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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Guest flora47

Just finished the episode.i was prepared to see EJ heartbroken but i was so sad for her .

Agree with you all, this is only the beginning.At the end of the ep,MY hold tigh his ex and in the preview , we can see that he cares about her a lot.

He said Jong he-ah, come back home safely and later, i will...

Seems like they will start all over again right now.

Didn't expect the drama to change EJ's hair.She will be more beautiful bu i will miss it.

In the preview,he touched her lips and said :it's lipstick?LOL

EJ will have a lot to do before he realizes she is a woman

Manager Kim made me laugh so hard when MY wanted to hug him.

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For once I am relief that this drama took a turn for the best, for the past episodes I thought it was just ok I like comedy but not that much for that I watch the big bang theory which is hilarious, I wanted some romance or a story other than a mysterious stalker and another spoiled athlete, for that I watch espn, but I liked today's episode, tomorrow they have a makeover at last, that mustache got me sick already and her hair, Idk why but I think you should at least comb your hair everyday, I blame my mom and her little bows and hairpins for it. She looks better still needs a little more but I like it. I want to see more about why the relationship ended with his ex because she jumped on him like it was nothing so I figure it was her that ended it or she is really bold or just plain ditzy to just jump on a guy that dumped her. Looking forward for tomorrow's episode...

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i was so happy while watching the epi and also bit normal with the last few seconds.Bt nw m almost in tears just by imagining abt tomorrow, how EJ wil be able to endure the pain she has to face from tomoro onwards.How wil she be 'all ok' seeing MY n JH so close, i know MY does nt hv feeling 4 her bt she feels for him and lil bit possessive also.No idea how i'l control my tears. Anyone with me.

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Guest flora47

Ej was already broken hearted before his ex's appearance.They were in the cabin and she asked him to fight until the end so he could play again.Finally, he said that it's about his ex.It makes her realize that he would give up his career for his ex.He told her that he will play again but in the States.

Don't know if it's because we saw the hug in the preview but for me the scene was so fast ,didn't really enjoyed it .i liked more the holding hand.I also loved the meeting with the anti fans,she was so funny.Hope they will appear again

i re watched the preview many times but i am not 1000 % sure that she said i like you to MY .

At the end, he talked about fate, maybe he thinks that his ex is his destiny.She talked back and did she say that her fate is him?

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one thing m curious abt is if by any chance JH is nt related to Stalker theory at al and stil loves MY then how MY wil like EJ ?Wt wil JH lack into that wil make EJ better than her? Any ideas

and sadly we dint hv our morning scene.

She was sad the moment mentioned JH in the cabin bt she was stil happy go lucky with MY as b4 bt JHs sudden appearance made her more pathetic thinking she wont hv any chance to win MY.

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Guest flora47

There are no hints in the preview about his ex,she can be guilty or not.

She just said to the waiter:do you know me ,it means that she doesn't know him,so how did he know her?

And she also said:why did you do that ?

Her voice is very cute ,too much for me .MY and his ex are eating in a restaurant .Poor EJ ,she has to be there and look at them. MY seems really different now:new face and in love with his ex.

MY still treated EJ like his buddy especially in the end whith the hug.

Wonder which event will really change his feelings for her .

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Guest PBaddict

Watched the raw again and I tried really hard to focus on those adorable moments between the OTP and I practically ignored the ex... :D this method works for me... for now. Looks like a little cooling down helped me calm the storm in my heart and head that was caused by her mere appearance for the first time. :)

I think I'll try to set my mind to a state where I don't take to heart any harm she might cause to my beloved EJ and focus on the long run (as in how all this will somehow bring my wild couple even closer together). Don't get me wrong, it won't be easy I'm sure she'll still irritate me no matter how hard I try not to be bothered. I'll probably spit my anger out during the epis calling her a b**** to vent my anger, that usually helps... I know I'm ashamed how childish I can be, too, my bad. :phew:

I hope that we'll finally see a little bit of how their relationship was in the past and why they broke up. I also realized the bad-things-a-comin' music when we first saw JH, we know now that the ANTI gave the waiter guy the tip about what to say to richard simmons MY off, maybe the ANTI reached out to JH too (lured her back somehow), and might even want to use JH to hurt MY somehow...

If the ex-couple start over again it means that EJ practically has to protect both of them, right? (because it means they'll spend time together, of course <_< ) Now that will be painful to watch. But I'm glad that it seems like from the preview that our dearest DongAh goes undercover to find the waiter /gotta love this girl and her methods :D / and it seems that MY is still very comfortable touching EJ, btw wasn't it him who told her to wear lipstick? Why the sudden criticism now that she does wear some? :P I know, I know... he probably likes her the way she is... Guys can be weird sometimes. :)

Manager Kim was adorkable straightening his suit after getting forcefully hugged by MY, exactly what I expected of him ( I'm hoping for more scenes for him with DongAh). :)

EDIT: I'm feeling ambiguous about the make-over... I will really miss the mustache and his all over the place hair, he seems too well brushed, too clean here for me... EJ looks cute though I cannot wait to an episode where they put tighter clothes on her, it doesn't have to be a skirt or a dress, just cute tanktop with some skinny jeans or leather pants would do the job.. imagine the reaction... it would deserve a DAEBAK from DongAh for sure. :)

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<br />There are no hints in the preview about his ex,she can be guilty or not.<br />She just said to the waiter:do you know me ,it means that she doesn't know him,so how did he know her?<br />And she also said:why did you do that ?<br />Her voice is very cute ,too much for me .MY and his ex are eating in a restaurant .Poor EJ ,she has to be there and look at them. MY seems really different now:new face and in love with his ex.<br />MY still treated EJ like his buddy especially in the end whith the hug.<br />Wonder which event will really change his feelings for her .<br />
<br /><br /><br />

exactly same is my concern. Wt event wil make him observe EJ more than a bodyguard.

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Guest flora47

@PBaddict:LOL;i will do the same ,no douts.i will be on EJ's side and yell at his ex .

It's a big cliché but i want EJ at least, once be dressed like a woman .She will change her hair tomorrow, so a dress and high heels are not too much,right?

Maybe she will attract attention and MY will be jealous.Can't wait to see that but i don't want to ruin the drama because it is overused.

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Guest PBaddict

@flora47 So good not to be alone with this. :D Of course I also would love to see her fully made up in a dress and heels but not sure it will happen, maybe if she definitely has to attend a formal event a ball or sg and not be seen as a bodyguard, it would be awesome to see her like that. Anyone else thinking it would be extremely funny to have a Seagull player hit on her in front of MuYeol? :rolleyes::w00t::lol: here I come with my theories again... :) at least once they should come true.

Also I hope the ex-couple's relationship won't be too happy, I'm curious to see in what direction the writers want to take the ex gf's character, wonder if she'll be of the scheming in the background but nice on the surface type or full-on demanding-clingy gf who does not give way to anyone? hopefully tomorrow's epi will shed some light on this aspect.

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ur sugestion is pretty good. I'l stop observing JH, as MY - EJ together are more than for me to look for anything else. Bt do u think JH wil leave MY for EJ so easily?

And some one frm blue seagul eyeing EJ is a good way to make MY all green. I cn see one eligible BS player the one who was the pitcher agains MY in korean series n MY hates him too.

We wil hv a good fight outside basebal. Wt say?

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Guest PBaddict

@sadhli Glad I could help, hope it works for the both of us, in order to avoid heart attacks and going crazy. ;) Don't know what to think about her yet but from the looks of her arrival she seems like she came to get him back I think she won't let him go easily. I am actually more worried about MY as EJ said to him about the rings it's not love it's obsession... Something drastic has to happen in my opinion to make him realize that his past love is in the past for a reason. I still have no clue what the turning point will be for MY to recognize the feelings he has developed and hopefully continues to develop for EJ. The logical answer would be putting EJ's life in danger to make him realize or accept his feelings, not now of course but later... I also have been thinking about something in connection to this: the ANTI could over time try to eliminate the person protecting MY who is EJ, no? or try and hurt his loved ones and hurt him more that way...

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wait... what did i read this right http://www.soompi.com/news/spoiler-snsds-jessica-makes-first-appearance-on-kbs-wild-romance,

so the jessica character is going to be in the next 8 episode or in just episode 8, i need to know , i mean not that i heat her i just dont want anything to interrupt MY/EJ love just saying...

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Guest flora47

wait... what did i read this right http://www.soompi.com/news/spoiler-snsds-jessica-makes-first-appearance-on-kbs-wild-romance,

so the jessica character is going to be in the next 8 episode or in just episode 8, i need to know , i mean not that i heat her i just dont want anything to interrupt MY/EJ love just saying...

hi luliqz1!

JH will be in the drama until the end.That's what they said.

Now,we know one part of the truth about the waiter

He did it for the money,that's what he said today.

He saw MY ,a baseball player getting 5 millions .He studied to become a procuror but he would never have the same salary.He was angry because it doesn't make sense

But the waiter didn't confess that he received a letter from the stalker.Maybe ,since he will also be there tomorrow, he will reveal it or DA will discover it

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Guest flora47

SY is surprised by the return of JH but t think that she is happy.She is smiling when JH hugged MY.

DS doesn't seem happy .They must know her well since they were close friends.

Maybe in the future YS will be on JH's side and not DS.

What do you think ,girls ?

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hi luliqz1!

JH will be in the drama until the end.That's what they said.

Now,we know one part of the truth about the waiter

He did it for the money,that's what he said today.

He saw MY ,a baseball player getting 5 millions .He studied to become a procuror but he would never have the same salary.He was angry because it doesn't make sense

But the waiter didn't confess that he received a letter from the stalker.Maybe ,since he will also be there tomorrow, he will reveal it or DA will discover it

Omg i dont like it , im sorry but i just dont like it i bet she is going to be bad for our OTP, and those hurtful comments on you tube about our femmale lead being ugly and jessica been better i dont like it :tears: and all the crazy idol fans ( im not saying that all fans are crazy just that their are some crazy ones that will bash other actress )

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dont worry at all. Our EJ is beautiful in her own way, and cnt be compared to anyone else.EJs character is so pure, innocent, charming, cute, adorable and LSY is the one who made EJ so likable n lovable.

So who so ever comes, negative or nt, EJ wil remain forever in our heart n so does LSY.

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