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[Drama 2011] A Thousand Days' Promise 천일의 약속


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TRAN, I agree with you totally..!

And that is what we saw in a Moment to Remember too...

The emphasis should be exactly as you say - on his love for her, and caring of her..

I haven't watch A Moment to Remember yet, so I don't know anything about that movie. But I've been reading and this drama has been comparing with A Moment To Remember. I'm afraid if they have the same sort of ending, wouldn't it be accused of copy cat? That's a worry! ... My dream is broken again?!

Thank you 71e^^ for the new BTS pics ------ haha .... the baby daughter of 'Ji Hyeong + Seo Yeon' ---- lovely ~~ :wub::D

O.... the pics show 3 stages of growing up for the baby .... wondering how the ending is gonna be ... ??? HOPEfully its not a tragic ending ....

RaeWon looks so loving & comfy holding the baby .... Adorable ~~~ :lol:

*quoted image*

Couple pajamas ~~~ :D :D

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*


Hey Middy, what about their couple T'shirt? ... :D

Thanks Baduy for the explainations!

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The reason why I try to translate and post the lines of poetry recited in this drama before the subbers get their hands on them is to cushion to effect of subs like those. I'm not over-impressed even by the WITHS2 efforts at poetry translation so far, but at least the WITHS2 subbers know what the basic words mean. The DF subbers all too often don't.

I already translated in an earlier posting the lines which have been garbled into these subs, so people can find them there, but it's unfortunate to see subs which would be better passed over and quickly forgotten being preserved so prominently in those screenshots.

There is no "snowy white field" in the Korean here. Failing to recognize the common word 달[이] = "moon", the subber has to invent a covering of snow to account for the fact that the "fields" are said to be "pallid", "wan" or "pale", when that is actually the effect of the moonlight. Failure to spot the moon leads to further desperate inventions in the next line. With the moon vaporized, the word "above" the fields (which is where the moon is) makes no sense, so the subber invents out of nowhere a "bridge" to give the poet a spurious elevated standpoint and hangs that adjective "cool", "chill", which actually belongs to the vanished moon, on to this fabricated "bridge". And since the object "we" are looking at (= that selfsame moon) isn't there in the subber's version, the subber resorts to the nonsensical "we will watch you smile". Need I say that the "smile" is yet another item of lost property actually belonging to the moon? The really bad thing about this particular bit of the mistranslation is that it introduces a non-existent third party alongside the poet to explain the "we" are who supposedly watching "you" smile (either that, or we're tempted to form an incongruous image of one of the couple smiling at herself in a make-up mirror while the poet peers over her shoulder).

Even things that are verbally correct ride roughshod over the poetry. In the subs we have "We will rest" twice, but that stands for two quite distinct expressions in both the original German and the Korean translation, first the simple "ruhen" and then "haben wir Ruh" where the latter has the additional connotation in German of "our troubles will be over", not present in the first formulation. It's a difficult thing to get across into Korean, but the translator SY is quoting does a good job, using a form of 쉬게 되다 (literally: to be become restful) for the first and 쉴 테니 (roughly: will be able to rest). But the subber ignores the distinction and settles for the exact same phrase twice.

"Two small crosses of ours" is characteristic of the sort of thing that most riles me about drama subbers. The Korean, like the German, says "our two small crosses". Why not keep it that way? Of course, such questions arouse the wrath of the clever-clogs who like to boss their way around fan-subbing sites, and scream blue murder if anyone (e.g. me) dares to correct the English idiom of their subs into something that they claim "means the same" as their original. But in English "a thingy of mine" implies "I have several thingies, and this happens to be one of them". It's the (big) difference between "He is my friend" and "He's a friend of mine". Since the "small crosses" here are plainly grave markers (or maybe even that wasn't plain to the subber in their self-created moonless darkness) it's absurd to make this the equivalent of "two gravestones of ours" as though this was a couple of wayfarers who shlepped multiple burial crosses around with them in their rucksacks and deposited them here and there instead of carving "We wuz here" on tree trunks.

These small crosses, by the way, will stand, not "in the middle of the road" as our subber would have it, but "by the roadside". I sincerely hope the subber knows the difference between those two expressions in real life, if not in Korean vocabulary. Otherwise they'd better not venture out of doors, and especially not on to Korean streets with their madcap drivers.

But the final blow to the poem is inflicted by translating the last line as "Rain, snow, and wind will come by" making the elements sound like chums who'll pop in far a chat and a cup of tea from time to time. But there's nothing so cozy about the tone of the original, which is one of wearily resigned, though unresentful, desolation. Around these small roadside crosses, it will rain, it will snow, the wind will blow up and die down again. And so on, for ever.

Admittedly, when these lines are travestied in such a way, it's not at all plain why SY would be reciting them. But when the poem is properly understood, the way she recites it follows on smoothly from JH's voiceover immediately preceding it, where he notes how SY is slowly losing her grip on life, leaving some everyday tasks half done, while not taking on others at all. And, in yet another glimpse of the running thread of SY's pride, which is the source of both her dignity and her vulnerability in so many spheres, he surmises that the reason she is taking on less and less is that she prefers to give up trying altogether rather than try and risk failing. The poem expresses an emotion very common in German lyric poetry of all periods, a mood called "Lebensmüdigkeit" or "world-weariness", which merges into "Todessehnsucht" or "longing for death". It's a sort of bleak midwinter version of Robert Frost's more autumnally mellow-toned

For I have had too much

Of apple-picking: I am overtired

Of the great harvest I myself desired.

Of course, in this many-layered drama, there's more to it than that. As before, SY is reciting poetry partly to exercise and test her memory. She recalls the whole poem correctly, but only after two hesitations and restarts: before long, as I already commented, we will see her competely unable to finish another poem she had been able to recite on an earlier occasion. And as such, this is a sign of her still not being willing just to accept her fate without a struggle (so there's a poignant contrast between the purpose of the recitation and its content).

And one further thing. Regularly reciting poetry to their unborn offspring has become something of a fad among middle-class Korean mothers-to-be, and it's a practice advised in various popular ante-natal handbooks. Only a couple of weeks ago one of the countless "health and well-being" programs on Korean radio was entirely devoted to this topic. One of the reasons given by experts advocating this practice is the very typically Korean one that if children have the contents of high school anthologies drummed into them while already in the womb, they will have a head start in the rote-learning of poetry they'll be obliged to do later. SY may fear that she will never be able to be a properly loving mother to her child, but at least she can attempt to up its school Literature grades.

Thank you, baduy... I have loved to hear Korean poetry in drama with Kim Rae won, ever since I heard him recite that poem in "Life is Beautiful"... I went crazy looking for that poem and finding out the poet and the translation....

Of course, everything you say make sense.. and that feeling of desolation is what I felt based on the mood and the acting..

What are WITHS2? I mean which site are you referring to?

You did such a great job in giving us the feeling in that scene.. Thank you for that...


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OK, I've decided not to watch the ending. I've no confidence. I care too much for this drama and there's a chance that the ending is going to ruin my Christmas time. So I've promised myself to stay away from this thread and Dramabeans until after Christmas. I'm weak!

To every one who has ever visited this thread. Love, hate, like, don't like. Please please please write something. Leave your mark with this thread!

So ...



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Thousand Days Promise English Sub Episode 17 & 18

*quoted image*

Episode 17 [Download]

Episode 18 [Download]

by Drama Fever

Finally.... BalonlarKucuk11.gif

I just finished watching it last night.. Seems like they take longer to give them to us.... ouch... :w00t:

Thank you, 71e :)

Here is a lovely new video of the drama, created by Chuan from MIR. avatar826835_2.gif?coremetrics=gemius.

Watch it on YouTube.

Gorgeous video by Chuan from MIR

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Guest saladyum

Why would they want to free JiHyung? Isn't this story is about pure love of a man to his love? (If Seoyeon is his love? After reading CutieJamaican's comments, I'm a bit confused. But let's assume Seoyeon is his love.) We will understand that he cannot care for her 24hr, so put her in the institution, she will die eventually in a few years time, by then he will be free, but while she's still alive, why not prove that his love is pure? Visit her at the institution with his daughter, spending time together even though she would probably don't remember them, but it's OK. He knows who she is, show his love. That's what I reckon should be.



How should JiHyung show his love? In the next two episodes I would like to see ....

He should give her food, bath her, tuck her in bed, read to her, telling her about his daily work, even if she doesn't recognize him. or reciprocate, and eventually she will be institutionalized, and before she's dying she suddenly remember him, all the love she has for him and him for her. Looking at him and her daughter for the last time, then JiHyung cries his heart out.

--- THE END ---

Could you explain a bit more about pure love? An online source also mentioned "Jihyung's pure love", I'm curious and would like to know its meaning since then.

Different people see things differently, so I'm not trying to change your views, or anything like that. Following is just my 2 cents, sharing it with those who, like me, love TDP.

As for me, Jihyung has been showing his love to Seo Yeon in the most dedicated way imaginable, from the time he decided to cancel his wedding with Hyang Gi until now (ep 18). Where lies the dedication? I think it's in his change.

For me, Jihyung is the character with the most profound change since the beginning of TDP.

In the beginning, Jihyung was an indecisive man (couldn't decide who he loves more, what he wants, if he could cope with life), a pampered son (who studied as long as he wished, graduated and easily found a job, said a few words and had anything and everything provided - be it coffee, wine, orange juice, vacations, or big sums of investment for his own business from parents, etc), a guy who lived his days in a recklessly wasteful way, who was not satisfied with what life was giving him, couldn't do what he wanted to do so had to resort to doing it secretly behind everyone (except SY)'s back.

Now, he's changed. He knows what his priority is, and single-mindedly protecting it. He's not only coping with life, he's taking quite good control of it - he's even multi-tasking: take care of a sick and expecting wife, plus work well enough to win an important project. He continues to be a loving son, but no longer a pampered one. He's co-living with SY's brother. He lives cherishing each and every minute he has with SY. He doesn't ask too much from life or heaven, instead, he puts in his utmost efforts to protect what he's having. No hiding any more, he lives honestly, earnestly.

For me Kim Rae-won is portraying Jihyung beautifully. Kim Rae-won has this warmth that's so natural and makes people want to rely on him. While acting as Jihyung, it looks like he's holding back a lot. He could choose to act out more - for example, let his laughter be louder, let his voice be more relaxed, let his eyes linger on SY more lovingly, let his action be more attentive towards SY and aunt and whoever, etc. Rae-won is surely capable of all these. But if he did so, that would seem quite at odds with his situation. Jihyung is not one who can freely enjoy life. He's got loads to worry about. On top of that, or under all that, he's still feeling guilty - for wasting time before, for wronging HyangGi and parents, for not being certain if what he's doing makes SY happy, etc. And the fear: what would become of him once SY left. I feel the way Rae-won portrays Jihyung gives this character more layers.

One more thing I'd like to add, about how should JiHyung show his love.

There's this one scene in their honeymoon, after SY threw up at the sushi restaurant and they had to come back to hotel earlier without having lunch (I think it's lunch, correct me if I'm wrong).

When they got to their room, Jihyung ordered food, remembered to have it come with a special drink for wife's disease. He waited for wife to come out from the restroom. Wife spent quite a while there (she found out about pregnancy), so Jihyung read a random newspaper. Wife came out, but they did not start lunch, because he needed to go stop water tap in the restroom (wife forgot). When both finally sat at the table, wife said she felt cold. So JH got up to fetch her a warm cloth. Right then, wife found out she had not called her brother. So JH waited for her to make the call. When the call was done, wife agonized over totally forgetting her brother. So JH came to hug her calm. All this while none of the food was touched.

I'm sorry I have an obsession with food, but the point here is that, this scene suggests what JH will need to do everyday to take care of his wife. Seeing him walking back and forth to get this and that, and waiting around, it's quite obvious my Rae-won Jihyung is deeply committed.


To explain why I think that misses what this scene is about, amd how it ties in with SY's reflections after meeting her mother, I need to translate the actual dialogue

SY: I met up with our Mom. Auntie knows where she lives. If you ever want to see her...

MK: Forget it. I've no intention of doing that. Why should I want to know someone who's meant nothing to me, ever? I don't want any emotional complications. I'm fine with how things are.

SY: But some time in the future... a long time in the future... maybe at that time far ahead, you may be the only person left she can turn to. Don't reject her. Don't leave her helpless in her old age.

MK: I don't care about her.

SY: Whatever else, remember she brought us into the world.

MK: I don't need her.

SY: This is my dying wish.

MK: How can you say such a thing? What's gotten into you?

SY: You'll be the only child she has left.

MK: But she's nothing to me, I tell you.

SY: You're a good-hearted man.

MK: Ah, but I'm not.

SY: Let's leave things there. I can put it out of my mind now.

The essential point here is not that she thinks "he might have reason to see [their mother]". Quite the contrary, she's reminding him that one day their mother might have a very good reason to want to see him, namely that she's destitute and alone in her old age and has no-one else she can approach. She's not "giving him the okay to want to see Mom anyway". She's warning him that some day their mother may approach him needing help, and she's telling him it's her dying wish that if that happens, whatever his own feelings may be, she wants him not to turn their mother away if she asks for such help. When she says he's "good hearted" she's saying she knows that if that day comes, he'll act as she wants him to, despite what he says now. That's why she's confident she can let the matter drop, sure that if for one reason or another their mother decides to swallow her pride and turn to her son for help, he will not turn his back.

Thank you for your translation, and especially the last paragraph. That's exactly the explanation I was looking for. I missed the connection between SY and her mother, that mother-daughter resemblance regardless of time apart, situation and closeness. It all makes sense now.

The part I think you're referring to starts with JH reflecting that since their visit to his parents, SY's mood and attitude have improved a lot. She no longer keeps crying in the middle of the night, she's sticking at the housework (unlike his earlier worries that she was letting herself and everything slip), remembering to take her drugs, keeping up her exercise routine, making sure she eats what's best for the baby, making no more mention of HG, and, most encouraging of all, she's started to talk about what they'll do after the baby is born, taking it for walks in the park in the Springtime and so on. Then he continues, in what I think is the passage you were puzzling over a bit: "Seeing these improvements in her, my heart is overflowing with gratitude. Though neither of us dare show our inmost feelings [he means: he knows she has to put on a brave show for him, just as he is putting on a brave show for her] I'm just so thankful we can be there for each other and smile and hold each other."

Yes, this is the part I was looking for clarification. Thank you.

OK, I've decided not to watch the ending. I've no confidence. I care too much for this drama and there's a chance that the ending is going to ruin my Christmas time. So I've promised myself to stay away from this thread and Dramabeans until after Christmas.

TRAN, you'll be missed! Anyway, wishing the same to you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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OK, I've decided not to watch the ending. I've no confidence. I care too much for this drama and there's a chance that the ending is going to ruin my Christmas time. So I've promised myself to stay away from this thread and Dramabeans until after Christmas. I'm weak!

To every one who has ever visited this thread. Love, hate, like, don't like. Please please please write something. Leave your mark with this thread!

So ...



TRAN - I have been avoiding Dramabeans too... I will read all that they have to say after I finish viewing the whole drama and thinking about it.. Like you - I love this drama....

You will be missed.... Wishing you wonderful holidays.. and hope you come back here soon..


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Hohoho ~~ everyone ^O^~~

Have a Merry Merry X'mas week ~~~~~ Hope this drama & its ratings end merrily too ~~~~ ea987218.gif

:D Today news 12/19 ------

‘천일의 약속’ 김래원 품에 안기면 아이 울음도 뚝? ‘아빠 향기 물씬’



here some interesting related tibits .....

chikas_pink53.gif credit: rae沅 / baidu KRW for info & caps


This is the baby girl who plays Rae Won's daughter .... her mom has posted on a blog about the shooting on the 12th .....


she took a short video of Rae Won holding the baby .... such a loving, caring papa look .... :wub::D


Rae Won looks happy with the baby girl..... myAvatar_17001958_2.gif

這是演來沅女兒,媽媽上傳了.. 12日拍戲情形…







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Episode 19 preview .... O.... do hope the outcome will not be what it seemingly show us in the preview ..... :(












credit chuan / raewonisland


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URG, get over it sweetie.

You seem to be assuming that the meetings in this episode are on HG's initiative,. Far from it. In the opening scene, it's JH who who has called HG out to their meeting in a cafe. They haven't been in touch for many months, and she admits she was very surprised to get his request to meet up. With obvious reluctance and unease, JH finally gets round to telling her what the meeting is for. He has a favor to ask her. SY very much wants to meet her and has asked him to arrange it, though she hasn't told him why. He tentatively suggests that SY may want to apologize to HG for coming between her and JH. HG thinks that explanation makes no sense, and implies that JH must surely agree. He replies that whatever he may think of the idea himself, he feels he has to do his best to meet SY's wishes in every way he can, and this meeting is something she clearly wants very badly, so he felt obliged to pass her request on to HG and hope she can comply with it,

Anyone who doesn't approve of the writer bringing HG to the fore again like this had probably better stop watching the drama right now, because they'll find what SY has to say to HG when the meeting eventually takes place in the last sections of the episode too much to take.

But I hope people who don't understand Korean won't start chucking brickbats at the writer when, by definition, a large proportion of the writer's skill, and hence the drama's complexity, is beyond their grasp at present, and it will remain so until a more adequate set of subtitles for the full drama is available.

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You seem to be assuming that  the meetings in this episode are on HG's initiative,. Far from it. In the opening scene, it's JH who who has called HG out to their meeting in a cafe. They haven't been in touch for many months, and she admits she was very surprised to get his request to meet up. With obvious reluctance and unease, JH finally gets round to telling her what the meeting is for. He has a favor to ask her. SY very much wants to meet her and has asked him to arrange it, though she hasn't told him why. He tentatively suggests that SY may want to apologize to HG for coming between her and JH. HG thinks that explanation makes no sense, and implies that JH must surely agree. He replies that whatever he may think of the idea himself, he feels he has to do his best to meet SY's wishes in every way he can, and this meeting is something she clearly wants very badly, so he felt obliged to pass her request on to HG and hope she can comply with it,

Anyone who doesn't approve of the writer bringing HG to the fore again like this had probably better stop watching the drama right now, because they'll find what SY has to say to HG when the meeting eventually takes place in the last sections of the episode too much to take.

But I hope people who don't understand Korean won't start chucking brickbats at the writer when, by definition, a large proportion of the writer's skill, and hence the drama's complexity, is beyond their grasp at present, and it will remain so until a more adequate set of subtitles for the full drama is available.

Yep, I made an assumption. *banging head on desk* Based on the pics shown here. I haven't even watched todays episode. Thank you so much for explaining what is going on. I was hoping someone would! I'm guessing from your post that SY asks HG to help with the baby? or to stick around because she's going to die? or to be there for JH when she dies? (something along those lines) You're right, if it goes in that direction I most likely will stop watching. This is only my opinion and my feelings about this drama. It has nothing to do with how good it is. And sometimes reading others comments helps me understand. (and in some cases even change my mind) I always eagerly await your comments because it makes watching much more enjoyable. biggrin.gif

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One of the major theme of this drama is on maternal instinct and the different 'styles' of motherhood.  So, why should we be surprise that SY continues in that vein, for the two people that she loves most in the world, i.e. her husband and daughter.  It is a given that she would ensure that they be well-taken care of, in her absence, figuratively and literally, especially by someone who loves JH without reserve.

I had wonder if the reason that the writer made the HG character such a fine human being was so that no one would have any qualms about her still being in the picture, at the end of the drama. 

Although, I do think she would be getting the short end of the stick if she, knowing that he doesn't love her with the same intensity she loves him,  still ends up with JH.   On the other hand, her magnanimous character may not care either.  :)

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