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[Drama 2011] Women In Our House / My Bittersweet Life 우리집 여자들


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Talk about stretching plot line, after all this angst EN could not ask her if she was her mother, but as we saw from the previews the mother figures it out when she see her with JY mom. Maybe because I grew up with both parents and maybe I would be different than I think but if my mother had abandoned me for 20+ years I would have no interest what so ever in meeting her, don't get me wrong I would want to know who she was but that's about it.  She not only abandoned the baby but she ran off with all the families money. Gma and GGma plus the baby were living on the street thanks to her. What chould she say to make you alright with that, plus you had to be the one to come look for her.

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Guest shondrea2

Talk about stretching plot line, after all this angst EN could not ask her if she was her mother, but as we saw from the previews the mother figures it out when she see her with JY mom. Maybe because I grew up with both parents and maybe I would be different than I think but if my mother had abandoned me for 20+ years I would have no interest what so ever in meeting her, don't get me wrong I would want to know who she was but that's about it.  She not only abandoned the baby but she ran off with all the families money. Gma and GGma plus the baby were living on the street thanks to her. What chould she say to make you alright with that, plus you had to be the one to come look for her.

IBELIS: I made a post eariler about helping the little boy if I was EN but since I don't understand Korean and there are no recaps and NOW reading that  EN mother abandoned her and she was left living on the street and ran off with the families money. I absoutely wouldn't want anything whatsoever to do with her or helping her son let her find another donor, besides EN doesn't own her anything. I know this maybe cruel to say but look at how she has treated EN especially the way she treats her stepdaughter over her, there is nothing she could say to change my mind. I would have to ask God to forgive me but that's how I feel. The reason I say this is because I didn't know who my biological father was until I was 13 and he never treated me like his own child but treated his stepson as if he was his child .When he passed away he left his stepson 8 homes and 1.5 million dollars.I didn't get  anything and I didn't attend his funeral. My real life situation is very much like EN's. 

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This upsets me so much to think daily drama writers think no more of an abandon child than spare body parts whose sole purpose of being born is to save the more valued parent or sibling. Examples are::

-  Be Strong Geum Soon,

-  By Land and By Sky and 

- You Are My Destiny 

*quoted image*

I don't think the writers think that deeply :rolleyes: They just want to make the main characters whiter than white, self sacrificing, filial, extra loyal and many times utterly unbelievable. Maybe that's the ideal female character for many viewers.

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IBELIS: I made a post eariler about helping the little boy if I was EN but since I don't understand Korean and there are no recaps and NOW reading that  EN mother abandoned her and she was left living on the street and ran off with the families money. I absoutely wouldn't want anything whatsoever to do with her or helping her son let her find another donor, besides EN doesn't own her anything. I know this maybe cruel to say but look at how she has treated EN especially the way she treats her stepdaughter over her, there is nothing she could say to change my mind. I would have to ask God to forgive me but that's how I feel. The reason I say this is because I didn't know who my biological father was until I was 13 and he never treated me like his own child but treated his stepson as if he was his child .When he passed away he left his stepson 8 homes and 1.5 million dollars.I didn't get  anything and I didn't attend his funeral. My real life situation is very much like EN's. 

Men are easily swayed by their wives, in your case your stepmom might have done a good job to make him forget you completely, convincing him that his success was due to her and not your mom, etc. etc..... Continuing this judgemental line of thought :D, most men think with their groins. My father abandoned us when I was 10, so I have an idea what it feels like.

My mother had to scrimp and work like a slave to bring us up, but she did not abandon us. That's why EN's mother is so repulsive. The way she was so obsequious to her nasty step daughter.... fury.gif

They should make EN non-compatible with her son and then watch the twerp suffer.

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Guest KaTz_AnG

i'm a new kid on the block. I'm already catching eps 76 in a week^^.

can you tell me about the guy who JM meet ?? is he a pro at construction ?? i don't really get what he & JM talked about, i just know that JM said she want to know how to both saved & failed the company. i don't really know korean language so well so i don't really understand when they are talking about business hahha..

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Men are easily swayed by their wives, in your case your stepmom might have done a good job to make him forget you completely, convincing him that his success was due to her and not your mom, etc. etc..... Continuing this judgemental line of thought :D, most men think with their groins. My father abandoned us when I was 10, so  I have an idea what it feels like.

My mother had to scrimp and work like a slave to bring us up, but she did not abandon us. That's why EN's mother is so repulsive. The way she was so obsequious to her nasty step daughter....  fury.gif

They should make EN non-compatible with her son and then watch the twerp suffer.

I have a story too, my mom and dad separated when I was very young up until that point my mother was a house wife so she had no money, she shipped us off to separate relatives until she could take care of us. At the time it was six kids. But she always sent us card letters birthday and xmas presents. Me and my youngest brother were the last to get back with our parents. They made up, but my mother never stopped working after that. Only one sister did not come back home and she was the baby at the time, the relatives that had her could not have children and they used my mother's problem to get custody of her. Although my mother tried fighting in court she lost, but it was agreed that she could not be estranged from us, so she spent every summer with us luckily we all lived in the same city so we could spend time with her all we wanted.

I tell this story because I know in life things happen EN mother did more than just abandoned her, she never looked for her or try to find out if she was safe or if she was even living, because of her actions EN has a half brother and sister who don't know her who never got a chance to know what a kind a loving big sister might have been like. We all know that the step daughter is anything but kind and that includes her family. This makes them all strangers to one another, so asking her to save his life when her life never mattered to her, it would be no different than asking her to save a stranger, what would motivate her to do that. EN could not possibly have an emotional attachment. What is she going to offer her ,to be her mom now if she helps. EN is and adult and the need to know your mom in this case may be strong but at the same time the need of a mother is different now.

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i'm a new kid on the block. I'm already catching eps 76 in a week^^.

can you tell me about the guy who JM meet ?? is he a pro at construction ?? i don't really get what he & JM talked about, i just know that JM said she want to know how to both saved & failed the company. i don't really know korean language so well so i don't really understand when they are talking about business hahha..

Sorry I don't think any of us speak Korean we are Just going by what we see, but the guy got hired to come up with ideas so that EN could stop getting so much credit, also I think they are using him to distract SI  so that they can keep stealing money so that SI father can start his own business. I think the father is the one that hired him but he uses JM as his front in case they get caught they can blame everything on her. The business the father is trying to start does have some construction involved. 

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Guest KaTz_AnG

Sorry I don't think any of us speak Korean we are Just going by what we see, but the guy got hired to come up with ideas so that EN could stop getting so much credit, also I think they are using him to distract SI  so that they can keep stealing money so that SI father can start his own business. I think the father is the one that hired him but he uses JM as his front in case they get caught they can blame everything on her. The business the father is trying to start does have some construction involved. 

thanks for sharing your thought IBELIS..

at first i think that JM meet the guy who her friend introduce to her as a pro to know what to do with the construction, so the guy asked her if she want to save or ruin the company & she said she want to know both, that's why JM got little shock when SI dad that he hire an expert to help them that turns out that he's the guy she met before but i don't really understand hahha... maybe you are right IBELIS, the guy looks suspicious haha... if i'm not mistaken i think the guy say he has personal reason when SI asked him why he want to join the construction (eps 77), maybe the guy likes JM hahha... i guess we have to see it to know it hahha....

btw.. nice to meet you all^^

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If I were Eunnim, then I would help the little brother.  Yes, he is like a stranger, but after you know he's your half-brother, and you knew you could save his life, how could not do it ?  This is life/death situation. Imho both the brother and Yunmi are not to  blame for the mom's mistake. I wouldn't want anything to do with the mom who abandoned me and didn't even bother to find out any news for 25 years either.. but I think I'd want to build that relationship with the half-siblings.  Plus the fact that both the brother and Yunmi both have been so nice, and didn't have Jumi's attitude.

OK now.. summary of episode 78..

JM invited EN to talk with the mom, and told the mom that EN is thinking you are her real birth mom.

JM said how could it be.. am I not your real daughter then?

Mom said of course you're my daughter, if not then whose daughter are you?

I think JM even added that she doesn't know where EN got this idea, but she hears something from YM then it can't be trusted because YM all this time is always jealous/unhappy and always thinks the mom favors JM more, so YM always makes up this crazy idea.

The mom is clearly so uncomfortable, and tried to leave. But EN said she understands and will leave instead.

The mom called and asked to meet Jinsuk.

Mom told JS that last time she overheard somebody is calling Jinsuk yi-mu (aunt)

JS immediately said that it's her friend's daughter

But she doesn't believe that because YM told her  EN and JY grew up together in the same house.

When the mom gets home, she checks again with YM whether EN and JY really grew up together, and she's remembering how EN was crying in front of her. <<AARGGHH how much more confirmation do you need., I can't believe she's still not sure that EN is her daugher>>>

At the end of the episode, she decides to go to EN house (when/how did she get the address? I fast forwarded so many parts), and shocked to see the 2 grandmas coming out of the house...And her cellphone suddenly rang, so the grandmas found her hiding ..

to be continued in ep 79..

On a different topic, Sera gets beaten by her mom after she finds out Sera likes JY :sweatingbullets:

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I finished watching episode 78. This has got to be the show with the modt annoying old

people, except may be mr.hong and brother. EN`s grandmother is so annoying. EN

has been working. She`s 25, she`s done well, why cant she tske the truth

about her mother. Of course SI `s parent are plain n nasty, how did he

out to be nice and tall n handsome?only on tv.

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Of course SI `s parent are plain n nasty, how did he

out to be nice and tall n handsome?only on tv.

So basically what you are saying: giving SI's parents looks and attitude he should look and act like an ugly toad.laugh.gif

Personally to satisfy my logical and analytically side, I imagine SI got his looks and personality from his grandmother. wink.gif

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As far as looks go in entirely possible for two ugly people to have very good looking children, why because the children take the best features from both of them. I know this because I have a girlfriend who both her and her husband are unattractive but all of their children are very good looking. When you see the children with both parents you can see the resemblance . Things like he has your eyes and the mothers mouth. SI attitude was very similar to his mother and father EN changed him, teaching him to see who people really are and to stop judging them. Remember how he left home just because the Gpa wanted to start at the company from the bottom. EN taught him how to be a man instead of the brat he was.

After today everyone knows that she is the mom, but so what. As a human being the mom has some issues, forget how she has treated EN of late her other daughter has not fared any better and she was raised by her. She has given everything to JM and JM treats the whole family like they a scum she can't wait to get away from. She is only nice when she wants something from them. Look how HY cowers at the thought of her being angry or disappointed.

I want to see EN and SI get back on track, the new guy, it would be funny if he was a ringer sent in by Gpa to find out what is going on with his son.

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Guest KaTz_AnG

AGREE!! Looks could be different between parents & children (i have seen many people that have different look between parents & children here haha...)

Actually it's so funny to me to see JM feels so insecure (that's why you shouldn't spoiled your children too much haha..)

Maybe the guy could stop JM from the bad things she's doing now hehe...

Yeah seems like it has been a while since SI & EN are together, i want more of SI & EN moment together again not just see each other from the distance or talking about business haha..

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So basically what you are saying: giving SI's parents looks and attitude he should look and act like an ugly toad.*quoted image*

Personally to satisfy my logical and analytically side, I imagine SI got his looks and personality from his grandmother. *quoted image*

you are a scream!! Yes exactly :D the father played an evil guy in Dae jang geum.

Oo hated him. Can`t imagine him to hav any good looking DNA. SI has

been his parents` son for 25 yrs, he changed in 6 months for EN. :lol: why not? I saw a talking

condor once.

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Maybe I'm just to jaded but don't get the teary reunion OK if I found out my mother is alive when all my life I believed her to be dead sure I would want to meet her. I would be upper most in my mind because I would want to know why she left me behind and if the reason she never came for me was because she didn't know how to find me. Anything other than that would be of no interest. With that said

HY told EN today that she was not her mother. The fact that she would listen to JM and decide to ignore her daughter again, BABY PLEASE! this would be the end of the road for me, how in the hell in the future she could even twist her mouth to ask for help, What save my son but I still can't have you around. What kind of message does this send to the rest of your family. By the way does anyone know what the story is with JM's mom did she die or did they just divorce and she walked away. JM did not ask her to ingnore her child because she felt insecure she just does not want other people to know that they are stepsisters. SI family already know that HY is not her birth mother but she don't want them finding out the EN is her birth daughter. I don't know why because SI has no feelings for her now so what would change.

I know having money is important but how can you live with yourself after pulling these kinds of stunts, it's funny but in the very beginning when SI's mother objected to her as a girlfriend for her son she said, she was always calculating and sneaky person even when she was small.now that she is saving dad's butt dhe's ok though I don't think that they have any real intention on letting her marry SI they are just stringing her alone.

By the end of this drama even her family is going to hate her.

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Ibelis: thank you for the review. All I heard was Eunnim name...


HY told EN today that she was not her mother. The fact that she would listen to JM and decide to ignore her daughter again,


This is a case of a person with very low self-esteem. You would be surprised that there are people who behave in this manner e.g. an abused wife keeps returning to her abusive husband.

By the way does anyone know what the story is with JM's mom did she die or did they just divorce and she walked away. JM did not ask her to ingnore her child because she felt insecure she just does not want other people to know that they are stepsisters. SI family already know that HY is not her birth mother but she don't want them finding out the EN is her birth daughter. I don't know why because SI has no feelings for her now so what would change.


I think JM mother died.

This makes me wonder: does SI know that HY is not JM's birth mom?

Also...people do strange things for money and power

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