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[Drama 2011] Bachelor's Vegetable Store 총각네 야채가게


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I've tried to like Jin Shim but I just don't. I understood about her wanting a family when she was a child and agreed to be a dead girl, but it doesn't make much sense for an adult to live their life that way. I think she sent the picture too, because she doesn't have the courage to walk away but she wants to expose everything. Dan bi has grown on me and she looks good with Tae Yang, and she has shown her self to be a better person. I know that they won't end up together but it would make for a different ending.

The reason I don't think Tae in sent the picture is because she was younger than them and she is not the sentimental type, so she would not have hung on to a picture for her brother's friends.The evil mom will most likely lose the baby, all that stress, and then get kicked out. The fake dad's first wife is she seriously ill, what's with all the pills that Tosa found?

I agree with everyone else this drama is very underrated and that's a shame, I have enjoyed every episode.

Me too, I came to like Dan Bi, she and Tae yang will make a good pair, like you, I know they won't end up together.... but can't this be the first drama that the lead actor ended up with the second lead? LOL

And Jin Shim is too coward but there's a probability that she sent the picture because who else would have the picture other than her, and the Han siblings? I'm just too busy but I want to go back to the first episodes and confirm if that's the same picture she's always looking at in her secret room.

Most likely, crazy mom will have miscarriage, can I say good for her and that's her punishment? but I guess that's too mean of me coz the baby deserves to live. Dan Bi's stepmom could be ill? I hope it's not terminal, but if ever, she will make the fake dad forgive the crazy mom's doing as her final request? me and my imagination LOL

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ABOUT Jin shim! Being a coward as an adult... and not being able to do anything ....

Well, for starter's.. IF SHE WAS A BOLD, HEROINE... then, the story would be heading a different direction . NAMely- HER BLACKMAILING HER FAKE MOM.

Now, to discuss... why she is unable to break free... is the obvious, guilt trip loaded on to her by the fake mom,every minute she can. Solidfying, over and over again, that all the love she is receiving , is not hers to start with. ANd Thus....she needs to forever be , in debt to her, thus acting as her puppet , to mildly put it.

ITs psychological war fare... AND ITS SIMILAR to any abused relationships.

THE Victim, FEELS sympathy towards the Abuser... ANd Cant let go, because originally, they were mild mannered good people, who were never allowed to grow, their self -confidence.

THis is why, their is often, the vicious circle, and why, very few, abused victims get away.

AND MOST of them, if not all, Do so.. when 1) Push comes to shove, and they cant take it any more...As mostly likely, it boiled up to a life or death situation.

2)Some one, shows, them and increases their confidence, by stating her rights as a human, the right to live a happy life. ANd shows, them, the world around them is different from what they were forced to believe.

ANd the picture.. .I think, was sent by her as well... or someone whom we haven't been introduced, who might have known them when they were young.

But with 2 more episodes, i dont think that is possible.

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Episode 17 Mini-Caps are posted, chingus!!  Sorry for the delay, but I had an early Court call this morning and left the house before I could grab the torrent and run with it.  Argh, I hatehatehate these 17-hour work days with a white-hot passion!!  So let's get to the gossip, ne?

I'm sure it's "Get In Line To Beat Channel A Senseless Time," because they revised their homepage AGAIN to show that this drama has reverted back to its original 24 episodes!!!  I have no idea what they're trying to pull on us poor, unsuspecting viewers, but "Color of Woman" was also originally scheduled for 24 episodes, and when it tanked in the ratings, rushed the ending and cut it short to 20 episodes instead.  I've sent them a note asking basically WTF is going on over there, so let's see if someone even responds.  Sheesh.


wrote on 15 February 2012 - 07:16 AM:

LOEN ENT just upload the MV of ShinSingMan (Fresh Man) song. They upload like 15minutes ago. OHh, I had replayed they mv for so many time. The whole song and the MV is just so cute! 

it would have been better if Hojae was there too 

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We're back at the end of Episode 17, where Tae-yang is calling after Ga-on... Jinshim-ah... Jinshim-ah... JIN JIN-SHIM!!  Ga-on finally stops in her tracks and turns around to see Tae-yang running into her arms to hug her.  Apparently he's had a massive change of heart, because they're now out and about walking around like they're on a date. (And this is where I ::facepalmed:: myself -- where's the all pissed-off, throw-Ga-on-up-against-a-wall Tae-yang now, hunh?!?  AIGOO!!)   Tae-yang dips into a floral shop to pick up a bouquet of roses (as it's Valentine's Day still, remember?).  They sit and talk, as Tae-yang asks her if he can take a 'couple selca' since it's the first time ever he's given her flowers, and they should commemorate it with a picture.  She agrees with a couple of cutie shots taken.

They're now back at the ramen joint they went to after escaping from Seul-woo's vegetarian party back in Episode 8.  Sitting next to each other, Tae-yang is already several shots into a bottle of soju as they share some hot pot.  Ga-on asks Tae-yang when his grandmother passed away, and he says it was the day that Jin-shim left.  When he got home, she was collapsed on the floor.  Tae-yang says he doesn't even remember what he was like back then... all he thought about was what he was going to do with Tae-in.   Jin-shim apologizes, saying if she had know that would have happened to his grandmother... as Tae-yang says he knows, she wouldn't have left them. He asks her if there wasn't times when she wanted to come back, and she says there were several times, even going as far as getting to the bus station.  But then she thought about her mom and how sad she would be if she really left.  Tae-yang says that the both of them are really sad; instead of becoming adults at 20 years old, they ended up being adults at such a young age.  Tae-yang asks something about the Jin Jin-shim who took his first kiss away from his... did she cheat on him while she was gone?  Ga-on says there's been tons of men who have chased her around, but that she has thought nothing about anyone except Tae-yang since then... as he leans over and gets her in a lip-lock for a good long time. (But dammit, Changwook-ssi is doing all the work, woman!!  Could you at least show a TINY BIT of emotion, PLEASE?!?)

They're walking back to Ga-on's house, hand-in-hand.  Chatting after a bit, Tae-yang asks her for another lap around, which is what they used to do when Jin-shim didn't want to go back to the church.  She agrees with him this time, so they walk back to the bridge, where she attempts to tell Tae-yang something... as he interrupts and says that he's glad he was able to take her home properly this time.  Last time they met, he couldn't even tell her goodbye and that always bothered him.  So Jin-shim... goodbye.  He releases her hand and watches her walk away with tears in his eyes, as she retreats to her secret room with the bouquet of flowers. Tae-yang is sitting on a bench at the bus stop, wet-eyed and pensive.

Crazy Mom-to-Be and Seul-woo are talking at a cafe, where she asks about his mother and isn't she getting out soon?  Doesn't he at least want to say thank you to her?  Seul-woo says yeah, he's so broken up that he wants to shed a tear.  Crazy eggs him on by saying like mother, like son with the smart-richard simmons comments, as he flashes back to the scene in the street between Crazy and Tae-yang where she's pleading with him to not take Ga-on away from her.  Seul-woo then asks which side of her face is she showing now -- the tears that she shed in front of Tae-yang that time, or the b*itch that's sitting in front of him right now... which one is the real person?  Crazy Mom tells him it's none of his concern, but then Seul-woo has his concerns about going any further with her evil plans.  She then throws an envelope down on the table, and as Seul-woo looks at the contents, it's pictures of Ki-young (Scruffy Guy) and she says this person can bring Tae-yang down.  When he says how is that going to work, she says he has a prior conviction, that they can use it against him and keep an eye on Ki-young.

Seul-woo returns to the Store, as Ki-young comes out with a delivery basket and gives him grief for being late, asking him if the Store is just his playground? Seul-woo just says he's sorry, but has to leave somewhere.

At Mok Young HQ, Ga-on is leaving work to find Seul-woo there.  Seul-woo lays on the charm thick and says he's going to kidnap her because he really wants to drink, but that he has no money.  She asks if something bad happened to him today, and he says nope... but the night is young and let's go!  He takes her to a local bar of her choosing (the ugliest I've seen in ages), when she says she took his consideration in mind.  They chat and drink and Seul-woo says that he thought she would be different if she drank, but basically she's no fun because she gets even quieter.  She says she's just going to live as the daughter of a chaebol now.  Because she's seen herself change so drastically,   He then turns to her and tells her she's boring, so let's go have some fun.  Then they're playing darts and generally looking like they're having a good time, when we see Ga-on in the bathroom mirror staring at herself and Seul-woo just sitting at the bar staring out into space.

Tae-in comes down the stairs at home to find Dan-bi knitting a scarf (apparently she's stayed up all night too).   When Tae-in asks her who the lucky recipient will be -- Seul-woo oppa? -- she replies no, it's for Taeyang-ssi.  Tae-in asks if she has feeling for her oppa, when Dan-bi throws out a yeah.  Tae-in asks her if she's okay that her brother's heart has already been broken by another woman, Dan-bi says not really, but what can I do?

Tae-yang rides up on his bike to the Store to see Dan-bi waiting for him in her car.  She pops out with the scarf in a bag and wraps it around his neck, with him being all uncomfortable and stuff.  He thanks her and says that he's flattered, but... as she interrupts and says sorry, no take-backs.  If you return it, she's really going to be frustrated.  Dan-bi says that there's something he could do for her in return, as next we see them on the bike together heading out somewhere, him still very uncomfortable and her leaning on his back as they ride (and I'm creeped out as well).

Yoo-bong is hanging around Seo-young's place and pulls out his phone to call her.  It's turned off, of course, and as he reaches for the doorbell, he thinks better of it and walks away.  We see Seo-young sadly watching him walk away from the rooftop house.

Tae-yang is on the phone listening to the Marketing Department complaining about the problems with the Fresh Men homepage.  It was starting to spiral out of control, so PR called to check on the story.  Ho-jae says it's gotten to be too much and grabs the phone to call the cyber monitors and report the problem, but Chan-sol grabs it from him and says there's something he has to tell his hyungs.  Next, they're all in the kitchen with Chan-sol in a chair (like a schoolboy being scolded), and says everything those people wrote is true... he got a girl pregnant and he got kicked out of the agency.  The boys' mouths all drop open, as Ki-young grabs him by the shirt and asks him if Chan-sol threw her away for being pregnant and like he's going to hit Chan-sol... when Jung-ah comes up and says it's not Chan-sol's fault, so don't blame him.  When Yoo-bong says that he undertstands how Jung-ah feels, this is something that his noona can't protect him over.  Tae-yang asks her if this is something that she knew about all along, when she says that she is that woman and Chan-sol is the father of her baby!!

Yoo-bong asks how they could do that to them; were the stories about her husband all a lie, as Chan-sol and Jung-ah hold hands for real now.  Tae-yang asks how they could have kept that from them; don't they trust the boys?  Jung-ah says she was the one that told him not to say anything, because they're already working so hard that she didn't want to be a burden.  Tae-yang says that those words hurt even more -- we're the Fresh Men!  We're a family!!  Chan-sol apologizes for the homepage problem, because the shop became famous because it was being operated by bachelors.  Yoo-bong asks how these rumours started in the first place, as Chan-sol says that he kept running away because he hadn't come to grips with being a dad so young in life.  Jung-ah says that she finally chased him and settled him down.  Yoo-bong tells her she done good; that's the best plan.  Jung-ah then asks her brothers to think kindly of him, because if it wasn't for her, he wold have been a star by now, as Chan-sol yells at her to not feel sorry for him!  Tae-yang agrees, no one should feel sorry with a baby on the way!  Ho-jae slams his hand down on the table and says 'noona'... and then changes it to 'sister-in-law' and the youngsters breathe a sigh of relief...

Back in the village where Tae-yang grew up, Fake Dad's assistant shows the Jin-shim/Ga-on picture to the priest in charge there.  Priest Guy says he doesn't recognize her, but there may be someone else who could -- a young man who comes here every month in an attempt to find her.  If you met with him, he's sure that he could help out.  Assistant Guy asks if Priest Guy might have a contact number for the young man, but he says he doesn't but wait!  He should be there today, because he arrives on the 15th of every month...

We see Tae-yang arriving at the church, because it's the 15th of the month again.  He takes a look at the cardboard signs hanging on the wall and takes them down and out the door with him.  Fake Dad's assistant is standing outside and addresses Tae-yang as he walks by with the signs, asking if he's the same Han Tae-yang that runs the Store over in Hongdae.  Tae-yang replies that he is and what does he want, Assistant Guy says that he's searching for his chingu Jin Jin-shim, right?  Tae-yang just stares back at him.

[Commercial Break #1]

Back at the Store and all changed into his uniform, Tae-yang tries to call Ga-on, but she's not picking up.  Assistant Guy is reporting back to Fake Dad that he ran into Tae-yang at the church.  Assistant Guy says that Tae-yang said he didn't know a Jin Jin-shim at all, but that Priest Guy told him later that Tae-yang told the Priest he wouldn't be returning to the church again.  Fake Dad is wondering why after searching for her over 10 years, he suddenly gives up searching for her?  Unless he knew something, he wouldn't just give up like that... Tae-yang finally gets ahold of Ga-on, and says that her dad is looking for her... he's even sent his assistant over to the church to ask about Jin Jin-shim.  She gets all flustered and hangs up, and as Tae-yang turns around, he sees Seul-woo standing there listening.

Back at home, Ga-on runs in and tells Crazy Mom-to-Be that Fake Dad is getting close to finding out the truth and we must tell him soon, as Crazy says NO!!!  (And oh my god, what the HELL is Crazy wearing in this scene -- a dead raccoon dress?)  Ga-on tells her that Fake Dad even sent someone to the church searching for her!!  Crazy Mom still has several things up her sleeve, as she tells Ga-on he's looking for Jin-shim.  The picture was taken so long ago, what does Jin-shim even look like now?  Ga-on pleads with her to stop and tell Fake Dad the truth, but Crazy says she can't stop even if there is a 1% chance -- there's only two options: take this to the end, or run for their lives.

We see Second Mom peeling fruit to serve to the Tosa as he reads the paper.  She suddenly drops the knife and clutches her chest in pain, but recovers quickly and hands a piece of apple to him.  Tosa finally confronts her... and tells her to have the surgery.  He's spoken with the doctor, and there should be an opening soon... as she cuts him off and says she's not having the surgery.  Tosa tells her to do it and she says no, there's lots of things she wants to do first.  She has at best six months to a year even if she has the surgery.  She's cheated death so many times before, she doesn't want to become a burden to him and Dan-bi.  He gets angry and tells her to not be so stubborn, but she turns it and asks a favor for him to not tell Dan-bi just yet... because she's just getting used to having a mother again.

Dan-bi is over and the three of them are having dinner, as the Tosa tells Dan-bi she should come over for dinner every night.  Second Mom protests that she can't do that because of her schedule, but Dan-bi says that she'll make a better attempt at coming home for dinner when she can.  Tosa tells her that she should just move home!  Second Mom tries to interject, but gives up and asks Dan-bi instead if she would accompany her to a classical music concert next week, because the Tosa doesn't like stuff like that.  Dan-bi says sure, to let her know which concert it is and she will pick up the tickets.  Dan-bi rubs it in, telling Second Mom that she's annoyed she has to live the rest of her life with a husband who doesn't suit her interests.  Second Mom agrees, and tells Dan-bi to make sure she doesn't marry a man like that.  The Tosa has heard enough, and gets up to go to the bathroom.

Chan-sol runs over to a nearby cafe, where he sees the head of his idol school sitting there -- he tells Chan-sol that he should come back to the Idol School, after his wife went begging to him to not report Chan-sol to the Mok Young Group for not being a bachelor.  That's how the Idol School Head found out that Chan-sol finally straightened up and is living well... and that he gained some popularity because of the Snow White performance.  Idol School Guy thinks that a married idol that used to sell vegetables would be a hit concept, so what does he think?  Sign a contract immediately and start practicing!! Later, Chan-sol sits down with Jung-ah to ask her thoughts on returning, as she asks him what he wants to do.  He says he really doesn't know, even though as he thinking about being on stage again it makes his heart race, but he can't leave the Fresh Men now because of that.  She asks him if he passed on this offer that he might regret it later, as Chan-sol says that he might regret it more if he left the Store right now.  Ho-jae then interrupts and says that the Idol Chingu is needed out on the sales floor; a customer is looking for him.  Chan-sol rushes out as Jung-ah looks back at him...

And it's the halfway point, so I'll stop here.  See you in Part 2!

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EPISODE 18 RECAP, Part 2: 

At a neighborhood somewhere, we see Assistant Guy going from shopkeeper to shopkeeper, showing the old picture of Jin-shim and Ga-on to various folks. Pretty much all of them say that they don't recognize the two girls at all.  He goes through the open air market, with no success.  Finally, he gets to an ajumma who recognizes Ga-on from the picture, and when Assistant Guy asks if she is sure, she says she's sure because the Ga-on child died in an accident and the other girl stayed in the visiting room.  The ajumma felt so badly for them that she even bought them food!  Assistant Guy reports back to Fake Dad with that news, where Fake Dad is stunned and reiterates that there was a missing persons report filed, right Assistant Guy is on his way to the police station to investigate further, because if it's true that she died, there would definitely be a record of it.

Just then, Crazy Mom-to-Be shows up in Fake Dad's office, as he glares and doesn't even acknowledge her.  She came over to discuss something with him, and he says he's busy.  She starts telling Fake Dad that the girl Jin-shim contacted Ga-on... she knew something was up when the picture was sent to him.  Fake Dad asks her that Jin-shim really called Ga-on, as Crazy tells him she bets that girl is meeting with Ga-on right now.  She's sure that girl is asking to borrow money or for a job in the Company or something. Crazy just keeps laying it on thick, and he's not saying a word.  Fake Dad gets up to stare out the window and turns around to tell Crazy that he wants to meet this girl, as Crazy says sure, she'll arrange a meeting... she's been wanting to see her anyway, so she'll just tell her to come to Fake Dad's office instead.  Crazy also tells Fake Dad to make some time this week to accompany her to the doctor's, as there lots of stuff to tell new fathers these days...

Back at the Store, Seo-young arrives and is greeted by the hyungs.  When Tae-yang asks if he could be of assistance, she asks if Yoo-bong might be around.  The boys (all except Yoo-bong) are gathered around, as Tae-yang asks her if she's Kang Seo-young?  When she says yes, how does he know her name, Ho-jae says that Yoo-bong talks about her all the time!  Tae-yang says he's been wanting to meet her, as he introduces himself and extends his hand.  The other boys line up and extend their hands as well, as Yoo-bong comes out of the back room and calls out her name, looking pained.  She calls back his name herself.  As they chat outside the store, she apologises for the other night and asks if he's mad at her?  Yoo-bong says that he's being truthful by saying that he is mad.  Seo-young says that she couldn't let him in because there was someone over... the person she fears most in the world.  Yoo-bong asks if that person visiting was the same one who made a mess at her house before?  Seo-young says it was, but she's not hurt when Yoo-bong asks that.

She thought long and hard about whether or not she was going to tell him, but the person was someone she met at the first job she had after she moved to Seoul.  She ended up liking him, but his life was all a lie -- she tried to break up with him and he won't let her go.  She's basically on the run from this guy; even after moving several times, he always finds her and makes trouble all over again.  She even worries about this guy coming after her parents, and that's why she didn't have a cell phone.  Yoo-bong tells her he's sorry for giving her one, but she says it was nice waiting for someone's call again.  She tells him she'll have to leave the neighborhood, because that person found her again.  She wanted to live in this neighborhood by his side for a long time, but she can't do that now.  Seo-young apologises again, but Yoo-bong tells her not to go... he'll protect her.  She nixes that idea, because he's so violent he'll kill a kind man like Yoo-bong.  He says he's not such a weak guy for leaving like this, because he's a giraffe that will stomp and protect her... then grabs her in a big hug.

Fake Dad and Crazy Mom-to-Be are waiting for Ga-on to arrive at his office.  Suddenly, another person shows up all dressed like a streetwalker... and when Crazy Mom asks her if she's Jin-shim, she says that was her old name and she's Han Soo Young now. Ga-on has a WTF face on, as obviously this is a person hired by Crazy Mom to pose as Jin-shim to allay Fake Dad's concerns. But in looking at his face, it looks like he's not buying any of it because Fake Jin-shim is laying it on just a bit too thick.  Fake Dad asks Ga-on if she's glad that her friend has come to visit, as she says it was kind of a shock to see her after so long, and just grips her purse tighter.  Fake Dad then goes in for the kill -- asking Fake Jin-shim if there's anyone else from their hometown that she's contacted as well.  Fake Jin-shim goes hunh?, as Fake Dad says that Ga-on wasn't the only friend that she had while growing up... isn't there a 'special friend' that she's kept in contact with at all?  Fake Jin-shim says that she cut all ties when she left the village.

Fake Dad says that the three of them should go out and have a nice meal, as Crazy asks why the two of them should tag along; let the girls go on as she's tired and wants to go home.  Fake Dad says she can go on home by herself, as he gets up and asks the two girls to follow him.  Crazy tells them to go out and have a nice lunch, while Ga-on looks back at Crazy Mom with a "what the hell do I do now, MOM?!?" look on her face...

[Commercial Break #2]

We then see Fake Dad's car pull up to the Fresh Men Store, where the three of them get out of the car.  Fake Jin-shim asks why aren't we getting something to eat, as Fake Dad asks her if she doesn't recognize this place?  Chan-sol comes out and sees them standing there, and then runs back to tell Tae-yang that the Chairman has arrived.  Tae-yang sees them all standing there and his eyes go dark.  He heads out to the front of the Store, as his hyungs trail closely behind him.  Tae-yang tells them that it's okay; he'll handle this himself so just go back to work.

Tae-yang comes out and greets Fake Dad, as he says that he's brought someone to see him  Tae-yang just stares, as Fake Dad tells him it's the girl he's been looking for over 11 years... his old Chingu from the Hood, Jin Jin-shim.  Tae-yang goes all WTF?, as Ga-on runs around Fake Jin-shim and tells Tae-yang it's really Jin-shim.  Tae-yang says he's shocked and just glares at Ga-on, as Fake Dad says then great, let's all go inside and have a nice chat.  Ga-on pipes up that they don't have the time because Tae-yang is really busy right now.  Fake Dad says fine, let's go back to the office then, and as he gets in the car, the Fake Jin-shim looks peeved and Ga-on is shaking in her boots.  Tae-yang just glares at the three of them as they get in the car and drive off.

Tae-yang goes back inside the Store, where he is confronted by the boys.  He just walks on past them and goes into the kitchen to sit down and get angry... as we see Fake Dad's car heading back to... oh wait!  Fake Dad orders his driver to pull over to the side of the road!  Fake Jin-shim is scared now, as Fake Dad orders her to get out of the car NOW!!  She does and they speed off, as Fake Jin-shim pulls out her phone to call Crazy Mom to tell they got busted.  Crazy is all WHAT?!? when she says that they went over to see Tae-yang and he didn't recognize and barely acknowledged her.  Fake Jin-shim says she's done with this deal... oh, and make sure the money is deposited into her account as she hangs up.  Fake Dad opens the car window to get some fresh air, as Ga-on shifts uncomfortably in her seat.

At the jail, it's Springing Time for Imo!  Seul-woo waits outside for her release, and yells at her as she walks out into the bright sunshine.  (What, no tofu for Mommy?  You loser.)  They walk off together to Dan-bi's, where she's put out a spread of all of Imo's favorite foods for lunch.  Ah, there's the tofu, as he spoon-feeds her a scoop and explains that people who have been to jail need to eat this.  Imo tells them she feels guilty for being out in the first place, as Seul-woo tells her just to be prepared for the trial coming up.  Then Imo asks Seul-woo how this all came about -- how did he figure out how to make her bail?  Seul-woo crabs that he said he had friends to help him out... and then says that it was Ga-on's mother that helped him with the funding for her bail.  Imo and Dan-bi are stunned to hear this news, as Imo asks why would she give him such a large sum?  Seul-woo says that Crazy Mom must like him or something, but basically says the deal is over and done with so let's eat, while praising Dan-bi's cooking up and down.

Dan-bi drags Seul-woo into her bedroom to grill him on the deal he's made with The Devil.  Dan-bi grills him over why he would ask Ga-on for such a huge favor, even though Dan-bi knows how he feels about Ga-on.  Seul-woo asks her why she's so amazed -- was it because he asked Ga-on for money, pride be damned?  He even got down on his knees in front of her father... but it was all worth it just to see the look on Imo's face when she was released.  Seul-woo then tells Dan-bi she's no longer the one he tells all his secrets to... it's Ga-on from now on, as he stomps out of her house.

Back at Fake Dad's office, he orders Ga-on to sit down.  He wants to know the truth out of her own mouth, now that he's learned the truth himself about Jin-shim, and not the stories he hears from Crazy Mom.  She tears up, and opens her mouth to speak, but she is interrupted by Crazy Mom calling her at that moment.  She excuses herself, saying it's a call that she must take, and he lets her leave.  Outside his office, Crazy Mom is grilling her about what happened after they left Fake Jin-shim on the side of the road.  She says she was about to tell everything to Fake Dad, as Crazy Mom starts throwing a No Way Hissy Fit.  Ga-on tells her that he's found out and let's stop this now, as Crazy spits back NO!!  OVER HER DEAD BODY!!

Finally, Ga-on grows a spine and talks back to Crazy Mom, letting her know that she's done with the charade; just give up and make yourself ready for the consequences.  Crazy Mom tells her really, you think so?  You're the one that needs to get ready, because if you spill the beans, you're not going to see Crazy alive anymore and hangs up on Ga-on.  She turns to go back into Fake Dad's office, but flashes back to the time she found Crazy Mom in the tub when she slit her wrists after the real Ga-on's funeral.  Fake Dad's still inside his office fuming...

At the police station, we see Assistant Guy meeting with one of their investigators about the death report he ran on Jin Jin-shim, as Investigator Guy says he couldn't find anything on her... but the was a death report on the other girl in the picture.  The face is right, but the name is different.

Ga-on returns home to see Crazy Mom with a bottle of pills, and she snatches them out of her hands.  Ga-on yells at her that she can't do this anymore, but Crazy Mom thanks her for coming instead and grabs her for a hug (and you know she's not quite done scheming yet).  Fake Dad is in his office, as Assistant Guy comes in with an envelope... it's the forensics report on the real Ga-on's death.  Fake Dad scans the information, confirms the birthdate of being that of Ga-on's... when he sees the name Choi Ga-on, with the guardian being Choi Kang-sun, he goes all pale!!  DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!  And there we end Episode 18!

PREVIEW:  No preview again -- just a recap of scenes from this episode


가온은 강선에게 이제는 엄마가 직접 말해야 할 때라며 설득하지만 강선은 완고하게 거절한다. 비밀을 알게 된 인범은 집으로 돌아와 강선에게 서슬퍼런 질문을 던진다.

“가온이가.... 죽었어?” 눈물로 무너지는 강선을 잡고 분노를 쏟아내는 인범. 뒤늦게 알게 된 딸의 죽음에 자책하고 애통해한다. 

태양은 가짜 진심과 함께 가게에 왔던 가온이 걱정돼 찾아가보지만 가온은 차마 모든 게 밝혀졌단 이야기를 할 수가 없다. 그러던 중 심기일전의 배숙 이벤트를 벌인 싱싱맨에 탈이 났다고 우기는 손님이 나타난다. 그 남자의 정체를 아는 한 사람은 슬우인데....! 

HOLY COW, the plot is moving along quite briskly now!  I could conceivably see this Show ending on 20 episodes, if this is how fast things are playing out -- because you know that the last episode of a KDrama always includes a time jump which would tie up any loose ends thusly.  But I'll be surprised just like the rest of us, ne?

To offset such a dark plot, here's your Teaser Picture with some sweetness and light that's already been splashed all over the Internet Tubes, so I'm not giving away any spoilers.  Enjoy your fleeting moment of happiness, Tae-yang... it's all about to hit the fan big time soon!!


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Ugh, another repeat of last week. I know we have to be patient with subs, but up until last week, the two episodes a week would always be done exactly a day after they aired. The drama is about to hit its peak, and I'm on pins and needles (I had to bum rush this page and last page to hopefully not see any spoilers. The screencaps are exciting enough). I don't know what's up the subbers, but I hope we are able to see Ep 17 and 18 soon. Aigoo

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Episodes 17 & 18 with English subs are both up:



I've tried to like Jin Shim but I just don't.

Me neither. What sucks is because she's the lead, she'll probably end up with Tae-young but that's drama-land. I was wishing he'd end up with Dambi too but don't think it's gonna happen. I love Tae-In, every time she's on the screen messing with Crazy, I'm laughing like a loony person. laugh.gif Can someone explain what kind of power Ga-on and Crazy have over everyone to get them to LIE for them? I'm surprised there isn't one single person telling them to take a flying leap and telling the truth when Dad asks. I agree with Tae-In - both Ga-on and Crazy are hateful. tongue2.gif

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Episodes 17 & 18 with English subs are both up:



Me neither. What sucks is because she's the lead, she'll probably end up with Tae-young but that's drama-land. I was wishing he'd end up with Dambi too but don't think it's gonna happen. I love Tae-In, every time she's on the screen messing with Crazy, I'm laughing like a loony person. *quoted image* Can someone explain what kind of power Ga-on and Crazy have over everyone to get them to LIE for them? I'm surprised there isn't one single person telling them to take a flying leap and telling the truth when Dad asks. I agree with Tae-In - both Ga-on and Crazy are hateful. *quoted image*

Thanks! I've watched the latest episodes with sub and I'm glad that the chairman found out that the real Ga On is dead. So now the evil crazy mom is busted and so as Jin Shim! The crazy mom didn't think of erasing those death records of Ga On? hah! so smart eh? she left the most important thing, she should've done that long ago when she has all those money already to cover up her pretensions. But then again, there's no such secret in this world, somehow they'll gonna come out in the open no matter how long it takes.

And yeah, I like Tae In messing with crazy evil mom and Jin Shim. And I like Danbi to end up with Tae Yang, but that's not gonna happen since Jin Shim is the lead.

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We return to the scene of the crime, where Assistant Guy is handing over the police report on real Ga-on's death to Fake Dad.  He is stunned to see that the birth date on that report is the same as Fake Ga-on's, and then sees the date of death and the guardian's name (Choi Kang-sun) to whom her body was released.  Fake Dad asks how could his wife and child's name be on the report, as Assistant Guy pulls out the picture of Ga-on and Jin-shim again, and points to Jin-shim saying, "This is Jin-shim; not the other girl."  Fake Dad then realizes that Ga-on is not his daughter?, as Assistant Guy says it seems that the girls have been switched.  Fake Dad says to Assistant Guy to investigate again, as Assistant Guy said that there is confirmation Crazy Mom was interviewed as the guardian.

Back in Crazy Mom-to-Be's bedroom, Ga-on is attempting to talk Crazy out of killing herself (seeing the bottle of pills on the nightstand).  Crazy thinks that when Fake Dad finds out, they're going to be tossed aside, as Ga-on says he's not like that... but that Crazy needs to come clean now.  Crazy's determined to not make things right, as Ga-on says she wants to give up but she'll stay by Crazy's side as always.  Ga-on tells Crazy that she should run away with Ga-on, as that's the only way to repent their sins and have the real Ga-on rest in peace easy now.  Crazy tells Ga-on that she needs to endure because the child she's carrying has the only bloodline to the Mok Young Group.  Ga-on finally realizes she's been played, being now a daughter Crazy no longer needs.  Ga-on says she's done everything Crazy told her to, so why is she living like Ga-on?  Crazy pulls her hands away from Ga-on's....

Fake Dad sitting in the dark in his office, and then suddenly he stands up... and we see him return home and walk right by Ga-on who is greeting him in the hallway.  He rushes into their bedroom, as Ga-on is right behind him apologizing.  As Crazy asks Fake Dad that he's home, he tells Ga-on to leave the room, and when she protests, Fake Dad yells back to leave!  He then starts grilling Crazy about what happened to real Ga-on, because if she doesn't answer truthfully, Crazy is going to die by his own hands!!  Fake Dad asks IS GA-ON DEAD?!?, as Crazy keeps denying it and digs herself further into a hole.  Fake Dad then pulls out the police report and throws it at her, as she read it and starts tearing up.  She starts trembling but denies anything, as then Fake Dad starts yelling and shaking her that he wants the truth now!  He turns away as she grabs his arm, to which he throws her hand off and tells her not to touch him and leaves.  She's left hysterical in their bed.

Fake Dad goes and sits in the living room, with Ga-on right behind him.  She calls out to her appa... as he asks her where exactly her chingu Gaon-ni's ashes were scattered.  Next we see Fake Dad at the beach, staring out at the sea where Ga-on's ashes were scattered.  He drops to his knees and tells real Ga-on that he's sorry... really really sorry.  Fake Ga-on (or maybe  guess I should start calling her Jin-shim again) stands back on the beach, watching Fake Dad fall apart.

Back at the Store, we see Tae-yang get a delivery ready on his bike, as he flashes back to the meeting the day before with the Fake Jin-shim.  He pulls out his phone to call Real Jin-shim, but gets no answer.  Back at Fake Dad's office, Jin-shim enters as he tells her to get out... it's hard to look at her face right now.  Jin-shim tells him all this time she didn't know what to do about the situation... what if Fake Dad found out would he be able to forgive her?  Or if he can't, she will never appear in front of him again, as Fake Dad just sits there and steams.  Jin-shim says that she asks for one thing -- keep Crazy Mom by his side, and then tells him about the time she found Crazy in the bathtub after she slit her wrists.  JIn-shim apparently wants to take the blame for everything that happened.  Fake Dad says what they did was still unforgiveable, but Jin-shim keeps on about asking Fake Dad to please understand that by her losing Ga-on, she could have never returned to Fake Dad.  Fake Dad says that no matter what has happened, he's still lost a daughter.

Tae-yang is at the Mok Young HQ lobby waiting, as he sees Jin-shim on the balcony above.  Believe it or not, she smiles at him and that makes Tae-yang even more confused-looking.  Back in her office, he tells her he was surprised by the fake Jin-shim, so that there is nothing going on?  She tells him that Fake Dad bought the whole story, hook line and sinker, but Tae-yang still thinks that Fake Dad didn't believe her.  Jin-shim says that it's all done and dusted now, as Tae-yang asks if there is ever a time that she needs him... as she cuts him off and says no, don't worry about her and just take care of himself.  They've agreed to live their own lives now, remember?

The Store opens for the day to lots of customers.  Chan-sol gets a call from the Idol School Head, but doesn't take it.  Jung-ah is in the storeroom telling Tae-yang about the opportunity he's been presented by the Idol School.  Later in the kitchen, Ki-young drags Chan-sol down to the table for a chat with his hyungs about why he's not saying anything about taking the offer to return.  Chan-sol says he doesn't want to go, because he'd have to leave right away for Japan to record an album, and he can't do that to his noona and his hyungs.  Tae-yang asks him if he's going to go and never come back?  Each boy tells him he can't pass up this opportunity... as Tae-yang says "once a Fresh Man, always a Fresh Man" and you can always return if things don't go well.  We see Chan-sol and Jung-ah packing up his things in the Dorm with a very sad look on both their faces.

Jin-shim brings some porridge to Crazy Mom, who is still lazing around in bed not having eaten anything all day.  Crazy asks what happened with Fake Dad and to go find him as Jin-shim tells her he'll be back home eventually and not to worry -- he's going to need time to figure things out.  Lots of ottokes coming out of Crazy's mouth, as Jin-shim forces her to eat because of the baby.  As she takes a bite of porridge, she breaks down again.

[Commercial Break #1]

Fake Dad returns home, as Jin-shim and Crazy Mom greet him in the foyer.  He just walks right on by both of them to his den, where he is studying the picture of Jin-shim and Ga-on as Crazy and Jin-shim pace nervously outside his door.  He comes out to the bar and pours himself a drink, as Crazy asks him to look to her.  Fake Dad doesn't want to, and tells Crazy that he's going to go live at the hotel for a while and make sure his things are packing up so Assistant Guy can pick them up.  Crazy tells him she doesn't care how he treats her, but just don't leave the house, ne?  Fake Dad asks her if she isn't scared of what he might do to her, as she says she's scared... but being left alone is even more scary.  Fake Dad tells her to stop whining, as he explains that the Real Ga-on cannot find any peace being put through all this.  Crazy doesn't want to hear it, and says that she's not going to leave him because what will happen to their child?  He turns to leave, as Crazy grabs on to him and pleads that she's going to do everything possible for that child now.  Fake Dad says that he has no love for that child anymore and yells her off saying he won't be able to forgive her, as Jin-shim looks on.  Crazy says that once the baby is born, things will be different, as she drops to her knees as Fake Dad leaves the house.  Jin-shim goes over to comfort Crazy trying to figure out what to do next.

Back at the Store, Chan-sol is getting ready to head back to Idol School, with all the boys out in front to see him off.  Tae-yang hands him a jar of that steamed pear juice (because it's good for his voice), as each of his hyungs give him words of wisdom (Yoo-bong says don't cry; Ho-jae says don't be a showoff, and Ki-young tells him to be a man!), except for Seul-woo, who just nods and smiles at Chan-sol.  He hugs Jung-ah, who tells him to behave himself because she'll beat the crap out of him... as he bends down to talk to the baby and rubs her belly to say he'll see them soon.  He drives off waving, as Jung-ah starts crying and the boys try to comfort her.  (Kleenex alert!)  Later inside, Tae-yang gets an idea and turns to his hyungs, saying he wants to make a special dish -- how about providing steamed pears to customers who buy regular pears?  Ho-jae says that will take a lot of work, but Yoo-bong says it's good timing because there's a lot of people with colds right now.  Ki-young offers to get the pears from the storeroom, as Tae-yang orders Seul-woo into kitchen duty today.  Seul-woo crabs about why he always tells him to do things like that, as Tae-yang tells him he'd be the least missed from the Store.

In the kitchen, we see Tae-yang coring out the insides of the pears and stuffing them with citrus peels and other spices, then putting them into a steamer rack to cook.  (HUNGRY NOW!!)  Tae-yang asks Seul-woo if he was paying attention (which of course he wasn't really), as Seul woo asks him how he knows how to do this.  Tae-yang explains this was one of his grandmother's recipes, because she always said that all fruits and vegetables were medicine in one form or another.  Seul-woo then asks Tae-yang that he didn't have any parents growing up, right?  When Tae-yang confirms, Seul-woo asks if he was close to Ga-on as a child, seeing that they had the same environment growing up.  As Tae-yang just stares at him, he asks where the hell Seul-woo heard that information, as Seul-woo said he heard it from Ga-on herself.  When Tae-yang protests that Ga-on would never say something like that, Seul-woo tells him that he and Ga-on are a lot closer than Tae-yang thinks.  Tae-yang asks if there's anything else he's heard from her, as Seul-woo says that he's sure he'll hear more as time goes on.  Tae-yang asks him if they're seeing each other these days, and when Seul-woo says yeah, then Tae-yang tells him to make her feel comfortable, instead of making a person feel tired because of how Seul-woo feels.  (Hunh?!?)  Seul-woo tells Tae-yang not to act all cool in front of him, as Tae-yang says he's just sayin', because Ga-on is gonna need a confidant soon.

Later we see the Fresh Men selling the steamed pears at the Store, with a long line of customers waiting to buy them -- purchase a case of pears, get two steamed pears for free!  In the middle of the line, we see a rough-looking guy waiting.  Seul-woo comes out to see the line forming, and those two lock eyes.  Rough Guy gets to the front of the line and makes his purchase, and as Ki-young picks up his purchase to carry it out to Rough Guy's car, Seul-woo grabs it and says he'll do it instead and puts the fruits inside Rough Guy's trunk.

Good a place as any to stop.  See you in Part 2!

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Later than night, we're at one of the local realtors, where we see Yoo-bong and Seo-young enter.  They are greeted by the guy in charge, who think they're girlfriend/boyfriend or newlyweds.  They both giggle and wave that off, as the Realtor Guy says their eye shapes are too much alike -- they will do well to get married eventually... so what type of house are they looking for?  Yoo-bong asks about getting a house with a great security system.  Back at Seo-young's, she's making tea for Yoo-bong, who has conveniently fallen asleep on her floor.  She goes to the wardrobe and pulls out a blanket to wrap around him, as she stares at him longingly...

The next day, we see Yoo-bong sorting fruits and yawning up a storm.  Tae-yang gives him some grief, as Yoo-bong says he must have eaten too much lettuce, because he's yawning too much.  Tae-yang asks him what time he rolled in last night, as Ho-jae wonders if Yoo-bong would be the one to get someone pregnant like Chan-sol did, which earns him a whack from Yoo-bong.  Ki-young then pipes up and says he's afraid to drink the water now, as Yoo-bong gives him a poke in frustration.  Seul-woo's phone starts ringing -- it's Imo calling to check in on him.  He protests himself, and then spurts a DAE? and hands the phone over to Tae-yang.  When he asks who is it, Seul-woo says it's his mother and she wants to talk to him.  Next we see the three of them at a cafe having sushi, where she's thanking him for taking her wayward son under Tae-yang's wing -- she hopes he's not throwing tantrums left and right because he's not good at his work.  Seul-woo is highly uncomfortable, but Tae-yang says Seul-woo's actually been a lot of help.  Imo says she's heard a lot about Tae-yang from Dan-bi, and asks Tae-yang to please be kind as he's teaching Seul-woo the ropes.  Seul-woo then gets annoyed and says he's gonna learn on his own!  Imo wonders why Seul-woo can't just keep his mouth shut for once, and let's just eat, ne?  On their way back to the Store, Tae-yang tells Seul-woo that he now knows why he's so childish, as Seul-woo tells him to give it a rest.  Tae-yang tells him he may be a little better of a guy than he originally figured him out to be, because he has a great mother that raised him.

Later that night, the hyungs are back at the Dorm settling in for sleep and hanging up their uniforms.  Ki-young tells Seul-woo to look at his new badge, which says "Bachelor Prince."  Tae-yang says that he's not a trainee anymore; he's been officially welcomed into the Fresh Me.  Seul-woo starts crabbing again that he's far from a prince and that nickname is embarrassing as the boys give him more of a hard time, yelling out "Bachelor Prince!!"  Seul-woo stomps off down to the kitchen, as Ho-jae asks what's up with him?  Tae-yang says just let him be; he must be feeling shy.  Seul-woo is at the table thinking...

The next day, the Rough Guy (played by comedian Noh Woo Jin, BTW) comes back to the Store and is greeted in the usual way by the Fresh Men.  Rough Guy starts yelling at them about how they can act that way, as Tae-yang comes over and asks how he may be of assistance?  Rough Guy is still yelling at them how they could operate like this, because the steamed pear that he was given yesterday made him so sick that he needed to go to the emergency room!  Tae-yang stares at him and takes his arm to lead him away to talk... and Ki-young just stares at the scene.  Rough Guy continues on with his tirade, yelling to all who is within earshot how could they sell rotten food that could poison someone, as Yoo-bong and Ho-jae tell him that he must have the wrong information.  Tae-yang wants to know for sure if it was his pears that made him sick -- what else did he eat yesterday?  Rough Guy ain't done and grabs Tae-yang by the collar asking if he's being accused of fraudulent statements, as the customers walk out one by one.  Seul-woo goes over and tells Rough Guy to stop and grabs his arm, as Rough Guy hauls off and punches Seul-woo into a table.  Ki-young comes over and raises him arm to give him one, as Tae-yang stops him in time.  Rough Guy tells them, go ahead and hit him because he's scum... to which Ki-young says gladly and whaps him a good one all the way out into the street.  The boys look on in horror...

Later that night, Tae-yang and Ki-young return from the police station, as that jackass has admitted himself to a hospital because of Ki-young.  The hyungs ask what happened, as Ho-jae says this isn't quite a coincidence -- why would someone like that get admitted to hospital for getting hit only once?  There must have been something Rough Guy had planned all along.  Tae-yang tells them he'll figure out what to do, and asks the boys if they've checked on the other customers who took their steamed pears?  Yoo-bong says he did, and no one got sick... in fact, they were thanked for helping cure their colds and making them feel better!  Ho-jae says then there's no doubt that they've been targeted by a "black consumer" -- someone who lies to seem like they've suffered some sort of damage (what we here in the States call frivelous lawsuit filers), and then demand money to shut up and not go to the press.  Tae-yang says they'll pay his treatment bills, but nothing else.  Ki-young leaves to go upstairs to the Dorm, as Tae-yang tells the others to just leave him alone because he's really upset.  We see Ki-young on his bed with his headphones on and his back to the room... as Seul-woo (with a busted lip) is doing the same.

At Fake Dad's office, Jin-shim is there as Fake Dad tells her she shouldn't have waited, he's not returning home until he's had time to sort out his thoughts.  Jin-shim says she understands, but Crazy Mom-to-Be is not sleeping at all and she's worried that she's going to collapse at this rate.  Fake Dad turns around and asks Jin-shim if she's been remembering to eat herself, as Jin-shim just stares at him and he realizes he probably shouldn't have said that and orders her to leave.  She tells him that because she grew up with such love, that Fake Dad doesn't need to be sorry to Ga-on.  She really liked it when he would call her Ga-on, as that helped her to be more like Ga-on and she's really sorry she hurt him so badly.  Fake Dad says that's the main reason his heart hurts so badly right now... because he's lost TWO daughters.  She tears up and leaves Fake Dad to his own tears.  Outside his office, she breaks down.

Back in her own office, she starts looking at a report on her desk, and goes all white.  She asks her assistant how much of the report has been verified and then runs to the Store, where the boys all stare until Tae-yang sees her.  The hyungs all say that the report must have been noticed by the Company, because they wouldn't have sent Ga-on down to the Store unless it was a big deal.  Seul-woo sees the scene unfolding and turns around to leave.  At the kitchen table, she tells Tae-yang of the report that was made against the Company, as Tae-yang says the report wasn't made against the Store?  She tells him that the Rough Guy wants the Company to take responsibility for managing the Fresh Men because his injuries are so severe that he's going to need a six-week recovery period.  Tae-yang is pissed, saying he only got hit once and that was even after he threw the first punch!  Tae-yang gets up and says he needs to go to the hospital right now and sort this out, as Jin-shim tells him only a person from the Company he'll meet, not anyone from the Store

Jin-shim then drops the bombshell that Rough Guy is meeting with a reporter as well, and if that article gets out, the situation is going to get worse.  Tae-yang is stunned and asks if the eventuality of all this is that he might have to close up the Store, as she nods yes.  He says that it's not the truth, why is this guy going after him?  It makes no sense, but then Jin-shim reminds him that the Store was set up as a PR stunt to promote the Mok Young Group products -- if a problem occurs because of this, the Company has no choice but to shut it down and they'll have to deal with the gossip around the neighborhood as well, which might as well be a death knock for the Store.  Tae-yang says that he could accept the Store shutting down because they've done poorly, but to be shut down because someone has a vendetta against him?  ANDAEE!!  He's not going to sit around and be abused like this... as he tells her thanks, but the hyungs will handle this on their own.  But Jin-shim reminds him she's not there as his friend... she's there as the Company representative, so he can't take care of this on his own and she's going to help.  Suddenly Ki-young arrives and tells them both that this situation is all his fault and he's prepared to take all the responsibility.  When Tae-yang asks him what he means, Ki-young says he was the one who hit Rough Guy, so if he takes responsibility and leaves the Store... as Tae-yang jumps out of his chair and tells him that's the most irresponsible thing Ki-young could do whatsoever.  Doesn't he remember that the Fresh Men are all together... and even if they get ruined, they all get ruined together.

[Commercial Break #2]

Jin-shim and Tae-yang head to the front of the Store to leave, and she sees Seul-woo there in front.  He walks away and says that he'll call her a taxi, as she runs after him and asks if he's one of the Fresh Men now and why didn't he tell her?  He says that he didn't want to tell her, but now that she's there, that Store isn't all about  Han Tae-yang... it's about his livelihood as well .  So help us protect it, then he will be thankful too.  He then asks her what she wants to do when Spring finally arrives, and when she just stares back at him, he suggests that when the weather gets warm, they should go on a trip.  She turns his words back on him and asks if there isn't something he needs to say to her, to which he agrees and says there's so much he wants to say to her but he'll tell her on their vacation... just not now.  He grabs her around the shoulders and whisks her away, saying he's going to get in trouble with Tae-yang if he doesn't quickly return to the Store...

Fake Dad is on the phone with Crazy as she's telling him it's one of her hospital visit days, and pleads with him to accompany her; that he needs to hear the baby's heartbeat to see how strong he's growing (she must have found out she's having a boy).  He tells her to go by herself and hangs up on her.  She pulls out her baby book and tells the pictures that Daddy will come back soon and not to worry.

Dan-bi is over at the Tosa's house going over the classical concert program with Second Mom.  Dan-bi asks if Second Mom is feeling better, as she was having a hard time during the concert because she got all sweaty and stuff.  Tosa yells at Dan-bi that she should have brought her mom home right away, as Second Mom says it was only indigestion and after pricking her finger, she's all better now.  That gets a harrumph out of the Tosa.  Second Mom then asks Dan-bi how Imo is doing now that she's been released on bail, and that Seul-woo took her to the hospital to make sure she got checked out fine.

Dan-bi then asks Second Mom how much she knows about Ga-on's mom, as Second Mom gets all flustered and asks why she's so wondering about her all of a sudden?  Dan-bi slips and mentions that Crazy Mom was the one that put up Imo's bail money, because Seul-woo asked Ga-on for a favor but Dan-bi doesn't understand why her of all people.  Dan-bi agrees, especially after Crazy Mom dissed Imo and Seul-woo as being money-grabbing losers, but they're not because of what happened to Imo and that Seul-woo is now working at a vegetable store.  It's just too strange that Crazy Mom helped at all.  Tosa and Second Mom are amazed, as Second Mom says there must have been a reason for that and don't worry.  Dan-bi then asks her if she agrees that Crazy Mom is a horrible woman, to which Second Mom agrees and says she's off-the-charts horrible!  Second Mom reminds Dan-bi to get her revenge on Crazy Mom all she wants.  Tosa still doesn't believe what he heard, as he asks for confirmation that Seul-woo is working at Tae-yang's shop and Dan-bi affirms that he decided to work there to learn from Tae-yang.. but that she's still surprised he decided so suddenly to do that.

Later that night, Dan-bi and Tae-in are at the Store, talking with the boys (except Tae-yang and Seul-woo), where they tell her that things might be so bad that they'll have to close up the Store, especially if Ga-on came out to the Store herself to talk to Tae-yang.  Dan-bi asks why Ga-on of all people, as Yoo-bong says she's with the Company in charge of stores... she came out on a professional level.  Tae-in asks why this person decided to go after them, as Ho-jae explains that he caused all the problems with the Store, but is suing the Company instead.  Ki-young pipes up and thinks that Rough Guy has already done research about him, so that's why he's acting that way.  Yoo-bong mutters that the business is really doing well right now too; if this didn't happen, they would have been in the clear on their contract.  Tae-in gets steamed, and goes outside to call Crazy Mom to rip her a new one.  Crazy is all "so what" with her, as Tae-in says she held back because of her opps, but the gloves have come off and she's not taking this lying down -- she's going straight to the Chairman to spill the beans.  Crazy says Fake Dad already knows their little secret thanks to her brother and his chingus.  Crazy tells Tae-in she warned her to not turn Crazy into a monster, because they all brought it on themselves.  Oh and by the way, there is something Crazy wants Tae-in to pass onto her brother... it's not only her life that he's ended, he's also ended that Jin-shim's life that her oppa likes so much.  She's not going down without a fight and she's not done with them yet, and hangs up on Tae-in.

The next day, we see Tae-yang and Seul-woo planting seeds, as Seul-woo (as usual) questions the reasoning behind his methods.  Tae-yang says that he's always wanted to start a small garden to see how the vegetables grow up right, as Seul-woo says that the Store is on the verge of being shut down and all he can think about is growing vegetables?  (What a Richard...)  Tae-yang tells him that the Store will never be shut down, and tells him that he can't run away just because they're in a little bit of trouble... because it wasn't him that thought up his new nickname.  Dan-bi comes out and addresses Tae-yang and asks if he's okay, as he says he's fine -- they're not Fresh Men that would fall hard from something like this.  She's glad that he hasn't lost his strength, as Seul-woo stomps off back into the Store.

She then asks why he's not wearing the (ugly) scarf she made for him, as he lies and says that she told him to only wear it on deliveries.  She says she should have told him to never take it off... because it would have looked nice on him when Ga-on came to see him earlier.  As he looks up at her with a WTF look on his face, she orders him to not get all confused again because Ga-on came to see him.  A captain should act like a captain and just worry about his Fresh Men.  He then turns the tables and asks why she and Seul-woo broke up, when she wants to know why he's asking her that, and he says that they're too much alike growing up with a lot of love.  Dan-bi gets all miffed and asks if Tae-yang is attempting to say that she and him are nothing alike -- she's at least at good as the Mok Young Group's only daughter!  She then sits down and helps him water the planters.

Later that evening, we see the boys (except for Seul-woo) outside a hospital.  Yoo-bong and Ho-jae distract the nurse on duty, as Tae-yang and Ki-young sneak on by.  They enter a room... to see the Rough Guy in bed all bandaged up.  He asks them what the hell they're doing there, as Tae-yang just glares at him.  Back at the Dorm, Seul-woo is on the phone with Imo, wanting to know if she's all lonely being in a strange house all by herself.  He's lonely too, because he's been tasked to keep an eye on the Store tonight.  We then see Tae-yang back in the hospital room threatening Rough Guy that he's messed with the wrong person, dude.  They haven't done anything wrong and they're going to fight tooth-and-nail for that store, so if he's planning on keeping up with the torment, he'd better prepare himself because this ain't over.  When Rough Guy asks him if he and Ki-young are threatening him, Tae-yang says nope, what Rough Guy is doing is threatening them by going through the Company.  The Fresh Men are waaaay different than scum like him... and as Tae-yang leaves the room, Ki-young goes up to Rough Guy and asks him that he was targeted, right?

Back at the Store, Tae-yang sits in the dark thinking as Ki-young comes down the stairs.  Tae-yang asks him if he can't sleep either, as Ki-young says by throwing a punch at that guy, he could have held back if he didn't say those magic words -- thug-like bubble gum.  Because he really was a thug, as Tae-yang just stares at him.  Ki-young explains that this happened to them just because they have rotten luck... there's definitely someone who is playing them.

At Crazy Manor, Jin-shim has returned home to see Crazy Mom on the couch.  Fake Dad is inside his study in the dark.  Crazy Mom turns to Jin-shim and says "Ga-on... I want you to leave this house."  (WTF?!?!)

PREVIEW:  The hyungs running around the neighborhood with flyers.  Dan-bi at the kitchen table with Ki-young, Ho-jae and Yoo-bong.  Jin-shim yelling back at Crazy Mom.  Crazy Mom in bed having early labour pains!!  The boys return to the hospital to find Rough Guy has disappeared and they go search for him.  Tae-yang at the Market yelling at the Tosa for doing... ?


태양은 구청 보건과에 가서 자신의 가게에 대해 식중독 검사를 해달라 자청한다. 남자의 거짓말을 밝혀내기 위해서 최선을 다하는 싱싱맨들. 그날 배숙을 가져간 손님들을 찾아내 이상 없다는 서명을 받아낸다. 검사결과도 깨끗, 서명도 완성된 날, 누군가의 제보로 싱싱맨에 악의적인 기사가 나고, 슬우가 사라지는데....!

끝까지 포기하지 못하고 가온을 이용만 하려는 강선에게 가온은 깊은 절망을 느낀다. 싱싱맨의 일로 슬우까지 매수해 악행을 저질렀다는 사실을 알게 된 가온! 태양과 슬우 두 사람을 망가뜨린 엄마를 향해 이젠 엄말 버리겠다고 말하는데....! 

YOWZA!!!  Okay, we've either got one more episode left, or five more... hopefully there will be five more, because the plot is gonna get too rushed to pack everything into one last finale.  I guess we'll see tomorrow how that all plays out... but in the meantime, just the most sweetest moment of Episode 19.  Everyone go awwwwwwww now -- I don't think I've ever seen the Kwangvatar look so peaceful before.  LOL!!


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Thanks CherKell and semi fly... awww kwangvatar he's so adorable. So Seulwoo is turning into the bad guy helping the crazy evil mom as per their contract now in exchanged of his mom's bail.... tsk tsk tsk I don't think his mom would be delighted to know what he did in ecchange for her freedom. But just like any mom/dad who will do anything for their child, a child will do anything for his/her mom and dad too so I'm not blaming him....he just approached the wrong person, he could've asked help from Dan Bi's parents instead.

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WE’RE NUMBER ONE!! WE’RE NUMBER ONE!! Even My Precious is happy over the news!! AGB Nielsen states that BVS Episode 19 took FIRST PLACE for all general programming shows (i.e., cable) for the evening of 22 February with its highest rating for the series at .877%!!! TV Chosun’s “Operation Proposal” rated second with 0.732%, and JTBC’s “Fermented Family” came in third with 0.612%. Five more episodes to keep climbing -- Chonggakne Yachaegage HWAITING!! ♥♥♥

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We're back at the Crazy Manor where we left off in Episode 19, where Crazy Mom-to-Be is sitting in the dark as Jin-shim comes home from work and asks her what's she's doing there. Crazy tells her she's thought about what to do, and that she wants Jin-shim to leave. When Jin-shim goes what?, Crazy tells her that her appa spent 12 years raising her; all that love is not going to disappear overnight because he's not going to let this go lightly. Jin-shim says that she needs to put on an act in order to bring Fake Dad to come around? Crazy says but isn't that right -- it's burdensome being around Fake Dad because of what happened, as Jin-shim says she's not going anywhere; no matter what happens, she's going to follow Fake Dad's decision. Crazy wonders what IF Fake Dad tells her to leave - it will be for good, right? Jin-shim says so what; she's prepared for the worst as Crazy says she's going to be miserable if that happens. Jin-shim yells back that the only person making her miserable is Crazy Mom! (YOU GO, GIRL!!) Crazy just stares at her, as Jin-shim asks if for ONCE Crazy Mom could just think of her as her actual daughter for a change. She's not Ga-on anymore and she should be comforting her instead of continuing down that slippery slope... if she was a REAL MOM! (Burn!!) Crazy says there's no use for that now and orders her to leave the house so Fake Dad will come back to them. Jin-shim isn't budging and says NO, she's going to make her own decisions now, no matter how unhappy she becomes. That gets her a MOK GA-ON! yelled at her. Jin-shim says that Crazy wouldn't even know what to call her if she didn't have Ga-on's name...

Back in her Secret Room, Jin-shim stares at the pictures Tae-yang took of her on their last date and tells him she's not sure what to do. She can't handle things now and she really wants to go back...

At the Store, the hyungs are discussing what happened with the Rough Guy's allegations about their store being unsanitary. Tae-yang says there's got to be a way to show their customers that the bubble gum was lying, as Seul-woo sits there rather uncomfortable-looking. They go off to the local Board of Health to have them test the store and themselves to ensure cleanliness. The Worker Guy gives them an EH? as Tae-yang and Ho-jae tell him they want the Board of Health to meticulously test the store to show they have nothing to hide. (That Board of Health worker guy is kinda cute!) We then see a montage of testing and swabbing and picture-taking, as Tae-yang presents all the ingredients and utensils used to make the steamed pears. The Health Worker tells them the "victim" needs to be tested at their clinic as well to validate his poisoning claims. As all that is going on, the boys all run back to the hospital where they find Rough Guy has taken off. They ask the nurse in charge what happened to the patient, and she says he just left and might be down in discharge. The boys run down the stairs into the lobby, but don't see him right off the bat, until Ki-young sees Rough Guy attempting to leave the building. Rough Guy hops into a taxi as the boys just miss him taking off. Yoo-bong wonders how someone who was just a patient an hour ago can run off so fast, as Tae-yang says that's even more proof the bubble gum was lying. Yoo-bong says he thinks the guy was tipped off that the boys were on their way to the hospital to get him.

Back at the Store, Ho-jae asks what happened, as Yoo-bong says they just missed the jerkwad leaving the hospital. Ho-jae says that the haven't had any customers all day, because the gossip has already spread around the neighborhood. Tae-yang says they need to do something about the negative publicity, as we then see the hyungs running around the neighborhood to go visit the customers who took the steamed pears with petitions saying that they didn't get sick. Out of 50 pears that were given away, 49 people says they didn't get sick or anything. Tae-yang tells his hyungs that they all did a good job today, as Ho-jae says he almost got bitten by a cat that was the size of a bear!! Ki-young said someone thought he was a pervert because he was looking inside a house for its occupants. (LOL!!!) Tae-yang says now all they have to do is wait for the Board of Health report to arrive so the affidavits can be attached and they will be cleared of any wrongdoing. Seul-woo asks what if the Company doesn't take all this into account? Tae-yang says that all they can do is hope for the best that the Company will believe them.

Tae-yang is back at the Board of Health, as the report is handed to him. He runs back to the Store saying PASS!! They've been cleared of any cleanliness issues, and the boys tell Tae-yang to hurry down to the Company to give them the paperwork. Everyone is happy... for two seconds, until Jung-ah runs into the Store asking Tae-yang what are they going to do because the article came out?!? As Tae-yang tells her to slow down in her condition, she points them to a website where the Rough Guy has uploaded a picture of himself in the hospital and calling out that the owners of the Store were the ones that beat him up. (Funny thing is that they call the boys out by name, when they're only known around the neighborhood by their Bachelor nicknames at the Store.) Also in the article, it says that the guy who punched the bubble gum (Ki-young) is a felon with a history of violent assaults. POOPIE!

Ki-young sits on the stairs and tells the hyungs that fact is true; he was sent to jail for assaulting someone. Yoo-bong asks if he was in a gang, and Ki-young says he did that too. In order to eat and to live, he had to make do by fighting... but that's not why he was sent to jail. Tae-yang says it's okay, and asks for him to tell the truth. In a voiceover, Ki-young gives him his side of the story, while we see him upstairs with his headphones on in the dark -- the CD player he always carries around was given to him by a hyung; the only person he could count on when he had no family, but his hyung ended up getting scammed and his life was totally ruined. The boys discuss what to do with Ki-young at the kitchen table, as Yoo-bong says he totally understands Ki-young, as he would have wanted to get revenge as well. Ho-jae says that Ki-young should have said something earlier, as Tae-yang says he's already paid for his sins so let's not make it worse for him. He reminds the boys how it was when Ki-young came to them, as Ho-jae says that someone with such a scary past is going to hurt the reputation of the Store. Yoo-bong still doesn't understand how the Rough Guy knew about Ki-young's past when the boys never knew about it.

Tae-yang asks Ho-jae if there is some way to fix all this... when we see Tae-yang meeting with the reporter who put the story online about the store problems and the assault. He hands over a copy of the report, as the reporter says all her facts have been verified and that this report means nothing to her. Tae-yang tells her that she doesn't have all the facts, as the reporter says that the events have all been verified by an insider at the Store. Tae-yang demands to know who that person is, as she says she can't reveal that person's name because of the 'privilege shield' (just like the Whistleblower Statute like we have here in the States). Tae-yang yells that something must be done, as the reporter says she's not sure if it can be retracted now that it's in print, but she will review the information that he brought.

Tae-yang picks up his phone to call Jin-shim and asks her to look into something for him. Back at the Store, a guilty-looking ajumma comes in with two cases of mandarins and wants a refund because of the rumours going around about their store. The next thing we see is a montage of various fruits and vegetables being returned in droves to the Store because of the bad publicity. Ki-young says that they're going to lose too much money and have to close up the Store before the six months' contract runs out. Tae-yang says they're going to have to go straight to the customers instead to change their minds. Ho-jae goes on the offensive by typing up a rebuttal to the smear campaign, as the hyungs go around the neighborhood again passing out flyers and green onions just like they did in the beginning of their days. We see the boys at a local sauna, as Tae-yang is addressing the crowd to explain how they were framed and they don't want to lose their business, but the crowd isn't interested in listening and tells them to shut up because they're being too loud. Yoo-bong even attempts a personal plea with one of the ajummas in one of the steam rooms, which leaves him all sweaty and drippy. (Poor baby... like he needs to lose any more weight. He's a stick figure even now!!) At the sauna's restaurant, Ho-jae and Ki-young are talking to the patrons as well, when one of them complains about the thug that beat up a customer. Ki-young walks over to them glaring, as Ho-jae attempts to stop him... but he just takes a deep bow to them and apologises on behalf of the Fresh Men.

On their way back to the Store, our boys look beat and dejected. Tae-yang tells them to cheer up and challenges them to a race back to the building... last one there has to do all the cleaning!!

At Mok Young HQ, Jin-shim gets a call about the problem Tae-yang is having with the Store from the reporter. She is stunned to hear that the facts the reporter wrote about actually came from one of the Store employees, and tells her that none of the boys would have leaked such news like that. The reporter confirmed that the whistleblower does indeed work at the store, or else she couldn't have written the article... and his name is Lee Seul-woo. (DUN DUN DUNNNN!!) As Jin-shim leaves her office, she flashes back to the conversation she had with Seul-woo about him telling her that it's not just Tae-yang at the Store... he's there too, so if she can, she needs to protect it. Tae-yang is calling her again to ask if she's met with the reporter, as Jin-shim lies and says she hasn't met her yet. Tae-yang says he'll be waiting for the news.

Jung-ah waddles upstairs as the boys are eating lunch, and voices her concerns that she thinks something's fishy -- the informant had access to a lot of Store information like he worked there... wouldn't it be the one who's not there? Ho-jae asks if it's Seul-woo, and she says yeah because it's strange. He has come in for a few days, he suddenly disappears and doesn't even answer his phone -- all secretive and stuff. Yoo-bong waves it off, says he's a friend and he wouldn't do anything bad. Jung-ah thinks otherwise, saying Seul-woo has a special relationship with Tae-yang, but Seul-woo's insisting that he work at the Store even after all that, she doesn't understand why he would do that. Tae-yang tells her not to be suspicious like that... but that does put a seed of doubt into Tae-yang's mind.

[Commercial Break #1]

At the nearby coffeehouse, Jin-shim is sitting there waiting for Seul-woo to arrive. He asks why she's just sitting there, as she calls him out to tell his side of the story first. Seul-woo asks if she wants to hear an excuse from him, as she says nope, no excuses... she wants to hear the real reason why he planted the fake stories about the Fresh Men. Seul-woo starts getting all pissy and confirms that he wants to see Tae-yang lose the Store in order for him to stop seeing Ga-on day-in-and-day-out. Even though she says their relationship is over, seeing the two of them still together even for work makes him mean mad!! Jin-shim tells him that if he doesn't tell her the real reason, she's never going to see him ever again -- not only because of the lies he told the reporter, mainly because of the lies that he told her. Seul-woo says he didn't tell any lies to Ga-on, as she says that he lied to her about liking her... he wouldn't pull something this stupid and make her misunderstand the situation without knowing anything first. Seul-woo tells her there's no misunderstanding -- he lied to the reporter so he could steal the shop away from Tae-yang, and he has no intention to retract his comments at all. She pleads with him to tell her the truth, as he insists he wants to see Tae-yang ruined -- if she came to see him in support of Tae-yang, then she just needs to give up... but wasn't there one tiny moment when she thought Seul-woo was actually telling the truth about the Store? The blank look on her face says it all, as he says that as long as she believes in Han Tae-yang, whatever he says will always be a lie. That's the main reason he wants to ruin Tae-yang, and gets up to leave. Outside the coffeeshop, Seul-woo even questions his own self as to what he's doing.

Back at Mok Young HQ, we see Tae-yang running through the lobby on his way to Fake Dad's office, as Fake Dad is sitting at his desk reading the reports on the Store. Fake Dad says to send him away, as Tae-yang bursts into the office anyway with several security guys on his back. Tae-yang pleads for Fake Dad to rescind his decision to shut down the Store... as they sit down and he tries to explain that they haven't done anything wrong. Fake Dad says that whether or not he believes the article isn't important -- it's what the customers believe that's more important. Tae-yang says is that what he believes, even though it was all made up with lies? Fake Dad asks him if he has any way to prove that, as Tae-yang says that all they have right now is the reports to go on, but if he could give the boys a little bit more time... Fake Dad cuts him off by telling him to don't even think about buying time that way. Tae-yang says it's not all about buying time; he's asking for Fake Dad to give them the chance to find out the truth!! Fake Dad spits out that Tae-yang is looking for the truth, and then he turns it back onto Tae-yang by saying he knew all along that Ga-on was Jin-shim. Regardless of that, Tae-yang kept lying to the Chairman and don't give him the excuse that Tae-yang did that all on Ga-on's request. Tae-yang apologises for that situation, but why does that have anything to do with him running the Store and suspecting the Fresh Men's honesty because of that? Ever since they started with selling vegetables out of the truck, they've never done anything shady. They've done everything they could according to the contract, so it is too unfair to have the Store shut down!! Fake Dad says he can't let the Company suffer just to save a small shop, whether the report is a bold-faced lie or not. He tells Tae-yang to leave and never come back to see him ever again -- he's not someone that has the spare time to deal with someone like him... and orders his goons inside to take Tae-yang away. As they burst through the door, Tae-yang drops to his knees pleading for a little more time to make sure they're proven innocent, but Fake Dad orders him thrown out anyway.

Jin-shim is walking by and sees Tae-yang being tossed out on his butt and runs over to him. She asks him if he's okay, and he half-smiles he is. She apologises for the troubles and that she's surprised the decision to shut down the Store before the end of the six months came down so quickly. Tae-yang says it's okay because he's never going to give up... oh and by the way, did she ever meet with the reporter? JIn-shim lies her richard simmons off yet again and says she hasn't. Tae-yang then wants to know if Jin-shim knows where Seul-woo is? When she asks why, he tells her that he's gone from the Store and they have been unable to contact him... and since Jin-shim knows way more about Seul-woo than he does... can Tae-yang trust him? Jin-shim tells him that he wants to trust Seul-woo, as Tae-yang says that okay, he'll trust him too.

Dan-bi is at the Store as the hyungs explain what happened and Tae-yang is at Fake Dad's office pleading for him to not shut down the Store. Ki-young asks Dan-bi if Seul-woo has been returning Dan-bi's calls, because he's disappeared. When she's stunned because she thought he was working at the store, Ho-jae pipes up that the reporter mentioned there was a traitor amongst them... and Yoo-bong gives him an elbow to shut him up. Back at Jin-shim's office, Dan-bi is telling her about the deal that Seul-woo made with Ga-on's mother to obtain Imo's bail. Jin-shim doesn't know what Dan-bi is talking about, as Dan-bi asks her that she didn't know about any of this? Jin-shim presses her for details, as Dan-bi is more than happy to comply and spills her guts. Dan-bi mentions how strange it was for him to do something like that, throwing away his pride and asking for such a favor, so she believed him because he's a gutless momma's boy that he'd do anything for Imo. Dan-bi says now she's afraid he's gone and done something stupid to get his hands on that money. Jin-shim jumps up and apologises that she needs to leave to take care of something urgent, and asks Dan-bi to call her if she hears from Seul-woo. Dan-bi says no way... if he's going to call anyone, Seul-woo will probably call Ga-on first because he told Dan-bi that his main confidant is now Ga-on...

Outside on a park bench, Seul-woo sits and contemplates. He gets a text from Jin-shim saying they need to meet, as he still wonders that he's doing the right thing.

Jin-shim runs into Crazy Mom's bedroom, where she's still lazing around. Jin-shim demands from her why she decided to lend Seul-woo the money for Imo's bail, as Crazy tells her not to get too excited; she was just helping him get his mom out of jail. Jin-shim spits at Crazy that she's just ruined another person's life, as Crazy asks if it's that bastard Tae-yang? Good thing that's how the situation ends, because she could have done much worse to ruin Tae-yang. Jin-shim yells that doesn't Crazy remember that she told Crazy not to touch Tae-yang because she wouldn't stand by and watch any longer, but Crazy tells her so big whoop... what are you going to do now? Crazy says that it's all because of that bastard Tae-yang that she's turned into such an evil person... she would have never been like that if it hadn't been for him. She would have received overflowing love from he husband and daughter... but now both of you just treat her like a disgusting bug. (Hey, truth in advertising, lady!!) Tae-yang ruined her life, so now she's ruining his... as Jin-shim tells her the only one that's trashed her life is Crazy herself -- if she would have left Tae-yang alone, Jin-shim would have stayed by her side to the end. But now that Crazy's done all this, you're on your own, evil witch!!

Crazy asks if Jin-shim is going to toss her aside now and calls her an ungrateful beeyotch because she's taking Tae-yang's side instead? Jin-shim says it's not because of Tae-yang... it's because she can't stand the sight of Crazy anymore!! Crazy ain't liking that one bit, and picks up a flower vase to throw it across the room. Jin-shim says that Crazy always things like she's the victim so she can always be forgiven... but this time, she's gone way too far to be able to be forgiven by anyone, especially by Jin-shim. Crazy yells at her what did she ever do to her, as Jin-shim yells back that making her choose Crazy over Tae-yang was a decision she was going to regret until the day she died!! Jin-shim is giving her one last chance to put Tae-yang's business back in its rightful place, because that's the last chance Crazy will ever be given. Crazy tells her that she must be joking, because if she does that and Tae-yang will be leading a proper life, then Crazy would rather never see Jin-shim again and yells at her to GET OUT!!

Stopping here for now -- see you in Part Two!

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EPISODE 20 RECAP, Part Two: 

We're back at the Store, where we see Our Boys unloading crates of fruits and veggies just brought from the Market.  Ho-jae and Ki-young have frowny faces on, as Yoo-bong orders them to cheer up -- Tae-yang wouldn't want to see them all depressed now, would he?  Remember our Captain and trust him, and he lets out his own AJA AJA AJA!! as the boys smile weakly.  The next scene they're outside the store greeting passersby, but no one is inside or going inside at all.  They then attempt to pass out samples of plum tomatoes, as a few people take one but mostly everyone else walks on by.  Yoo-bong yells from the storefront of the provenance behind the tomatoes (the guy grows them in a 3,200 foot house or something like that), but it's still not getting customers into their store.

At the Market, we hear Tosa listening to a voiceover of Dan-bi telling him that it was Ga-on's mother that provided Imo's bail money to Seul-woo.  There's a knock at the door, and Tae-yang enters.  When Tosa asks him what he's doing there, Tae-yang tells him he's asking for a question to be answered -- that the Tosa had told him that there was someone specific that wanted to kick him out of the Market back then.  The Tosa tells him that he would say something when it was time to do so, as Tae-yang insists that he be told now; if he waits any longer to tell him, it may be too late.  The Tosa asks what Tae-yang means by that, as Tae-yang says there's someone attempting to shut down his Store and he thinks it may be the same person who tried to kick him out of the Market before.  He needs to know NOW so that he can stop them, so please tell him NOW!

On his way back to the Store, Tae-yang flashes back to what the Tosa told him earlier -- that it was the Mok Young Group Chairman's wife that forced the Tosa to take the truck away and kick Tae-yang out of the Market!  He gets pissed and runs off, as we see the Tosa on the phone wanting someone to come see him.  That turns out to be Seul-woo, as Tosa asks him if he's now working at Tae-yang's shop.  Seul-woo says he is, as the Tosa says he hears there are a lot of tough things going on over there right now.  He then asks Seul-woo if he's not feeling peaceful over the whole situation either, as Seul-woo agrees with him but says that he needs to be somewhere right now so get to the point, old man!  The Tosa tells him that there are times when a person has to make a tough decision during their life, and then turns to Seul-woo and asks him what a parent's worst nightmare is?  When Seul-woo asks what, the Tosa says it for their child to do wrong because of them.  

We see Imo on the phone, as Seul-woo arrives home.  She gives him a hard time because she couldn't reach him, and he says his battery is dead.  Imo asks if there's something wrong, as Dan-bi has been trying to get ahold of him big time... and why is he not at the Store helping today?  Seul-woo lies and says that she probably found out that he skipped work today; it's too hard and they never take a day off, and since there's plenty of people there to work, it's okay for him to not be there.  Imo slaps him and says that she even asked Tae-yang to take good care of him, so how can he skip work like that?  Get dressed and go to work NOW, you big brat!!  He gets all cuddly with her and says that since she's been gone for so long, he wants her to clean out his ears (EWWWW!) and lays in her lap for the procedure.  Imo just pats his head and says she'll do that, but that he needs to go back to work regardless.  Seul-woo keeps complaining that the work is hard because he's never had to work like that before, as Imo says to suck it up and work diligently (and I'm wishing she would just poke that ear cleaner straight into his brain).  She reminds Brat Boy that Tae-yang had to work so hard and suffer so much to get that store, so if you look at it from his viewpoint, Seul-woo having a hard time is nothing.  He starts complaining, but Imo is still proud of him for working so hard when he doesn't know any better... it looks like her Seul-woo's going to be an amazing man as tears start forming in his eyes.

Outside their house, Jin-shim is waiting for Seul-woo.  He asks how she knew where he lived, as she says Dan-bi told her so.  When he complains that Ga-on had told him she was never going to show up in front of him again, she starts apologising as he asks why, and they go over to sit and chat.  She asks him if it was hard for him growing up alone like he did, as he says that after all this he can live with a peaceful heart, then he's not even human.  She asks him when he didn't tell her anything at their last meeting, as he says he didn't want Ga-on to hate her mother because they both feel the same way about their omaes.  It would be much better for Ga-on to hate him instead, as Jin-shim says truthfully she really hates her mother... no, she loathes her because she misunderstood her hating Crazy Mom for love, and she didn't want to regret the choice she made.

When he asks her what choice was it that she made, Ga-on finally spills the beans to him and says that Crazy isn't her real mother, and that Mok Ga-on isn't her real name.  Ga-on was her friend's name, and she lost her life in an accident so she became Mom's daughter instead.  They lived all this time deceiving their Fake Dad, and deceiving the whole world for that matter.  Seul-woo just stares at her, as Jin-shim says that she looks quite scary now, doesn't she?  Because she feels scary herself.  Seul-woo asks her why she's telling him all this, as she says that the lies that Seul-woo told about the Fresh Men are nothing compared to what she just told him about herself.  Because of her greed, this is why she's lied all this time, as Seul-woo is doing the same thing for his mother as well.  When he asks if she's concerned about him even after all he's done, she says that everything is her fault because both he and Tae-yang would not be in this situation if they had never met.  Seul-woo asks her how she held on for so long by herself, because his hanging on day-after-day with no one to talk to about it, he was going to go nuts with agony. Jin-shim tells him she doesn't know how she did, but then takes his hand and tells him she's going to break out of her self-imposed prison now so that she can go back to her original place.  While she does that, make sure Seul-woo pulls himself up as well, because it won't be Tae-yang but himself that will be in more pain if he doesn't do something about the Store now.  As she gets up to leave, he continues to hold on to her hand and reminds her that she needs to remember he's there for her.  He looks pained as she pulls it away and leaves.

[Commercial Break #2]

Tae-yang has arrived at Crazy Manor to confront Crazy Mom-to-Be and stands there staring at her.  When he doesn't budge, she asks him why he's come barging in like that.  Tae-yang demands what the hell was she doing throttling his business like that, as he told her that the Store isn't just his alone.  What she did to ruin him will also hurt the Mok Young Group in the end.  She reminds him that he was the one that brought this on himself because he didn't close up the Store when she demanded it first.  Don't blame her for doing all this to him, because innocent people have been hurt by his selfish actions.  He reminds her that he kept his end of the bargain by breaking up with Jin-shim and not saying anything to Fake Dad; even though it was so wrong to do so, he did it all for Jin-shim's sake so why is she still out to ruin him?  She says she's amazed that he doesn't know that he and his sister, she and Ga-on's lives have been a living hell. Things always went their way, so now he should feel good about Fake Dad finding out about everything and that he took Ga-on from the most wonderful dad in the world from Jin-shim.  Now she's not going to inherit the Mok Young Group, and she's now throwing away her life because he won't let her be.  Crazy goes in for the kill and says that Jin-shim is being kicked out of the house now, as Tae-yang doesn't believe what he's hearing.  He walks back to the Store, he tries to call Jin-shim but she's turned her phone (as he flashes back to their last meeting where she tells him everything is safe now).  We are then treated to a slow-motion scene of Tae-yang running.  (Thank you, Show!!)

Back at Fake Dad's office, we see Jin-shim talking to him.  She's telling him she's going back to being Jin-shim from now on, and apologises to him for not being able to wait for his decision.  Fake Dad is not happy and asks her if she realizes the consequences of going back to a life like that, as she says she understands.  Fake Dad chastises her for speaking those words so casually, as she explains that it's worse for her to stick around Fake Dad as Ga-on or Jin-shim.  Fake Dad says fine, go ahead and leave -- it's hard for him to remain around her as well, but if she ever needs anything, to go through Assistant Guy first.  Jin-shim has one last favor to ask of Fake Dad, though... 

Tae-yang runs into Jin-shim's office to find all her personal belongings gone.  As Jin-shim leaves the building, we see Fake Dad sitting and contemplating the scene we didn't see earlier of Jin-shim telling him that Tae-yang was set up and that Fake Dad must believe him, so please help him out.  It's the last request she has as his daughter.  Back at her Secret Room, Jin-shim pulls out the box that holds the pager that Tae-yang gave her 12 years ago and starts crying.  (HA!  Told you guys!!)  She puts it inside a suitcase and zips it up.  She goes down to say she's leaving now to Crazy Mom, as Crazy Mom is still in Denial Land and says to just stay away for a few days because Fake Dad will surely come looking for her. Jin-shim says she's not going to do that because she's not coming back.  Crazy tells her that even though Jin-shim thinks it's easy for her to throw Jin-shim away, it's not going to be easy for Jin-shim to throw Crazy away... just you wait and see.  Jin-shim tells her to stay healthy, picks up the suitcase and leaves the house.

Crazy Mom is waiting in the foyer for Fake Dad's arrival.  When she asks if he's home, he just walks on by her.  Crazy tells him she would have dressed better if she'd know he was going to be home early, because she's just been laying in bed all day.  He asks her if she already knew of Ga-on decision... that she was going to leave the house, so what the hell did Crazy say to her?  Crazy lies and says that she tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen because she feel so bad for Fake Dad that she couldn't stay any longer.  Fake Dad ain't buying any of that, and asks if it wasn't her that threw Ga-on out in the first place?  Since Crazy was the one that brought her to their home, it means she just can't let her leave on her own like that.  Crazy asks him if he's telling her to leave with Ga-on, as he says she needs to stay with Ga-on until the end because the sin she's forced upon Ga-on is one that will never be repented against in several lifetimes!!  When Crazy mutters what sin has she committed, Fake Dad is amazed that she doesn't even recognize what she's done as a sin -- Crazy is a kidnapper, fer chrissakes!!

Crazy says she didn't kidnap her; she's the one who chased her crying saying that she wanted to come with Crazy!  Fake Dad says that Jin-shim was not even 14 years old; as the adult, she should have known better than to do that to a child.  Crazy says that after Ga-on's death, she wasn't thinking clearly, as Fake Dad says he tried to put himself into her shoes back then as well.  But the more he thought about it, the more scary she became -- tattooing her arm, making her practice and educating her... how can she, as a mother who has lost her child, even think about doing something so horrible?!?  Crazy used her, and even after doing all that, she's not even sorry for her?  Crazy goes ballistic and asks why she should be sorry for Jin-shim... at least she's still alive.  Ga-on is dead, but Jin-shim is alive next to her!!  He gets up to leave, as she runs after him apologising for getting mad at him and says they should be picking out baby names instead of fighting, but he just throws her arm off his.  She drops to her knees as he stomps off.

We see Jin-shim sitting on a park bench, as Seul-woo is at the steps to her home.  He starts running up them, as we see Tae-yang running across the bridge probably thinking the same thing Seul-woo is.  Tae-yang stops and is suddenly blinded by car headlights and turns away...  as we then see the Real Ga-on on the beach where her ashes were scattered, running and being generally happy.  She yells out for her mother, but stops short and then walks away dejected.  Oh darn, it's all a Crazy Mom nightmare again, as she wakes up in bed, clutches her stomach and cries out in pain.  And there's the end of Episode 20!!

PREVIEW:  No preview; just recapped scenes from Episode 20.


coming soon!

MERCY.  Sorry for the delay in posting this, folks.  Yesterday was the Day From Hell at work, and the Soompi Servers were not helping me out at all by constantly crashing and my recap was lost to the wind several times.  Add to that a slightly-corrupted download, and I had a recipe for EXTREME FRUSTRATION going on.  So here's the Teaser Picture for Episode 20 -- Tae-yang always tries soooo hard to keep his hyungs happy and not worried about their situation that I'm surprised he hasn't gone all ultra-extra-nuclear-ballistic on some of those jerkwads that are trying to bring him to his knees!!  AJA AJA AJA FIGHTING SINGSINGMEN!!


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Guest rainlistings

awww, yes, happy to see a fellow Cloud here too! I recognize your name from 625 blog, nice to see you here!!!!!! *hugs*

I hope that Seul Woo has a change of heart in the end, i want to like him! (maybe because he reminds me of Rain a bit? lol)

Does anyone know if they are ending with 20 eps for sure or continuing on for 24 eps???? I don't want it to end already :(

I am patiently waiting for Dramafever to sub this weeks eps but afraid it won't be available until the weekend again...thanks for catching us up in the meantime CherKell!!!

Thanks CherKell and semi fly... awww kwangvatar he's so adorable. So Seulwoo is turning into the bad guy helping the crazy evil mom as per their contract now in exchanged of his mom's bail.... tsk tsk tsk I don't think his mom would be delighted to know what he did in ecchange for her freedom. But just like any mom/dad who will do anything for their child, a child will do anything for his/her mom and dad too so I'm not blaming him....he just approached the wrong person, he could've asked help from Dan Bi's parents instead.

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