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[Drama 2011] I Need Romance 로맨스가 필요해


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I love the innocence on this forum, it not as easy as people think.  If you can stop loving someone so easily then would love even be worth it?  I love the fact she sat next to him at the restaurant and how their stared at each other. The fact that he cheated does not mean he don't love her and it differently does not mean she should stop loving him. SS isn't a bad person he did a bad thing that don't make him evil, unlovable or unworthy it makes him a man, no it makes him human.  SS put his physical gratification before IY emotional one but at no time did he make it seem like this was her fault, that what he did wasn't wrong, that he wasn't in as much pain as her, because he the one that causing her pain, SS has shown loyalty to their relationship to a certain extend.  Every man in their lifetime will cheat but how he treat you is what need to be taking into account. Viewer need to stop focusing only the fact that he cheated but enjoy and appreciate the in depth and detail of the storyline.  The screen writer done a great job showing SS and IY relationship as a whole.  When you able to view this drama from all angle, you would reap the benefit of not just being mad at SH for cheating, but feeling the love IY  and SS shared for 10 years, the pain of betrayal, the doubt of her self worth, the fear of letting go, the fear of hanging on and all the in between emotional that playing in IY heart and head.  If lucky you will understand and enjoy watching  SS coming to term with his lost, the self reflection and the consequences of his action. SS and IY relationship is so much more then a boyfriend that cheated, it a woman that has giving her body to another man because of it and not realizing the consequences that can bring, it a Pandora box she open and it going to be interesting too see if she close it in time before her confident, her self esteem, her strength, her joy, her faith, her hope and her love escape.

Taber, you might be the innocent in this forum. no one ever said that he didn't love her or she him, but he does not care about the pain he will cause her, he does not care about the trust that he will damage and he does not respect her. This is the third time in 10 years, how many times should she forgive him before she says enough. When a man cheats he knows the risk involved and he might also feel he won't get caught. After 10 years they have a lot of history it is easy for him to play into that. The second time he cheated on her he said it's not like I don't love you but you're more like a mother or a sister. SH never promised her anything, he said he wanted to have an affair, she agreed. What loyalty do you owe to a person you are having an affair with.Plus the whole time they have been dating she has been chasing after SS so how is she any different from him.  SS only became interested in her again when she stopped stalking him. He came by her house to see why, and saw her with a man, and has been chasing after her every sense. He never saw SH as a threat to his relationship with IY that's why he nick named him light weight. The kiss at the tennis court changed how both IY and SS saw SH.

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Guest sp4078

I love the innocence on this forum, it not as easy as people think. If you can stop loving someone so easily then would love even be worth it? I love the fact she sat next to him at the restaurant and how their stared at each other. The fact that he cheated does not mean he don't love her and it differently does not mean she should stop loving him. SS isn't a bad person he did a bad thing that don't make him evil, unlovable or unworthy it makes him a man, no it makes him human. SS put his physical gratification before IY emotional one but at no time did he make it seem like this was her fault, that what he did wasn't wrong, that he wasn't in as much pain as her, because he the one that causing her pain, SS has shown loyalty to their relationship to a certain extend. Every man in their lifetime will cheat but how he treat you is what need to be taking into account. Viewer need to stop focusing only the fact that he cheated but enjoy and appreciate the in depth and detail of the storyline. The screen writer done a great job showing SS and IY relationship as a whole. When you able to view this drama from all angle, you would reap the benefit of not just being mad at SH for cheating, but feeling the love IY and SS shared for 10 years, the pain of betrayal, the doubt of her self worth, the fear of letting go, the fear of hanging on and all the in between emotional that playing in IY heart and head. If lucky you will understand and enjoy watching SS coming to term with his lost, the self reflection and the consequences of his action. SS and IY relationship is so much more then a boyfriend that cheated, it a woman that has giving her body to another man because of it and not realizing the consequences that can bring, it a Pandora box she open and it going to be interesting too see if she close it in time before her confident, her self esteem, her strength, her joy, her faith, her hope and her love escape.

Your argument actually sounds legit, I have to admit. But it also sounds like an excuse to cheat. "I gonna cheat, but I will treat you well for the rest of my life" kind-of-argument ?

How many times can one cheat and be forgiven ? I don't know if I can handle someone who breaks my heart over and over again just b/c he treats me well after the math.

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Guest jdkk09

Your argument actually sounds legit, I have to admit. But it also sounds like an excuse to cheat. "I gonna cheat, but I will treat you well for the rest of my life" kind-of-argument ?

How many times can one cheat and be forgiven ? I don't know if I can handle someone who breaks my heart over and over again just b/c he treats me well after the math.

I agree with your comment that it is an excuse.  To say "every man is going to cheat" is an exaggeration.  The same as to say "every woman is going to cheat".  That's just NOT so.  It has to do with choices.  Good and Bad choices.  When you cheat, you choose to deceive, to hurt; it is a selfish act meant to give temporary pleasure but the fall out will last a long time.  That is the reality.  Whether she forgives him or not, she'll have to decide whether it's worth it.  I like SS character, but I ABSOLUTELY HATE LYING AND CHEATING.

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Guest vasou

@ vasou thanks for sharing your viewpoint I agree that cheating is not something your should let go so easily but but neither is love, You come to a compromise which is forgiveness in build from there and not the past. I'm not saying IY should take SS back but if she does that does not make her stupid. I differently don't want her with SH, simply because she don't love him. In episode 11 she stated love has started again but end up sit next to SS just by looking at each other. I want her to be with someone that she thinks about all the times, not someone she use to distract her from thinking.

You are welcome

Τaking him back, no, doesn't make her stupid. But most likely she is going to face the same fate, cheating, and this time will hurt more.

I highly doubt that he is not gonna cheat anymore. Not because once a cheater always a cheater, but because he have done it twice, though he lover her.

I must have missed that part when he told IY that he see her as a sister, regardless the most important thing is not what he said but if what he said was the truth. A couple could never rebuild or get complete closure if you don't be honest matter how much it hurt.

I don't know what country you from but in America we have this saying when couple been together so long they start to look alike (act more like siblings).

True IY did a lot in the relationship but you have to read between the lines that SS wasn't a loser, he did just as much with what he had. You started that SS is not enough for IY, I disagree I think SS is not enough for "YOU" but for the character IY this man is everything. The restaurant scene along tell you how much IY still loves SS, even when SH spoke and look directly at her she only seen SS.

I am from Greece, just for information.

To tell it more clear, for my point of view, SS is not enough for a character like IY, if it makes more sense. He might be everything for her, but so does in many relationship, when the one is not enough for the other.

I think SS loves her, it's not that he doesn't, but he didn't respect her.

He was given a chance back 5 years ago, when he first cheated, and he didn't cherish it. Once a young bimbo come into his life, he went there.

^ basically. There was an article I read how about 50% of US males do cheat once in the relationship. But the other 50% do not.

The other 50% know that their actions may hurt their loved ones. So not all men cheat.

I think I'm not angry with the fact that SS cheated. What pisses me more is how he dealt with the situation.

Thinking that 'ok, you can cheat twice. let's make it even.' as if he is not taking responsibility of his actions.

I think whether if SS was a guy or not, it's pretty unacceptable for not learning from your mistakes.

Nice point.

Actually, if he learnt from his mistakes, he would cheat for 2nd time, on a first place, but anyway. But if she sleeps with two other guys, wont make it even. If she sleeps with 2 other guys, while HE trust her, and he haven't make that ''deal'', won't make even again.

He has to learn to respect her. He has to learn to treat her as she deserves to be treated.

Even now, he tries to ''check'' if she loves him, he tries to ''fight'' with SH, he has this arrogant smile like ''Ok, you still love me babe''

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Guest kht2015

I love the innocence on this forum, it not as easy as people think. If you can stop loving someone so easily then would love even be worth it? I love the fact she sat next to him at the restaurant and how their stared at each other. The fact that he cheated does not mean he don't love her and it differently does not mean she should stop loving him. SS isn't a bad person he did a bad thing that don't make him evil, unlovable or unworthy it makes him a man, no it makes him human. SS put his physical gratification before IY emotional one but at no time did he make it seem like this was her fault, that what he did wasn't wrong, that he wasn't in as much pain as her, because he the one that causing her pain, SS has shown loyalty to their relationship to a certain extend. Every man in their lifetime will cheat but how he treat you is what need to be taking into account. Viewer need to stop focusing only the fact that he cheated but enjoy and appreciate the in depth and detail of the storyline. The screen writer done a great job showing SS and IY relationship as a whole. When you able to view this drama from all angle, you would reap the benefit of not just being mad at SH for cheating, but feeling the love IY and SS shared for 10 years, the pain of betrayal, the doubt of her self worth, the fear of letting go, the fear of hanging on and all the in between emotional that playing in IY heart and head. If lucky you will understand and enjoy watching SS coming to term with his lost, the self reflection and the consequences of his action. SS and IY relationship is so much more then a boyfriend that cheated, it a woman that has giving her body to another man because of it and not realizing the consequences that can bring, it a Pandora box she open and it going to be interesting too see if she close it in time before her confident, her self esteem, her strength, her joy, her faith, her hope and her love escape.

I very much agree with you. I love this drama to pieces. Just started watching it yesterday and watched the whole 12 episodes. I am glad they show flashbacks of IY and SS relationship, and we understand why it is so difficult for IY to let go of SS. I was so sure half way that IH would end up with SH but now I am not sure, and for once, I am glad that there is no definite leading man, especially after the hug in the elevator and IY felt it to her core. She loves him, really love him, and he loves her enough to wish her happiness and be friend. I love the fact that after she found out he cheated on her and could not sleep, she woke him up every night and he understood and accepted that it is his faults. But one thing I do not like is how childish she was after they broke up, like keying his car... there are better way to deal with him than just that. But that's just one complaint. I think Kim Jung Hoon is great in here, this is the first time I actually like his character and think his acting has improved quite a bit, not so wooden anymore.

I don't condone his cheating and I have seen how much it can hurt a person and damage the relationship. So we have to remember that IY cheated too? Kissing is a form of cheating and she was kissing SH while she was still with SS. She even bragged to her friend. She did not feel guilty. They both were at the point of their relationship where they thought the romance was gone and needed new excitement. But that does not erase the fact that they love each other as they move on with their new relationships. Hopefully they will find a way to resolve their issues, and be it friendship or getting back to each other, or being strangers.

I think if SH did not have a fiancee it would have been better because it would be so very hard for IY to not choose him. But I think by introducing the fiancee, this relationship looks more doomed because IY would not want to be a 3rd person because of what she went through, even though SH may not love his fiancee. But to break up with her now because of IY makes his character weak. It would have been better if she was not brought into the picture.

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Guest Biliu

Someone here said that the restaurant scene she loves him.

I do not like that encherguei this scene seemed to me that she is used and stays with him.

It also said that she is happy with it and only use HS as a distraction.

For scenes in which she only suspected of his case, he could see how unhappy she was. Even trying to believe in him and standing beside him she was unhappy.

Now she is back he will be happy again?!

I doubt it.

I prefer it to finish alone than take it out.

I do not know what it feels for SS IY but it definitely does not respect, see all the pain that is causing you and chooses to move on. I do not think he loves her. At least not as a woman. He is only accommodated her.

Unlike others here did not like this list of "friends" of them. I think after all he's done it does not look at it more Devra. They have no children to continue in a relationship of friends after the split the way it was.

What annoys me most about this is the personality of the IY, I think it misses own love to put a halt to the situation and suffer no more.

Now we have only two weeks to the end of the drama, and really I'm afraid these last four episodes. This drama is very good, but I fear that the end can ruin it.

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Guest fkamkar49

Okay, fkamkara I don't think I stated wife, since SS and IY are not married I said all man will cheat. Sorry if this offend you but it wasn't directed at you personally.  I'm happy that you and your husband are in a solid, loving and trusting relationship. I'm not saying there not real man as you put it, but before they become real man, they have  cheated on someone in they life. This is just my personal opinion which I'm hope I entitle too.  SH is cheating on his girl with IY, regardless if they relationship isn't build on love it a commitment and he should have respected that.

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Guest bblyum

to add my two cents to the sung-soo cheating conversation:

i can't help but think that sung-soo is more sorry that he got CAUGHT cheating, rather than being sorry that he cheated.

somebody brought up the fact that in-young cheated too, by kissing sung-hyun that night that he turned in his resignation and she got drunk with him at a bar... but that kiss was completely a spontaneous thing, and immediately afterwards she turned him down when he offered her a one-year affair, hidden from her boyfriend sung-soo. she felt guily and bad, even if she did not get caught, and she apologized to sungsoo about it. (even though he did not know what she was talking about.) now i am not saying that kissing sung-hyun was completely fine and all right, but i just want to point out the difference between how sung-soo's cheating is different from in-young's kiss.

sung-soo, on the other hand, completely gave in as soon as kang-hee offered an affair hidden from in-young. the afternoon that he was drying out his tent on the roof and ended up kissing kang-hee, he goes over to in-young's house and sleeps with her like nothing's wrong. afterwards he carries on a relationship/affair with kang-hee, and he does not even have any qualms about having a spaghetti dinner date with both girls at his dinner table. if i remember that episode correctly, he was sitting there at the dinner table smiling like nothing was wrong in the world! now if that was my boyfriend of 10 years and i found out later, i would be completely shocked and feel so betrayed, as in-young rightly did.

sung-soo continues to sleep with in-young, but then makes reservations days in advance for a romantic getaway with kang-hee in the countryside. he was having a good 'ol time until in-young crashes their party at the country pension... and THAT'S when his face changes, and he acts all remorseful.

what really gets me is that he tells in-young that it was something that "just happened spontaneously" and he did it "because he is a guy". what he did was not spontaneous, it was completely pre-meditated and carried out for weeks and would have continued on if in-young had not found out.

anyways.... that's the reason why i think sung-soo does not deserve in-young anymore and she needs somebody who respects her and appreciates her. although i can understand in-young having a hard time letting go. after all, he was her first and only love for 10 years, her whole adult life. i have not experienced anything like that, but it must be pretty difficult.

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Guest yurimary

I wanna know the name of  English song in OST list. Which name is it? Please let me know. Thanks alot :D

You probably mean: Pink Martini - Amado mio

Other songs:

Pink Martini- Donde estas yolanda

Bina Mistry - Hot Hot Hot ( Seen in Bend it like Beckham)

Stalia Stalia (From my Big fat greek wedding) and another soundtrack from that movie which i havent found

El Chapo de Sinaloa - Para que Regresses

If you guys find other songs let me know... I love the soundtrack :D

rooting for the photographer btw.

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Guest yurimary

sorry to spam.. i wanted to add how much i love this drama for:

- it's unique: not as naive as other dramas, skinship :D, realistic portrayment of relationships

- i can understand every character in this drama. I like that its not centered on one character..though i think they should show more of IY friends... I like the model and the photographer. I really can understand why IY is still thinking about SS... he still affects her heart and body. But she should chose the other guy. SS will be a cheater..his whole life long. its just how he is. But anyways he's sweeet :)

- OST is great.. they took music from my fav movie (my big fat greek wedding.. oh i love it... just like my family)

I even watch the drama without subs :D

Pleas tvN make more dramas like this ;-)

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Guest fkamkar49

sorry to spam.. i wanted to add how much i love this drama for:

- it's unique: not as naive as other dramas, skinship :D, realistic portrayment of relationships

- i can understand every character in this drama. I like that its not centered on one character..though i think they should show more of IY friends... I like the model and the photographer. I really can understand why IY is still thinking about SS... he still affects her heart and body. But she should chose the other guy. SS will be a cheater..his whole life long. its just how he is. But anyways he's sweeet :)

- OST is great.. they took music from my fav movie (my big fat greek wedding.. oh i love it... just like my family)

I even watch the drama without subs :D

Pleas tvN make more dramas like this ;-)

I love all of your reasons but let me show you why I love this drama:


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Guest campange

Other songs:

Pink Martini- Donde estas yolanda

Bina Mistry - Hot Hot Hot ( Seen in Bend it like Beckham)

Stalia Stalia (From my Big fat greek wedding) and another soundtrack from that movie which i havent found 

El Chapo de Sinaloa - Para que Regresses

If you guys find other songs let me know... I love the soundtrack :D

rooting for the photographer btw.

wow thank you very much w00t.gif

i've been searching for that Para que Regresses song...what a funny song laugh.gif

sorry to spam.. i wanted to add how much i love this drama for:

- it's unique: not as naive as other dramas, skinship :D, realistic portrayment of relationships

- i can understand every character in this drama. I like that its not centered on one character..though i think they should show more of IY friends... I like the model and the photographer. I really can understand why IY is still thinking about SS... he still affects her heart and body. But she should chose the other guy. SS will be a cheater..his whole life long. its just how he is. But anyways he's sweeet :)

- OST is great.. they took music from my fav movie (my big fat greek wedding.. oh i love it... just like my family)

I even watch the drama without subs :D

Pleas tvN make more dramas like this ;-)

agree with all your reason wub.gif

and same with me, I watch this drama new episode without sub coz I've been waiting for a whole week and I can't wait anymore for subs tongue.gif

actally I want to believe IY will end up with SH, because of this drama title "I need romance" and IY said it to SH wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

well ridiculous reason I know, but still I want to believe in it and I hope it comes true laugh.gif

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Guest xcess

Gosh....I am gushing over SH's uber hotness in ep 11...... :wub: If IY is not gonna end up wif him, at least let him hav more screen time pleasssee,,,,, and the photographer is cute too....kekeke I am so loving the quirky characters here

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Guest yurimary

I wish they'd give us more than usual time with Joon Hee and Seo Yeon next week. It looks good, though. I hope this storyline doesn't end up disappointing us. Can't trust this show. lol

totally agree on that one... please give them more screen time... even the divorce-lawyer friend has more screentime than her.

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Guest falloutjane

Also another song from the ost that I really love: Aspettami- Pink Martini.

I cannot wait to see who IY ends up with. I just managed to watch episode 10 last night and my heart was all ack! at the home/watch dvd with skank/ bit.

The scene where SH hugged her and declared how much he likes her in the tennis court was totally cute.

I hope the story will move towards letting go of a convenient love and allowing one to fall in love and be cherished again.

Anyone knows if softsubs are out for 11/12?


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on the OST, I got these from tudou -

需要浪漫OST Lets Never Stop Falling-Pink Martini

需要浪漫OST Dosvedanya Mio Bombino - Pink Martini

需要浪漫OST Donde Estas, Yolanda - Pink Martini

需要浪漫OST Aspetta Mi-Pink Martini

需要浪漫OST Amado Mio-Pink Martini

需要浪漫OST Para Que Regreses - El Chapo De Sinaloa

需要浪漫OST Back at one - Shayne Ward

需要浪漫OST Reves De Compagnie-Enzo Enzo

需要浪漫OST Juste quelqu'un de bien - Enzo Enzo

需要浪漫OST Two To One-Elastica

需要浪漫OST Hot Hot Hot - Bina Mistry

需要浪漫OST Will You Still Love Me Tomorro - Dianne Reeves

需要浪漫OST Celebration - Madonna

需要浪漫OST Poker face - Lady Gaga

需要浪漫OST 当爱已逝去-W+Whale

需要浪漫OST 木塊--Youme

需要浪漫OST Romance Day - 崔成俊

需要浪漫OST 赵汝珍&金桢勋- 撒娇

maybe someone can post the you-tube version?


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Guest yurimary

Here are the youtube-links (most of them.. some are youku)


Let's never stop falling in love

Dosvedanya mio Bambino (live version... didn't find the official version)

Donde Estas, Yolanda

Aspertta mi

Para Que Regreses - El Chapo De Sinaloa

Back at one - Shayne Ward didn't find it on YT

Reves De Compagnie-Enzo Enzo didn't find that one

Juste quelqu'un de bien - Enzo Enzo

Two To One-Elastica (i'm from germany so i can't view the video, but i guess you guys can T.T)

or youku link: Two To One-Elastica youku link

Hot Hot Hot - Bina Mistry (don't mind the video..this one was the vid with the best quality)

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow - Dianne Reeves

Celebration - Madonna

Poker face - Lady Gaga

当爱已逝去-W+Whale didn't find that one, guess its a korean title translated to chinese: When love has gone

can someone find this one?

Maybe its this one, titled "love gone": 더블유앤웨일 (W & Whale) - 사랑한 후에

Youme - A piece of wood

Romance Day

赵汝珍&金桢勋- 撒娇:

Charming - ParkJinHee, Kim Jung-hoon

edit: link corrected

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Guest kelela

I just marathoned thru 12 episodes this week and I really enjoy the show. It's so refreshing to see an actual adult show. While I know "The Greatest Love" was very mature, this one his the sexy aspect down.

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