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laquetahodge said: @tigereyespeppy Ahaha! Kim Hyun Joong does kinda look like LMH in that picture, but that's the only time I'll say that :)) BTW did you watch episode 15 of Mischievous Kiss? I think we might get a season 2 by how it's all dragging out. I thought for sure he'd confess in episode 15, but I guess it's in episode 16 :(

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Ahhh that Haru. Ok! Funnily enough, I look at both kanji - they are kind of related, don't you think? Sunny weather (happy) and Spring... hmm. Unfortunately I am zero on Japanese. I learnt a little and I can read Hiragana (forgot most of my Katakana) and Kanji with the help of having knowledge of reading Chinese. I could read what you wrote and understood 70% of it apart from the hightlighted part in this sentence: どんどん日本語忘れ



Oh, Japan and Indonesia have already broadcasted Faith. Japan has had DVD release since last month!


They are releasing extra BTS DVD now. I think that's the one for collection unless there is director's cut or else nope, sorry, not letting PD Kim earn a cent! X(


Oh yeah, I Hear Your Voice - I can't stop raving about it at the moment so I can't remember who I recommended it to. =)) People just hear me nagged, "OMG... so much FEELL or OMG... it is soo good, watch it!".


) Ah well, I got a few more people to watch it too and they love Soo Ha and ship SH/HS.


:x I am sure Harukogirl will agree, she hangs out there as well.

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Guest tigereyespeppy

The Sound of Music was a very good classic. It's a shame that it was nothing like what happened in real life.
I like a lot of the old musicals and movies. They really did them good.

Yeah, you got me hooked on IHYV right away. :D  Now I'm addicted and I think I'm gonna go through withdrawal if it finishes in a good way.  :))
And if it finished in a bad way I'm gonna be so upset I think I'm gonna scream!!!!   ~X(
I know that they're gonna "fix" MJG.... because this is kind of a comedy and it's usually in the melodramas and serious shows that the bad guy gets to live on without some kind of punishment. But I'll wonder if they'll do a twist on it. Like they're gonna make you think that SH dies while fighting MJG, but he really lives and they're gonna do another one of those crappy long distance gazes.  8-|
I mean, is it too much to ask for a nice ending where the main couple gets to live happily????  :-<

OK, I've seen Shark 15......


I'm pretty sure that they're not gonna kill YH...... But I did not see this happening!
I remember them saying that the assassin guy was taking care of his sickly wife...... But for him to say that his plans didn't change even though they put a gun to her... WHAT THE HECK DUDE!!!!  X(
I wonder why the grandfather is so scared of HW?  :-/
Is it because she's strong willed? Because she'll go after the truth no matter what and drag it out into the light?  :-?
You know, at first I thought that the 'japanese' guy that helped YS was really using him to get revenge.... But I think I saw a little bit of genuine concern for a minute there. Especially when he realized that YS sister was being used to threaten YS. :(
Another thing...... KSH, the one that YS calls friend, called YS hyung.........  WHAT IS THEIR RELATIONSHIP?????
How did they become such good friends?????? I wanna know already!!!!!!!!!! :((
They better clear some stuff up this next episode! It's driving me crazy!!!!! :-SS

Yeah I saw episode 15. I'm a little irritated at how slow this is going. Especially since they might end it early like the first version did, with them in 'training'.
Because I believe they're supposed to start that after they get married, right? And that's where they ended things in the first one. I'm hoping they're gonna at least show them getting married. :-<
If they do a second season to show them getting married and studying to go into the medical field, then OK. But if all we get is one season..... THEN CUT THE CRAP WITH THE 'FIANCE THAT WON'T BE' AND MOVE ON TO THE NEXT STEP!!!!!  ~X(

I'm a BIG HS-SH shipper too! :D
I don't even wanna think about them putting her with the other guy.
But just out of curiosity.... how do you think they're going to handle MJG?  Will he die while trying to finish what he started? Or will he end up going back to prison for the rest of his life???    (What do you think about this Sia?  Adlyn?? )

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Ahhh I get it now... thanks for explaining although I don't think I will be able to remember and know how to use it properly :(. I didn't get that far into it and was still stuck in the usage of particles "ga", "ni" etc and I sucked at it. Since you can read Japanese, you can buy the Blu-ray version of Faith DVDs! :)

Omo, you are avoiding spoilers and preview? Good for you! I have succumbed to it now, sighhhhh ~ it is difficult not to see anything when I hunt for goodies. LOL @ your wrong post. I think I know exactly which post you were posting here, too. :)) The OST picture of them looks good :x :x :x

I hunted down a HQ version... :x :x :x and btw, I woke up today thinking it's already Wed. :((
Thank you dear! I initially thought you are located in Singapore & thought you travelled all the way to see him at The Philippines. I think I've mistaken you for someone else from LMH thread :( Sorry ~ I don't chit chat with you girls much in LMH thread so it's difficult for me to put screen name with location in my mind.

Glad you get to enjoy at the FM. He looks really happy and all smiley there (how I wish the VVIP minoz will share more pics :(( ), which is good since before the concert, I've been around forums and people were reading his pictures as him being sad/teary because of anti leaving him negative comments. I much prefer not see a pic and create story... that's a job paparazzi loves doing and done so without proper facts and truth. It can ruin his image / reputation and gives false information to fans and supporters. I must admit as a less devoted fan, even I got worried... :(

Speaking of Bench, I'm actually surprised to see all those cute pictures he took (doing gwiyomi) with the relevant Bench family. :)) That was a side of him, wait I rephrase, private side of LMH I have not seen much. As you know, he doesn't share a lot of his private selcas / pictures on SNS anymore.

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Hola girls! A quick hello to everyone. I'm on my ipad so text might come up all.... In one block. Anyhow, I miss you all lots! I hear there's a secret scene of hug attack by our daejang during the series ending? WHATS WITH THIS. Also, I've been in Korea for what- about 3 weeks now? I feel like LMH is more famous in other parts of Asia than his own country :))

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Hello @everybody!

@sia3 @adlyn13 @tigereyespeppy @Gukja @WutHmone @lynlily @shenpeacock @violetts @awesomeduck @LuvMinHo @ Hanjae @gracelee102009 @laquetahodge @Harukogirl


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I think IHYV first episode is already good, and hooked everyone right away. It came as an impact and made another "awwwww" impact when little Soo Ha promises to protect little Hye-Sung and still hold on to that promise after 10 years. Awwwwww... how can you NOT love this character?! He's like little mini daejang promising Eun Soo that he'll protect her and making promise and keeps them! Awwwww....

Plus, LJS's acting is really good and uses a lot of facial expression, his lips and his eyes (although uri Min Hot is better). The storyline is great (minus the law / court scene *ahem*). Hmm, I don't know what will happen to MJG...
Spoiler Alert - Do not enter

Either he dies or he goes to jail for lifetime imprisonment. I much prefer he dies for this matter though... so that HS and SH can actually live without fear. The others fear the death of Soo Ha... and I'm trying to keep positive thinking and hope for absolute happiness. There is only one option - Soo Ha and Hye Sung live and happily ever after!

I'm open-mindedly accept plots with him getting extremely hurt (ok, not to the point of being disabled) and bleed BUT definitely no death. MJG can take Lawyer Cha for all I care. He might actually kidnap Cha anyway from the preview of #13. :P But it's kinda early for him to be doing that THIS week so I am hoping he doesn't.

But I also think he might live and go to jail... possibly through another court case and maybe the story will start unravel with the truth about his wife and Soo Ha's father. Maybe his father did unintentionally cause harm to his wife ... and I read somewhere that it was said Soo Ha's dad is a journalist so if this source is true, then yes, as a journalist - you do often write something hurtful in your reports. I'm just not sure if he's the good journalist or the paparazzi kind. Once the story unravel and misunderstanding cleared (which I think it is); MJG will feel remorse and admit to all murder charges... wishful thinking much?

Hi dear! How's it going over there? Are you all settled down, used to the country now? Hahaha I heard about that too - LMH is more popular outside of Korea. You might be right, I'll just take your word for it until I go to Korea one day... :))

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Guest tigereyespeppy

Hey Vi! How have you been? How's everyday life in Korea? ;)

HI MAJA!!!!!  >:D:D

I know! I think that's why I got hooked so early for this show. Normally it takes me a few episodes to really like a show. But IHYV had me hooked from the beginning! Just like Faith! :x
I know that the law/court scenes are there for a reason, but they do tend to make things drag on. I much prefer to watch SH & HS working outside of the court, finding the truth of things that have happened and working together to make things right. :)
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait to find out what happens. :))

And I'm really sorry to do this... but I have to leave now. :((
I'll try to come on earlier tomorrow. :)>-
Y'all have a good night! :-h

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Take your time to respond, if you have more to say tomorrow... I'm actually tired today. I napped too long at the wrong time and ended not being able to sleep when I'm supposed to sleep. So yeah, don't worry about it... tomorrow might be a better day to pick my brain. :))

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Kim Hee Sun won her lawsuit for "Faith"

Uhm, basically the production company needs to pay KHS 136 million won within the given time frame. The case won by production company from not giving any response to the lawsuit (OMG... how rude). Supposedly KHS supposed to get 600 million won for Faith but the production co. only paid her 460 million won and did not pay the rest i.e. 140 million won.

The casts and crews are suing production co. for embezzlement...

- Sigh, even if she wins the case... if he has no money, she still won't get paid, huh?

김희선, ‘신의’ 미지급 출연료 청구소송 승소

2013-07-01 07:59 | CBS노컷뉴스 정병근 기자

20130701075915692020.jpg배우 김희선이 SBS 드라마 ‘신의’ 제작사를 상대로 한 민사 소송에서 승소했다.

1일 서울중앙지법 민사47부(부장판사 김태병)는 “유한회사 신의문화산업전문회사는 김희선의 소속사 힌지엔터테인먼트에게 미지급 출연료 1억3600만원을 돌려줘라”라고 판결했다.

‘신의’ 제작사는 이번 소송에 대해 아무런 대응을 하지 않았으며 결국 무변론 종결됐다. 민사소송법상 피고가 소장을 송달받은 날부터 30일 이내에 답변서를 내지 않으면 원고의 청구를 인용하는 것으로 간주, 원고 승소 판결된다.

앞서 김희선은 ‘신의’에 출연하는 조건으로 6억 원의 개런티를 받기로 했지만 제작사는 김희선에게 4억 6000여만 원만 지급하고 나머지 1억 4000여만 원은 지급하지 않았다.

한편, ‘신의’에 출연한 배우들과 스태프는 지난 2월 제작사 대표 전 모씨를 배임 및 횡령의 혐의로 고소했다.

(대한민국 중심언론 CBS 뉴스FM98.1 / 음악FM93.9 / TV CH 412)
저작권자 ⓒ CBS 노컷뉴스 (www.nocutnews.co.kr) 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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@sia3 You can never get used to Korea :)) Things here are going well, adjusting to everyday life and all that, but some things remain strange to me. But it comes with living abroad! <br>  <br>Hello to you @tigereyespeppy! How's it going? :D

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