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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest ary1004

akane_tran, ep 4 (angelsubs) not HD? i really want to download from angelsubs but it seems not HD video..*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*

i guess so...i've download both from dailymotion and vimeo but both are not HD :(

but still, since ep4 from kshownow is not HD either, i'll just keep the one from angelsbs ^^

anyway, bout the trending for DC 100th day, any idea on what should we trend? or we're going to stick with mine? (#FightingDimple for us and #DC100th for them ^^)

someone did suggest #TeuKang before (sorry i forgot who did ==")

any idea/comment/suggestion?

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Ahhh!! Finally home with wifi and a keyboard! OMG! I've missed my keyboard!! ^o^ The iPad's an awesome device but not very conducive for major typing so yes, so happy that I have a keyboard now. ^^

I want to thank EVERYBODY again for posting these last two weeks! Sincerely! I would have missed out SO MUCH if not for you guys so thank you from the bottom of my heart! Fighting Dimples JJANG!! ♥

Now, if you will all be so kind as to excuse me while I go on verbal diarrhea mode so that I can get most everything that I have pent up in my chest whilst reading over the last two weeks. I'm sorry if I fail to mention names of fellow DC-ers in this. It's two week's worth of info that needs outing and there are a little too many pages to scroll back and refer *yikes!*

Here goes, in no particular order:

The SSTP Call

I was in a cab traveling to the airport whilst watching this in the wee hours of the 23rd, and if it wasn't a confined space, I would have screamed and kicked my legs! I absolutely ADORED this because the call confirmed to the fangirl in me that TeukSo's good feelings towards each other is genuine! That and Number 3 really is the jealous one. Hitting the table twice aside, there TeukSo were making good use of the time-out that ShinDong gave them for themselves and out of the blue, 3 goes "Hyungsu-nim!" causing everything to stop. Aii!! DongHae ahhh!! *smacks hand for being a notti boy!*

But oh… The kind of happiness reflected on Teukkie's face when Sora called? Turning red aside, his whole mien was shining! He was literally GLOWING from being so happy!! And the yelp that he let out from being called 'Oppa' was hilarious!! LOL!!

Those that think that TeukSo fakes everything about each other on the show should really watch this. There are some emotions that cannot be simply played out on cue no matter how much talent it is that you have in acting, and IMO, the level of happiness that LeeTeuk radiates at the mere mention of Sora is one of those.


Reading his whiny tweets over preferring to work over having Christmas off made me feel a wee bit bad coz *cough* I was off on holiday myself. >_> But I agree wholeheartedly with the DC-er that said that he was looking for Sora's attention, so my first reaction when Sora tweeted about having to work over Christmas unlike most others was 'Damn!' coz it read like a response to his tweets Christmas tweets.

When Teukkie tweeted again after that on Christmas talking about going over to his mom's cafe, I was actually thinking that with the time that he used to whine, he should have just packed coffee and done a private set visit (sans all the extra WGM cameramen baggage) instead coz Sora loves a hot Americano and it's FREEZING this year!! Teukkie!! Brownie points opportunity!! Must not miss them!! ^^

MBC Gayo Daejun

I haven't actually watched much of the Gayo Daejun or the BTS stuff as yet, but from what I did watch, I wasn't particularly upset that TeukSo weren't talking that much to each other. Like someone said before, they were there to work and I'm happy that they are displaying professionalism that way.  Also, Teukkie's in his element when hosting a show. That Sora got to work with him in that capacity and watch him do what he does best up close, I think that experience itself will be quite precious if not educational for her coz she can learn more about him that way. I loved that Teukkie was always next to her and I would think that his presence itself was very reassuring for her, what with it being her first outing as an MC and at such a huge event too!

And I absolutely LOVE that it is not just Teukkie who is watching out for her, his brothers are obviously doing the same too. And I LOVE that that sort of caring is moving both ways coz she made the effort to get SungMin a cake! What KyuHyun said is true. Teukkie's not the only one privileged to receive love from Sora. They are ALL eligible coz she's their hyungsu-nim! ^o^

Btw, I agree that Teukkie washed SungMin's face in cake because of the bombs SungMin threw to deepen the already veeeeeeery deep grave that he started digging with his infamous loose mouth! The cake looked kinda homemade to me so it was quite a waste if she did put the cake together herself. Aii... Poor cake... =P

Fighting Junior's Blind Date

I am SOOOOOOO looking forward to this! I'm almost positive that Teukkie will take the chance to pay all four rascals back in their own coin for all the mischief that they conjured at his already very awkward first meeting with Sora! I'm also glad that this is happening outside of housewarming coz that gives us more opportunity for Fighting Junior pranks! I'm really curious as to how SiWon and YeSung will react to Sora and Teukkie's behavior in front of her.

DC's 100th Trending

#TeukKang100? Coz Teukkie wrote 'Teuk Kang' on the Gayo Dajeun tee so he should recognise the romanization of that. =P

We should probably tie up with the other pro-TeukSo fangroups as well on this so we can split up and go ask for retweets to spread the word once this is decided on. ^^

Off Topic : Contact Outside WGM

I vaguely remember some discussion about this somewhere in some of the back pages, so am just putting my own two cents worth.

I don't know what MBC's rules with regards to contact outside of WGM are and they might have changed over the years. But I have heard that couples are prohibited from contacting each other outside of WGM. But personally, I was a bit confused as to whether that rule was even enforced coz I followed Ssangchu and back then, I remember HyunJoong saying that he wanted to ask HwangBo out for supper after filming to get to know her better but she rushed off hence that fell through. So am thinking that from this we can probably infer that meeting up outside of WGM isn't prohibited (unless it was HyunJoong wanting to do things his own way again, then that's a different matter altogether. >_< )

That and the Ssangchu Couple had each other numbers from what I suspect is from their second meeting coz HwangBo saved HyunJoong's phone number as 'Walking Statue', a nickname which he shared with her during their second meeting which they never mentioned again after that point. When he texted her on her birthday and it came over as being from 'Walking Statue' she was a bit lost because she had forgotten that she had saved his number as such. So exchanging numbers probably isn't something that is prohibited as well.

Maybe they don't stop couples from interacting outside, just encourage them not to. And I think it is hard to enforce as well coz being in the same industry, paths will definitely cross from time to time and it is a bit unreasonable to say that 'No, you cannot interact' then when you obviously know the person and are supposed to be 'married' as it is. And WGM couples are almost always asked about their other halves outside of WGM or known to be 'married' outside of the programme.

Anyway, uri Park Param is obviously having the time of his life being openly attached and unavailable, so I shall continue to be amused and watch him bulldoze (fumble) his way through to a closer relationship with (Park) Sora!! ^^

(Shall post on my views on the WGM Special later!)

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Guest ASerEt

I agree with arienblurr that the trending for twitter we all can use "TeukKang" related names coz its what Leeteuk he himself wrote and sign off on the lastest MBC tee. And I think he will recognise what he have wrote :)

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Guest szillion

excl.gif Looks like the blind date of Bro #1 is Hyorin from Sistar. They are filming it at Kona Beans, SJ's mom's coffee shop. CR: @yhlee125 Sungmin's back at Kona Beans


@hellokittymao I think K-ELF reported is for WGM filming which I am not too surprise. Hyorin is filming Dream High with Sora so I think MBC is killing two birds with one stone.. such brilliant people.

I thought they were meeting with some newbies. Anyone thinks that we will see quite a few Dream High girls on Wgm? ;)

haha.... you feel my dilemna. I'm so glad we have ELF on here who can understand what ELF thoughts are. As an ELF, it's so hard to try and balance and not flood the place with Teukie goodies... That's mostly all I can find.. and I tried really hard to balance but it didn't work. Oh well, no matter anymore, I found the solution. It's too much trouble to try to balance thing so I'll just not balance at all and put it in the spoiler section... kkk. *inserts Teukie's self-please laughter*

@szillion I'm glad you're starting to go out of your lurk mode. ^^ And yes, this has been posted before but I'm sure plenty of people haven't seen it. There's so much material posted on here previously that people dont look at so it's always good to post because most probably, more than one person will be grateful for it. ^^

Sora is a true actress... a chameleon who can have so many different sides she can portray convincingly. This girl is one talented actress. Like teukie said, talents, good character, good piano playing, height (lol) and basically a whole package.

Lol... I did? I came out a bit ago but don't have time to write much. (Do I know you..?)

Anyway, I feel ya! I have to resist myself. ELF spirit is so hard to keep it down. (Though I feel many fans avoid calling themselves ELF, I am proudly one!! )

I really love sora as the wife of our leadershii. That is why I spent some time finding out about Sora-shii. She is gorgeous and quite talented. I love her body curves- she is not stick skinny as most korean celebrities are. Her legs are lean and nice, she has a nice bust, and a healthy lean figure. Though, I still feel some of her skirts are tiny! Why do girls wear so short skirts in Korea? Or is that a general thing with girls all over?

But then again..what do i know, I don't wear skirts much to begin with.

LOL. I am glad Teuki got a chance to meet this lady. She might not be his ideal partner (yes..especially the height part) but she sure captured his heart.

@szillion thanks for reposting Sora's CF ^-^ I saw this in the first few pages of the thread but it's great that you share it once more time ^v^

Gosh, she said she couldn't dance...but those move she made in the CF!!

and when she dance together in MBC Gayo with Teuk, Eunhyuk and Shindong, Leeteuk just need to slightly guide her and she could already follow them very well (if not because of her dress, I bet she would even surprise us)

she also said she is not good at playing piano but she also surprised us with Summer by Joe Hisaishi  and the soundtrack of Love Letter that Leeteuk asked her to play on the spot..she played it very well..

I wonder what kind of surprises she will give all of us (of course inclusive Leeteuk) in the next few episodes..

Can't wait for it ^_^

@FIGHTING DIMPLES Have a good day!! FIGHTO!!

Hehe.. You are very welcome. Thank you to YOU for taking the time to reply everyone! I am so not used to forums esp since there are too many things going on. And yes..I love the surprises she give us! I saw the guitar clip somebody posted. Does that mean she plays guitar too?

Sorry abit off topic. Just went look out for their Adidas shoes and it's almost $500! OMG!!!

I really understand how the ELFs love the SuJu members!

:blink: OMG... I Love SJ but I don't have THAT much money..Can never understand how rich some ELF are.(Btw, $500 is nothing in comparison with other gifts we have seen...)


What are the height difference of Teuki and Sora? ^_^ I can't really find Sora's height. She is shorter than him but I guess a little tall for Korean girls?

@hellokittymao Lol. Thanks for the height update. I guess when she is wearing heels, she would be quite tall.

AND I see @akane talked about the gifts from ELF part. LOL. She beat me to it! Though, I didn't know about the star named after us part?


GENERAL ADMIN-> spoiler tags

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I think we don't need to put everything in spoiler tags. Anything appropriate including individual news can be be out in public. It is a little annoying too having to open and close those tag. :)

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Guest ASerEt

Blind date for FJ #1 is Hyorin from sistar?! Really?? Omo... That's too weird coz I tot she used to be Leeteuk's 'wife' in Hello baby??

Or Sora plan this on purpose?? Lol to see his reaction... Or Hyorin is just visiting Sungmin as a friend?

If I'm not wrong... Think Teuk's height is 176 and Sora's is 168

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Guest ary1004

@hellokittymao reply

[warning. i want on a complete tangent about ELF and SUJU in the middle. sowie... ]

lol. you have NO IDEA.... 500$ is considered almost nothing in terms of how much presents super junior members gets for their birthday. It was the shoes, and many more presents, including sometimes, thousands of dollars to organizations in donation per each birthday per each member, from the major fanbases. This does not count presents from individual fans, as well as the minor fanbases. and of course all the presents with no money, but much thoughts like letters, fanvids, etc. etc.

Almost all super junior members have a star named after them (if not all... ive given up keeping track. lol. even ELF have a star named after us -___-"""")

and I think everybody probably knows already that super junior has 2 golden disks made of pure gold worth around 100 or 200 (forgot the sum) thousands of dollars donated from chinese fans only because of how sad gda 2010 was for all of us. SJ have said that they are thinking carefully of what organizations in China they could donate the disk back to. ([edit] you can STOP reading here. that's where I initially had planned to stop before going to lalaland and start a complete ramble like a crazy person. oops. no wonder some people think ELF are crazy, and fanatic. well some of us are, no doubt, but a lot of us are only dedicated and loyal, and very sincere about SJ. Start of out-of-nowhere ramble here:)

And you probably do think that it's a complete waste of money for ELF to spend this much. But in ELF mind, call ELF crazy if you want, super junior have proven and shown for 6 years that they are worth all the effort and caring from ELF, because they also give back to ELF so much joy, and loyalty, and enliven our days, which is something priceless. They've earned ELF respect and love throughout 6 years. And even though we are called EverLastingFriends, isn't a friendship with is everlasting as equal as the relationship we call family? So ELF (and I mean "true" ELF, not fans who call themselves ELF and who might leave SJ as they would leave a boyfriend they've quarrelled with or start disliking) love SJ in a similar way they would love their family members (well, with some unplatonic thoughts for some. >.<"" kkk).

Sure the relationship is uneven and rather tumultuous. Even though SJ loves and cares for us (just see the angry tweets for SBS gayo... they've never gotten mad before but they got mad because ELF were the ones who were cut out), ELF as a whole, they dont care for us individually. And even though we care and love them, we don't have any personal contact, and we don't really know who they really are after all, except through what can be seen on camera (whether from the media, or from fans) and what they allow for us to see. But... ELF have laughed because of Super Junior, laugh with Super Junior, cried with Super Junior, cried for Super Junior, and gone through many of the upsetting time with them, and fighting for them, and backing them up. Isn't that exactly how you would feel about a true friend? or family? Going through so many painful obstacles together, and still staying together after that, and still being able to hope and believe and continue towards our growth together? Super Junior on the other hand is also dependent on us, even though not individually, but as a whole. Without ELF, there would be no Super Junior, because what would Super Junior be reduced to, if without any interest from fans. When they were just a project group, we fought alongside with them, us by supporting them and petitioning, and them on shows, to make them into a permanent group. When they were not at the top, we didn't disappear, but stayed strong, and waited patiently for the time when we would grow. When they experienced hardship, or loneliness, or be too tired because of what they do as an idol, ELF would send them support, in the form of messages, and fan love, and other tangible forms of support which reflect our support, like presents, voting, and others... and it would help them continue to work hard throughout the years to gain attention, and become successful and prominent in all fields of entertainment.

Like leeteuk said in his MAMA's winning speech. Super Junior were just ugly ducklings. But they were loved ugly ducklings. Because those ugly ducklings had heart, and will and that touched ELF. And we believed them to be swans, until they really became the best of swans in the eyes of most countries internationally. So while they dont love us individually, they treasure ELF, because we gives them existence, are there with them, and treasure the name of Super Junior. And we love them, because they gives us the deepest emotions, be it joy or sorrow, and because they treasure each other like brothers, and treasure the name Super Junior as much as us, and think about Super Junior as much, if not more than about themselves individually, and by extension, treasure ELF, never forgetting to be considerate to ELF, and grateful to ELF.

The reason why ELF have such loyalty to Super Junior, is because the members themselves show loyalty to Super Junior. They might do individual activities, but they either do it as super junior, for super junior, or with super junior in their heart, and I'm including the "lost stars" members hangeng and kibum in this. No matter how many hardships are thrown at super junior, members still want to protect the name Super Junior, because they love each other since those are the brothers who fought along them the battle to stay alive in the industry, and with whom they are grateful for helping them be where they are, as Super Junior, and because they have fought to make the name exist beyond a mere 3 months, and defended that name many times subsequently, and have learned to understand the precious value of that name and not take it for granted. It makes it so much easier for fans to find reason to protect a group, if the object of our protection is able to understand the worthiness of that name, and are protecting it with us. This is what makes Super Junior, distinctive from many group (I'm not saying all groups). They have brotherhood (which alone, is not enough to sustain a group since many successful bands split-up, even though members are still close to each other), loyalty to the group (which alone is not enough to sustain a group either since many groups have sadly been forced to break up despite the fans and members' unwillingness to do so), and finally, have earned, through their hardwork, talent, character and heart, the love and respect and loyalty and unending support of their fans (which again, alone is not enough to sustain a group. Previous successful groups have split up before at their peak, to the heartbreak of their fans).

That's why ELF and Suju often say that ELF + SUJU = ONE. It's a bond that went through so much storm, and resisted it to grow only stronger, because when one side of that bond was threatened, it received protection from the other side, as well as support, joy and life from one side, and belief and love from the other. I'm not kidding myself into believing that Suju really care for any of us individually. And really, i dont expect it, much less require it of them. If they love anyone so easily, that love would be devalued. I defy anyone to love more than 30 people as much as a normal person would love 10 precious people, if they are lucky enough to have found those ten (ELF are lucky we have at least 15 ^^). It's impossible to love hundreds of thousands of fans the same way you would love your individual friends. It's enough that all their personal love is given to who is personally important to them, like family, super junior members, and friends.

People who dont understand why ELF love Suju, will of course don't understand what they call the childish, zealous, fanatic, extravagant, unworthy and irrational support, such as ELF giving importance to buying albums, or voting, or awards, etc. What they don't understand, is just as how you would want the best for your child, brother, boyfriend, friend, whatever, ELF want Super Junior to receive the best, as well as recognition for what they do, or at least, the full support from ELF to achieve that recognition. ELF want Super Junior to become successful, and have concrete evidence to show that success. ELF want Super Junior to know that they are still loved, and not forgotten. That we appreciate the music they do, that we are grateful for the precious memories they give us. That we love them and are still fighting with them towards that goal of protecting the name of Super Junior for as long as possible. Thus, we vote, buy albums, give them presents, give them support, etc while in return, we get the satisfaction of seeing them exist still, and seeing them as happy as they make us. Of course, in my personal opinion, sometimes I wished, even though we already do, that we spend a bit more time donating in Suju's name to some good cause. Sometimes, ELF even give more love and support to Super Junior than they give to some people they know, like family or friends. It's something sad if that actually happens, and should not be done if those people are actually ones who deserve ELF love. But it's not necessarily crazy, because unfortunately, for some, they receive much more from Super Junior than they ever have received from their friends, or even sadder, family, even though it lacks realness to it. It's actually something really precious to find friends with whom you can experience as much joy and memories with as ELF had with SJ and ELF family.

Of course, some ELF get carried away and take things too far, or cross the line and delusion themselves into confusing support and caring and love, with exclusive, unconditioned, and unreasonable harmful love. Just as Super Junior cannot love and care for ELF individually because you dont know them, ELF love might be true, but since it's towards people we don't know, it's only similar, not the same, as one you should feel for someone you're close with.

It's a twisted kind of love, certainly. But it is nonetheless something precious and to be grateful for.

What happens in the future is unknown. Even though my wish is for Super Junior to be a forever name, I dont really know when Super Junior will break up, and if their name will carry accross generations. I dont know if the strong bond we have here can survive future hardships. What I'm telling here, is the story of why super junior is at the position they are today, due to themselves and to ELF, and why ELF have given for 6 years so much love, and support to Super Junior, with no apparent decline, but rather increase, in intensity for now.

akane~~ you make me cried T.T


regarding their heigh - as far as i know, teuk's was about 176-178 and teuk mention in their first episode that sora's is 168...so their difference is about 10 cm?

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@hellokittymao reply

[warning. i want on a complete tangent about ELF and SUJU in the middle. sowie... ]

lol. you have NO IDEA.... 500$ is considered almost nothing in terms of how much presents super junior members gets for their birthday. It was the shoes, and many more presents, including sometimes, thousands of dollars to organizations in donation per each birthday per each member, from the major fanbases. This does not count presents from individual fans, as well as the minor fanbases. and of course all the presents with no money, but much thoughts like letters, fanvids, etc. etc.

Almost all super junior members have a star named after them (if not all... ive given up keeping track. lol. even ELF have a star named after us -___-"""")

and I think everybody probably knows already that super junior has 2 golden disks made of pure gold worth around 100 or 200 (forgot the sum) thousands of dollars donated from chinese fans only because of how sad gda 2010 was for all of us. SJ have said that they are thinking carefully of what organizations in China they could donate the disk back to. ([edit] you can STOP reading here. that's where I initially had planned to stop before going to lalaland and start a complete ramble like a crazy person. oops. no wonder some people think ELF are crazy, and fanatic. well some of us are, no doubt, but a lot of us are only dedicated and loyal, and very sincere about SJ. Start of out-of-nowhere ramble here:)

And you probably do think that it's a complete waste of money for ELF to spend this much. But in ELF mind, call ELF crazy if you want, super junior have proven and shown for 6 years that they are worth all the effort and caring from ELF, because they also give back to ELF so much joy, and loyalty, and enliven our days, which is something priceless. They've earned ELF respect and love throughout 6 years. And even though we are called EverLastingFriends, isn't a friendship with is everlasting as equal as the relationship we call family? So ELF (and I mean "true" ELF, not fans who call themselves ELF and who might leave SJ as they would leave a boyfriend they've quarrelled with or start disliking) love SJ in a similar way they would love their family members (well, with some unplatonic thoughts for some. >.<"" kkk).

Sure the relationship is uneven and rather tumultuous. Even though SJ loves and cares for us (just see the angry tweets for SBS gayo... they've never gotten mad before but they got mad because ELF were the ones who were cut out), ELF as a whole, they dont care for us individually. And even though we care and love them, we don't have any personal contact, and we don't really know who they really are after all, except through what can be seen on camera (whether from the media, or from fans) and what they allow for us to see. But... ELF have laughed because of Super Junior, laugh with Super Junior, cried with Super Junior, cried for Super Junior, and gone through many of the upsetting time with them, and fighting for them, and backing them up. Isn't that exactly how you would feel about a true friend? or family? Going through so many painful obstacles together, and still staying together after that, and still being able to hope and believe and continue towards our growth together? Super Junior on the other hand is also dependent on us, even though not individually, but as a whole. Without ELF, there would be no Super Junior, because what would Super Junior be reduced to, if without any interest from fans. When they were just a project group, we fought alongside with them, us by supporting them and petitioning, and them on shows, to make them into a permanent group. When they were not at the top, we didn't disappear, but stayed strong, and waited patiently for the time when we would grow. When they experienced hardship, or loneliness, or be too tired because of what they do as an idol, ELF would send them support, in the form of messages, and fan love, and other tangible forms of support which reflect our support, like presents, voting, and others... and it would help them continue to work hard throughout the years to gain attention, and become successful and prominent in all fields of entertainment.

Like leeteuk said in his MAMA's winning speech. Super Junior were just ugly ducklings. But they were loved ugly ducklings. Because those ugly ducklings had heart, and will and that touched ELF. And we believed them to be swans, until they really became the best of swans in the eyes of most countries internationally. So while they dont love us individually, they treasure ELF, because we gives them existence, are there with them, and treasure the name of Super Junior. And we love them, because they gives us the deepest emotions, be it joy or sorrow, and because they treasure each other like brothers, and treasure the name Super Junior as much as us, and think about Super Junior as much, if not more than about themselves individually, and by extension, treasure ELF, never forgetting to be considerate to ELF, and grateful to ELF.

The reason why ELF have such loyalty to Super Junior, is because the members themselves show loyalty to Super Junior. They might do individual activities, but they either do it as super junior, for super junior, or with super junior in their heart, and I'm including the "lost stars" members hangeng and kibum in this. No matter how many hardships are thrown at super junior, members still want to protect the name Super Junior, because they love each other since those are the brothers who fought along them the battle to stay alive in the industry, and with whom they are grateful for helping them be where they are, as Super Junior, and because they have fought to make the name exist beyond a mere 3 months, and defended that name many times subsequently, and have learned to understand the precious value of that name and not take it for granted. It makes it so much easier for fans to find reason to protect a group, if the object of our protection is able to understand the worthiness of that name, and are protecting it with us. This is what makes Super Junior, distinctive from many group (I'm not saying all groups). They have brotherhood (which alone, is not enough to sustain a group since many successful bands split-up, even though members are still close to each other), loyalty to the group (which alone is not enough to sustain a group either since many groups have sadly been forced to break up despite the fans and members' unwillingness to do so), and finally, have earned, through their hardwork, talent, character and heart, the love and respect and loyalty and unending support of their fans (which again, alone is not enough to sustain a group. Previous successful groups have split up before at their peak, to the heartbreak of their fans).

That's why ELF and Suju often say that ELF + SUJU = ONE. It's a bond that went through so much storm, and resisted it to grow only stronger, because when one side of that bond was threatened, it received protection from the other side, as well as support, joy and life from one side, and belief and love from the other. I'm not kidding myself into believing that Suju really care for any of us individually. And really, i dont expect it, much less require it of them. If they love anyone so easily, that love would be devalued. I defy anyone to love more than 30 people as much as a normal person would love 10 precious people, if they are lucky enough to have found those ten (ELF are lucky we have at least 15 ^^). It's impossible to love hundreds of thousands of fans the same way you would love your individual friends. It's enough that all their personal love is given to who is personally important to them, like family, super junior members, and friends.

People who dont understand why ELF love Suju, will of course don't understand what they call the childish, zealous, fanatic, extravagant, unworthy and irrational support, such as ELF giving importance to buying albums, or voting, or awards, etc. What they don't understand, is just as how you would want the best for your child, brother, boyfriend, friend, whatever, ELF want Super Junior to receive the best, as well as recognition for what they do, or at least, the full support from ELF to achieve that recognition. ELF want Super Junior to become successful, and have concrete evidence to show that success. ELF want Super Junior to know that they are still loved, and not forgotten. That we appreciate the music they do, that we are grateful for the precious memories they give us. That we love them and are still fighting with them towards that goal of protecting the name of Super Junior for as long as possible. Thus, we vote, buy albums, give them presents, give them support, etc while in return, we get the satisfaction of seeing them exist still, and seeing them as happy as they make us. Of course, in my personal opinion, sometimes I wished, even though we already do, that we spend a bit more time donating in Suju's name to some good cause. Sometimes, ELF even give more love and support to Super Junior than they give to some people they know, like family or friends. It's something sad if that actually happens, and should not be done if those people are actually ones who deserve ELF love. But it's not necessarily crazy, because unfortunately, for some, they receive much more from Super Junior than they ever have received from their friends, or even sadder, family, even though it lacks realness to it. It's actually something really precious to find friends with whom you can experience as much joy and memories with as ELF had with SJ and ELF family.

Of course, some ELF get carried away and take things too far, or cross the line and delusion themselves into confusing support and caring and love, with exclusive, unconditioned, and unreasonable harmful love. Just as Super Junior cannot love and care for ELF individually because you dont know them, ELF love might be true, but since it's towards people we don't know, it's only similar, not the same, as one you should feel for someone you're close with.

It's a twisted kind of love, certainly. But it is nonetheless something precious and to be grateful for.

What happens in the future is unknown. Even though my wish is for Super Junior to be a forever name, I dont really know when Super Junior will break up, and if their name will carry accross generations. I dont know if the strong bond we have here can survive future hardships. What I'm telling here, is the story of why super junior is at the position they are today, due to themselves and to ELF, and why ELF have given for 6 years so much love, and support to Super Junior, with no apparent decline, but rather increase, in intensity for now.

Every end of their speech in group or individual, they will shout we are super junior proudly. Thank akane_trans. I like ur explanation. love ELF toward SUJU unbelievable and unstoppable. they take care their fans more than themselves. Love them more.

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Credit: SuperJunior爱上LG

Being en ELF is like KYU said " you don't need to be ELF since beginning you just need to ELF until the end"

And about their blind date if Hyorin is partner with Sungmin, so who's girl would be partner with Eunhyuk, Donghae and Kyuhyun.

And i think this blind episode would be airing next month (where Leeteuk busy with SS4)

Can't imagine how tired he is next month cause SS4 Taiwan is held in 4 days in a row (even i'm proud and happy for TW-ELF, i'm worry too about Suju member health. But I believe ELF would be take care of them)

I read in some page (i forget from where) that SS4 would be finish maybe in 3rd quarter of 2012 due to their high demand SS4 in many country.

If this really happen i hope we can celebrate our couple anniversary.

Sorry i'm not share anything in here

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Guest ary1004

uh.... that's not a bad thing right? I didn't intend to upset you....

ELF <3 and hugs.

@bulkgoguma lol. i enjoy sharing... but i have also been enjoying for years while just lurking... oh well, its going to be sometimes in the future so we'll see.

@lallinachan lol. i didnt consciously know... i just go on overdrive when it concerns suju and end up wanting to talk and share more about them. lol. but glad you liked what i shared. ^^ I know you're thiking about becoming an ELF. but really, dont think about it. just like how you dont make a cool headed decision about who ou become friend with, or love, you just BECOME elf.. it's not something you can plan or fight if it's meant to happen. and if it's not meant, then calling yourself ELF without long term commitment or rising up to the name might just be a waste of your time, and will upset both ELF, and yourself. It'll be something constricting. I've seen plenty of ELF before leave the fandom because of their expectations towards SJ or ELF not being met. So just let it be. love and respect and commitment and loyalty is something that just comes because it's earned with time and observations. If those are strong enough, it will overshadow any disappointment you might have. You dont have to call yourself an ELF to actually care and support for suju. Just as you can call yourself ELF all you want in name, but not get the meaningful experience that goes with it. So my advice. Just let it happen if it will. ^^

noooooo..dont get me wrong...i didnt say it in a bad manner :)...reading your post, as an ELF, i'm touched...a hard one ^^..BIG HUGS~~

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Guest szillion

Fighting Junior's dates

excl.gif More photos! via @13elieveSG

PIC 120105 KONABEANS - Sungmin and SISTAR's Hyorin filming WGM! (via:@yuka07071980, via @SMTownEngSub)

Hehe. I replied on top but just wanted to comment more bout Hyorin. @hellokittymao

...the K-idols relationship is really screwy. LOL. She was his son's first mother! but then again, she wasn't really his wife. The show is over so I guess is not too weird that she will be dating brother in law #1.

Can't wait..

Just some thoughts. Teuki had stated that he wants to be in relationship and he is getting older!(seen his latest eat age/bbq tweets? LOL While many ELF support him, I do wonder if it would be the same with Fighting Junior- esp Donghae and Kyuhyun. The two have some possessive fans..from what I know. Sigh.Hope Sora found them good dates! Good luck to the girls.

@akane I love how you always go tangent with SuJU + ELF. I guess I am slowly sucked into this Teuksora's black hole so I tend to write more! ;)

Btw, was there really a star for ELF?

@zettyliyana Indeed,SJ always say uri-super junior-OR proudly even if it is in entertainment/acting awards/solo event.

I was thinking about how their house would be like so I went back to their earlier show. One can see Teuki's dorm room from there. Here is the link to the beginning- thought I will share with Fighting Dimples! SUJU DORM

I love when that ahjumma came in....SHOES everywhere!!


Schedule Thought it would be nice to know our DC's schedule. I know a few of Teuki but I am guessing Sora's going to be busy with filming?




11 GDA awards Kyocera Dome Osaka, Japan


2-5 Super Show 4 Taiwan

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Guest ASerEt

Woah! @ akane_tran

That was a long detailed piece of information...

And I really respect all the ELFs and die hard fans of all idols out there! Kudos to them!

And sometimes I think they all did a much better job than all those paid reporters!

I understand that $500 is really nothing coz of the huge fan base, u only need 500 fans to contribute $1 each! And now we are not talking about hundreds of fans but SuJu is a well establish group with thousands and millions of fans worldwide!

But I think the most important is the thoughts and sincerity that counts.

Really kudos to all ELFs and SuJu members!

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Guest ASerEt

Fighting Junior's dates

Hehe. I replied on top but just wanted to comment more bout Hyorin. @hellokittymao

...the K-idols relationship is really screwy now. LOL. She was his son's first mother! but then again, she wasn't really his wife. The show is over so now she is dating brother in law #1.

Can't wait..

Just some thoughts. Teuki had stated that he wants to be in relationship and he is getting older!(seen his latest eat age/bbq tweets? LOL While many ELF support him, I do wonder if it would be the same with Fighting Junior- esp Donghae and Kyuhyun. The two have some possessive fans..from what I know. Sigh.Hope Sora found them good dates! Good luck to the girls.

@akane I love how you always go tangent with SuJU + ELF. I guess I am slowly sucked into this Teuksora's black hole so I tend to write more! ;)

Btw, was there really a star for ELF?


Indeed,SJ always say uri-super junior-OR proudly even if it is in entertainment/acting awards/solo event.

I was thinking about how their house would be like so I went back to their earlier show. One can see Teuki's dorm room from there. Here is the link to the beginning- thought I will share with Fighting Dimples! SUJU DORM

I love when that ahjumma came in....SHOES everywhere!!

Sorry might be a little off topic again... But regarding Donghae and Sungmin, although I'm not an ELF, I think Sungmin have been wearing a silver ring on his forth finger since the very beginning of their debut. And Donghae was oso seen wearing a silver ring on his forth finger at some recent occasion... Don't know whether these two handsome boys are already attached and only ELFs can give us clearer answers :) but again I'm sorry if it's not related to DC...


On ep 9 where Sora went to their rehearsal and meet up the fighting juniors. It seems like only Eunhyuk is the one very excited about the idea of blind dates... I'm not sure is it only me... As Donghae and Sungmin looks more quiet about it.

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Guest alisonlye

hmm.. if the blind date was in Kona Beans. (SJs' Moms cafe) then doesn't it mean that Sora already met the mother in law?

Sorry for topping page 98 without sharing anything!!

edit: Sora is getting sick..

Her earlier tweet translation : “I’m in the beginning stage of a sore throat due to cold. I will keep silent for the exception of speaking my lines!”


Credit to Kpopfever

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