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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Hello! First time to post here. Though I have no way of understanding this drama until the subs come out, I cant help but watch the raw and base my understanding on their actions. I really like this drama. I just noticed something, EJs dad is seeing her mom again? The woman whom he met at the restaurant on Christmas eve is the same woman from the flower shop right? If that is so, then EJ who does not believe in fate because her dad is seeing someone after 15 long years of pining for his wife (EJs mom) will realize that maybe MYs destiny is JH... she will relate it with her dad and then to MY... and maybe after the stalker issue will be resolved and JH wont be needing a bodyguard, hopefully next week, she will give up on MY and that is when PMY will realize just how much EJ means to him.

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Guest flora47

Hello! First time to post here. Though I have no way of understanding this drama until the subs come out, I cant help but watch the raw and base my understanding on their actions. I really like this drama. I just noticed something, EJs dad is seeing her mom again? The woman whom he met at the restaurant on Christmas eve is the same woman from the flower shop right? If that is so, then EJ who does not believe in fate because her dad is seeing someone after 15 long years of pining for his wife (EJs mom) will realize that maybe MYs destiny is JH... she will relate it with her dad and then to MY... and maybe after the stalker issue will be resolved and JH wont be needing a bodyguard, hopefully next week, she will give up on MY and that is when PMY will realize just how much EJ means to him.

Hello janis_joong!

EJ doesn't know that her dad and her mother are a couple.

EJ tells her that her dad is dating someone and asks if it makes her angry

Seems like EJ's mom dumped EJ's dad when she called him

AHHHH,i was too fast ,forgot the yellow for the last sentence .Sorry for the spoiler

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For what I saw in the episode I think that MY can't believe that EJ loves him so he just dismisses her feelings as for EJ I kinda understand her a little, she was a tomboy and have never been deeply in love and now when she is finally in love, he doesn't love her back so of course the feeling is too overwhelming and since it is a comedy it is exagerated a little bit, is her first heartbreak so she has to get over it. MY asking her to protect his girl, I hated at the beginning but it makes sense, EJ is the stronger female he knows and he doesn't want a guy guarding his gf, that plus he knows that EJ is loyal, she has protected him so much so he knows she will guard JH with all her might. I hate the idea that he never took into consideration that EJ might get hurt in the process but that is guys to you, insensitive and really clueless, they only see one way so to him JH is important. What I think he is going to realize soon I hope is that everything is in the past, he used to love her, everything are only memories so he will move on. Now my theory about the stalker was so firm on that it was a baseball player but I beginning to believe it was JH who did all of this, the cat scene was very suspicious and I read some people say why leave a cat loose, in my building people do it all the time, I hate those cats they play at the courtyard and they get into peoples garbage so it is possible that it got out but JH pass to the front of the line as the stalker and now she is going to be with EJ all the time and she might do something to her, just a theory. My biggest problem is that with all the romantic comedies they waste so much time that the mystery turns out to be bigger in our heads than in the writer's and it just turns out to be a stupid little thing that you wonder why we devoted so much time to make theories about it. To me today's episode was a filler because Jessica was in NY so they rush the script since she wasn't going to be there to film more scenes, pure waste of time and they are going to have to rush the ending and the mystery.

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my turn of venting out


after reading so much abt todays epi m TOO ANGRY to be calmed down by any words. I started watching WR coz i liked Wookie in My Girl n here i thought it would be a good deal to hav him in entirely different mood than MG. Loved his character till epi#6 n it was bearable in next 2 epis bt after epi 9, 10 m starting to hate it.

How dumber a male lead's character can be? To as k a gal, who just confessed her liking, to Guard his bipolar gf.

How slow a male lead can be to nt to understand why he is missing his bodyguard.

How confused he cn be to nt to figure out his possessivenes on her when he does nt want another boy to look at her cuter side.

Its just 6 epi remaining for him to sort out al his above weakness and to prove his worth to hav EJ n her love.Bt the bigest question is how ?

Just on one fine day in epi#15 out of the blue moon he wil think i m in love with EJ n the very next day he wil confes n WR is done.

Why writer is so hel bent on ruining his character? Why they are nt let him groom frm an arogant client to a concerned lover.

Why? How ? When?

I want answer nw. Plz someone help me.

<venting done>

feeling relaxed nw.

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Other than the awful Yessica scenes, I am still loving this drama...even more than before. There were some good scenes...for instance, when MY was watching EJ imitating JH. The way he looked at her you can tell he's feeling good thoughts...that genuine smile on his face. Then he hears her voice while doing his community service. Oh and when he grabbed that a-hole who tried to hit EJ.

A good drama must have irritating aka wanting to kill director & writer scenes like this.

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Other than the awful Yessica scenes, I am still loving this drama...even more than before. There were some good scenes...for instance, when MY was watching EJ imitating JH. The way he looked at her you can tell he's feeling good thoughts...that genuine smile on his face. Then he hears her voice while doing his community service. Oh and when he grabbed that a-hole who tried to hit EJ.

A good drama must have irritating aka wanting to kill director & writer scenes like this.

I agree. Thanks for saying that. I am sticking to this because I love the all the actors in it, and I am staying as positive as possible about the show/story/etc. It's not like MY hasn't totally changed. He's painfully slow in realizing what EJ is going through, but he has changed from having a "hate" relationship with EJ to a "buddies" kind of relationship, so I am taking what I can get and calling that progress. I'm hoping that the "buddies" relationship will turn into romance/love sooner rather than later. It's definitely coming, he just doesn't want to admit it to himself, and he's blinded by JH and her situation. I reiterate: I really hope EJ kicks MY's richard simmons for asking her to be JH's bodyguard. Please be strong, EJ! (even though the odds are stacked against you!!) **crosses fingers and toes**

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@ceda, @stekata

m also nt going to give up on the show and keep on watching til the end. Bt feeling bad as being sympathetic towards EJ, cnt see her in pain. And thats y i cnt be happy with MYs character as of now.Bt its said 'better late than never' so m keeping my fingers crossed to see EJ happy n MY trying to keep her happy

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oh man, I just left the topic for hours and it grew so fast, but only with rants, and complaints. lol

Don't worry people. I think that Jessica will be saved by Ej since she will bodyguard her and then EJ herself will be in some trouble and MY will go save her realizing his feelings for her then! At least that's what I am thinking

yea, that's what I'm afraid to happen, cause hello, we have enough of cliché here already. I remember AIL ending, the male lead couldn't decide until the very last minute and it's his first love/wife at the moment who left him that he finally gets back with his ex-wife aka the female lead. Now it's happening again. I understand why some fans say there's no spark anymore between the otp. It's simple, cause they first started with hate/hate relationship and it worked so well, now that one of them completely fell in love, it sure has changed everything. I'm glad that they don't hate each other anymore, but man, sometimes I just wish they turn back to that hate/hate relationship, at least they went through things together without making us frustrated.

sure there're hints that MY-JH relationship wouldn't work, like how they only talk about the past, him not being himself around her, always tries so hard. But that's not enough, not when MY told EJ that she can treat him like an oppa. How I see things is that EJ will accept to protect JH, along with MY. During that time, JH will learn more about EJ and possibly discover her feelings. EJ will help JH to get better with her depression/bipolar problem. The stalker's final attack will put both of them in danger, EJ in order to protect JH will get herself hurt badly and only at that moment MY realizes whatever he should have long time ago and runs to EJ... In short, oldest cliché in the book, but what to do, I can't imagine other resolution. *sigh*

I can only pray for LDW and LSY not to take the low rating and such to heart. Their actings were superb, nothing to discuss about. It's just the script and production that ruined what could have been a standout rom-com.

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i had been a silent lurker on this thread and i have to say i was so disappointed with this episode. i was thinking that they will actually show us some progress on MY and EJ but as it turned out, were still back to square one. i don't even the see that this is rom=com. was totally disappointed too when it changed, i feel in love with WR the first time i watched episode 1 but when it dragged on and nothing is coming out of the story, i still persisted. frankly, the stalker issue was dragged way to long already. they should have focused on a lot more aspects of MY and EJ relationship instead of bringing in Jessica. imma just gonna watch this just for any developments on MY and EJ. with episode 10 i even forwarded most scenes just to be able to glimpse on them but was clearly dismayed when it ended only in that way. I don't want this drama to become another Myeong Wol the Spy. Lee Dong Wok is a great actor and LSY is so talented, they deserve more than this crap of a story. So please writer-nim, for the remaining 6 episodes, kindly have some sense of focusing on this two since they had been our main couple eversence. how could we call this drama wild romance when there is no romance at all.

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Guest Kdramaftw9

Who else misses EJ and MY funny bickering moments in earlier episodes? :rolleyes:

Oh wells, as long as we still have DA and Mr.Kim funny moments to watch. :lol:

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As frustrating it is to watch the suffering of EJ, the blinding (by love or infatuation?) of MY, the cutesy-ness of JH, I think the pace of the show is pretty much on track and MY and EJ will be together in the end.  Yes, there are 6 episodes left, but from the dramas I've watched, that's like an eternity.  One drama in particular had one girl finally deciding she loved the guy in the very last episode (latter half of it, too).  

Now there is no way I'm saying that's what I want to happen or even expect to happen.  Quite the opposite!  Please, pretty please (with syrup on top) make MY realize it a lot sooner than the last epi!  However, a lot can happen in 6 episodes.  Like others have speculated, EJ will probably guard JH 'cause MY is asking and she loves MY even though it hurts her to see them together, 'cause she can be with him again since u-no-who will be spending most of her time with him, and therefore indirectly be able to protect him (even tho he's dashing her heart to pieces).  There might even be some pity she feels for JH because of how fragile she is due to her condition. Okay, just a sniggum (of pity).

From epi 10, I think we have hope.  Some mentioned the signs - MY truly enjoyed watching EJ's acting girly when she thought he wasn't watching, MY didn't want that other player who likes her to see her being cute, MY protected EJ from that angry guy, he "heard" her voice at his community service time and time again...  Are all these simply signs of an oppa-donsaeng relationship?  Maybe the protecting part, but the others... nah.  He just doesn't know he loves her yet.  She will probably get hurt protecting the one MY THOUGHT he loved best, and that will be his smack-in-the-head-I-love-HER! realization.

Oh, and I have a stalker theory... It's SY's mother!  She can't stand MY for his  success in baseball while her son-in-law had to take an early retirement, leaving her daughter with financial worries.   Perhaps in the past she had hoped MY would choose SY.  She couldn't stand her daughter playing second fiddle to JH who started her art work a lot later in life.  She knows what makes MY furious.  I'm not sure how waiter guy fits in, but I'm sure we'll find out.  Oh, and she is an artist herself, and that blister on the stalker's hand looks more like one from holding a paintbrush umpteen times.

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@ceda, @stekata

m also nt going to give up on the show and keep on watching til the end. Bt feeling bad as being sympathetic towards EJ, cnt see her in pain. And thats y i cnt be happy with MYs character as of now.Bt its said 'better late than never' so m keeping my fingers crossed to see EJ happy n MY trying to keep her happy

Thanks. I like to support the underdog. Yeah I feel bad for EJ, too, but I realized that it's because LSY's acting is pretty good. I feel annoyed with MY, and that's because LDW's acting is pretty good as well. The actors need better material to work with so that they don't get depressed by the ratings and we viewers don't feel cheated out of the "romance" part of WR. 

Off the subject, but I didn't see anyone mention it -- maybe I missed it but, why did the bar guy follow DA home? Is it because he's suspicious of her for something? Did she take something of his (which I probably missed)? Since I barely know any Korean, does anyone know what DA's and bar guy's conversation was about at work? Thanks in advance to anyone who can give me the answer.

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Guest keysyoo0987

ok... an opinion guys... let's put ourselves in MY's position.... sure EJ confessed that she likes him that christmas eve, remember what was his reaction? disbelief right, but then when JH came that night EJ retracted what she said and that it was just a bet, but still he attempted to ask EJ when she was about to go and ride the taxi. then during the night he wasn't able to sleep, couldn't hit the ball properly... he was affected no doubt about it... and he was noticing little things about EJ after practice when she was trying to act like JH...., when she quit being his bodyguard and when he was doing community service....

We cannot blame him because he still has some unresolved issues with regards to JH, and when the stalker had again made his presence known by killing the cat which he knows that is important to JH, it's just his nature to protect her like what he did during the time when she was his girlfriend.  maybe if there is a way that could make him notice EJ like she's dating another guy or maybe DA would spill it to him that EJ likes him, then he would start to feel something for EJ.

I too am frustrated about what is happening to our supposedly OTP, since I want to see them have their date, kiss, etc. but we still have 6 episodes and I am still having my fingers crossed that it will happen.

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Okay I came back only because I am a cup half full kind of person. I was wondering how they would make EJ stay on in a realistic manner. The stalker upping the stakes is a good way- I would prefer EJ comes back as a bodyguard for JH. I know, I know don't bash me. Then EJ can see for herself how shallow JH is. Or not. It could all backfire on my optimism.

At least it shows that EJ is on MY's mind even though along with everyone I am absolutely devastated about him regarding her as a younger sibling. Although it doesn't look like it -plot direction and all- it sounds progression in feelings from one extreme of the scale to the next. You know hatred actually blind hatred, rabid hatred to acceptance to actually having feelings for her- familial ones darn it. Besides if it shows cracks in their relationships I am all for it.

They are definitely keeping  JH  in the storyline. Must say even with 2nd lead being a familiar figure and all in KD- so DID NOT enjoy her being on the bed with MY. I mean what's with her struggling with him? Can they just do the normal crying female- shedding pitiful tears? Shesh.

On the other hand if they keep showing MY kissing, being on the bed and sleeping with all these other women- this fangirl is expecting some hot kisses when the OTP comes together. WITH a bedscene. Or several make out sessions.

Both the writer/producer have solid credits. The writing itself still makes sense- don't like what's it's doing- but it makes sense. LDW and LSY and the rest of the supporting cast bar one can act ( sorry couldn't resist mentioning it ), So... I will suffer through next week if ep 13-16 are going to give me some loving and suffering for MY. Man I want him to suffer from unrequited love or thinks he is losing EJ.

Notice my priorities. Sigh... just psyching myself up. Ep 10's subs are probably going to be completed in 1hr. Then I have to go in to edit. Ain't not looking forward to watching the episode multiple times in a bit. Wish I would be able to fast forward the shrill screaming part. Whoa that is some high pitched screaming I heard last night.

So  706281ze68dwala7.gifkissing... 72808hrauishp4k.gifsome make out sessions. That's all I can see for the future now okay? 727509rz2jut93o7.gif

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Guest faradie

So many complaints. The only way to make u guys satisfied is for you to write, direct and produce the film yrselves. Take my advice, just sit back and enjoy or switch the darn thing off! From my past experince, whenever a Kpop artiste gets involved in acting, three things are likely to happen:

- they r mostly 2nd leads and their acting sucks in relation to the main leads

- don't u dare complain about their irritating roles or acting ability for they have behind them an army of senseless fans whom I sincerely wish had stuck to Kpop

- the writers will always be criticised for being biased towards the artiste (example, protect the boss). Don't blame the messenger, after all the Kpop singer was brought into the drama most probably by people who have more money than brains - the financiers.

To summarise, cool off. I enjoy tremendously the acting of LSY. She is such a breath of fresh air after watching endless KDs and KMs.

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Guest incarnadine

ok... an opinion guys... let's put ourselves in MY's position.... sure EJ confessed that she likes him that christmas eve, remember what was his reaction? disbelief right, but then when JH came that night EJ retracted what she said and that it was just a bet, but still he attempted to ask EJ when she was about to go and ride the taxi. then during the night he wasn't able to sleep, couldn't hit the ball properly... he was affected no doubt about it... and he was noticing little things about EJ after practice when she was trying to act like JH...., when she quit being his bodyguard and when he was doing community service....

We cannot blame him because he still has some unresolved issues with regards to JH, and when the stalker had again made his presence known by killing the cat which he knows that is important to JH, it's just his nature to protect her like what he did during the time when she was his girlfriend.  maybe if there is a way that could make him notice EJ like she's dating another guy or maybe DA would spill it to him that EJ likes him, then he would start to feel something for EJ.

I too am frustrated about what is happening to our supposedly OTP, since I want to see them have their date, kiss, etc. but we still have 6 episodes and I am still having my fingers crossed that it will happen.

You've articulated what was on my mind this morning when I was thinking about the most recent episodes. Even though yeah, I gotta admit that I do not enjoy seeing MY and JH getting it on and making up for lost time while EJ suffers silently and by her lonesome, and yes, I couldn't wait for the tables to turn...

... but realistically, what do we expect MY to do? He's been pining over this long-lost love for so many years with baseball as his only means of surviving, and now that she's back, do we really expect him to just drop her/ignore her in favor of someone who (1) he's just gotten over hating, (2) he's starting to like but probably not in a romantic way, yet,  and (3) has attempted to confess her feelings but retracted and treated it as a joke. Sure, it's gotten him all confused and distracted, which we like, right? But truthfully, that still isn't enough for him just suddenly forget everything he's been holding on to for the longest time and start some kind of love relationship with EJ. Who, by the way, at the time she confessed, what technically still his bodyguard.

So yeah, girls and guys, let's not hate the writer too much. Making MY immediately fall in love with EJ would just be fanservice, and as we all probably know by now, that isn't this writer's style. She wants the growth and development of emotions to be gradual and as believable as possible -- not just for MY -- but for EJ as well. I feel that it's necessary for her to go through these things. And for MY, it's necessary for him to probably feel how life is without EJ so as to realize her true value to him.

WR fighting! :)

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Since this thread move so fast this maybe already been answered so please bear with me: what's the name of the song that played at the end of ep.9? The one with the lyrics saying "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i love you"(in korean). The song had a rock ballad vibe and the vocalist husk voice made me think it was a song from FT Island but i don't know hehe hope you guys can help me ^^

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