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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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After looking @ the Bts pics for ep. 7, it seems YM recognises YW during the king's procession but not when he boards the deck and when she is alighting. During the procession all the people are bowing except for YW during which both Hwon and Yw seems to see for the first time after long time and from the preview we can see the emotions in HGI's eyes.

I think this scenario of king's procession I did not read in the translated version of blue. Maybe added for the drama's pov. my guess, Hwon gets curious abt her after this and takes Yoon with him to meet her.

Cannot wait for tonite's episode.

Also, has any MES soompiers downloaded the android app. For this drama????? I think I saw that I can streamline live, the episodes aired whoever has this app. Can I streamline it live??? Since everything is in korean, I dont know where I need to watch the video. Can someone please help me???? Thank you in advance.

And happy viewing everyone tonite's ep.

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You know what, I've come to a conclusion. A simple conclusion. I've completely lost my mind. While I was having dinner, I was looking at my iPhone-I had put down Pacific Time and Seoul Time, and I'm thinking to myself, 'Yes! It's 12:55PM! MOONSUN aired!!! I must go to soompi to get my MOONSUN fix and spoilers!!!!!' I was at the restaurant, getting frustrated at my DARN iPHONE 4 cause it was so slow-darn you, AT&T. And my boyfriend, sitting across from me did not understand my frustration at my need to have my MOONSUN fix. I was ready to leave him there at the restaurant by himself so I can come home to my laptop and read my spoilers. Gosh. Then when I got home, I realized, the drama airs at 9:55PM-or was it 10:55PM? I've completely lost it.

Aside from all of that, I'm very glad Song Jae Hee is such a good sport and made the best out of it. He must've been hurt though, no doubt. I hope he does super well, and prove every other person out there who's doubted his casting. In case some people forget, many of these actors/actresses audition for their roles. To question one character would be like questioning the producers, directors, and every other cast members of the drama.

Also, the teaser. OMGAHH!!!. I was at school this morning typing on my iPhone, so it was so inconvenient, but it looks like they're still in some way sticking to the story? Like blue's translation of the first chapter? Oh my, if they are!!!! Also, in the teaser, Wol/Yeonwoo says, 'I klnow, I know what that person in my memory is.'-according toKoala. Does that mean we are dropping the momentary memory loss? And that scene, OMGAHH!!!! Kim Soohyun, you beast....lol.

All these questions are killing me. Really wasn't going to use the yellow, but it was so much more convenient. And since my rants up there aren't really spoilers....

BTW, I am working on a project, when it is done, I will show it to everyone. :D

LOL. Someone ask me why my font was so small. I'm sorry the font was so small. It looks weird to me when it's big. Weird, right?

Anyways, if it's more convenient for everyone, I shall leave it at the regular size. Sorries. :D

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hello MoonSun Girls...

I bet you guys are dying to watch tonight's episode..one Moon and two Sun will be met..OMG..Faint!! :sweatingbullets:

I can't imagine when the King sees YW..he may get chest pain :wacko:

alexus and 1crazynyt..great to know that we are falling to the same man..my friend :wub: now I don't mind looking at the bright sun (wearing my sun glasses and a 60++ UV face cream!!) KSH & JIW..I will get sun burn because of you..

BTW I still think Seol's role is interesting

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hello MoonSun Girls...

BTW I still think Seol's role is interesting

Yes I am really interested in her role. She has all the memory. I admire her for keeping her promise to Yeom that she will take care of Yeon Woo. For her to run away bare feet from her new master,to endure all that pain in the cold with her bloody feet to get to her lady, WOW. Then to top it all off she stuck by Yeon Woo's side all these years.... I just can't understand why she hasn't tried to help Yeon Woo regain her memory?? I wonder if Seol thinks it might be a protective means to shield Yeon Woo from harm? So that Yeon Woo won't be suffering from the loss of her family and Hwon. Is it shield her from all the politics?? Did No Kyung tell her not to say anything? It is all a mystery to me. Also I am really interested if she will have a love line too. Yeom is taken and he just seems to honorable to be having a fling with Seol. So I am rooting for Seol and Woon as a pair. Hopefully there will be enough time for their love story to blossom. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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Guest nana544

^Wait, I thought Seol like Woon, and not Yeom? kind of confuse here.

Well, hope Song Jae Hee won't be too disheartened....some fans can be so heartless (I'm guilty of it) but he's seems to be doing his job as older Yeom very well and that's all that matter :). People needs to chill! OMG OMG OMG the BTS photos are amazing! Hope Viki subs it very quick by the end of this week :)!!!!!

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Yes I am really interested in her role. She has all the memory. I admire her for keeping her promise to Yeom that she will take care of Yeon Woo. For her to run away bare feet from her new master,to endure all that pain in the cold with her bloody feet to get to her lady, WOW. Then to top it all off she stuck by Yeon Woo's side all these years.... I just can't understand why she hasn't tried to help Yeon Woo regain her memory?? I wonder if Seol thinks it might be a protective means to shield Yeon Woo from harm? So that Yeon Woo won't be suffering from the loss of her family and Hwon. Is it shield her from all the politics?? Did No Kyung tell her not to say anything? It is all a mystery to me. Also I am really interested if she will have a love line too. Yeom is taken and he just seems to honorable to be having a fling with Seol. So I am rooting for Seol and Woon as a pair. Hopefully there will be enough time for their love story to blossom. Keeping my fingers crossed!

alexus I trend to think No Kyung told Seol not to say anywords to YW if Seol wants YW to be alive I think Seol was frighten to death when she knew YW was dead!! Remember she beg YW's dad that she will do anyhting to be be with YW..poor girl

I'm not sure Yeom is marrying MW bec he loves her?

my friend I'm dying for tonight!!!

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Guest Fidelity

YeonWoo's reaction to seeing Hwon looks heart-breaking - the intangibly stirring memories hitting her...

Kim Soo Hyun's has nailed the King's wit and his unflinching coldness to the Queen so far. I can't wait to see more of him tomorrow!

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^Wait, I thought Seol like Woon, and not Yeom? kind of confuse here.

Well, hope Song Jae Hee won't be too disheartened....some fans can be so heartless (I'm guilty of it) but he's seems to be doing his job as older Yeom very well and that's all that matter :). People needs to chill! OMG OMG OMG the BTS photos are amazing! Hope Viki subs it very quick by the end of this week :)!!!!!

according to the novel,Seol actually like Yeom,not Weon.

instead of Song Jae Hee,i think there's a bit different between the young Prince Yang Myeong and the adult Prince Yang Myeong.I'm not saying Jung Il Woo did a bad job though.maybe it's because Lee Min Ho did a bitttttttt better than him.

oh well,lots of people are saying the child actors did a very good job and i think they did too,but of course,we cant really say that the adult actors did a bad job with a mere 30 minutes appearance.

still,really really really looking forward to ep 7! ;)

i find the adult actor who plays yeom perfectly fitting for his role, he looks like as he supposed to be as the 'older' version of young yeom. feel so sad for him to have to get all this 'looking old ' critisim at him! fury.gif

hear , hear !


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Guest ginny_potter

Why do I find myself near tears everytime I watch that preview? *sobs* That part where Wol's eyes widened after seeing the king (and recognizing him, perhaps?) just gave me goosebumps. Counting the hours now 'till the new episode airs.

I think I understand now why the adult actors don't seem to tweet/post much pics of them together yet. They're still trying to get to know each other. Compare it to the younger cast who basically have been co-stars before (hello, saeguk babies!)... no wonder the chemistry was much more tangible on their end. The grown-ups will find their footing sooner than we expected. We were already blown away by the preview, how much more during the actual episode right?

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Sometimes I wish I was living in KOREA right NOW!! Omg, I have been waiting, literally, FOREVER for this episode to air. I began watching it and finished all 6 episodes in ONE DAY! All I've been doing is trying to survive off of the Episode 7 preview, which totally gave me my MoonSun fix but after three days of waiting and re-watching and day dreaming of what was going to happen the preview did me no justice! Which is why I'm ranting right now b/c I want to watch it. It would be fantastic if it came up tomorrow before my Chemistry Exam. I would DIE from happiness :w00t: But b/c I know it will be awhile I will go back to preoccupying myself with my Chemistry Exam... -_-

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I have high hopes regarding this episode 7, I do believe that this episode will make us love the adult actors as much as the younger casts. :wub:

I hate to say this but when I saw the adult cast in episode 6, I refrain from watching episodes 1-5 as I feel I need to move forward and enjoy the rest of series together with the adult casts. It may not be a popular opinion but I love every single adult cast including Yeom especially when he is talking with YM outside their residence. Yeah, he is far from being a flower boy but the adult version has more depth. I really hope that this episode will cement the image of the adult casts to stop criticisms against them. Those who are saying this actor/actress should be casted for this role and that role; I think there is no use crying over spilled milk. If we will continue on this track, we will deprive ourselves of fully enjoying the series.

Can't wait for episode 7!!! Less than 4 hrs to go! MBC will air it for 80 minutes right? What a special treat for the new year! w00t.gifw00t.gif

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Oh my! Eventhough i'd love to see Yang Myung Gun end up with Yeon Woo (i know it's not possible since Yeon Woo is really belong to Lee Hwon), i can't deny that finally i love this couple :wub:


^^ Han Ga In looks so beautiful as Yeon Woo/Wool; Kim Soo Hyun looks gorgeous as Crown Prince Lee Hwon ^_^

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Guest flowerboyramyunshop_FB

about the Yeom-Seol OTP..reposting this from tumbllr


thoughts of Jan sil :

Sister , you are very pitiful.

You have to be sister’s shadow your whole life.

If snowflakes come too close to the fire , they will melt.

So you must no go near it.


Fire: is she referring to Yeom ?


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Guest Mace-Face

I'm so excited. I can't wait to see episode 7. They're all grown up now. Hehe!!! :D Anyways, hopefully English subtitles for this weeks both episodes are up by the end of the week so that I can watch and know what's going on. Tomorrow, I'll just skim through the episode since I can't wait. Hehe!!! Anyhow, thanks to everyone who has been sharing pictures and updates. :D

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Hi peeps :) Can't wait for tonite, eh?

For those who would like to stream live, you can watch it at Wubisheng . Select MBC,242K at the right side of the page.

Or you can watch via tvunetworks . But tvunetworks required you to install the player first, which is very easy & it's free too. Once installed, search for 87923 http://gamsa365.com. It's the channel name for MBC.

Both work perfectly as I'm currently tuning into both channels now (at least for those who are in Malaysia with at least streamyx connection should be able to watch it smoothly without buffer).

Hope it helps! 

Take care!!

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Hi peeps :) Can't wait for tonite, eh?

For those who would like to stream live, you can watch it at Wubisheng . Select MBC,242K at the right side of the page.

Or you can watch via tvunetworks . But tvunetworks required you to install the player first, which is very easy & it's free too. Once installed, search for 87923 http://gamsa365.com. It's the channel name for MBC.

Both work perfectly as I'm currently tuning into both channels now (at least for those who are in Malaysia with at least streamyx connection should be able to watch it smoothly without buffer).

Hope it helps! 

Take care!!

Thank you so much! I was so desperate to watch it online! Now I am waiting...

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Guest flowerboyramyunshop_FB

Hi peeps :) Can't wait for tonite, eh?

For those who would like to stream live, you can watch it at Wubisheng . Select MBC,242K at the right side of the page.

Or you can watch via tvunetworks . But tvunetworks required you to install the player first, which is very easy & it's free too. Once installed, search for 87923 http://gamsa365.com. It's the channel name for MBC.

Both work perfectly as I'm currently tuning into both channels now (at least for those who are in Malaysia with at least streamyx connection should be able to watch it smoothly without buffer).

Hope it helps! 

Take care!!

hope this will not be taken down also :w00t:


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