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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Hello FD's :) ,This is my tribute for DC's 1 yr. anniversary.....Actually I made an MV,  but it seems my net is so slow...So I'll share it to you later^^


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Here's one of the most epic proposal from WGM (IMO, although DC's the only couple I really watch. :) )


He's starts with one hand first, then...


...advances with two arms. That's right Teukie!! Hold her close to you!!!! Don't let her go!



LOL. :))  Sora's enjoying the Teuk-Embrace.


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Hi @huey. Thanks for sharing my fanfic here. I just interacted with you from the email and it is nice to see you here dear. 
For those who enjoyed and read my fanfic, thank you so much. I always update from time to time and I know @viyra, @dee15 and a few more are the regular visitor of my blog (http://teuksocouplefanfic.blogspot.com/). 
Please feel free to visit my blog even though i seldom or becoming a lurker here. I have so much to catch up with all of your conversation now and i don't think i want to come in the middle of it. But i will keep writing my imagination in fanfic-style in my blog eventhough WGM is ended. Because for me, this couple worth my ship, forever :)
Again thanks! ^^

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Sora's second trial to do a back hug. That's right Sora, give it your best!!




Teukie...were you trying to place your hands on Sora-ssi's? If so, you're a bit slow. LOL. If not, then you must felt ticklish, or should I say you feel "butterflies in your stomach" ? LOL.  =))

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Now how can we miss the New Year's Special? Here's Teukie trying to bring shy Sora into his embrace! But, I guess Sora's just a bit too shy and nervous that time. :))


Oh dear, my cheeks are going up up up...Hopefully, I don't lose them before I finish posting all the hugs. :P

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LOL. Now, our brotherly / jealous hug from when our DC just moved into their furnished Dimple House and FJ #3 came by to visit. Kekeke.


I guess no one can have any sort of skin contact with Sora when JEALOUS-TEUK is around. He won't let it happen even if it's his brothers. Geez...now I wonder how he would react if he saw Eunhyuk shaking/holding Sora's hand during her visit to their rehersal. Teukie might have been burning. LOL =))

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Ahhh!!! nice to be back home - in front of my computer.  I was so pissed last nite reading another article involving LeeTeuk and another girl - too bad my samsung galaxy won't coordinate with soompi - or vice versa.

Anyway, news like this would pop-up every now and then; why?  they are trying to disprove LeeTeuk's emotions/actions during the last episode of DC.  As we all know, LeeTeuk kept his promise to his wife, in episode 2, that he won't look at any other woman, from the time they got together until the time WGM said they have to go.  No news whatsoever from September 2011 through - his members or anywhere in the shows he's guesting or MCing ever joked about him flirting with other females (he knew the consequences if he did - he almost got thrown through the gutter while having lunch with Doryeonim #2).  So now, since WGM is over, it is time to continue portraying him as a distrustful person, most of all, a player.  People wanted to prove LeeTeuk was in a show when he hugged and kissed and wrote that letter to Kang Sora.  They wanted to kill that impression that was left by LeeTeuk and Sora from that last episode.  Let us not forget, it is not only us, loyal supporters, who are noticing their exchange of messages through twitter - those exchange of messages are quite obvious.

Not to dwell too much on that article, let me ask each and everyone of you some questions:

Do you think LeeTeuk would risk expressing his emotions and cry on national TV if he was doing it for the show?  Was LeeTeuk also doing it for the show when he appeared on another show, crying, while telling the whole world he had a sad family upbringing?  Do you really think LeeTeuk is stupid enough to want to lose the trust and admiration Sora's parents have for him?  The man-to-man talk LeeTeuk had with Sora's father, although done on national TV, was a real talk.  If it was done on the context of them being 'virtually married', Sora's father, who happens to be a jolly person, would joke about LeeTeuk and Sora's relationship as a 'virtual couple'.

To sum it all - SOMEONE HAS TO RIDE ON SOMEONE'S POPULARITY!  This article was written out of context - there must be more to what was written in the article - and knowing how media works, they cut and paste - even if they don't coordinate with the statements.  Let us not let this small article put a stain on our trust in our adorable Dimple Couple.  This is just one of the tests that would be coming their way - and there would be more, this time all about Sora since LeeTeuk would be gone.  My hope and prayer that they endure whatever hardship that would come their way will continue.

I got lots more to say but I have errands to run.  Thank you all for the non-stop efforts in trying to meet our goal of 1000 pages by September 30.  Whether or not we make it, the bottom lilne is - WE ALL TRIED - TOGETHER!

So a lot of Filipinos took over the board while I was away for a day and a half - SALAMAT - and as our saying goes - HALA BIRA!!

Will be back later - to spam - I can't believe I have to backread - 10 pages.

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How can we possibly miss out the hugs from Everland??? Here, we can see how amusingly violent a boyfriend can be when anyone who tries to come in contact with his woman without his permission. Yikes!! Teuk, if you're like that before you enter military as a normal soldier, what is going to become of you when you come back in 2 years??? LOL :)) STRONGER THAN EVER I GUESS!!! LOL. Be a MAN and protect your Baby Princess well!!



Now, if you think the boyfriend is amusingly violent...don't  underestimate the girlfriend! She can be just as tough and yet cute in her own way! :)




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This one here...how should I put it? Well, it is a hug right after we've seen a WEAK-TEUK on a ride, where he looked like a 40-yr-old man that's about to vomit during the thrill ride. LOL. Quickly leaning onto our Sora-ssi for support as his legs have become weak and his head a bit dizzy. LOL. Yikes Teukie! How are you going to handle your future twins when they want TEUK APPA to take them to amusement parks and play on the roller coaster rides??? =))


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How can we miss out on the Comfort Hug?? (Hi @witeku  :-h  )


I guess you always have to embrace her after you make her tear up on the Dimple Couch/Sofa. Teukie, just because you like to cry, you should not make Sora cry! Now, you better take to good care of her before and after your 2-yr enlistment. :-w 

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