until her next project!

Here's a nice vid of her selcas. Miss her selcas so much......Sorry if it may have been posted before.

credit finieyz hiwari

A warm welcome to all new Sunnies.
My Sunnie family is awesome!  GHS fighting! Please keep voting!

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Hello Sunnies!

I'm looking forward for more updates on HS' continued activities with Cine France. I hope there will be more photos. I just miss her so much. Never get tired of reading anything about her & looking at her beautiful face. Oh & I want to see more mini skirts. :)) ...those pair of legs need to be displayed!....not hidden in jeans. Lol!

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