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Guest Tinkiebell

briseis said:

It's occured to me that one of the main reasons (maybe even the most important one) for him to choose his path as a Goryeo general is to fight for the future of the people on Korean Peninsula, that is the future where the only woman he has ever loved is going to be born. For a future where she could live and save lives he would live, fight and gladly put his life on the line. His purpose to live.


I'm sorry for cutting your post, but oh my gosh what you said totally makes sense... But even if my logic screams out that this 'tragic' ending totally makes sense for the story in the historical way, I'm still hoping, considering the fantasy elements of this drama, that our OTP will still get their happy ending somehow! They need to end up together, save the world together, and have cute babies together!  ;))

@otchosais, don't worry, you're not the only office girl that's been Faithified ;)
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I too am addicted to this drama. Heck I am always thinking of CY :P. He has got me wrapped around his finger together with ES XD.

I think the ending will be ES giving her speech again and sees CY coming in her college again, but this time with modern clothing and they will have their happy ending.

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Here is another bunch of CY's stills from episode 1, courtesy of the official website :)





@marie67: I see you are a dreamer as myself, however, I'm afraid that would just give us another Rooftop Prince kind of ending with his reincarnation getting all the love and I don't know if I'd survive it :(

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Tinkiebell said: briseis said:

It's occured to me that one of the main reasons (maybe even the most important one) for him to choose his path as a Goryeo general is to fight for the future of the people on Korean Peninsula, that is the future where the only woman he has ever loved is going to be born. For a future where she could live and save lives he would live, fight and gladly put his life on the line. His purpose to live.


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crossing fingers!!!

I am also holding on to the FANTASY SIDE of the drama..

that out OTP will be together!

waahh!!! We must be soldiers of time travel LOVE... lol! :x we might know that in reality (based from the history) they might end up not being together but we stick and hold on to the fantasy and pray that we will have a HAPPY ENDING! =D>

haaiz.. ES will be too much LUCKY if she'll have babies fathered by CY :x

I remember the fortune teller in episode 1..
I might be adding things but does the fortune teller told ES that she'll end up or destined to be someone from way back or someone from the past?... If it does, the chances of them being together in the end and be happy will be happening... =D>  \m/

@Tinkiebell, so you know what I feel.. Faithified! haha :))

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Guest Tinkiebell

@rrmski, @otchosais and @briseis and everyone else that's rooting for a happy ending for our OTP, let's hang in there together! We might have watched too many Kdramas and can easily come to the conclusion that the glass is half empty, but as the title of the drama itself suggests, we just gotta have faith in FAITH!!  [-O<
Another interesting topic for discussion, for me, would be Noguk en CY's scene in the last episode. Many people seem to have the idea that Noguk is interested romantically in CY, but I just cannot fathom this notion. There's nothing (well, at least, maybe not yet) that can trigger Noguk's love interest in CY. I see Noguk still being in love with the king and her order for CY not to die was because she strongly believes that CY is the only one that can stop KC (the baddie) and protect the king. 
  @HillaryTnT, I totally say YES to that ending!  ^:)^The thing is, just like ES pointed out in the last episode, she doesn't want to be the nation's doctor because that means she has to live in the past. And she doesn't like to live in the past because she's too contemporary for that era. But maybe once she falls in love with CY, her thoughts on this will change.

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Guest Tinkiebell

I'm using one of shajoona's still, but are these two the same person? If they were, that'd make the plot even more interesting! Or I'm just sprouting nonsesnse, sorry if that's the case 

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Tinkiebell said: @rrmski, @otchosais and @briseis and everyone else that's rooting for a happy ending for our OTP, let's hang in there together! We might have watched too many Kdramas and can easily come to the conclusion that the glass is half empty, but as the title of the drama itself suggests, we just gotta have faith in FAITH!!  [-O<
Another interesting topic for discussion, for me, would be Noguk en CY's scene in the last episode. Many people seem to have the idea that Noguk is interested romantically in CY, but I just cannot fathom this notion. There's nothing (well, at least, maybe not yet) that can trigger Noguk's love interest in CY. I see Noguk still being in love with the king and her order for CY not to die was because she strongly believes that CY is the only one that can stop KC (the baddie) and protect the king. 

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I don't believe that Noguk is in love with CY. The touching forehead scene... you may even interpret that as her trying to give him a reason to stay on her/king's side; the king's well-being is her own well-being both in the romantic sense as well as the pragmatic sense since she's his spouse. She's showing him familial care, beyond the distinction between a warrior and his lord, just like Gongmin has been trying to do all this time. Noguk's a smart gal, I wouldn't be surprised that this is as much a calculated move as it is her truly caring for the one person that can safeguard her and her husband. That would also explain why she asked for CY before she and Gongmin went to meet with the ministers: why would you not feel a bit insecure when your protector isn't with you when you're heading over to meet a pack of wolves?

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Guest xopo17

Lee Min Ho, Choi Min Soo and Cast Help Viewers Overlook Bad CG in ‘Faith’


Despite the terrible CG (computer graphics) and animations in SBS’ Faith, the drama is on the rise with the superb acting from Lee Min Ho, Choi Min Soo, and Kim Hyo Sun.

On August 21, Faith recorded ratings of 11.5 percent according to AGB Nielson Research. The fourth episode of Faith rose from its previous rating of 10.3 percent and recorded its highest since premiering on August 13.

But the constant rise of ratings isn’t because the production value is high, but because of the enthusiastic performance from the actors.

On the viewers’ forums for Faith, along with plenty of criticism to the production staff, there were many posts complimenting Lee Min Ho, Ryu Deok Hwan, and the other actors.

In other words, Faith isn’t the number two most watched drama on Monday and Tuesday nights because of the production and writer pairing, but because of the actors’ performances. It’s to the point where producer Kim Jong Hak and writer Song Ji Na should be embarrassed.

Faith’s problem is that although it’s a fantasy story, the visuals aren’t able to follow along. The pathetic CG and fake wind that occurred when the door of the sky opened was enough to make the actors embarrassed. Also, it feels like some of the animations from the first episode and onward are being recycled in order to save money on production.

Viewers said, “If it weren’t for the narrations of General Choi Young (Lee Min Ho), it would be pretty difficult to watch. I don’t understand why the animation portion is so long.”

With Faith resonating the same vibe as a Hong Kong martial arts film of the 80s, viewers are complaining that they’re unable to trust the Kim Jong Hak-Song Ji Na pairing.

Despite all that, there’s an overflowing amount of compliments towards the actors.

This is Lee Min Ho’s first sageuk (historical/traditional drama) and yet he’s showing a more sharp-eyed and mature acting than before. Kim Hee Sun also succeeded in shutting down acting disputes that always followed her name.

Ryu Deok Hwan, who usually appeared in cable shows or movies, managed to attract attention as the king, despite his short stature of 167 centimeters.


Not only that, Choi Min Soo, who made a special cameo appearance on August 21, left a strong impression when he cried bloody tears.

Kim Hyo Sun is also turning heads with her flawless action scenes and strong charisma in each scene she appears in. Oh Hyun Chul marked his territory as well as the enemy.

On the actors’ outstanding performances, viewers commented, “It’s so unfortunate for all the actors who are suffering. I hope that the producer-writer pairing will start paying more attention to the drama and not leave a flaw on their reputation,” “I hope there are no more embarrassing CGs and sloppy storylines,” and “Please make Choi Young’s role in the drama shine more.”

Whether or not the staff will start making a better quality drama to make sure the efforts of the cast don’t go to waste, we’ll have to wait and see.

Photo Credit: SBS

credit : enewsWorld Lee, InKyung

Translation Credit : Grace Danbi Hong 

for this, i agree with netizen of korea, i have to admit that the CG (computer graphics) and animations in SBS’ Faith were not good enough, or atleast not look like a pro, the PD and the broadcast TV should pay attention to the computer graphics and animations, since this drama is using a lot CG and animation, so they should pay more attention to this plus the acting from all cast is already good so it will be more good if the super acting deliver with good computer graphics and animations in faith. fighting for faith's crew, do your best :D

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Guest Anomalous

Tinkiebell said: Someone pointed out on Dramabeans that according to the wikipedia page of General Choi Young, Choi Young said prior to his death that grass would not grow on his grave due to his unjust death (he was beheaded after he was banished in exile). Amazingly grass never did grow on his gravee, until in 1979 the first sprout of grass were found growing there. And this is interesting, because 1979 is also the year on which Eun Soo was born (she's supposed to be 33 in the drama). 
I'm not sure if the writers intended this when they decided that Eun Soo's character should be 33 years old or was it just a pure coincidence. Either way, I think it's a pretty cool analysis done by the person who pointed this out on Dramabeans. :)

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@Tinkiebell Agree with you on the CY+Princess romance. For me, I believe she is worried with him cause 1) she knows he's a valuable and honorable warrior and 2) she knows the king cares greatly for him and since she loves the king, she also cares deeply for CY, for the king's sake ^_^

@HillaryTnT exactly what I thought! from the time-traveling dramas I've watched (Rooftop Prince and Dr. Jin), in both of them, they went back to their "right" eras in the end and married the reincarnation of their lovers and etc...
If EunSoo would stay in the past, not only the OTP problem would be solved, but would be a slightly more original ending!! Also, the part her being the reason he lived so many years is AMAZING, totally fitting!

I do hope this have some kind of happier ending (not totally happy, because it sucks =___=). I've suffered enough with BuYong in RP and know I'll suffer in A&M too

King Gongmin and Princess Noguk relanshionship is really interesting and has utterly caught my attention. I'm curious to see how the drama will explore this :)

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Guest Heart.And.Soul

From what I understand though, despite being executed Choi Young lived a long life. I was looking at wikipedia (which is not the most reliable source, I know :P) and it said his dates were 1316-1388. That would make him 72 years old when he died. There is hope yet! 
Happy Ending FTW LOL  :))

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More fun information about the real General Choi Young:
remember when Wooldachi told the king that he wanted to be a fisherman, because he was good at fishing? That means more to me now, since I read this about an island shrine to the general:

In the 23rd year of the reign of Goryeo King Gongmin (1374), Tamra (today’s Jeju Special Self-governing Province) ordered General Choi to capture all Mongolian nomads in Jejudo Island.  When General Choi was sailing to Jejudo Island, he had to stay in Chujado Island from August 24 to 28 (1374) because of strong winds.  He also stayed here on his way back from September 23 to October 10 after capturing all the nomads.  When he was waiting for the winds to stop at Geumsangot of Chujado Island, he taught the people of Chujado Island how to make nets to catch fish.  As his net greatly contributed to their lives, the people of Chujado Island established this shrine to thank him and served rituals to him every Buddhist All Souls’ Day and every December of the lunar calendar.  

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I am happy that the netizens of Korea are putting pressure on the production team to improve some things, as I agree that the acting have been pretty solid from all the casts. They are doing their best and the other parts should do theirs, too. I don't think it is too much to ask for real cliffhanger endings and improve on the editing and CG.

I love Eun-soo character. It is a breath of fresh air. She is so full of energy and vitality, a very modern Seoul girl. I look forward to every scene that she is in. I hope they don't blend her into that time period too much. Now that we have the back story of CY,  I , for one, would like to follow to see how he find his reason to live. KC is like a spoiled kid..he wants awesome toys like CY, ES(she is divine) .LOL I feel the tension between CY and the bad guys are not there. I hope they will play up the intensity a bit more whenever CY face off with them. I want more kickass actions, which i hope will come , now that we have the backstories and setup.

As to the ending, for me it does not matter if it is happy or sad as long as it is logical to the story.

Thanks for all your contributions , which certainly add to the entertainment value of the drama! I love all the suggestions on how ES can make more money from the time she is Goryeo period! LOL

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Guest Langknow

So far loving this drama, and I can't wait for more episodes to come out. I just hope this drama can be much better than Dr. Jin. 
I also hope that the doctor has a bigger role in this Drama then just a side character like Dr. Jin. I want her to actually do something of significance . 

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@HillaryTnT exactly what I thought! from the time-traveling dramas I've watched (Rooftop Prince and Dr. Jin), in both of them, they went back to their "right" eras in the end and married the reincarnation of their lovers and etc...
If EunSoo would stay in the past, not only the OTP problem would be solved, but would be a slightly more original ending!! Also, the part her being the reason he lived so many years is AMAZING, totally fitting!

I do hope this have some kind of happier ending (not totally happy, because it sucks =___=). I've suffered enough with BuYong in RP and know I'll suffer in A&M too

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