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Guest loveoppayam

Thank you phi the photos are great. The members all so handsome especially Dongwan smile pic (i'm drooling) and junjin's pics


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Guest sonny

I think the success of idol groups like Shinhwa is going to depend on their passion to become artist/musicians rather than an idol group. I read from a Shinhwa tumblr Eric said we became Shinhwa to become singers now we remain singers to become Shinhwa. They started out as singers and now they are more than that. While they're not as popular as they once were, Shinhwa is a group that continues to produce music for the fans that enjoy their music. Dongwan said something along the lines of if there was no one who wanted to listen to Shinhwa then they probably/may have stopped long ago. I love how they sound the same but there's an updated sound that's modern and reflects music in the current kpop world. They're not doing house or a lot of autotune like everyone else. They have a style of music and they do it well and it remains relevant when you compare it to what's being produced.

I think that's why Big Bang, 2NE1, Sistar, B.A.P., Infinite, and a few other groups are popular and in my opinion will last long. They have an identity all their own. A genre that they do well while exploring other genres. They grow musically with every song they produce and show a new side appearance-wise that doesn't seem forced/outside of who they are.

I think idol groups need to have an identity that is genuine and shows off who they are. I know that some/most of the time it's due to their company and what image the company wants to produce. But like Shinhwa, it's better to be yourself. I find it weird to watch some of the older idols and see how different they are when on stage and as a variety host/on variety shows. Shinhwa has always been a rambunctious, naughty, fun, and upfront group. I totally love them and will love them forever.

(Sorry for rambling. I have no one else to talk to :P)

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Guest loveoppayam

@sonny lol :))

Nice to meet u all :D

Indeed.. when I liked Shinhwa for the first time through SB, I was falling for their personality their identity not as an idol who always care about their image. *sometimes I hate Kpop who always care about their image so much like 2 DBSK left *oops.

Shinhwa with their own 'strange' personalities n still exist until today. That is making me love them even more. Love shinhwa sooooo muuuchhh..

Hope they will have concert in Indonesia this year.

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Guest loveoppayam

Btw I am not intended to harm another artist, I like JYJ. Sorry if someone feel disguised by my comment. It just my personal thought.

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Guest loveoppayam

Btw I am not intended to harm another artist, I like JYJ. Sorry if someone feel disguised by my comment. It just my personal thought.

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thank you for the pictures.. they are all awesome.
Hyesung's oppa new hair colour makes him looks a little pale. but he's still handsome btw.I LOVE MINWOO oppa's hair. NICE BLUE COLOUR!!! owh...yeah!!
and for ERIC!! my favorite member ERIC oppa... i love how he maintain his style. LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
btw. may i ask a question? Im sorry that im not very familiar with korean, what Shinhwa 'SAN' means?? thanks in advance. 
ps: ah...melting bcoz of eric oppa

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Kpop fans of today, consider yourselves lucky.

Because in 1998+…

  • fans only had dial-up internet. It took hours to download anything if fans were able to find files to download. And then the world ended if anyone picked up the phone. 

  • image^ this was considered HIGH QUALITY

  • Youtube was nonexistent until 2005 but wasn’t useful for Kpop until way later.

  • Subtitles? No such thing.

  • imageBut this existed. 

  • image
    There was no such thing as online ticketing. Fans had to line up to buy tickets in front of a bank for hours and then beg the banker for the best seats. Or if you were a fan living abroad, you had to wait for the concert to come out on VHS and be exported to wherever you were to watch a concert. 

  • Idols didn’t have SNS, so fans staked out in front of their dorms to catch a glimpse of them on their way home. 

  • Some idols communicated with fans via group emails. 

  • imageIf fans wanted to rewatch a show, fans had to record them on things called VHS, or in the mid-2000’s, burn them on CDs after downloading them for hours. Or if you were a fan who lived abroad, you had to borrow the shows from the video store, located conveniently at your local Korean market. 

  • Fans called a special voice mail from entertainment companies to check on group promotion schedules. 

  • Fans called in to cast their votes for music programs. 

  • You listened to the fanclub presidents even if you didn’t listen to the idol managers. 

  • imageThis was basically the only source for pictures (and individual group pictures sold at convenience/school supply stores). Luckily, scanners became a household item and fans were able to view pictures online, although patience ran dry, waiting for them to all load. 

  • imageFans read about idols through the real newspaper before internet was speedy. It obviously required scrapbooking. 

  • There was no pre-ordering anything. You had to stand in line for everything. And if something sold out, you scurried to the next CD store and hoped they were still in stock.

  • Fan wars didn’t happen online. It happened in person.

  • imageBack then, fans wore raincoats and held balloons, which you only got if you were part of the official fanclub. 

     …and so much more. 

    While there are many fans who lived through this analog fandom era, only one fanclub managed to stay alive to this day to support its idols. 

    On March 24, 2013, not only do we celebrate the 15th birthday of Shinhwa, but we also acknowledge the SHCJs starting from 1998, who helped Shinhwa to continue until now so that fans in 2013 can also fall in love with them. 

    Because Shinhwa exists, SHCJ exists. 
    Because SHCJ exists, Shinhwa exists.

    Happiest 15th anniversary to Shinhwa, the longest running idol group in the history of Kpop, and to SHCJ, the longest running idol group fanclub in the history of fandoms.

    Let’s all looking forward to the next 15 years. 


    Photo credits as tagged + online communities

    source : http://sweetwelcomerain.tumblr.com/


    Awww... Happy 15th birthday Shinhwa!!


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dear @hkana thank you for posting this up. The first generation fans suffers more than newer generation fans (i believe i fall in the 3rd generation, the time when dbsk rising) im glad that shinhwa changjo always stand strong, and becoz of that alot of newer generation of kpop fans respect not only shinhwa but also shihwa changjo. 
Together, let's stand strong forever!!!!
ps: in malaysia, we still need to que for concert ticket. pss: do shinhwa still has official fansclub that we can register like old days? Where can i get the raincoat?? 

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@hkana a 53min fancam, you spread you love for oppayam every where you go :D

yoyo_icecube said:

thank you for the pictures.. they are all awesome.
Hyesung's oppa new hair colour makes him looks a little pale. but he's still handsome btw.I LOVE MINWOO oppa's hair. NICE BLUE COLOUR!!! owh...yeah!!
and for ERIC!! my favorite member ERIC oppa... i love how he maintain his style. LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
btw. may i ask a question? Im sorry that im not very familiar with korean, what Shinhwa 'SAN' means?? thanks in advance. 
ps: ah...melting bcoz of eric oppa

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kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... eric oppa's arms~!!!! look at those veins at his strong arms.. OH MY SO SEXY..i start to imagine tha epic feeling if i could bring him home and tell my mom, mom..this ajussi is gonna be my hubby!!! kyaaaaaaaa...oppa i dont mind for the 10 years age gap... im ready for you... *fangirling never ends~~~~~~~~~~~!!! *

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you're welcome @yoyo_icecube :)  Yes the first generation fans had it harder than us (me) the newer generation fans.  If I think of Shinhwa's overseas fans in those days, I really salute how hard it was for them to get news about Shinhwa, and I admire the Korean SHCJ who shared with the rest of the fans ^^ I giggled at 'Fan wars didn’t happen online. It happened in person' ...   'You listened to the fanclub presidents even if you didn’t listen to the idol managers.'  lol!
Yes because I knew Shinhwa late, I wonder if Shinhwa still has the official fanclub, with the orange raincoat...

btw, 10 years difference for adults is not a big deal ^^ hehe
@phi, hihi I can't help it T.T  :\">  I'm glad they uploaded the video even if it's late. It's a great fancam quality too, so I'm happy...ier :D
Thanks for bringing the news here, I'm glad the members were able to spend the day together.  Looking forward to the new album :)
Eric is always looking mighty fine! I love the pictures from the press conference, especially the one when they entered the room.  Charismatic and confident, our Shinhwa members ^^

Shinhwa Birthday Cakes!

(Credit from top to bottom: Weibos of ShinhwaFamily, ohmydearjin-3张歌-D星ShinHwa,  JOLyew赵氏多动儿戳戳小心石头瑄_Aurelia王小潔JillWang)

source : http://axerine.tumblr.com/
Awesome cakes! wow the cake with Shinhwa 15th anniv logo looks difficult to make.  
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[Jo Seon Hee tweet] Two days long with Shinhwa~~ Movie-like photos that depict their unique 15 years of friendship and love...Perhaps this large scale shooting project is made possible because of their 15 years of friendship... Being together for such a long time, there is nothing compared to the bond.
source : all about shinhwa - www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rjd7pa

[Jo Seon Hee tweet] The shooting for 100 pages in two days have ended! Wooooo~~~~Its cold over here!!! pic.twitter.com/nArg6XUgMP

Embedded image permalinkBy 조선희 @zosun_hi
source : all about shinhwa - https://twitter.com/6legends
[Lee Jang Eon fb] goodbye...Gunsan^^ http://bit.ly/XzqdCa 


source  : all about shinhwa - https://twitter.com/6legends
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