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50 things you can learn from a Korean drama.

Guest heygingersnap

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Guest margaux

*Everyone has cancer.

yeah... and the leading lady usually gets that part.. i wonder if there is a movie that the leading man has cancer.

*If you're sick, all you need is an IV to make you feel lots better.

and they can easily pull the needle if they want to runaway.. hehe!

*Soju must cost 10 cents. Everyone drinks it everyday all the time, especially the poor people.

and they get easily drunk..

*Women sleep and wake up with a full set of makeup on.

it doesn't smudge when they woke up..

*If you stand out in the rain for more than five minutes, you'll end up with a fever and vertigo and people will rush you to the hospital to get some magic IV. And instead of taking an ambulance or driving they'll race you on their back.

yeah.. what's the use of the cars...

*Girls will always storm off because they're mad and the guy will stoically grab them by the arm and swing them back- and by magic, not dislocate their shoulders.

i agree with that...

*If you study in the states (perferably Harvard), you are one of the top students and can speak perfect English (as assumed by the reactions of those around you). Why the rest of the world OUTSIDE of the TV can't understand a single word uttered out of your melodramatic mouth is beyond me.

yeah.. that's right.. haha!

sooo true... i thought i were the only one who recognize all of these...

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Guest XTINE__

LMAO !!!!

omg, i was just on soompi, and happened to stumble on this.

i'm glad that i did though!! OMG, it's soo freakin' hilariously funny.

I cracked up while reading the whole thing.

the cancer part is soo true; so is everything else on that list.

except, i didn't know the guys wore makeup? .. well i know the foundation part, but lipliner/eyeliner?!

well, thanks for posting this! it made my day :lol: !!

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Guest sweetshelly

lmao, you are really good. Its like you got every stupid thing a drama can ever have. Thank you for making this list.

I love #50. Its so true. For example in Lover in Harvard, how come their english is so bad. I had to concentrate really hard to make out what KRW was trying to say. Seriously if you are an international student attending Harvard your english has to be hell good at least.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest wakeywakey

that was funny..gave me some laughter! thank you! it's so true how there are soo many odd things that occur in kdramas..yet soo many ppl continue to watch them and enjoy them..hehe like me ^.^

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Guest helent85

lol you forgot to add that in kdrama the only person that you're in love with and can't live without is someone you met when you're five.

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Guest annababy

TOTALLY LOVE LOVE LOVE THE LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

while reading it, i'm like "YEAH YEAH YEAH, THATS SOOOOO TRUE!!!!"

glad to see other people notice them too...gosh i love you girls who came up with the list!!!!

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Guest dada_princess

--------------> i thought this was pretty funny. sorry if it's already been posted. :lol:

6) There is a super quick payment device that allows you to pay a bill quickly enough for a guy to run immediately out of a restaurant after his angry girlfriend storms out.

11) Soju must cost 10 cents. Everyone drinks it everyday all the time, especially the poor people.

25) Even if you're poor and can't eat, you never wear the same clothes twice.

main roles in korean dramas can afford anything no matter what living condition. Luxurious lifestyle!!!

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Guest ajas22


i've always wondered why their handphones dont have an 'off' button. Must be more dramatic to dismantle the phone than just turn it off !


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